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View Full Version : Production Lines Have To Stop So Muslims Can Pray

red states rule
07-24-2007, 04:46 PM
How much more of this bullshit do we have to take from Muslims demanding special treatment?

Jul 22, 5:22 PM EDT

Muslim Workers in Neb. Allege Harassment

Associated Press Writer

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -- Supervisors at a meatpacking plant have fired or harassed dozens of Somali Muslim employees for trying to pray at sunset, violating civil rights laws, the workers and their advocates say.

The five- to 10-minute prayer, known as the maghrib, must be done within a 45-minute window around sunset, according to Muslim rules. The workers at the Swift & Co. plant in Grand Island say they quit, were fired or were verbally and physically harassed over the issue.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has drafted a complaint to be filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The petition compiles testimony from at least 44 workers who had planned to sign the complaint during a meeting Sunday. The signing was changed to a later date because of a logistical problem.

Jama Mohamed, 28, said he was fired in June for leaving a production line to pray. Supervisors would not allow him a break, he said.

"Some of them took the (prayer) mat from me; they started shouting, they started telling me to stop it, and one of them grabbed me by the collar of my shirt," Mohamed said through an interpreter.

"I was crying at the time this was happening to me, and when I finished I told them while they were doing that I was in the middle of a prayer."

Mohamed said he was then called to an office, where a supervisor fired him.

Mohamed Rage, chairman of the Omaha Somali-American Community Organization, said Swift had fired at least two dozen workers for praying since May.

Donald Selzer, an attorney for Greeley, Colo.-based Swift, said only three Somali workers were fired for reasons relating to the issue, and that it was for walking off the line without permission, not for praying.

Unscheduled breaks can force unplanned shutdowns of lines, Selzer said.

"That is a significant number of employees, and there is not much of a way to accommodate that consistent with keeping the production online," he said.

The complaint reprises issues that boiled over in May, when 120 Somali workers abruptly quit for similar reasons. About 70 returned a week later, but union officials worried the issue would resurface through the late spring as sunset came later in the evening shift.

"For three days it was all good and we were praying; there was no hassle, no interference, nothing at all," said Ali Schire, 30, who said he returned to the plant but was later fired for trying to pray.

"All of a sudden after three days it just all got loose, and they were suspending people, they were firing people," Schire said through an interpreter. "Some of the people even had to give up praying at all for fear of being fired."

Said Selzer: "These people are absolutely entitled to pray, and they should not be interfered with for doing so. But on the other hand, the only situations that I've been made aware of are people that walk off the job without permission, and that's a different kind of an issue."

Dan Hoppes, president of Local 22 of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, said he had not heard of many Somali workers being fired or harassed since May. Prayer breaks are not in the contract, he said, but he hopes to revisit the issue in negotiations in 2010.


07-24-2007, 04:50 PM
They shouldn't walk off thir job in order to pray unless it's during a break. That can really cost a company money and mess up production. I don't advocate the use of violence or harassment though.

red states rule
07-24-2007, 04:52 PM
They shouldn't walk off thir job in order to pray unless it's during a break. That can really cost a company money and mess up production. I don't advocate the use of violence or harassment though.

You have time you smoking with your breaks - you can do so when you want to pray

I am tired of Muslims demanding special treatment

07-24-2007, 07:39 PM
no muslim will ever do surgery on me, that is for sure

07-24-2007, 07:41 PM
no muslim will ever do surgery on me, that is for sure

:laugh2: Why is that? :laugh2:

07-24-2007, 07:42 PM
You have time you smoking with your breaks - you can do so when you want to pray

I am tired of Muslims demanding special treatment

I completly agree with you but it doesn't need to resort to violence, they have feelings too.......For the most part.

red states rule
07-24-2007, 07:53 PM
I completly agree with you but it doesn't need to resort to violence, they have feelings too.......For the most part.

They are Mexico's biggest export

07-24-2007, 08:04 PM
infidels, you're all infidels

07-24-2007, 08:53 PM
My Mum had a saying: "give them an inch, and they'll take a mile". There have always been arabs/ muslims at Ford plants and they never stopped production to bend over for allah.

red states rule
07-24-2007, 08:54 PM
My Mum had a saying: "give them an inch, and they'll take a mile". There have always been arabs/ muslims at Ford plants and they never stopped production to bend over for allah.

but libs are bending over for the Muslims

Hugh Lincoln
07-24-2007, 08:55 PM
no muslim will ever do surgery on me, that is for sure

I hope not, but they do perform it occasionally. Without anasthetic, with a big sword, and in front of a camera while screaming about Allah.

07-24-2007, 08:56 PM
My Mum had a saying: "give them an inch, and they'll take a mile". There have always been arabs/ muslims at Ford plants and they never stopped production to bend over for allah.

Obama want's to give them an inch......... :laugh2:

red states rule
07-24-2007, 08:59 PM
Obama want's to give them an inch......... :laugh2:

More like he wants to give them most of Amercia

07-24-2007, 09:01 PM
I hope not, but they do perform it occasionally. Without anasthetic, with a big sword, and in front of a camera while screaming about Allah.

they're trying to get to the head of the class...

07-24-2007, 09:02 PM
I hope not, but they do perform it occasionally. Without anasthetic, with a big sword, and in front of a camera while screaming about Allah.
Wasn't it 8 muzy doctors that did the latest terrorist thing in the UK?

07-24-2007, 09:02 PM
they're trying to get to the head of the class...

You should get a Muslim Proctologist! :laugh2:

07-24-2007, 09:04 PM
You should get a Muslim Proctologist! :laugh2:

baaaa, baaaa baaaad boy

07-24-2007, 09:05 PM
Wasn't it 8 muzy doctors that did the latest terrorist thing in the UK?

they were certified neck surgeons with a speciality in massive hemoradial in farctions occurring in the populace....

07-24-2007, 09:07 PM
baaaa, baaaa baaaad boy

Just make sure to tell him whatever goes up there better be cold! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

07-24-2007, 09:09 PM
Just make sure to tell him whatever goes up there better be cold! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

good lord...

07-24-2007, 09:12 PM
good lord...

And hope he isn't near sighted...............:laugh2:

07-26-2007, 12:59 AM
:lame2: If they want to do that crap they can do it in the country they came from where a job will let them off for that time. But other than that Americans don't get special breaks why should these clowns?? :lame2:

red states rule
07-26-2007, 04:02 AM
:lame2: If they want to do that crap they can do it in the country they came from where a job will let them off for that time. But other than that Americans don't get special breaks why should these clowns?? :lame2:

Now you did it. The left will call you a racist

07-27-2007, 01:39 AM
Now you did it. The left will call you a racist


Sorry guys and gals would have been on hours ago but work has been a total fuster cluck. Tonight I definatly earned my pay I can say that much...

Pale Rider
07-27-2007, 03:00 AM

Sorry guys and gals would have been on hours ago but work has been a total fuster cluck. Tonight I definatly earned my pay I can say that much...

And I'll bet you worked without walking off the job for ten minutes kissing the floor with your ass up in the air too.

Fuck these muslims. This prayer stuff is pure bullshit. They can do all of it they want, ON THEIR OWN TIME, but when they're at work and they're "on the clock," they either do their job, or they get fired. The business has every right to fire them.

red states rule
07-27-2007, 04:21 AM
And I'll bet you worked without walking off the job for ten minutes kissing the floor with your ass up in the air too.

Fuck these muslims. This prayer stuff is pure bullshit. They can do all of it they want, ON THEIR OWN TIME, but when they're at work and they're "on the clock," they either do their job, or they get fired. The business has every right to fire them.

or if you are a Muslim cabbie and you refused to pick up a passenger with a dog

or if you are a Muslim checkout clerk and you refused to touch pork products

Oh wait, both has happened and they were NOT fired

What the hell is going on?

Pale Rider
07-27-2007, 03:53 PM
or if you are a Muslim cabbie and you refused to pick up a passenger with a dog

or if you are a Muslim checkout clerk and you refused to touch pork products

Oh wait, both has happened and they were NOT fired

What the hell is going on?

I'll tell you what's going on... there's to much PC in this country, and everyone has been HORSE WHIPPED into believing that to OFFEND someone is the ULTIMATE SIN. Well I say BULLSHIT!!! These foreigners have come into OUR country, and they are MAKING us bend to THEIR WILL, and it AIN'T RIGHT.

FUCK 'EM. FUCK 'EM ALL! I live to piss off illegals and muslims. I'd like nothing more than for one of them to take a swing at me so I could beat them to a bloody pulp. I'm SICK of them, and I'm SICK of the way the American people have been acting. It's time we stood up to this bullshit and said ENOUGH!! This is America. You either do things our way while you're here, OR GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

07-27-2007, 04:29 PM
I'll tell you what's going on... there's to much PC in this country, and everyone has been HORSE WHIPPED into believing that to OFFEND someone is the ULTIMATE SIN. Well I say BULLSHIT!!! These foreigners have come into OUR country, and they are MAKING us bend to THEIR WILL, and it AIN'T RIGHT.

FUCK 'EM. FUCK 'EM ALL! I live to piss off illegals and muslims. I'd like nothing more than for one of them to take a swing at me so I could beat them to a bloody pulp. I'm SICK of them, and I'm SICK of the way the American people have been acting. It's time we stood up to this bullshit and said enough. This is America. You either do things our way while you're here, OR GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

While some may call you crude or insensitive, MUSLIMS do the SAME with non muslims. Mexico does the same with non mexicans. But no, for some freakin reason, we are the bigots, racists, red necks. While they are just "protecting" their country/religion.


07-27-2007, 06:50 PM
While some may call you crude or insensitive, MUSLIMS do the SAME with non muslims. Mexico does the same with non mexicans. But no, for some freakin reason, we are the bigots, racists, red necks. While they are just "protecting" their country/religion.


Mexican's, I think everyone should own one! :laugh2:

red states rule
07-27-2007, 07:37 PM
I'll tell you what's going on... there's to much PC in this country, and everyone has been HORSE WHIPPED into believing that to OFFEND someone is the ULTIMATE SIN. Well I say BULLSHIT!!! These foreigners have come into OUR country, and they are MAKING us bend to THEIR WILL, and it AIN'T RIGHT.

FUCK 'EM. FUCK 'EM ALL! I live to piss off illegals and muslims. I'd like nothing more than for one of them to take a swing at me so I could beat them to a bloody pulp. I'm SICK of them, and I'm SICK of the way the American people have been acting. It's time we stood up to this bullshit and said ENOUGH!! This is America. You either do things our way while you're here, OR GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

and don't let the door hit them in the ass on the way OUT

red states rule
07-27-2007, 07:38 PM
Mexican's, I think everyone should own one! :laugh2:

Just one?:mad: