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View Full Version : 16 year old kid schools BLM fool

06-16-2016, 09:05 AM
This kid is awesome. Follow link to the vid.


Video footage shot by Infowars in Atlanta shows a black Trump supporter completely schooling a ‘Black Lives Matter’ supporting leftist who repeatedly claims that Donald Trump’s wife Melania is an illegal immigrant.

The clip shows a BLM supporter immediately confront the young black Trump supporter, claiming that Trump is “racist” and “he’s against you!”

“He wants to send you back to Africa, that’s what he said,” asserts the BLM supporter (Trump has never made any such comment).

The BLM agitator then calls the young man a “disgrace to America” before attacking his parents.

The BLM supporter gets schooled by a young girl when she points out that Trump has said he wants to deport illegal aliens, not all Mexicans.

He then claims that Trump’s wife is “not legal – she’s from Europe,” before the black Trump supporter points out, “She has a U.S. citizenship, just because she was born in another country does not mean she has illegal citizenship.”

Once again, social justice warriors seem to run into trouble when it comes to facts – Melania Trump was granted U.S. citizenship ten years ago.

A white woman then claims that Trump has used his security guards to “kick out” black people from his rallies, before the young black Trump supporter corrects her, remarking, “He does the exact same thing to white people.”

The woman demands that the black Trump supporter “educate” himself. When she is asked about her educational background, she refuses to answer.

When the BLM agitator claims that Trump is linked to the KKK, the 16-year-old Trump voter shuts him down again, commenting, “The Democratic Party founded the KKK by the way, just saying.”

06-22-2016, 06:21 AM
This kid is awesome. Follow link to the vid.


Actually, the Democratic Party did NOT found the KKK. It was founded Nathan Bedford Forrest and a few other Southern gentlemen as a sorority club. I'm unsure how they got tied in with the night riders, but once they got radicalized, Forrest disbanded the KKK. They began as a group to stop the anarchy by blacks in the South the US was turning a blind eye to following the Civil War.

At the time, the Democrats were the conservatives and the Republicans the liberals. While we STILL take the rap here in the South, the largest the Klan ever got was in Indiana and the upper Midwest. Woodrow Wilson had "Birth of a Nation" shown in the WH. That's the best I can put my finger on when the Democratic Party went goofball.

The lack of education on the part of these BLM idiots is appalling. This is our future? Glad I'm old and probably won't live long enough to see it. I mean, if you're going to go to the trouble to go out in public and talk sh*t, know what you're talking about.