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View Full Version : Britain just gave the GOP a tremendous gift

06-25-2016, 04:03 PM
Obama is a POS. Not that I haven't told everyone that like a few times or a thousand by now.


What a gift to the Republican Party. No sooner had Britons made their historic vote for independence than Donald Trump — already in Scotland — declared that they have “taken their country back” and called it a “great thing.”

The next move ought to be for Trump to set a meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan to talk about moving Britain to the front of the queue. They need to make sure Britons know that America will not be punishing them for their vote.

A clear message from the GOP leadership on this would start to repair the damage of President Obama’s threat that if Britain voted to exit the European Union, it would land at the “back of the queue” for a trade deal with America.

That threat no doubt helped set the stage for the turmoil in the financial markets, which have sent stocks and the pound plunging and gold soaring. It’s a moment for the GOP to stress Brexit’s upside for Britain and America and, in the long run, Europe.

It would help were Obama and Hillary Clinton to play a supportive, happy role. They both said they respected the British decision. Obama made similar noises after, for example, the Republican sweep of the 2014 midterms — only to promptly ignore the voters.
