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View Full Version : And This Guy Supports Trump

07-07-2016, 07:34 PM
Sees what I've been saying, including about this morning's 'unity' meeting with Senate:


07-07-2016, 07:51 PM
Laugh if you must, but IF I (aboutime) had the money, and the recognition to do so. I would do exactly as TRUMP has been doing...and the name calling...TELLING THE TRUTH, would be enough to garner the support Trump now gets.

You see. I had a conversation with my father, back in the early 1950's, shortly after I began attending school, and was having trouble with reading, and my memory over the daily Homework in math, and English. But with his help. He reminded me (then), how I should not worry, and always do my best to succeed in everything I will do. Big words for a little guy at the time. But he also told me I could grow to become WHATEVER I WANTED IN LIFE....Even President!

So, here I am in my Seventh Decade. Wishing I could afford to take the GIANT STEP, and run for the highest office in the land. But....since I obviously can't, and won't. TRUMP will be my surrogate.

I love this country so much. I would still give my life to keeping it a STRONG AMERICA.