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06-17-2016, 01:27 PM
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it (https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/donald-trumps-poll-numbers-fallen-135656874.html)

Donald Trump's poll numbers are plummeting — and even the presumptive Republican nominee has acknowledged it.In the latest RealClearPolitics average of several polls (http://hsrd.yahoo.com/RV=1/RE=1467394206/RH=aHNyZC55YWhvby5jb20-/RB=/RU=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWFsY2xlYXJwb2xpdGljcy5jb20vZXB vbGxzLzIwMTYvcHJlc2lkZW50L3VzL2dlbmVyYWxfZWxlY3Rpb 25fdHJ1bXBfdnNfY2xpbnRvbi01NDkxLmh0bWwjcG9sbHMA/RS=%5EADA6IMNEwP5z0D627KfHVkfk.Vov_U-), Trump trails Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, by 5.8 points. It's a 6-point reversal from a month ago.
The fall in fortune comes after he trailed Clinton by 12 points in a Bloomberg poll released earlier this week. Polls from Reuters and CBS News showed Trump behind by 9 points and 6 points.
Trump has fallen behind Clinton in 12 consecutive polls posted to RealClearPolitics.
Less than a month ago, Trump's future was looking brighter against Clinton in their general-election matchup.

Keep hillary out; Vote Johnson.

Or Cruz/Kasich is back in the mix.

06-17-2016, 01:32 PM
Keep hillary out; Vote Johnson.

Or Cruz/Kasich is back in the mix.

Johnson has no chance, but I have zero issue with anyone voting for him. I like him too, short of some key issues to me. And folks that dropped out, coming back in, and getting the necessary delegates at the convention, have a MUCH less chance than that of Johnson!

06-17-2016, 01:39 PM
Johnson has no chance, but I have zero issue with anyone voting for him. I like him too, short of some key issues to me. And folks that dropped out, coming back in, and getting the necessary delegates at the convention, have a MUCH less chance than that of Johnson!

Seems trump has little chance as well if current trends hold. I don't really see anything that changes those trends.

06-17-2016, 01:40 PM
Btw, while definitely lower numbers, I think the writer was a bit dramatic with the "fallen off a cliff" when speaking of 5-6 points. Hell, he was down to Hillary by 10-15 pts for a LONG LONG time prior to that. Then it stood between 2-5% for awhile. And now 5.8. Like I said, definitely lower, but not exactly off the cliff, especially considering his screwups in the past month.

06-17-2016, 01:42 PM
Seems trump has little chance as well if current trends hold. I don't really see anything that changes those trends.

Some said that as well when he was down by much more, and that "trend" changed. I'm not worried, he's barely even started on Hillary yet. He's surely got a MUCH better chance than any of the others mentioned. :)

06-17-2016, 01:47 PM
President hillary is well on her way. :(

06-17-2016, 01:47 PM
Wanted to add - with Johnson's included in that average, both Trump and Clinton's numbers drop, but the lead shrinks by half of a point. His 8.5% isn't doing much. He's also dropped off of a cliff, apparently, as his numbers have dropped as well. :laugh:

06-17-2016, 01:47 PM
President hillary is well on her way. :(

I'll stab you if you stab me? :lol:

06-17-2016, 01:50 PM
Wanted to add - with Johnson's included in that average, both Trump and Clinton's numbers drop, but the lead shrinks by half of a point. His 8.5% isn't doing much. He's also dropped off of a cliff, apparently, as his numbers have dropped as well. :laugh:

Sweet. That's like close to 500% higher than 4 years ago and hardly anyone knows his name.

Black Diamond
06-17-2016, 01:51 PM
Dukakis led Bush by 18 points in August. What a terrible President Duke was. Oh wait.

06-17-2016, 01:53 PM
Sweet. That's like close to 500% higher than 4 years ago and hardly anyone knows his name.

Hell, I agree, it is good numbers for the libertarian party. What's the highest anyone has ever scored in the past? And who was it? I don't think I've really ever followed them before.

But be careful what we wish for. Fact is, whether directly or indirectly, whether Trump taking votes from him, or him taking votes from Trump - like you said - "president hillary is on her way". Now I'm not blaming or pointing fingers, because both contribute to one another and pointing can go either way. I'm just pointing out basic math - if Trump is down by 5, and someone else takes 8% of the vote...

06-17-2016, 01:54 PM
Dukakis led Bush by 18 points in August. What a terrible President Duke was. Oh wait.

Reagan was down by 25 at one point?

And no, before anyone says it AGAIN - that's not saying that Trump is like Reagan, it simply shows how polls and elections change over time.

06-17-2016, 01:55 PM
Hell, I agree, it is good numbers for the libertarian party. What's the highest anyone has ever scored in the past? And who was it? I don't think I've really ever followed them before.

But be careful what we wish for. Fact is, whether directly or indirectly, whether Trump taking votes from him, or him taking votes from Trump - like you said - "president hillary is on her way". Now I'm not blaming or pointing fingers, because both contribute to one another and pointing can go either way. I'm just pointing out basic math - if Trump is down by 5, and someone else takes 8% of the vote...

I don't like either one, but I can't figure out why he is less popular than her.

Black Diamond
06-17-2016, 01:58 PM
Reagan was down by 25 at one point?

And no, before anyone says it AGAIN - that's not saying that Trump is like Reagan, it simply shows how polls and elections change over time.

Yeah I don't think trump is like Reagan or any of the bushes. Hes Trump

Black Diamond
06-17-2016, 02:01 PM
Jeb Bush and mitt Romney have a better chance of being the next President than Gary Johnson does. Im not stooping to Hillary's level and explaining why that's the case but it is.

06-17-2016, 02:02 PM
Dukakis led Bush by 18 points in August. What a terrible President Duke was. Oh wait.

Yup, Bush isn't fighting the negatives that trump has let alone the complete lack of experience.

Reagan was down by 25 at one point?

Not after the primaries were over IIRC.

Hell, I agree, it is good numbers for the libertarian party. What's the highest anyone has ever scored in the past? And who was it? I don't think I've really ever followed them before.

But be careful what we wish for. Fact is, whether directly or indirectly, whether Trump taking votes from him, or him taking votes from Trump - like you said - "president hillary is on her way". Now I'm not blaming or pointing fingers, because both contribute to one another and pointing can go either way. I'm just pointing out basic math - if Trump is down by 5, and someone else takes 8% of the vote...

There's been no reason for them to get serious vote totals before.

I don't like either one, but I can't figure out why he is less popular than her.

trump is bad, hillary is worse; Vote Johnson.

06-17-2016, 02:02 PM
Jeb Bush and mitt Romney have a better chance of being the next President than Gary Johnson does. Im not stooping to Hillary's level and explaining why that's the case but it is.

Reminds me of Lynyrd Skynyrd. That Smell.

Black Diamond
06-17-2016, 02:04 PM
Yup, Bush isn't fighting the negatives that trump has let alone the complete lack of experience.

Not after the primaries were over IIRC.

There's been no reason for them to get serious vote totals before.

trump is bad, hillary is worse; Vote Johnson.

You misspelled Mickey Mouse

06-17-2016, 02:06 PM
You misspelled Mickey Mouse

Two two-term Republican governors have no cred apparently. :shrug:

06-17-2016, 02:07 PM
At what hypothetical point do you think trump has no chance?

06-17-2016, 02:12 PM
Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it (https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/donald-trumps-poll-numbers-fallen-135656874.html)

Keep hillary out; Vote Johnson.

Or Cruz/Kasich is back in the mix.

I would swear that Trump is tanking the election on purpose.

I maintain that he started his run as a lark, a means to further his brand. I don't think he thought it would ever get this far. Or he did and planned to tank it so Hillary can take the Big Chair. I think this why, just when you think he can't say anything more idiotic and damaging, he does.

He's throwing the election. I just can't shake that feeling...

06-17-2016, 02:18 PM
I would swear that Trump is tanking the election on purpose.

I maintain that he started his run as a lark, a means to further his brand. I don't think he thought it would ever get this far. Or he did and planned to tank it so Hillary can take the Big Chair. I think this why, just when you think he can't say anything more idiotic and damaging, he does.

He's throwing the election. I just can't shake that feeling...

Y'know, I haven't quite said that yet but I've wondered from the beginning. The only reason he even still has a chance is because the left doesn't like Hillary.

06-17-2016, 02:22 PM
I would swear that Trump is tanking the election on purpose.

I maintain that he started his run as a lark, a means to further his brand. I don't think he thought it would ever get this far. Or he did and planned to tank it so Hillary can take the Big Chair. I think this why, just when you think he can't say anything more idiotic and damaging, he does.

He's throwing the election. I just can't shake that feeling...

I agree on the former but not so much the latter but I think getting obliterated does not help with the former; if he doesn't equal Romney's total then he's branded himself a "loser."

I wonder (hope?) if he's thinking about how to exit gracefully.

06-17-2016, 02:27 PM
Y'know, I haven't quite said that yet but I've wondered from the beginning. The only reason he even still has a chance is because the left doesn't like Hillary.

I'm not sure which one of them scares me more... This might be the first election where the lesser of two evils, isn't.

Could this be the election where we all go from voting for the lesser of two evils to voting for the Devil we know? Not me, I can't vote for either one of them...

With Hillary, we all know what she'll do, we know what to expect. With Trump... well, he did say he'd use the shit out the Executive order ability... everything else sounds like used car salesman rhetoric...

I don't know... it get more and more weird the older I get...

06-17-2016, 03:16 PM
I'm not sure which one of them scares me more... This might be the first election where the lesser of two evils, isn't.

Could this be the election where we all go from voting for the lesser of two evils to voting for the Devil we know? Not me, I can't vote for either one of them...

With Hillary, we all know what she'll do, we know what to expect. With Trump... well, he did say he'd use the shit out the Executive order ability... everything else sounds like used car salesman rhetoric...

I don't know... it get more and more weird the older I get...

I don't like Trump, and I doubt I ever will. I've been critical of him since Day One. Hitlery's a criminal. That's the difference.

And I think Congress needs to do something as far as that Executive Order crap goes regardless who is President. They've made themselves inconsequential.

06-17-2016, 07:20 PM
What a mess. I do have to chuckle though after the Huuugggeeee number of folks that said that not voting for Trump would be a Hillary vote. Never once did these folks own up to what their pro-Trump vote would do down ticket, not to mention the very real possibility he wouldn't win in any case.

While I don't think that Trump is going to be replaced or walk away, (more and more I think he really is Hillary's boy,) I do think that some of the observations in the following should be taken seriously for those who still think the GOP is of any importance:


06-17-2016, 08:11 PM
What a mess. I do have to chuckle though after the Huuugggeeee number of folks that said that not voting for Trump would be a Hillary vote. Never once did these folks own up to what their pro-Trump vote would do down ticket, not to mention the very real possibility he wouldn't win in any case.

While I don't think that Trump is going to be replaced or walk away, (more and more I think he really is Hillary's boy,) I do think that some of the observations in the following should be taken seriously for those who still think the GOP is of any importance:


From the article:

The State Department’s inspector general released a report sharply critical of Hillary Clinton’s decision to exclusively rely on a private email server for her electronic communication while serving as secretary of state. That is a terrible story for Clinton — and one that is a gift to Republicans working to portray her as an untrustworthy and unreliable person to lead the country.

The IG report came out on May 25. Two days later, Trump went on a 11-minute rant about Curiel to a crowd in San Diego. Suddenly, the IG report was out of the news, replaced by questions about whether or not Trump was a racist. That is, definitionally, campaign malpractice.

That’s the most egregious example of Trump’s mistakes over the last six weeks. But, time and again, Trump has stolen the spotlight — and not in a good way — rather than turning it on Clinton. Rather than talk about her email problems, her inability to close out the challenge from Bernie Sanders, the misgiving some within her party have about nominating her or almost any other Clinton-focused headline, Trump has instead talked incessantly about himself.

Tell me he's not tanking the election...

06-17-2016, 08:32 PM
From the article:

Tell me he's not tanking the election...

At the very beginning, I thought he might be a Hillary stooge, then thought that was a bit too Machiavellian, even for me. Not so much today.

06-17-2016, 09:27 PM
At the very beginning, I thought he might be a Hillary stooge, then thought that was a bit too Machiavellian, even for me. Not so much today.

I've thought the exact same thing. That he was purposefully out to tank the GOP. If that is true, he's doing a good job of it. It seems as though he wants to alienate voters.

06-17-2016, 09:58 PM
I think if Trump wanted to win he could.
He's that good a snake oil salesmen.

but on the other hand I keep thinking of what happened to Romney.

the republican based was not fired up so not enough people showed.
some sat out on principal not to vote RINO. others just were AWOL.

but the left showed up. not as much as Obama's 1st time but out of duty and I think a willingness to eat more crap to win than Republicans. Even if they don't get all they want.

Trump has fired up a very narrow based. and a few of the "change voters" from the Bernie camp will stick but a lot of republican base is NOT happy with Trump. some can't stand him. At least most people weren't disgusted by Romney.

so seems to me if Trump doesn't go into Sales/attack mode . Hillary's going to hobble back into the White House with Bill. If Gary Johnson or the constitution party candidate can get on the debate stages (they probably won't because the debates are rigged by the R and D) but if they could at least there'd be an option for a solid 3rd party hit. and more real issues on the table, if anyone cares about that anymore.

Be interesting if Jesse Venture should jump in the race with Johnson or with the constitution party.
If nothing else he's got name recognition and TV charisma, that seems to be half-75% the battle these days.

06-17-2016, 10:14 PM
I think if Trump wanted to win he could.
He's that good a snake oil salesmen.

but on the other hand I keep thinking of what happened to Romney.

the republican based was not fired up so not enough people showed.
some sat out on principal not to vote RINO. others just were AWOL.

but the left showed up. not as much a the 1st time but out of duty and I think a willingness to eat more crap than Republicans are to win. even if they don't get all they want.

Trump has fired up a very narrow based. and a few of the "change voters" from the Bernie camp will stick but a lot of republican base is NOT happy with Trump. some hate him. most people didn't HATE Romney.

so seems to me if Trump doesn't go into Sales mode . Hillary's going to hobble in. If Gary Johnson of the constitution party candidate can get on the debate stages (they probably won't because the debates are rigged by the R and D) but if they could at least there'd be an option.

Be interesting if Jesse Venture should jump in the race with Johnson or with the constitution party.
If nothing else he's got name recognition and TV charisma, that seems to be half the battle these days.

Ventura's a conspiracy freak. No way. I don't know what Trump is trying to do. I don't disagree with some of the things he says. At the same time, he needs to learn to STFU. He's alienated too many groups of people.

06-17-2016, 10:32 PM
I don't like either one, but I can't figure out why he is less popular than her.

Because liberals and 'progressives' are simple plain-assed stupid!

06-17-2016, 10:47 PM
Because liberals and 'progressives' are simple plain-assed stupid!

Sorry. I'm pretty damned intelligent about a lot of things. That's a mentality I can't grasp. How can anyone be so stupid? The very laws and people that protect their worthless ass they want to destroy. They're like little spoiled brats.

06-18-2016, 08:10 AM
At the very beginning, I thought he might be a Hillary stooge, then thought that was a bit too Machiavellian, even for me. Not so much today.

Weird. There's a Democrat who also is wondering:

http://www.nationalreview.com/article/436740/donald-trump-bill-clinton-plant-theory-marcy-kaptur-speculates?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Con tent&utm_content=5764ac8a04d3013dce882ac6&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook


It’s been dismissed by many as a conspiracy theory. But as Trump continues to offend with racially charged rhetoric and his own outlandish theories, a top Democratic lawmaker is now airing it openly.

“There are some theories on the Internet that this is Bill Clinton’s best political deal,” says Marcy Kaptur, the veteran Democratic congresswoman from Ohio and the House’s longest-serving female lawmaker, “that he and Donald are buddies, and they have a lot of similar friends in New York, and he has masterfully selected a friend who maybe by October will say, ‘You know, this is very boring. And I’m going to get out.’”

“Do I believe it 100 percent, do I believe it 2 percent? You know, you really wonder,” Kaptur says.

Suggesting that your party’s nominee might’ve made a backroom deal with the devil isn’t part of the normal course of business for a run-of-the-mill Democratic lawmaker. But Kaptur has tussled with the Clintons before.

She vehemently opposed NAFTA and other free-trade deals during Bill Clinton’s first term, and considered joining Ross Perot as his running mate in the 1996 presidential election. She bucked the Democratic establishment again in 2016, becoming one of just eleven congressional superdelegates backing Bernie Sanders and sticking by him even as Hillary Clinton clinched the nomination. And even as Sanders now says he’s looking forward to working with Clinton, Kaptur won’t say when — or if — she’ll jump on the Clinton-campaign bandwagon. “I’m waiting to hear from [Sanders],” she says, noting that Clinton’s victory in the Ohio primary was marred by low voter turnout and that she doesn’t necessarily feel compelled to support her.

Now Kaptur’s looking ahead to November in her home state, which is the linchpin of both parties’ presidential plans. Ohio’s 18 electoral votes are a must-win – particularly for the GOP, given Trump’s relative strength among voters in the Rust Belt and his weakness with white-collar Republican voters. In a wide-ranging interview with National Review, Kaptur discusses the prospects of Clinton and Trump in the state, how the Democratic party can knit itself back together after a bruising primary, and why she hopes the debate over free trade won’t be buried beneath Trump’s increasingly unhinged rhetoric.


06-18-2016, 08:55 AM
I think Trump is doing great, with all things considered, and certainly not tanking things. He's made MANY MANY mistakes, and is yet only down by about 5% in the polls. He has actually increased since the early days against Hillary and Sanders. As of right now, not worried about him in the slightest bit. I'm more worried about others harming the election, or pulling antics at the convention, which will only ensure Hillary's victory. But Trump on his own and not being crushed by hos own party? I have no issue and think he'll win.

06-18-2016, 08:56 AM
Ventura's a conspiracy freak. No way. .

Glad you said it. He mentioned him a week ago or so and I bit my lip. Ventura has turned into a kook.

06-18-2016, 10:03 AM
Glad you said it. He mentioned him a week ago or so and I bit my lip. Ventura has turned into a kook.

Ventura is a quack. How he ever made a SEAL team beats the hell out of me. He'd have never passed the psych eval when I was in. He should have stuck to commentating on pro wrestling.

06-18-2016, 10:11 AM
Ventura is a quack. How he ever made a SEAL team beats the hell out of me. He'd have never passed the psych eval when I was in. He should have stuck to commentating on pro wrestling.

I used to like him, but that was wrestling crap only. I didn't realize that his kookiness carried over to the real world though. He's a 9/11 truther who claims outright that the government was involved in 9/11. He says there were ties to the hijackers. He doesn't believe a plane even hit the pentagon (never mind the engine and a zillion parts being there, as well as body parts). Of course he makes all of his retarded claims with zilch for proof, just his swollen and defective head.

06-18-2016, 10:48 AM
Trump supporter calling Ventura a Kook?
A Navy Seal Vet and a former governor.
that'd be funny if it weren't sad.

06-18-2016, 11:06 AM
Trump supporter calling Ventura a Kook?
A Navy Seal Vet and a former governor.
that'd be funny if it weren't sad.

I don't care what he WAS - he is NOW claiming treason on government folks without proof. What he said about all of that is what is sad. He has nothing to go on other than his conspiracy crap - zilch, nada, nothing. Blaming our own country for the worst terror attack ever - THAT is what is sad. Also why nobody takes him serious anymore. Most look at him as a joke anymore.

But I suppose you are 100% on board if folks say that Saddam had WMD's for sure, and that they were complicit in various bombings & also involved with Al Qaeda.

06-18-2016, 11:08 AM
Ventura is a quack. How he ever made a SEAL team beats the hell out of me. He'd have never passed the psych eval when I was in. He should have stuck to commentating on pro wrestling.

Being a Seal and a wrestler mostly takes physical ability. Being elected doesn't mean squat and certainly doesn't equate to intelligence in any way at all. There's a reason though that he went from being a governor, to someone being laughed at and living a life about conspiracies.

06-18-2016, 11:42 AM
Trump's going to mop the floor with Hellary.

Besides that, you all seem to have forgotten the insurance policy - that little FBI investigation. The Democrats are going to be in a huge disarray trying to get someone else on short notice.

06-18-2016, 12:40 PM
I would swear that Trump is tanking the election on purpose.

I maintain that he started his run as a lark, a means to further his brand. I don't think he thought it would ever get this far. Or he did and planned to tank it so Hillary can take the Big Chair. I think this why, just when you think he can't say anything more idiotic and damaging, he does.

He's throwing the election. I just can't shake that feeling...

Bingo. That ^ ^ has been my major objection to Trump all along. The FACT that he is such good friends with the Clintons, that he had to call Bill Clinton right before he announced his 2016 run, and that he has done and said everything he possibly could to piss off and alarm voters and/or his supporters....

has been a clear sign that my spidey sense about him and his motivations and agenda were spot-frickin-on. I had hoped that I was wrong all along, but it's not looking like that is the case.

06-18-2016, 12:43 PM
I'm not sure which one of them scares me more... This might be the first election where the lesser of two evils, isn't.

Could this be the election where we all go from voting for the lesser of two evils to voting for the Devil we know? Not me, I can't vote for either one of them...

With Hillary, we all know what she'll do, we know what to expect. With Trump... well, he did say he'd use the shit out the Executive order ability... everything else sounds like used car salesman rhetoric...

I don't know... it get more and more weird the older I get...

It's not your age that is the problem. It's the fact that you have, unlike so many others, retained your logical and reasoning abilities....and haven't lost your memory yet, like so many others seem to have. I know....

cause I have the same "problem"...lol.

06-18-2016, 12:45 PM
I don't like Trump, and I doubt I ever will. I've been critical of him since Day One. Hitlery's a criminal. That's the difference.

And I think Congress needs to do something as far as that Executive Order crap goes regardless who is President. They've made themselves inconsequential.

Just as....the radical left has hijacked the Democratic Party over the past several decades.....they have now managed to also hijack the Republican Party via the RINOs.

We are, quite frankly, screwed....IOW.

06-18-2016, 01:23 PM
Bingo. That ^ ^ has been my major objection to Trump all along. The FACT that he is such good friends with the Clintons, that he had to call Bill Clinton right before he announced his 2016 run, and that he has done and said everything he possibly could to piss off and alarm voters and/or his supporters....

has been a clear sign that my spidey sense about him and his motivations and agenda were spot-frickin-on. I had hoped that I was wrong all along, but it's not looking like that is the case.

Other way around, Bill Clinton called him. And considering how he bashes "crooked Hillary"... It's not surprising that he would reach out to get an idea where he stood.

06-18-2016, 01:25 PM
It's not your age that is the problem. It's the fact that you have, unlike so many others, retained your logical and reasoning abilities....and haven't lost your memory yet, like so many others seem to have. I know....

cause I have the same "problem"...lol.

I have lost none of the above. Why imply that Trump supporters somehow have something wrong with them? Seems to be a recurring theme. Others said that Trump supporters were mean and bashing Cruz supporters and such (you were one of them), and no one is doing that here - but yet over and over, somehow, the Trump supporters are continually told there is something wrong with them, or it's implied as here. Odd.

06-18-2016, 01:29 PM
I have lost none of the above. Why imply that Trump supporters somehow have something wrong with them? Seems to be a recurring theme. Others said that Trump supporters were mean and bashing Cruz supporters and such (you were one of them), and no one is doing that here - but yet over and over, somehow, the Trump supporters are continually told there is something wrong with them, or it's implied as here. Odd.

No, maybe nobody is doing that here, but it IS being done on two other forums that I frequent....one of which I haven't posted much on (one post in the last month). I am merely posting my opinion....that most Trump supporters are being naïve in thinking that he will really do what he says he would do....even after his campaign has admitted that some of those promises were merely "suggestions".

06-18-2016, 01:32 PM
Other way around, Bill Clinton called him. And considering how he bashes "crooked Hillary"... It's not surprising that he would reach out to get an idea where he stood.

Wrong. Clinton may have called Trump since Trump announced his bid for 2016....but Trump called Clinton BEFORE he announced that bid/run.


Point is, that relationship is just a bit too cozy for my political tastes.

The reason so many outlets are now saying that Clinton called Trump....is because Trump had tried to get ahold of Clinton several times by phone. Clinton was merely 'returning' the Trump-initiated call.

And there's this:


06-18-2016, 02:31 PM
I just read that Trump did rallies in 5 states last week where none of the governors came out to support him. Apparently they don't want to be associated with him. If it's true that's not a good sign for him or things to come.

06-18-2016, 02:46 PM
Wrong. Clinton may have called Trump since Trump announced his bid for 2016....but Trump called Clinton BEFORE he announced that bid/run.


Point is, that relationship is just a bit too cozy for my political tastes.

The reason so many outlets are now saying that Clinton called Trump....is because Trump had tried to get ahold of Clinton several times by phone. Clinton was merely 'returning' the Trump-initiated call.

And there's this:


I'll believe Time:

Former President Bill Clinton privately called Donald Trump in late May when the real estate mogul was on the verge of announcing his 2016 bid for the presidency, the Washington Post reported, citing four Trump confidants and one Hillary Clinton campaign associate—all wishing to remain anonymous.

Bill Clinton’s personal office confirmed that the call occurred, telling the New York Times “that Mr. Trump reached out to President Clinton a few times.”


06-18-2016, 02:49 PM
No, maybe nobody is doing that here, but it IS being done on two other forums that I frequent....one of which I haven't posted much on (one post in the last month). I am merely posting my opinion....that most Trump supporters are being naïve in thinking that he will really do what he says he would do....even after his campaign has admitted that some of those promises were merely "suggestions".

And you would be cool with me saying that those who support Ted Cruz or supported him, are too dumb to realize he was a snake oil salesman, and literally too stupid to realize he's no longer running? Or that they are 100% classless for how the treat others?

Thing is, as I've stated many times before, I don't treat others based on shit from who knows where, I treat others in how they treat me. I think it's pretty dumb to be shitty towards someone because someone was shitty towards you elsewhere. And you get thanked for this crap?

No thanks, I'll just continue to NOT toss shit at folks simply because they support someone, and continue to treat folks as they treat me. You're welcome to treat others as you please, I suppose. :rolleyes:

06-18-2016, 02:50 PM
I just read that Trump did rallies in 5 states last week where none of the governors came out to support him. Apparently they don't want to be associated with him. If it's true that's not a good sign for him or things to come.

Not true.

06-18-2016, 10:18 PM
Just as....the radical left has hijacked the Democratic Party over the past several decades.....they have now managed to also hijack the Republican Party via the RINOs.

We are, quite frankly, screwed....IOW.

No argument here. I grew up in a family of Democrats. My mother and stepfather are still leftwing nutjobs. My brother, father and I are the ones that bailed in 80. The right has not been hijacked by the RINOs. RINOs have hijacked the GOP. The further the paradigm shifts left, the harder the GOP tries to play catch up and shifts left as well calling it "center". What they HAVE done is let the left dictate how and what we think. These RINOs are more afraid of their own shadows and being accused of something they won't fight back.

And you know what it all looks like to me? The media's running the whole thing. Reminds me of a novel Stephen King wrote under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman .. The Running Man. And don't mistake the Arnold movie with the book. They aren't even close.

06-18-2016, 10:46 PM
I have lost none of the above. Why imply that Trump supporters somehow have something wrong with them? Seems to be a recurring theme. Others said that Trump supporters were mean and bashing Cruz supporters and such (you were one of them), and no one is doing that here - but yet over and over, somehow, the Trump supporters are continually told there is something wrong with them, or it's implied as here. Odd.

If a theme is recurring, then it needs another look. Trump supporters run on emotion. He's playing on emotion. That emotion leads one to believe if they disagree with your choice it's some kind of personal offense and we're calling you dumb or whatever. At the same time, you think we're dumb because we don't see things as you do. I don't run on emotion. Never have.

There's no implication here. I understand completely that Trump supporters are angry. If you run on anger, you get your people killed. I can turn my emotions off and focus on the mission. That doesn't make you wrong. It makes us different. Different does not always mean wrong. I'm trained to do a certain thing. And you do what you do.

And before you get to going off on ME, it doesn't matter to me who votes for who at this point. This whole election is a loe/lose deal at this point. I can't figure you all out. I'm not trained to be illogical nor to lose. Trump ain't going to win and we, the people, are going to lose.

06-19-2016, 10:24 AM
Not true.

Steve Deace reported it. He is a never Trump guy but from what I have seen and heard, he is honest.

06-19-2016, 10:43 AM
I used to like him, but that was wrestling crap only. I didn't realize that his kookiness carried over to the real world though. He's a 9/11 truther who claims outright that the government was involved in 9/11. He says there were ties to the hijackers. He doesn't believe a plane even hit the pentagon (never mind the engine and a zillion parts being there, as well as body parts). Of course he makes all of his retarded claims with zilch for proof, just his swollen and defective head.

Most of us military guys are what you civilians call paranoid. We like to stay alive. But you got to draw a line. Ventura's a kook. He talks all kinds of weird conspiracy crap. Should have stuck with the WWWF.

06-19-2016, 10:53 AM
Roughly 4 million Evangelicals refused to vote for Romney because he is a Mormon. I think they were wrong to abstain from voting for him on those grounds but they made their choice.

Trump is going to have an even tougher road than Romney because there are a lot of Evangelicals and Conservatives looking elsewhere. His only saving grace is the total detestation for Hillary by those same people. I don't think they despised and detested Obama like they do Hillary.

06-19-2016, 11:03 AM
Further evidence I believe Trump is tanking the election and this is actually the best political deal Bill Clinton has ever made:

Money spent on political ads in June in battleground states:

Hillary Clinton & PACs: $23,300,000.00.

Donald Trump & Republicans: $0.00.

That's not how one wins a Presidential election...

Clinton, Democrats Dominate 2016 Battleground Airwaves (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/clinton-democrats-dominate-2016-battleground-airwaves-n594676)

06-19-2016, 10:18 PM
I think Trump is out of his tree. I was reading a story where Trump said he could win the election "without the support of the Republican Party or politicians."
Not to mention all the crazy stuff he says pretty much every day.

Then there was the question posed about his lack of paid staff members. Trump replied that his followers loved him so much that "they would from now until election day without payment. They would do it for the love of the country."
Seriously bro?

06-19-2016, 10:33 PM
I think Trump is out of his tree. I was reading a story where Trump said he could win the election "without the support of the Republican Party or politicians."
Not to mention all the crazy stuff he says pretty much every day.

Then there was the question posed about his lack of paid staff members. Trump replied that his followers loved him so much that "they would from now until election day without payment. They would do it for the love of the country."
Seriously bro?

Well seriously bro ... this would be a shoe in slide into home if you didn't have a liar, thief and criminal for a candidate. His only chance is the candidate YOU lefties chose. Y'all's strategy is as stupid as the GOPs.

Laugh while you can. This crap is leading up to a revolution. You lefties that have been living off letting others do your fighting and a government to hand you stuff are going to be in a world of hurt.

06-20-2016, 10:30 AM
Sorry, Gunny. Support from the far right is only a minute percentage of the current electorate. The rest are jumping off the Trump Train in alarming numbers.
After firing his campaign manager and being unable to find an effective running mate, the campaign is in tatters.
I believe it is about time to stick a fork in Trump. The turkey is way past done.

06-20-2016, 11:09 AM
Sorry, Gunny. Support from the far right is only a minute percentage of the current electorate. The rest are jumping off the Trump Train in alarming numbers.
After firing his campaign manager and being unable to find an effective running mate, the campaign is in tatters.
I believe it is about time to stick a fork in Trump. The turkey is way past done.


How long have you been saying the same tired bullshit?

I remember you were confidently stating he was finished last year, at least once per week. Prior to every debate. And after every debate.

"Oh yah! He's totes going to implode this time! For realsies!!"

You're quite the political guru, about as accurate as Tailfins and about as charming.

06-20-2016, 11:31 AM
Further evidence I believe Trump is tanking the election and this is actually the best political deal Bill Clinton has ever made:

Money spent on political ads in June in battleground states:

Hillary Clinton & PACs: $23,300,000.00.

Donald Trump & Republicans: $0.00.

That's not how one wins a Presidential election...

Clinton, Democrats Dominate 2016 Battleground Airwaves (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/clinton-democrats-dominate-2016-battleground-airwaves-n594676)

Yep. And....considering that Trump is a billionaire....(that has, by the way, contributed to the Clintons)....that fact is rather telling. At least to 'some'. lol

06-20-2016, 11:32 AM
I'll believe Time:

Former President Bill Clinton privately called Donald Trump in late May when the real estate mogul was on the verge of announcing his 2016 bid for the presidency, the Washington Post reported, citing four Trump confidants and one Hillary Clinton campaign associate—all wishing to remain anonymous.

Bill Clinton’s personal office confirmed that the call occurred, telling the New York Times “that Mr. Trump reached out to President Clinton a few times.”


Yeah, you'll believe what you want to believe. Fact is, Trump tried to contact Bubba several times before Bubba finally returned Trump's call.

06-20-2016, 11:40 AM
Yeah, you'll believe what you want to believe. Fact is, Trump tried to contact Bubba several times before Bubba finally returned Trump's call.

He did? Where did he say that?

06-20-2016, 12:40 PM
Sorry, Gunny. Support from the far right is only a minute percentage of the current electorate. The rest are jumping off the Trump Train in alarming numbers.
After firing his campaign manager and being unable to find an effective running mate, the campaign is in tatters.
I believe it is about time to stick a fork in Trump. The turkey is way past done.

Do you ever read anything? Nothing to be sorry about with me. I've considered him a sure loser from the start. What I did NOT expect is how many young and dumb lefties would rebel against Hillary. I wish I could say that gave me hope for the left, but it doesn't. Y'all need to find a different country to live in where you can violate your own constitution daily and no one will care. Land's cheap in the Middle East. Bye.

Black Diamond
06-20-2016, 12:44 PM
He called Clinton on the phone that means he's throwing the campaign.

06-28-2016, 09:56 AM
Trump's going to mop the floor with Hellary.

Besides that, you all seem to have forgotten the insurance policy - that little FBI investigation. The Democrats are going to be in a huge disarray trying to get someone else on short notice.

Biden/Warren would likely waltz right in without missing a beat.

Black Diamond
06-28-2016, 10:00 AM
Biden/Warren would likely waltz right in without missing a beat.

I said from the beginning if Biden runs he will mop the floor with Hillary's face and that the Presidency was his if he wanted it. I get why didn't "want" it.

Black Diamond
06-28-2016, 10:01 AM
Biden/Warren would likely waltz right in without missing a beat.

Also I would pray for Biden's health daily.

06-28-2016, 10:06 AM
Biden/Warren would likely waltz right in without missing a beat.

I said from the beginning if Biden runs he will mop the floor with Hillary's face and that the Presidency was his if he wanted it. I get why didn't "want" it.

Completely agree. That's why I've been saying wait until after the election bust Hitlery. Even she wins she can still be busted. But I don't want Biden in. The left will lockstep to vote for him. The only way he gets in now is an open convention if they bust Hitlery. I hope she rots in Hell, but I don't want a continuance of the past 8 years.

Black Diamond
06-28-2016, 10:10 AM
Completely agree. That's why I've been saying wait until after the election bust Hitlery. Even she wins she can still be busted. But I don't want Biden in. The left will lockstep to vote for him. The only way he gets in now is an open convention if they bust Hitlery. I hope she rots in Hell, but I don't want a continuance of the past 8 years.
See my new thread. :Cool:

06-28-2016, 10:23 AM
I said from the beginning if Biden runs he will mop the floor with Hillary's face and that the Presidency was his if he wanted it. I get why didn't "want" it.

I think he's kicking himself about now.

Black Diamond
06-28-2016, 10:27 AM
I think he's kicking himself about now.
In some ways but he was in a bad place when he decided.

06-28-2016, 10:39 AM
I think he's kicking himself about now.

Who knows? He lost his son. Losing a loved one is hard on the psyche. Especially someone you used to hold in the palm of your hand. I by no means am supporting Biden as a politician. As a human being, I can understand his angst. You can't focus from one minute to the next. You just go through the motions. It takes time. Maybe he just doesn't want it. He's tried several times. He has the golden opportunity now, and just detached himself.