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View Full Version : Trump praises Saddam, criticizes Bush

07-05-2016, 10:56 PM

Donald Trump on Tuesday once again expressed his preference for keeping dictators in power in the Middle East.While acknowledging that Saddam Hussein "was a bad guy," Trump praised the former Iraqi dictator's efficient killing of "terrorists" -- despite the fact that Iraq was listed as a state sponsor of terrorism during Hussein's time in power.

Trump, who supported the Iraq War before the invasion and in the early months of the war, said the U.S. "shouldn't have destabilized" Iraq before pivoting to praising Hussein.
"He was a bad guy -- really bad guy. But you know what? He did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn't read them the rights. They didn't talk. They were terrorists. Over. Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism," Trump said.


07-06-2016, 06:23 AM


Isn't that what you libs have been doing all along??? Now you want to criticize Trump for doing the same? Gabby, your posts rival some of Nazi Germany's finest propaganda! Next you will be telling us it's all the Jew's fault and we should boycott their businesses (at least until we can get the ovens fired up).

07-06-2016, 06:53 AM
My gawd the left has become so Desperate. can they dig anymore from the bottom of the garbage dump?

the LameStream medias should all be Ignored. there is one mission and that's to keep the Obama in a pantsuit (Hillary or who ever they throw up there) and her goon party of Fascist, control freaks and Thugs out of taking over our white house.

get out and vote vote vote

07-06-2016, 07:14 AM


I see you're playing games with context, Gabby .. and in an obvious way.

Saddam enjoyed the fawning support of one George Galloway. He was a LEFTIE who heaped praise on Saddam !!

Perhaps you'd forgotten about that ?

07-06-2016, 07:19 AM
Useful tools are so sad and all for Political party who just craps all over them behind their backs.

07-06-2016, 07:42 AM
So what exactly is trump trying to get out of making a statement like 'hey at,east this dictator was good at killing people'? I mean, what is the possible motivation to be intentionality make these kinda comments =/

07-06-2016, 07:52 AM
So what exactly is trump trying to get out of making a statement like 'hey at,east this dictator was good at killing people'? I mean, what is the possible motivation to be intentionality make these kinda comments =/

what difference does it make? some understand where he was going with it, some don't. how is that a big deal?

and by the way, Hi my dear. good to see ya, long time.

07-06-2016, 08:01 AM
what difference does it make? some understand where he was going with it, some don't. how is that a big deal?

and by the way, Hi my dear. good to see ya, long time.

Hello indeed, long time no argue ;D

so for someone like myself who doesn't understand why these sort of comments are helpful, please explain why.

07-06-2016, 08:04 AM
Watching the left stick up for Bush trying to fool the people over what Trump, actually said: has got them all twisted into a pretzel. Oh and it's a hoot watching it all. Folks need to start contacting these MEDIAS about the dishonesty with their titles and stories they are Making up to help the other party. time to get angry

07-06-2016, 08:16 AM
Hello indeed, long time no argue ;D

so for someone like myself who doesn't understand why these sort of comments are helpful, please explain why.

I didn't listen to it all dear, I just heard a sound bite. But believe me the people here are sick of this stupid, petty and dumb stuff like this from the DNC and Media lapdogs. it means nothing in the big scheme of our lives where polls show the important thing to the people are: jobs, the Economy, rampant Illegal Immigrants being dumped and allow to cross our boarder's, this Federal Government Corrupted to the smelly core of their beings, etc etc.
Hope that helps dear.

07-06-2016, 08:29 AM
when they make up stuff like this to DISTRACT off the corrupted Hillary and her being investigated for months now and everyone knows she should have BEEN CHARGED. Just throw her back at them. don't let them do this .

I thought this was a good article if anyone is interested:

So the Hillary Indictment Will Have to Come From Us
Townhall.com ^ | July 5, 2016 | Mark Davis

Posted on ‎7‎/‎6‎/‎2016‎ ‎8‎:‎10‎:‎29‎

It was quite the spectacle, and quite the damning litany of charges against Hillary Clinton. And after sharing them for several minutes, formerly respected FBI Director James Comey told us that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

I am familiar with several reasonable prosecutors who would have been glad to do it if the lifting is a little too heavy for Comey, who started his remarks as a straight-arrow law-and-order figure and a quarter-hour later earned his card in the Hillary Clinton protection racket.

To be clear, since the FBI Director seems a little fuzzy: Hillary Clinton knowingly mishandled documents of varying sensitivities. There are no mind-readers immediately available to affirm criminal intent, but this is why we have trials and juries, a route that is now closed by the protective wall erected by Comey and his new cover-up partner, Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

But we know what she did. We know she crafted an e-mail pathway that routed government materials, some classified, through her private server. We know that server was then placed into the care of a private company, and then the server’s contents were transferred to her private lawyers.

By Comey’s own admission in his own statement, before he revealed his willingness to run interference for her, the FBI will never know the full contents of willfully deleted e-mails because of their time in the custody of Hillary’s paid advocates: “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that they did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all e-mails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”

But again, no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

We know that Secretary Clinton did not have the authority to remove classified material from secure locations, but she did it anyway. She has refused to reveal who on God’s earth might have ever told her this was permitted. The absence of an answer is due to the fact that it is not permitted.

But we are told no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.

Comey gladly shepherded reasonable prosecutors to an indictment and eventual conviction of former CIA Director David Petraeus, based on many of the same sins of commission and omission. Both came under the microscope because of what they did and what they did not do.

Petraeus' is an admittedly easier case in view of the ability to divine intent based on certain known personal matters ancillary to his actions. But with Mrs. Clinton, all we have is a historically secretive figure with a record of decades of scandal leaving trail after trail of wonderment as to whether she has skated on several episodes of wrongdoing. An indictment in the server matter should not be based on retroactive curiosity or bad blood, but no one was looking for the FBI to convict, or even to indict. Shoot, we didn’t even need Comey to actually recommend an indictment. But by the measure of all that is right in a just and ethical system, he should not have dissuaded one.

It would have been acceptable for him to share the powerful list of Hillary Clinton's misdeeds, concluding by saying, “This is what we have found, but the FBI does not bring charges. We find facts. We hereby place these facts into the proper hands at the Justice Department, and await their judgment along with the rest of the public.”

Of course, the hands at DOJ are far from proper. They belong to Loretta Lynch, and they were last observed clasping the hands of Bill Clinton in a tarmac powwow so brazenly stupid that it could only occur among people who consider themselves untouchable.

So now it is time to prove them wrong. Now it is time for American voters to take up the duty the system has chosen to shirk.

Hillary Clinton will beam this week as she runs countless victory laps at the news of this judicial stonewall. But there is a day of reckoning coming on November 8. And the question now becomes: Will voters deliver the accountability we have been denied from our justice system?

No jury will see the case of Hillary Clinton’s reckless endangerment of national security. But we are empaneled as a nation to deliver a verdict on Election Day that could be even more resounding.

A jury trial may well have leaned in her favor. We must make sure the election does not. It is mightily frustrating to see justice corrupted. I have come to expect it from the Obama White House. Even if Comey had said this has indictment written all over it, that would have been no guarantee that Lynch would have pursued it. But this incoherent moment from Comey should not dispirit those who care about consequences. Let it energize us.

Let us use Comey’s own words to hand Mrs. Clinton an indictment for the ages. Let us memorize the text of his statement, with its stunning evidence of her unfitness for the presidency, and use it in arguing before the court of public opinion.

all of the article here:
Townhall.com ^

07-06-2016, 10:21 AM
Ah, Stephanie. Nice attempt at deflection and obfuscation, but Trump's points remain. I think this is his attempt at appealing to the liberal left. Since we have been saying these things all along.

For those that either didn't get Trump's message, or refuse to consider such, this is what he said:
"Saddam was a horrible man and a total nutcase, but he did a great job keeping Islamic terrorism out of Iraq. Being a secular dictator and all, Saddam did not condone religious extremism of any kind. He has the terrorists going until that idiot Bush went in and deposed him. Now Iraq is the Mother of all Terrorist Nations! Saddam bad, Bush also bad."

This is your new leader, GOP folks. Willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to advance his own cause.

07-06-2016, 11:20 AM
I wondered why every time I woke up in the past few days, I was seeing Trump and these remarks. Now I understand a bit more and glad to see I was right in how I remember Saddam as not so much a terrorist fighter:


07-06-2016, 12:31 PM
On any other day someone besides trump talking like that about would be branded a leftie. :confused:

He sounds like that crazy Ron Paul.

The US/NATO invasion of Libya was supposed to be another cakewalk, the interventionists promised. But it turned out just like Iraq! Now, after “liberation,” Islamic radicals like ISIS and al-Qaeda have a strong foothold there. Clearly, the world would be a better place today with Saddam Hussein still in power. The only workable way to bring democracy and liberty to the Middle East is through persuasion, not violence.

Johnson opposed the Iraq War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War) since its beginning,[4] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Gary_Johnson#cite_note-natrev-4) and called for the American presence in Iraq (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq) to end.[30] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Gary_Johnson#cite_note-30) He says that because "Saddam Hussein (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddam_Hussein) has been out of power in Iraq for nearly eight years," American troops "must leave so Iraq can have a chance to grow into a responsible member of the world community."[23] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_positions_of_Gary_Johnson#cite_note-gjfp-23)


Up is down; right is left.

07-06-2016, 12:55 PM
Ah, Stephanie. Nice attempt at deflection and obfuscation, but Trump's points remain. I think this is his attempt at appealing to the liberal left. Since we have been saying these things all along.

For those that either didn't get Trump's message, or refuse to consider such, this is what he said:
"Saddam was a horrible man and a total nutcase, but he did a great job keeping Islamic terrorism out of Iraq. Being a secular dictator and all, Saddam did not condone religious extremism of any kind. He has the terrorists going until that idiot Bush went in and deposed him. Now Iraq is the Mother of all Terrorist Nations! Saddam bad, Bush also bad."

This is your new leader, GOP folks. Willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to advance his own cause.

and that chaps your leftist butts how? didn't you all castigate Bush over Iraq? and if anything saddam did take care of the Terrorist. unfortunately it also included his own people. that was the reason given for the war. which by the way, Trump DIDN'T SUPPORT and Hillary VOTED FOR IT. it's such a shame you people don't have anything but lies, dirt and smears. where is their PLANS. their agenda how they plan on saving us all? isn't that what you all demand from the Republicans. it's sad to see you're still a tool for that party

07-06-2016, 01:03 PM
... the war. which by the way, Trump DIDN'T SUPPORT ...


There is no evidence that we could find, however, that he spoke against the war before it started, although we did find he expressed early concerns about the cost and direction of the war a few months after it started.Others have looked, but no one else — including PolitiFact (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/06/donald-trump/donald-trump-overstates-his-early-opposition-iraq-/) and the Washington Post Fact Checker (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/10/21/donald-trumps-baseless-claim-that-the-bush-white-house-tried-to-silence-his-iraq-war-opposition-in-2003/) — has been able to find any evidence to support his claims, either. Now, BuzzFeed reports that Trump indicated his support for war in a radio interview (http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/in-2002-donald-trump-said-he-supported-invading-iraq-on-the#.kyoqgyZVmX) with shock jock Howard Stern on Sept. 11, 2002 — a little more than six months before the war started.
Stern asked Trump directly if he supported going to war with Iraq, and Trump hesitantly responded, “Yeah, I guess so.”

07-06-2016, 01:07 PM
ok they want to play he dirty politics let get at it. this is the company that party keeps. You want the party of anti-Semites that would be this Democrat party that Gabs finds so appealing. get this:
The Council Hillary Keeps: Son of Advisor Sidney Blumenthal Defames Elie Wiesel

He is pure hate.

While the Hillary Clinton camp routinely brands Donald Trump and his supporters anti-Semites, we think it worthwhile to continue exposing Clinton's own virulently anti-Semitic connections -- namely Max Blumenthal, son of longtime Clinton acolyte Sydney Blumenthal.

During the Holocaust, there was a small, but powerful contingent of Jewish people who turned on their lonsmen, betraying them to the Nazis. They sold out their Jewish brethren to butchers for what they believed would be great reward.

Sadly, such turncoats still exist and a prime example is Max Blumenthal.

While Jewish by birth, Blumenthal is an anti-Semite of the highest order, well-known for his rabid anti-Israel views and praise for Hamas murderers. Even the liberal-leaning Telegraph recently published excerpts derived from an undercover recording in which the younger Blumenthal incites hatred against the Jewish people and promotes a Hamas-led genocide against the Jewish State.

The Telegraph's article focused on how the British government ceased funding a so-called "charity" -- dubbed the "War on Want" -- which turned out to be purely anti-Semitic (bold emphasis added):

The Department for International Development (Dfid) said that it no longer supported War on Want, which helped pay for “Israeli Apartheid Week” in February this year.

The statement comes as the Telegraph obtained undercover recordings of events where anti-Semitism, demands for the destruction of Israel or naked support for terror were expressed by academics and others at meetings in some of Britain’s most prestigious universities.

One speaker, Max Blumenthal, the son of a close adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, praised a massacre by Hamas as sending an “incredible message” and said that taking up arms should be “normal” for Palestinians. He compared Israel to the terrorist group Isil, describing it as “the Jewish State of Israel and the Levant, Jsil”.

During that event, Blumenthal was featured alongside another speaker who promoted the blood libel that Israelis harvest Palestinians’ organs.

Unfortunately, this self-loathing subversive is back in the public eye, penning scurrilous attacks -- both in op-ed form and via social media -- about recently deceased Holocaust-survivor and Nobel laureate, Elie Wiesel.

all of the article here:

07-06-2016, 08:18 PM
Ah, Stephanie. Nice attempt at deflection and obfuscation, but Trump's points remain. I think this is his attempt at appealing to the liberal left. Since we have been saying these things all along.

For those that either didn't get Trump's message, or refuse to consider such, this is what he said:
"Saddam was a horrible man and a total nutcase, but he did a great job keeping Islamic terrorism out of Iraq. Being a secular dictator and all, Saddam did not condone religious extremism of any kind. He has the terrorists going until that idiot Bush went in and deposed him. Now Iraq is the Mother of all Terrorist Nations! Saddam bad, Bush also bad."

This is your new leader, GOP folks. Willing to throw anyone and everyone under the bus to advance his own cause.

Gabby. Some of us find it ironic, and nearly absurd that YOU would make such charges against Trump when...YOU YOURSELF probably said the very same things while Bush was in office.
Once again. Your Hypocrisy, and absolute Liberal ignorance is SHOWING.