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View Full Version : Giuliani agrees w/ Trump about profiling

06-20-2016, 04:50 PM
Folks want to complain and complain about profiling, to the point that those using such resources are "racist" and "bigots". I say BS.


Investigators "always profile," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, responding to Donald Trump's call Sunday to profile Muslims, but profiling should be "based on hard facts that lead to the protection of the public," not on race, religion or sexual orientation.

"We always profile," Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney, told Fox News' "America's Newsroom" program. "You could call me up and say a six-foot-two man with blonde hair and blue eyes is the killer, I profile white men with blue eyes and look for him."
And when there is a larger group described, "Then I start to look for the group," such as if the KKK was in New York City, the former mayor said. "Profiling happens. That's the motive; he [Orlando killer Omar Mateen] announced the motive."

But it's wrong to profile based on race, religion or sexual orientation, "just because you don't like them," said Giuliani. "But if you're doing it on hard facts that lead to protection of the public ... of course you should profile based on hard facts."

The facts were given on Mateen's 911 call, even though Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Sunday that the calls will be edited before they are released to omit his pledge to the Islamic State, to keep ISIS propaganda from spreading, said Giuliani, and he opposes that step.

"We're doctoring a transcript," he said. "This is very, very dangerous what they're doing. It's dangerous and leads to more attacks. The more that you pull back, the more that they push ahead."

Also on Monday, the former mayor complained about gun control measures that will come up for a vote in Congress, saying that it is sending the wrong message to vote so soon after the Orlando killings a week ago.


06-20-2016, 06:17 PM
Shame on him for only making sense!

06-20-2016, 07:29 PM
I've always been for profiling, already said so.

06-20-2016, 09:21 PM
Profiling as defined by Trump is every muslim is suspect until proven innocent.
that's discriminatory useless BS.

just as useless and stupid as saying everyone with a rebel flag should be profiled as suspects of potentially shooting up a church.

06-20-2016, 09:32 PM
Profiling as defined by Trump is every muslim is suspect until proven innocent.
that's discriminatory useless BS.

just as useless and stupid as saying everyone with a rebel flag should be profiled as suspects of potentially shooting up a church.

Wrong calling a spade is is calling a spade a spade. I profile everyone. There's no discrimination. If you're short n fat, tall n skinny, black, Hispanic, male or female, doesn't matter to me. You are calculated as a threat assessment by me if you are in my presence. I don't give a damn what you want to call yourself.

I find this rather rich coming from YOU though. You're one of the biggest conspiracy freaks I've run into on the net. Typical double stand Monday morning quarterback. We can't profile; yet on Monday morning you're demanding to know why someone didn't do something to prevent the crime. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We either prevent the crime by proactivity; or, no sniveling about the consequences.

06-20-2016, 10:43 PM
Profiling as defined by Trump is every muslim is suspect until proven innocent.
that's discriminatory useless BS.

just as useless and stupid as saying everyone with a rebel flag should be profiled as suspects of potentially shooting up a church.

Just as useless and stupid as saying anyone with experience with L.E. and investigation is bigoted. Profiling is
an essential and necessary tool.

You strap on a duty belt and badge and see how far you get! "Shoot-No Shoot" challenge? Going to preach
to someone drawing down on you? Do you have the stones to fire 3 from the holster if there is no doubt
to their intentions?

Stay being a grocery clerk. Call in the Men when things get rough.

06-20-2016, 11:22 PM
Just as useless and stupid as saying anyone with experience with L.E. and investigation is bigoted. Profiling is
an essential and necessary tool.

You strap on a duty belt and badge and see how far you get! "Shoot-No Shoot" challenge? Going to preach
to someone drawing down on you? Do you have the stones to fire 3 from the holster if there is no doubt
to their intentions?

Stay being a grocery clerk. Call in the Men when things get rough.

I just think the whole topic is BS and contrived. Profiling. Gee, there's a mexican with an AK and sporting bandanas up the ass. Wonder what he's up to? Going to do a little community service?

06-20-2016, 11:32 PM
I just think the whole topic is BS and contrived. Profiling. Gee, there's a mexican with an AK and sporting bandanas up the ass. Wonder what he's up to? Going to do a little community service?

I still love the Dirty Harry line: "When you see a naked man with a hard-on and a butcher knife chasing a woman down a dark
alley, You can bet he's not there collecting for the Red Cross".

06-21-2016, 01:36 AM
you guys don't even read what i write when i write short.
and seem to be pissed no matter what i say.

and then pull that military thing that Kath was talking about.
claiming that i shouldn't speak unless i "strap up" or take your word as gospel.
nope. sorry I'm not overwhelmed by you experience or training. I can read what you say and take it into account along with others Not on this board, just or more experienced than you guys and make my own judgements thanks.

But when you guys want to honestly and specifically address my points I'll be here .. maybe.


06-21-2016, 05:50 AM
you guys don't even read what i write when i write short.
and seem to be pissed no matter what i say.

and then pull that military thing that Kath was talking about.
claiming that i shouldn't speak unless i "strap up" or take your word as gospel.
nope. sorry I'm not overwhelmed by you experience or training. I can read what you say and take it into account along with others Not on this board, just or more experienced than you guys and make my own judgements thanks.

But when you guys want to honestly and specifically address my points I'll be here .. maybe.


We address your points and nobody's pulling any military crap. You just don't like the answers and go to whining. FYI, learned threat assessment in martial arts BEFORE I was in the military. You aren't making a point to address and I stand by my previous response. You're against profiling yet want to cry on Monday morning why something wasn't stopped. That is DIRECTLY addressing the point you are trying to make and shooting it down.

06-21-2016, 08:56 AM
We address your points and nobody's pulling any military crap. You just don't like the answers and go to whining. FYI, learned threat assessment in martial arts BEFORE I was in the military. You aren't making a point to address and I stand by my previous response. You're against profiling yet want to cry on Monday morning why something wasn't stopped. That is DIRECTLY addressing the point you are trying to make and shooting it down.

Gunny elesar OK seems to me the problem is here.

you and 2 seem to be talking about "threat assessment" in an on the ground a "klick" or less away in an immediate response kind of way.

My point goes to the "threat assessment" in a broad sense. Not the hunt on the battlefield, but from the generals command position. Trying to find the enemy, and determine the best targets on the map in the country strategically for the grunts to probe and possibly attack.

Gunny you've said over an over that you were trained to be pointed at a target. you've said elsewhere that you'd like to blow up all the M.E. . so i guess that every muslim in the US is valid target in you mind as well... 'because I know em.. arrrgg'

Newsflash buddy, Many people think that's TO BROAD A TARGET. Seems to me what we need to do 1st to NARROW your targets from ALL MUSLIMS... to Radical Muslims... to Radical Muslims that actually might do something. Profiling all muslim is STUPID.
They tried it NewYork City for 6 years and Got ZERO LEADS. ZERO. they infiltrated mosque, phone tapped, read emails, bugged homes, mosques, and muslims stores. they Found no THREATS. PERIOD. Using that broad NET style "profiling" doesn't WORK.

and even though what they did In NYC was USELESS and STUPID at least they were using the right tools spying, wiretapping etc. Just on too broad a group. But what are you an Elesar are talking about with this "strapping on a belt" and 'always looking at around the street assessing which lil kid might be killer' stuff. That's NOT the type of thing that's even INVOLVED in trying to ferret out potential terrorist in the U.S..
so why are you guys even bringing that war zone stuff up.
that what i can't figure out.
the 'you weren't in Nam-Iraq-under-fire man, you weren't there, you don't know what it's like. therefore you're argument is invalid' doesn't make sense fellas.

And it seems you've missed my point serval times so let me be clear, what i'm saying is that profiling ALL Muslims is stupid. And spying,wiretapping etc. on all is unconstitutional.
EXACTLY the same as assuming all ALL Jews or All Vets or all Rednecks or all Blacks or all Latinos or all Christians, or all fill in the blanks are the enemy with NO rights that need to considered.
and if the gov't can do it to Muslims make no mistake it can and will do it to you if it feels threatened.

so do you see the distinction?
I'm saying targeting ALL of a large group is wrong and counter productive.
We have to NARROW the focus to those within more than one category.
We're trying to find threats HIDDEN AMONG larger groups right?
Seems to me we should be thinking more like a high level snipers rather than guys in a nuclear sub that want to clear a whole land mass because they can and they feel threatened. But I'm not saying that you don't use reasonable criteria, but you just don't stop at one clue and pretend that attacking everyone with that ONE aspect means you've already found "the enemy". And you don't do it unconstitutionally.

I still love the Dirty Harry line: "When you see a naked man with a hard-on and a butcher knife chasing a woman down a dark alley, You can bet he's not there collecting for the Red Cross".

But If you just see a man in a dark alley he might not be collecting for the red cross but it doesn't mean he's a killer/rapist so you shoot 1st and ask questions later.

06-21-2016, 09:04 AM
Profiling is the most base form of common sense.

If you unexpectedly get kicked in the nuts 6 times by guys wearing a clown suits, your natural (and sane) reaction is to keep a wary eye on clowns in the future.

06-21-2016, 09:06 AM
Gunny elesar OK seems to me the problem is here.

you and 2 seem to be talking about "threat assessment" in an on the ground a "klick" or less away in an immediate response kind of way.

My point goes to the "threat assessment" in a broad sense. Not the hunt on the battlefield, but from the generals command position. Trying to find the enemy, and determine the best targets on the map in the country strategically for the grunts to probe and possibly attack.

Gunny you've said over an over that you were trained to be pointed at a target. you've said elsewhere that you'd like to blow up all the M.E. . so i guess that every muslim in the US is valid target in you mind as well... 'because I know em.. arrrgg'

Newsflash buddy, Many people think that's TO BROAD A TARGET. Seems to me what we need to do 1st to NARROW your targets from ALL MUSLIMS... to Radical Muslims... to Radical Muslims that actually might do something. Profiling all muslim is STUPID.
They tried it NewYork City for 6 years and Got ZERO LEADS. ZERO. they infiltrated mosque, phone tapped, read emails, bugged homes, mosques, and muslims stores. they Found no THREATS. PERIOD. Using that broad NET style "profiling" doesn't WORK.

and even though what they did In NYC was USELESS and STUPID at least they were using the right tools spying, wiretapping etc. Just on too broad a group. But what are you an Elesar are talking about with this "strapping on a belt" and 'looking a a around the street assessing which lil kid might be killer' stuff. That's NOT the type of thing that's even INVOLVED in trying to ferret out terrorist in the U.S..
so why are you guys even bringing that war zone stuff up.
that what i can't figure out.

But you've my my point serval time let me be clear, what i'm saying is that profiling ALL Muslims is stupid. And spying,wiretapping etc. on all is unconstitutional.
EXACTLY the same as assuming all ALL Jews or All Vets or all Rednecks or all Blacks or all Latinos or all Christians, or all fill in the blanks are the enemy with NO rights that need to considered.
and if the gov't can do it to Muslims make no mistake it can and will do it to you if it feels threatened.

so do you see the distinction?
I'm saying targeting ALL of a large group is wrong and counter productive.
We have to NARROW the focus to those within more than one category.
We're trying to find threats HIDDEN AMONG larger groups right?
Seems to me we should be thinking more like a high level snipers rather than guys in a nuclear sub that want to clear a whole land mass because they can and they feel threatened. But I'm not saying that you don't use reasonable criteria, but you just don't stop at one clue and pretend that attacking everyone with that ONE aspect means you've already found "the enemy". And you don't do it unconstitutionally.

But If you just see a man in a dark alley he might not be collecting for the red cross but it doesn't mean he's a killer/rapist.

Use some logic. Why are you in a dark alley when the only thing that comes out of dark alleys are horror stories? And you might want want to visit my thread in the Lounge. You are ALL a threat to ME. I don't give a crap if you're a little green man from Mars. But that DOES make you a little green man from Mars, right? I guess I shouldn't call you a little green man from Mars?

Get some logic into your argument.

Abbey Marie
06-21-2016, 09:08 AM
Profiling as defined by Trump is every muslim is suspect until proven innocent.
that's discriminatory useless BS.

just as useless and stupid as saying everyone with a rebel flag should be profiled as suspects of potentially shooting up a church.
Works for me...

06-21-2016, 09:17 AM
just as useless and stupid as saying everyone with a rebel flag should be profiled as suspects of potentially shooting up a church.

That's pretty weak, Rev.

How many times has that happened? Once?

Conversely, all one needs to do is pick up a newspaper - any bonafide newspaper anywhere in the world - and read about an atrocity committed by muslims EVERY SINGLE DAY.

06-21-2016, 09:36 AM
That's pretty weak, Rev.

How many times has that happened? Once?

Conversely, all one needs to do is pick up a newspaper - any bonafide newspaper anywhere in the world - and read about an atrocity committed by muslims EVERY SINGLE DAY.

All one has to do is pick up history book that covers the last 150, 75, 50 years to see that type of thing has happened far more than "once".
Some people here refer back to Muslims action 400 plus years ago.

to me that's almost like telling a Jew in Germany that he should never be concerned about swatikas because it doesn't happen every day anymore... except for that one time recently.

And also in the U.S. you're still far more likely to die from your furniture than terrorism.
but facts don't matter finding a foreign scapegoat does.
the injuns, the japs, the Reds, the muslims, the blacks,... who's next.

06-21-2016, 09:39 AM
That's pretty weak, Rev.

How many times has that happened? Once?

Conversely, all one needs to do is pick up a newspaper - any bonafide newspaper anywhere in the world - and read about an atrocity committed by muslims EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I got money says Rev profiles people and just calls it something else. What I don't get is he won't man his own line. If I have an opinion I don't care who doesn't like it. He runs off and pops up in another thread, I have nothing against the guy. But he takes it that way. Spit out your opinion then defend it.

06-21-2016, 09:43 AM
I got money says Rev profiles people and just calls it something else. What I don't get is he won't man his own line. If I have an opinion I don't care who doesn't like it. He runs off and pops up in another thread, I have nothing against the guy. But he takes it that way. Spit out your opinion then defend it.
I got money that says you didn't read or understand my previous post.

ONE criteria, "religion" is not enough for the gov't treat them all as a threat who losses rights.
there, kept it short so you could read it.

06-21-2016, 09:48 AM
I got money that you didn't read or understand my previous post.

ONE criteria, "religion" is not enough.
there, kept it short so you could read it.

Religion is definitely enough when you are doing evil deeds in the name of religion.

So tell me ... do you think Fred Phelps represented Christianity or the Baptist Church?

You can't ignore these people because you are afraid to call them what they are. That's then using you against YOU. You're so afraid of how you look you won't act to defend yourself.

06-21-2016, 09:56 AM
Religion is definitely enough when you are doing evil deeds in the name of religion.

So tell me ... do you think Fred Phelps represented Christianity or the Baptist Church?

You can't ignore these people because you are afraid to call them what they are. That's then using you against YOU. You're so afraid of how you look you won't act to defend yourself.

You Make my Point, Fred Phelps does not represent the all of the church.
Should ProGay People suspect every local Amish, Catholic, methodist, or even baptist church looking for people like Fred Phelps or snake handling?

If Pro Homosexuals wanted to find more Fred Phelps types they'd have to NARROW their focus. Being a Church might be ONE aspect but assuming ALL Churches are Fred Phelps like or supporters is STUPID.

06-21-2016, 10:04 AM
All one has to do is pick up history book that covers the last 150, 75, 50 years to see that type of thing has happened far more than "once".
Some people here refer back to Muslims action 400 plus years ago.

The confederate flag had nothing to do with the lone nutjob shooting up that church. It was a nutjob and it very rarely occurs.

to me that's almost like telling a Jew in Germany that he should never be concerned about swatikas because it doesn't happen every day anymore... except for that one time recently.

And also in the U.S. you're still far more likely to die from your furniture than terrorism.
but facts don't matter finding a foreign scapegoat does.
the injuns, the japs, the Reds, the muslims, the blacks,... who's next.

Your furniture isn't actively trying to saw your head off.

Neither are the Injuns.

Nor the Japs.

Nor the Reds.

Nor the Blacks.

The muzzies, however, are. There are millions of them RIGHT NOW that would gleefully saw your head off on camera, Rev, simply because you're an American. And especially because you're Christian.

You know this. Don't be obtuse.

Black Diamond
06-21-2016, 10:05 AM
you guys don't even read what i write when i write short.
and seem to be pissed no matter what i say.

and then pull that military thing that Kath was talking about.
claiming that i shouldn't speak unless i "strap up" or take your word as gospel.
nope. sorry I'm not overwhelmed by you experience or training. I can read what you say and take it into account along with others Not on this board, just or more experienced than you guys and make my own judgements thanks.

But when you guys want to honestly and specifically address my points I'll be here .. maybe.

Understatement of the year

06-21-2016, 10:09 AM
Your furniture isn't actively trying to saw your head off....

But somehow furniture manages to actually kill more americans than terrorist do.
so is broad based fear and unconstitutional harassment of american Muslims justified base on the facts?

look, it make sense to be prepared for Tigers attacks, sure. But if you live in woods in west VA buying Tiger traps and assuming every animal you see MIGHT be Tiger makes not sense.

06-21-2016, 10:10 AM
I have no problem if ALL muslims are profiled, and make no apologies for that either. Them being uncomfortable will be my safety. When there are DAILY attacks around the world, and THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of attacks - JUST since 9/11, I have no problem keeping a keener eye on those folks.

No different than if I was in Chicago - undoubtedly I would profile the young black men who are forever involved in the gang banging (you know, the endless black people being shot in Chicago, also almost on a daily basis, that apparently no one cares about).

This isn't about being racist towards muslims, or black folks in that example - but rather about safety.

And if I was in Texas where that biker gang shooting was, or if in an area where bikers hang usually - I fully expect to be profiled based on my looks and tattoos. I have no issue with that either.

06-21-2016, 10:14 AM
You Make my Point, Fred Phelps does not represent the all of the church.
Should ProGay People suspect every local Amish, Catholic, methodist, or even baptist church looking for people like Fred Phelps or snake handling?

If Pro Homosexuals wanted to find more Fred Phelps types they'd have to NARROW their focus. Being a Church might be ONE aspect but assuming ALL Churches are Fred Phelps like or supporters is STUPID.

No, I'm NOT making your point. We all stepped up and pur his retarded crap down at every step. We tore him apart every time he showed his face and opened his hate ful suck.

Where are your Muslim bretheren doing the same?

06-21-2016, 10:16 AM
But somehow furniture manages to actually kill more americans than terrorist do.
so is broad based fear and unconstitutional harassment of american Muslims justified base on the facts?

look, it make sense to be prepared for Tigers attacks, sure. But if you live in woods in west VA buying Tiger traps and assuming every animal you see MIGHT be Tiger makes not sense.

That is a stupid statement. When you try to make an analogy, you might want to learn how first.

06-21-2016, 10:18 AM
But somehow furniture manages to actually kill more americans than terrorist do.
so is broad based fear and unconstitutional harassment of american Muslims justified base on the facts?

I don't fear inanimate objects. That's silly.

But you can bet that a group of people that actively want to kill me and my family because we're not of the specific religion they are, are going to get close scrutiny from me.

Any intelligent individual would do the same, and those that don't.... well, I guess we'll see their horrific story on the Darwin Awards.

06-21-2016, 10:21 AM
I have no problem if ALL muslims are profiled, and make no apologies for that either. Them being uncomfortable will be my safety. When there are DAILY attacks around the world, and THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of attacks - JUST since 9/11, I have no problem keeping a keener eye on those folks.

No different than if I was in Chicago - undoubtedly I would profile the young black men who are forever involved in the gang banging (you know, the endless black people being shot in Chicago, also almost on a daily basis, that apparently no one cares about).

This isn't about being racist towards muslims, or black folks in that example - but rather about safety.

And if I was in Texas where that biker gang shooting was, or if in an area where bikers hang usually - I fully expect to be profiled based on my looks and tattoos. I have no issue with that either.

the terrorist attacks in the U.S. are extremely few.
you're not in chicago.
so you don't have to treat U.S. muslims like Chicago gangs members.

If you're going to be consistent in you're logic that is.

But If you just want an easy way to make you FEEL safe.
and you have no problem making some americans "uncomfortable" by ignoring their constitutional rights. that's your choice.

Again, I'm not talking about, crossing the street if you're in a bad neighborhood. Or avoiding the rowdy biker bar.
I'm talking about spying on and officials harassing people based on nothing but their religion or race or clothing.

06-21-2016, 10:25 AM
I don't fear inanimate objects. That's silly.

But you can bet that a group of people that actively want to kill me and my family because we're not of the specific religion they are, are going to get close scrutiny from me.

Any intelligent individual would do the same, and those that don't.... well, I guess we'll see their horrific story on the Darwin Awards.

so there are some Muslims in you're area probably right? (Alaska right? Mosques maybe not many).
But what do you think your local officials should do to them to make you feel safe NT?

06-21-2016, 10:26 AM
the terrorist attacks in the U.S. are extremely few.
you're not in chicago.
so you don't have to treat U.S. muslims like Chicago gangs members.

Of course not, which is why I treat black folks around here just as I would family and friends. I have ZERO issues with blacks, only the gang bangers. Since I don't have that in my area, no need to profile. The issues with gangs and shootings has proven to be a localized thing, mostly in bad areas. The muslims are different. They don't want to kill other gang bangers, they want to kill infidels.

If you're going to be consistent in you're logic that is.

But If you just want an easy way to make you FEEL safe.
and you have no problem making some americans "uncomfortable" by ignoring their constitutional rights. that's your choice.

Again, I'm not talking about, crossing the street if you're in a bad neighborhood. Or avoiding the rowdy biker bar.
I'm talking about spying on and officials harassing people based on nothing but their religion or race or clothing.

I'll feel safe and BE much safer if the profiling was done properly, and the PC crap dropped.

06-21-2016, 10:30 AM
No, I'm NOT making your point. We all stepped up and pur his retarded crap down at every step. We tore him apart every time he showed his face and opened his hate ful suck.

Where are your Muslim bretheren doing the same?

"Craig Monteilh describes how he prenteded to be a radical Muslim at a California Mosque in order to root out potential threats for the FBI. The muslims in the Mosque he infiltrated got restraining orders against him and reported him to the FBI."https://www.theguardian.com/world/20.../fbi-informant (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/mar/20/fbi-informant)

so Yeah getting the muslim community to help is a GOOD IDEA.
Since all muslims are NOT terrorist or sympathetic.

06-21-2016, 10:37 AM
the terrorist attacks in the U.S. are extremely few.
you're not in chicago.
so you don't have to treat U.S. muslims like Chicago gangs members.

If you're going to be consistent in you're logic that is.

But If you just want an easy way to make you FEEL safe.
and you have no problem making some americans "uncomfortable" by ignoring their constitutional rights. that's your choice.

Again, I'm not talking about, crossing the street if you're in a bad neighborhood. Or avoiding the rowdy biker bar.
I'm talking about spying on and officials harassing people based on nothing but their religion or race or clothing.

First off .. it's not the point you are trying to make. It's the words you use trying to make it. I already said, on many boards and in real life many times, and I think Ben Franklin said it first: for every amount of security you give up that much freedom. It's a balancing act. Not a "have your cake and eat it too" act. Go in person and tell the families of the victims why they're wrong.

06-21-2016, 10:41 AM
so there are some Muslims in you're area probably right? (Alaska right? Mosques maybe not many).
But what do you think your local officials should do to them to make you feel safe NT?

Pretty much everyone is armed here, and most of us are proficient with firearms. I'm confident that if the whole country ends up as a warzone, we'll still be okay up here because of that simple fact. We don't rely on cops for our protection. But that's not the point - I'm speaking as an American.

Bambam wants to deposit 'refugees' up here as well as the rest of the country, and we don't want them. That's insanity. We already live among dangerous animals that occur naturally, why the hell would we want to import more?

Black Diamond
06-21-2016, 10:53 AM
No, I'm NOT making your point. We all stepped up and pur his retarded crap down at every step. We tore him apart every time he showed his face and opened his hate ful suck.

Where are your Muslim bretheren doing the same?
I can't help but think the ragheads in America blame America for both World Trade Center attacks, Pentagon , Orlando , San Bernardino, etc

06-21-2016, 11:08 AM
I can't help but think the ragheads in America blame America for both World Trade Center attacks, Pentagon , Orlando , San Bernardino, etc

You're from Texas so you'll get this ... I look at them as fire ants. They've been doing the same thing since the 7th century. They just keep spreading and take over your lawn if you don't exterminate them.

06-21-2016, 03:18 PM
I want to ask the WHINERS this:

Why should established Citizens of the U.S. of A. assimilate to them or illegal immigrants?

Why? It has nothing to do with tolerance or profiling. It has to do with OUR Culture and Heritage, not theirs!
There are other places they could escape to, but the liberals welcome them with open arms,
no questions asked.

06-22-2016, 05:48 AM
I want to ask the WHINERS this:

Why should established Citizens of the U.S. of A. assimilate to them or illegal immigrants?

Why? It has nothing to do with tolerance or profiling. It has to do with OUR Culture and Heritage, not theirs!
There are other places they could escape to, but the liberals welcome them with open arms,
no questions asked.

Try walking through a hostile fire zone and NOT profiling. I give maybe 5 minutes. Hope your SGLI is up to date.

And I couldn't agree with your statement more and have said the same many times. You want a better life? Leave your trashy habits where got them. Don't come here and expect me to accept them. We bathe every day here and don't wear the same clothes to work for a week.

06-29-2016, 08:32 AM
I want to ask the WHINERS this:

Why should established Citizens of the U.S. of A. assimilate to them or illegal immigrants?

Why? It has nothing to do with tolerance or profiling. It has to do with OUR Culture and Heritage, not theirs!
There are other places they could escape to, but the liberals welcome them with open arms,
no questions asked.

Which "culture and heritage" would you be referring to? 1491? 1591? 1691? 1791? 1891? 1991?

06-29-2016, 08:33 AM
Folks want to complain and complain about profiling, to the point that those using such resources are "racist" and "bigots". I say BS.


Investigators "always profile," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, responding to Donald Trump's call Sunday to profile Muslims, but profiling should be "based on hard facts that lead to the protection of the public," not on race, religion or sexual orientation.


It doesn't seem like he agreed with the December 2015 trump. :dunno:

06-30-2016, 08:18 PM

Over the last year, or so. Local newspapers, and tv networks have STOPPED identifying the CRIMINALS who rob, rape, shoot, steal, and whine....Because they refuse to be accused of profiling, and actually using DESCRIPTIONS according to racial features.

If you were a police officer on the street, looking for one man. Would it help to know whether you are looking for a White, or Black person???? OR....would it be simpler to WALK PAST the human being who has the GUN in his waistband??????