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View Full Version : MN Governor: Man wouldn't have been shot and killed if he were white

07-08-2016, 12:21 AM
Why do so many of these "unjustified" officer-involved shooting happen where the controlling political party is Democrat?

I heard this broadcast today. It was the first I'd heard of police shooting someone in Minnesota, I'd never heard of the incident until that broadcast.

From the way the Governor was going on and on about how it was clearly a racist act by the police, I figured it must have happened months ago, the investigation had finally been completed, and the evidence clearly showed an unjustifiable shooting by the cops.

But no, the shooting had happened less than 24 hours previously. It's impossible that any conclusions could have been reached, any investigation even started. Nobody could possibly know enough about what happened, to say what the cop was thinking, details of exactly what happened and in what sequence, etc.

So why was the Minn governor yelling haw racist it was? How could he possibly know?

What exactly DID happen, anyway? Did the cop pull the guy over for a malfunctioning taillight, and as the guy sat calmly talking to the cop, the cop pulled out his gun and shot him for no reason? The Governor made it sound that way, but gave no details. And now we know he couldn't have known any such details, yet.

Or did the guy suddenly reach under his jacket as the cop approached, and jerked out something that looked shiny and metallic? I have no idea. But if he had, maybe that's why the copy started shooting? If so, that might have been justified.

Again, I have no idea what happened. But neither does anyone else in public. So why is everybody shouting that the cops are a bunch of hate-filled racists?

At this point, I'd have to say that most of the people doing the shouting, are the hate-filled racists. They are screaming for the cops (all of them) to be tarred and feathered, or worse. Despite the fact that the shootings might have been fully justified.

It must be a lot of fun to suddenly start shouting "racist!!!". So many people are suddenly doing it, with no evidence or justification, just with minds empty of fact and full of hatred.

And why on Earth is the Governor doing the same? Shouldn't he be a moderating influence, a leader who calms everybody down so the experts can go in and reconstruct exactly what happened? Then maybe we will have a good reason to call someone a racist.

But right now, we have no such reason - except the insane desire to hate somebody and string 'em up.

And the governor, instead of being a leader, seems to be joining the hysterical mob instead.



'Appalled': Minnesota Governor Says Philando Castile Would Be Alive If He Were White

by Alex Johnson
July 7, 2016

An "appalled" Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton said Thursday that police wouldn't have shot and killed Philando Castile if he'd been white and called for justice "with the greatest sense of time urgency."

Castile, who was about to turn 33, was killed Wednesday during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, a suburb of the Twin Cities. He died at a hospital after the incident, which occurred about 9 p.m. (10 p.m. ET) Wednesday.

Dayton said Castile would be alive if he hadn't been black, adding that the shooting demonstrated a troubling pattern of racism among some Minnesota law enforcement officers.

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver were white?" he asked. "I don't think it would have."

07-08-2016, 06:04 AM
As always, you say exactly what I am thinking. Apparently, the norm these days is to jump to some conclusion based on political expediency rather than making any judgment based on fact. This particular incident is just one of many. The short attention span of the public, coupled with inept, incompetent and corrupt national leadership exacerbates the problem.

07-08-2016, 06:20 AM
Those taking youtube videos as 'fact' are creating the atmosphere. I don't have a clue if the MN shooting was right or wrong, there just isn't enough info, not for me or anyone else, including the governor.

The shooting in LA looks very wrong, but everyone deserves their day in court. If it's as bad as it appears, police are held to a higher standard and should pay the price.

None of these incidents justify what transpired last night in Dallas.

07-08-2016, 06:32 AM
can you imagine living under a elected ass/so called leader who comes out and picks on a white person because of an incident like this.?

wth is going with this open display of racism and hostility towards one segment of the people in this country and the people just sit back and take it.

the Democrat party and Obama are sitting back toasting each other. they Their race baiting and hate such as that governor spewed is now PAYING OFF. what a fccked up country ObamaNation has become. someone gets killed it's because their skin color wasn't white. that's sick

Obama has so much blood on his hands starting this shit off with his friend, Gates saying how the police ACTED stupidly, to how Martin could have been his son if he had one.