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View Full Version : Progressives/Liberals Kill businesses

06-17-2016, 01:33 AM
From the former president of Starbucks. Listen to the audio.

Seattle proposed scheduling legislation.


Howard Behar, philanthropist and former president of Starbucks International, could have said nothing. He’s 72 years old, retired and not specifically involved in the business community anymore. But he couldn’t hold his tongue – or his pen.

The city is kicking around a proposal that would allow the government to tell businesses what kind of turnaround time they must have and how they have to treat schedules for part-time employees, Behar said. He says the law is trying to restrict how many people you can hire, when you can schedule them without paying a penalty and how much notice you have to give them. He calls it a “solution in search of a problem.”

“It’s the opposite of flexible; they are making it inflexible,” Behar told Dori. “They are making it so there are so many rules that if you wanted to hire an extra person from your staff, you’d have to get permission from your employees first. So you couldn’t even hire anybody without offering the hours to those people.

“It’s being driven basically by the Service Employees Union and by Working Washington,” he added. “And I’m not against unions and I’m not against SEIU, I am friends with one of the top leaders there. But this is a reach beyond all reaches. There is absolutely no reason to do this.”

Seattle is fucked-up beyond hope. Here's hoping the city falls into the ocean with SF. :(

06-17-2016, 12:41 PM
So it's not just people being lazy? :eek:
