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07-07-2016, 09:02 AM
Is this a good sign perhaps? That maybe they can all work together? I sure hope so. The GOP is going up against a party with no morals and no care in the world in who they vote for, so long as they get the power - even if that means electing a known criminal, one who perhaps may not even have security clearance!!!

He apparently didn't win everyone over, and still talked of Iraq/Saddam and such. He's pandering and trying to reach out to 'everyone', and that I'm not overly thrilled about.


200 House Republicans show up to meet Trump

CNBC personality Larry Kudlow introduces the presumptive nominee

House Republicans came face-to-face Thursday morning for the first time with Donald J. Trump. And most seemed to like what they saw.

The billionaire real estate tycoon met with the full House GOP conference at Republican National Committee headquarters, as Republicans try to suppress their displeasure with his controversial campaign and rally behind Trump before the GOP convention this month.


Abbey Marie
07-07-2016, 09:23 AM
Running for office is really a lot like a job interview. I don't know about you, but if I really want a job, I'll tell my interviewer what I think they want to hear to a point. I fully intend to do very good work if I get the job. I don't think it's so bad.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-07-2016, 09:46 AM
Running for office is really a lot like a job interview. I don't know about you, but if I really want a job, I'll tell my interviewer what I think they want to hear to a point. I fully intend to do very good work if I get the job. I don't think it's so bad.

His biggest problem is his desire to reverse course (destroy much of the obama agenda)--too many REPUBLICANS elected officials do not want the course reversed in Washington.
As they too, are happy with the bloated pie they get to eat now..
Add in foreign powers(our nation's enemies, globalists,etc.) that want this nation on its disastrous course set by obama and its a formidable
task to win even if the majority of Americans despise the current state of affairs.
If Hillary wins, best to plan on how you will try to survive-as this nation will fall--and likely in less than 10/15 years.
And that is the most optimistic estimation of time.
Myself, I think 8 years or less is closer to the truth.
And who knows how much more national destruction the traitor obama will engineer before he leaves office?
My guess is that it will be a massive amount.
Surely as much as he can get by with, for he dearly hates this nation , this "muslim-in-hiding" maggot.....-Tyr

07-07-2016, 10:35 AM
After this election I will no longer be a Registered Republican. I don't want to belong to a party that acts like the Democrat party and who I find many now (Ryan, McConnell, etc) to be Traitors.

ole Pollutico (the mouthpiece/hitman for the DNC) had an article about it and of course it injected in it just how many Republicans didn't show because of OTHER engagements.

07-07-2016, 10:49 AM
After this election I will no longer be a Registered Republican. I don't want to belong to a party that acts like the Democrat party and who I find many now (Ryan, McConnell, etc) to be Traitors.

ole Pollutico (the mouthpiece/hitman for the DNC) had an article about it and of course it injected in it just how many Republicans didn't show because of OTHER engagements.

I'm not far behind you. :(

I watched friends here and in "real life" that are bailing for various reasons, but obviously still want to win the WH to ensure the SC stays with reality, and Hillary can't further stomp on the COTUS.

I don't think my issue is just with the GOP though as it is with the entire government. I literally have lost faith, especially in the justice system. Do the people really have as much of a say as I used to think? Do laws even count anymore? And not even just this email crap. The government feels like the mafia anymore and seemingly can do whatever the hell they want, and monitor themselves, and live there forever. :(

07-07-2016, 12:33 PM
I'm not far behind you. :(

I watched friends here and in "real life" that are bailing for various reasons, but obviously still want to win the WH to ensure the SC stays with reality, and Hillary can't further stomp on the COTUS.

I don't think my issue is just with the GOP though as it is with the entire government. I literally have lost faith, especially in the justice system. Do the people really have as much of a say as I used to think? Do laws even count anymore? And not even just this email crap. The government feels like the mafia anymore and seemingly can do whatever the hell they want, and monitor themselves, and live there forever. :(

what choice do we have? I will register Independent, and the Republicans will have to work hard to convince me they are on OUR SIDE and not just more worried over losing their jobs.
And of course, I would still rather a Republican (at least for now and surly against Hillary) for President, than a Democrat. I find that WHOLE party has been infiltrated by American hating Traitors. Seeing them act like bully children having sit-ins, so they can STEP all over US and our Second Amendment rights because of some Muslim Terrorist who went and shot up some homosexual night club. TRAITORS

Sending out their Violent gangs like the BLM, OWS, now they have the Illegal immigrants in there and La'Raza mixed in, out to harass, agitate, disrupt our LIVES and some times our Livelihoods, with our children watching them throw eggs on women, etc. How anyone can still belong to such a party has to be sick in their minds. I don't see anything good coming our way, especially with the citizens today who doesn't have a clue who their Vice President is and can fall for the lies of a man like Obama and put him as our President.

07-07-2016, 04:00 PM
Is this a good sign perhaps? That maybe they can all work together? I sure hope so. The GOP is going up against a party with no morals and no care in the world in who they vote for, so long as they get the power - even if that means electing a known criminal, one who perhaps may not even have security clearance!!!

He apparently didn't win everyone over, and still talked of Iraq/Saddam and such. He's pandering and trying to reach out to 'everyone', and that I'm not overly thrilled about.


200 House Republicans show up to meet Trump

CNBC personality Larry Kudlow introduces the presumptive nominee

House Republicans came face-to-face Thursday morning for the first time with Donald J. Trump. And most seemed to like what they saw.

The billionaire real estate tycoon met with the full House GOP conference at Republican National Committee headquarters, as Republicans try to suppress their displeasure with his controversial campaign and rally behind Trump before the GOP convention this month.


Back from the doc reading a bit. Why when Hillary and her lies are top stories, why threaten Flake and bitch at Kirk? Take the reporters lights off Hillary, off unity and throw a new story out there?

He doesn't want win.

07-07-2016, 04:19 PM
I heard on Fox some time back they will talk turkey with Trump as long as he doesn't pay his self back for the campaign $$$ he spent. hmm

IMO as far as the GOP goes they can all drop fuckin' dead

07-09-2016, 03:54 AM
After months of hearing that not voting Trump is a vote for Hillary, it seems fair to jump in and criticize the campaign a bit. Normally I'd find it a waste of time, since of having no skin in his game why should I? However, since I also intensely dislike Hillary and don't want either to win, must say I can't find any explanation for what the Trump campaign is doing by ignoring what's been set before them in the past two weeks.

Between Benghazi report and Comey's announcement then appearance before oversight, the ads write themselves. So far, nothing:




http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2016/07/07/trumps_capitol_hill_visit_fails_to_bring_party_uni ty.html

07-09-2016, 01:55 PM
I certainly do not mean this to be disrespectful to anyone, but do as you please.

Me? I am not one to jump ship just because things get rough. I've been
registered Republican since I was first able to vote. But my view has been
as that of a Moderate until this Obama / Hillary / Bill train wreck blocked the tracks.

I've voted across party boundaries often, looking at the person rather than the
rhetoric for the good of Our People and not some frikkin' party.

07-09-2016, 02:44 PM
I certainly do not mean this to be disrespectful to anyone, but do as you please.

Me? I am not one to jump ship just because things get rough. I've been
registered Republican since I was first able to vote. But my view has been
as that of a Moderate until this Obama / Hillary / Bill train wreck blocked the tracks.

I've voted across party boundaries often, looking at the person rather than the
rhetoric for the good of Our People and not some frikkin' party.

I am not a Republican. I have been a registered independent since 79. The shame is whatever they're holding over Comey's head that made him squeak like a mouse. She should be indicted.

I bet you couldn't get a pardon out of her for doing the same thing when she found out you're a Republican.

07-09-2016, 02:55 PM
I am not a Republican. I have been a registered independent since 79. The shame is whatever they're holding over Comey's head that made him squeak like a mouse. She should be indicted.

I bet you couldn't get a pardon out of her for doing the same thing when she found out you're a Republican.

No...I would not from that saddle-bagged bitch. But I am smarter than her and adhered to rules,
regulations, and Law that I swore to Protect and Defend. <-----She has no regard for those 3 words
as far as I can tell.