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View Full Version : Paul Ryan: Hillary Should Be Blocked From Seeing Classified Info

07-07-2016, 05:27 AM
She mishandled GROSSLY the classified information at her disposal. She should now be blocked from having a 2nd chance of doing so. Looks great for democrats wanting to elect someone who deservedly should have classified access revoked. And it's not just sour grapes, this is 100% the truth, based on history and our laws.

Hillary Clinton should be blocked from receiving classified information during the presidential campaign in light of FBI Director James Comey's scathing report on her private email server, says House Speaker Paul Ryan.

yan on Tuesday told Fox News Channel's "The Kelly File" that he received classified briefings himself four years ago following the GOP convention at which he was named Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate.

Though Comey outlined how Clinton and her staff were careless with classified information when she was secretary of state by sending sensitive information over Clinton's private email server, he did not recommend prosecution because he said no intent to endanger U.S. security was found.

Ryan noted that Comey did say, however, that such actions typically bring about other penalties, such as loss of access to classified material. Ryan said the director of National Intelligence (DNI) should do just that and deny Clinton access to classified information while she is the Democratic nominee for president.
"If she becomes president, that's one thing," he said, "but I don't think she should get classified information, and I think the DNI should block it."

Comey also should turn over all the information he used to reach his conclusions to Congress, he added.
