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06-20-2016, 03:36 PM
gabosaurus so what do you say? Fake? Lies? You'll ignore this and not care? I think all 3, as democrats couldn't care less what she or her filthy husband do, so long as they get the WH.


Hillary - disabled children at an Easter egg hunt 'fucking ree-tards

Hillary - referred to Jews as 'stupid kikes

Bill - Bill called Jesse Jackson a 'damned nigger'

Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle claims the Clinton couple regularly used racial epithets in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman
She writes that Hillary was caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e' and 'f***ing Jew b*****d'
She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r'
But rumors of Bill's trysts with black women were rampant in Little Rock
One prominent black female newscaster bragged openly about her relationship with the governor, although 'only' indulged in oral sex
Bill Clinton's 'three strikes' rule incarcerated 2.5 million people, including poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials
When Hillary moved to Arkansas, she looked down her nose at what she viewed as 'ignorant hillbillies'

Bill and Hillary Clinton profess to have always been supporters of racial equality, but anecdotes published in a new book by his ex-lover claim otherwise.

Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children 'f*****g ree-tards' and caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e and 'f***ing Jew b*****d', while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'G**damned n****r'.

Bill was also sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Dolly Kyle - who was just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill, dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once they graduated - published the claims about the Clinton couple's racial epithets and politics in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman, published by WND Books.

She writes of one occasion, when developmentally challenged children were having difficulty picking up the eggs at a traditional Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the governor's mansion during Bill's tenure in the Arkansas state house.

Reluctant hostess Hillary had enough.

'The frustrated Me-First Lady demanded, "When are they going to get those f*****g ree-tards out of here?"' Dolly writes.

Behind the Reverend Jesse Jackson's back, the Clinton duo called him, 'That G**damned n****r'.

Dolly claims the couple used the same insult toward Robert 'Say' McIntosh, one of the leading African-American activists in Little Rock, Arkansas when Bill was governor. McIntosh was dogging Clinton about ongoing relationships with black prostitutes, q charge, she says, Bill never denied.

Clinton never denied stories that he was having an ongoing relationship with one black prostitute as well as her friends. He did deny a rumor that he had fathered a child with a black prostitute while governor and took a DNA test that was reported as negative.

Rumors of the trysts throughout Little Rock and were aided by 'one prominent black female newscaster who used to brag openly around the television station about her relationship with the governor, although they were 'only' indulging in oral sex'.

Bill Clinton and Dolly grew up with Jim Crow laws in place in the plantation mentality of the South and they were in full force during the 1950s and '60s.

It was a segregated society in Hot Springs at that time. Black and white students went to different schools. In the movie theaters, black people had to watch the movie from a balcony, use separate bathrooms and water fountains.

'Signs that separated 'WHITES' and 'COLORED' were deadly serious and always enforced', Dolly writes.

In Arkansas, everyone had to pay a $2 poll tax to vote, and the cost was a huge sum for many black people.


06-20-2016, 06:03 PM
Now how could that all be true? After all, the Clinton's a the liberal Democrat's perfect
Poster Children along with Obama!

(Sarcasm Off):laugh:

06-20-2016, 08:15 PM
Have these remarks been acknowledged or verified by any of the people referred to in the story?

It is well known that Slick Willy has had numerous extramarital affairs. I am sure Hillary knows about the vast majority of them.
One thing about Slick Willy is that he never dumped Hillary to marry a trophy wife. Which is something you can't say about some other men of money and influence.

06-20-2016, 09:13 PM
well this is certainly a bad report. and it's racist and low.
But Jim and Tyr, I have to wonder if you really consider much of what's described as "racist". Since you don't see Trump as committing any racist acts even though he was legally sighted for them on more than one occasion. And none of his words covey any racism in your minds, if i remember your comments correctly.

And Jim, i have to wonder if you take this report seriously since it's in a "book" obviously written for profit.
I've pointed to information form book sources coabrated by articles and others independently before Jim and you've dismissed "books" out of hand a just being written to make money and by default untruthful..

so what makes you think this writers story is credible to stand on it's own.

I mean, i've heard plenty of similar reports about Hillary's foul mouth and dislike for all kinds of people and groups. But Bill, not so much. don't get me wrong Bills a low life too but I've rarely heard him described as a racist as Hillary has been.