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View Full Version : Huckabee: People Who Don't Back Trump Should Stay off His Stage

07-10-2016, 03:45 PM
And I agree. If someone can't honor their word, their own "loyalty" pledge. This speaks directly towards their character, IMO. They lied to the RNC and to one another - but also to the American people.


Donald Trump isn't being petty by not giving up stage and air time during the Republican National Convention to former candidates who couldn't be trusted to keep their pledges on whether to support him as the eventual nominee, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says in a strongly worded opinion piece for Politico.

"Breaking News! If Ted Cruz, John Kasich and others don't endorse Donald Trump, they won't be invited to speak at the Republican National Convention!" Huckabee, who dropped his own bid for the GOP nomination wrote. "So the anchors all urgently reported earlier this week. That's not breaking news — that's breaking wind."
Huckabee has spoken at every GOP convention in some capacity since 1992, and writes that all the presidential nominees in those conventions, including George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney, controlled all details of the convention, including who sang the National Anthem to open it and who closes it in prayer.

But Huckabee said the bigger story is being missed, because nobody is talking about the "outright lie" many of his other former contenders said on national TV in the first debate last August, when they promised to support the eventual nominee.

at the time, Trump would not agree, saying he wanted to be sure the Republican National Committee would treat him fairly,. After RNC Chairman Reince Priebus met with Trump, the now-presumptive GOP nominee also said he'd agree to the pledge.

Huckabee admits that Trump was not his first choice for president: "I was my first choice."

But for reasons Huckabee said he doesn't and won't ever fully understand, Trump won the nomination "the old-fashioned way" by getting the most votes, tallying up far more votes than any other Republican.

That includes the "utterly discredited Mitt Romney," said Huckabee, "who has shamefully and sadly shown his petulance as he leaves the political stage in disgrace, having gladly accepted Trump's money and endorsement in 2012, only to become a "Never Trumper" and de-facto Hillary Clinton champion in 2016."

Huckabee said he was not happy to walk away from his good income as a Fox News host, and to give up a year of his life. Huckabee said it was "frustrating to know that the message I championed about trade, the decline of the middle class, the need to manufacture in the United States, support for veterans and a more innovative approach to health care that focused on prevention rather than expensive intervention was mirrored by Donald Trump."

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Huckabee-Trump-RNC-GOP/2016/07/09/id/737895/

07-10-2016, 05:45 PM
Personally, I find it a tough call. I equate it to getting engaged to someone which is a pledge of marriage and then finding out that they are a no good lying whore. There has to be a place where a person's pledge to perform can be negated when more and new information is brought to light.

It's not Trump's platform until the delegates say it is. They have not said it is yet. It's also about more than Trump. It's about the party, its platform, and future.

07-10-2016, 05:50 PM
Personally, I find it a tough call. I equate it to getting engaged to someone which is a pledge of marriage and then finding out that they are a no good lying whore. There has to be a place where a person's pledge to perform can be negated when more and new information is brought to light.

It's not Trump's platform until the delegates say it is. They have not said it is yet. It's also about more than Trump. It's about the party, its platform, and future.

I agree to an extent. But about the party and it's future, a lot more will be tossed away should Hillary get elected. This we all know, it's the one thing that everyone does in fact agree about. Especially the fact that we would likely have a largely left leaning SC judge one year from now. :(

I just hope the convention DOES stand as a party, as one platform together. Folks don't have to agree on every last detail to agree as a party. If Cruz and Kasich speak for example, while not bowing to Trump, I think it would be wise to speak of the party as a "whole" when they speak (assuming Trump wins), and to at the very least prod everyone to come together as a party of one. At that point, I believe they 'should' honor their pledges if Trump gets the delegates, but if they can't do that, they should at least speak for the party to try and win the election.

07-10-2016, 06:03 PM
Personally, I find it a tough call. I equate it to getting engaged to someone which is a pledge of marriage and then finding out that they are a no good lying whore. There has to be a place where a person's pledge to perform can be negated when more and new information is brought to light.

It's not Trump's platform until the delegates say it is. They have not said it is yet. It's also about more than Trump. It's about the party, its platform, and future.

The way I see it is what I've said for a year: he's going to pay for personally attacking everyone else. He should pay for his big mouth and someone should take his social media away.

But we can't afford Hitlery.

Black Diamond
07-10-2016, 06:10 PM
Like I said before..if Cruz and Kasich want to show up and say stop Hillary... fine. If they show up and speak and say stop trump, they can go get fucked. And Romney can 47% fuck himself too. Antics like what I'm afraid of,. They might as well endorse Hillary.

07-10-2016, 06:30 PM
Like I said before..if Cruz and Kasich want to show up and say stop Hillary... fine. If they show up and speak and say stop trump, they can go get fucked. And Romney can 47% fuck himself too. Antics like what I'm afraid of,. They might as well endorse Hillary.

I said the same elsewhere. Some thread here. :laugh: Time to move on. If my vehicle quits working I got boots and a rifle. I can't be sitting around worrying about the vehicle quit working.

However, I may voice my opinion, but I will NOT attack people personally that have been friends for years over their choices. There's a thread a bout "Rights" on here. I served so that you had those "Rights" because I was the muscle behind that ink. I'm not going off to some foreign land, watching people die, and coming home to be a hypocrite and tell you what to do.

In my personal opinion, I don't get why people think their individual position is better than the position of the whole. It just don't click. There's no logic. One man doesn't win a battle. The unit, acting as a team does.

I don't want to see people that have been friends for years having a meltdown over a choice.

07-10-2016, 09:38 PM
In my personal opinion, I don't get why people think their individual position is better than the position of the whole. It just don't click. There's no logic. One man doesn't win a battle. The unit, acting as a team does.

Well your personal opinion is right on the mark. No single individual is above the whole. That is what Obama and Hillary cannot grasp.
Trump is beginning to see that as well..and cooling his jets some, but is not going stop verbally raping the liberals. This nation has been
divided terribly for 16 years at my count. Time to bury the hatchet and rebuild, despite the liberals and their whining mindset

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2016, 08:56 AM
Personally, I find it a tough call. I equate it to getting engaged to someone which is a pledge of marriage and then finding out that they are a no good lying whore. There has to be a place where a person's pledge to perform can be negated when more and new information is brought to light.

It's not Trump's platform until the delegates say it is. They have not said it is yet. It's also about more than Trump. It's about the party, its platform, and future.

It's not Trump's platform until the delegates say it is.

^^^^^ The People, as in "WE THE PEOPLE" --HAVE SAID THAT IT IS....


No man that betrays his duty or his sworn oath is ever honorable,

"Honor est deservire veritati et duty. No hominem spernit, aut dici potest , quod vere honestum est" . --TYR

Black Diamond
07-11-2016, 11:22 AM
^^^^^ The People, as in "WE THE PEOPLE" --HAVE SAID THAT IT IS....


No man that betrays his duty or his sworn oath is ever honorable,

"Honor est deservire veritati et duty. No hominem spernit, aut dici potest , quod vere honestum est" . --TYR

Some folks want to change the rules until they get their way. There's talk of lawyers unbinding the delegates under what they call "the conscience clause".

07-11-2016, 12:21 PM
^^^^^ The People, as in "WE THE PEOPLE" --HAVE SAID THAT IT IS....


No man that betrays his duty or his sworn oath is ever honorable,

"Honor est deservire veritati et duty. No hominem spernit, aut dici potest , quod vere honestum est" . --TYR

The Dem superdelegates did to Hitlery in 08. Not saying we'd have a better deal, but if I had to choose her our traitor in chief, I'd have to go with her. She actually would have won had the voting been honest.

SO, never say never.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2016, 04:11 PM
The Dem superdelegates did to Hitlery in 08. Not saying we'd have a better deal, but if I had to choose her our traitor in chief, I'd have to go with her. She actually would have won had the voting been honest.

SO, never say never.

I never said never.
I merely pointed out that the People have spoken and it is truly Trump's now..
Delegates and corrupt political party's actions aside, the point was that by all rights and by the Will of the People it is his..-Tyr

07-11-2016, 09:23 PM
44% of those who voted in GOP primaries is what he got. I happen to agree that there shouldn't be screwing around with technicalities at this point, would only further hurt any true conservative reputation, but this certainly wasn't a blow out in the real meaning of the term. If there hadn't been such a large field, this wouldn't have happened, that perhaps is something that should be addressed for the NEXT election rules.



That may be a byproduct of competition—as Trump mentioned in his speech, he started out with 16 rivals for the nomination. But while the Republican race started off clown-car crowded, it shriveled to a three-way race (or, more accurately, a two-way duel between Trump and Ted Cruz) within two months. Compare that to the 2012 GOP primaries, during which Mitt Romney spent the better part of four months beating back Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul. Romney still finished with a bigger share of the Republican popular vote.
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07-11-2016, 09:37 PM
44% of those who voted in GOP primaries is what he got. I happen to agree that there shouldn't be screwing around with technicalities at this point, would only further hurt any true conservative reputation, but this certainly wasn't a blow out in the real meaning of the term. If there hadn't been such a large field, this wouldn't have happened, that perhaps is something that should be addressed for the NEXT election rules.


It should have been addressed in about 04 to ensure winning 08. No one's doing their groundwork. They wait until the last minute and panic. The past two, and this election are proof of it.

Black Diamond
07-11-2016, 09:45 PM
It should have been addressed in about 04 to ensure winning 08. No one's doing their groundwork. They wait until the last minute and panic. The past two, and this election are proof of it.
what adjustments should be made?

07-11-2016, 09:55 PM
what adjustments should be made?

The RNC should start grooming someone NOW for 2020. Get a clue as to who your audience is, and find a candidate all are willing to accept. We're splintered because of a lack of leadership in the party. They sit around doing nothing but collecting a check, then want to whine at the last minute because it isn't who they chose. Well, when you let the inmates run the asylum .....

They also need to just cease and desist this debate crap. It's for ratings. Nothing more. It does more harm than good. We tear ourselves apart meanwhile waiting for Hitlery to give Bernie a reacharound.

Black Diamond
07-11-2016, 10:12 PM
The RNC should start grooming someone NOW for 2020. Get a clue as to who your audience is, and find a candidate all are willing to accept. We're splintered because of a lack of leadership in the party. They sit around doing nothing but collecting a check, then want to whine at the last minute because it isn't who they chose. Well, when you let the inmates run the asylum .....

They also need to just cease and desist this debate crap. It's for ratings. Nothing more. It does more harm than good. We tear ourselves apart meanwhile waiting for Hitlery to give Bernie a reacharound.

They could have fewer debates but the news channels decide how many candidates are invited.

07-11-2016, 10:25 PM
They could have fewer debates but the news channels decide how many candidates are invited.

I don't disagree with you but they act like ducks crossing a street. Don't go. The people, not the media are supposed to decide the outcome of elections. We have more and more debates and let the media choose our candidates. The RNC can say no. But they're so leaderless and stupid they think this is a good thing.

I don't want 17 candidates and whoever does best on tv as my president. I don't want the lying ass media choosing my candidate. Get out there and run for something. Honorable for once. That would be refreshing.

Black Diamond
07-11-2016, 11:03 PM
I don't disagree with you but they act like ducks crossing a street. Don't go. The people, not the media are supposed to decide the outcome of elections. We have more and more debates and let the media choose our candidates. The RNC can say no. But they're so leaderless and stupid they think this is a good thing.

I don't want 17 candidates and whoever does best on tv as my president. I don't want the lying ass media choosing my candidate. Get out there and run for something. Honorable for once. That would be refreshing.
You mean like JFK ? :)

07-11-2016, 11:17 PM
You mean like JFK ? :)

Nixon was actually the more experienced and better politician. That little debacle is the reason Nixon and the media were enemies and when the MSM took control and they ultimately brought him down.

Reminds me of "The Running Man" by Stephen King under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman. The media tells the sheeple what to think because the sheeple are too lazy to think. If a left wing MSM gets to choose OUR candidate as in the last two elections, when does somebody get a clue?

Now we got Trump. The MSM's ridden his coattails. And if he wins, it'll be a miracle.

You learn from your mistkes. You don't repeat them expecting the wrong decision will turn out right this time.

Black Diamond
07-11-2016, 11:20 PM
Nixon was actually the more experienced and better politician. That little debacle is the reason Nixon and the media were enemies and when the MSM took control and they ultimately brought him down.

Reminds me of "The Running Man" by Stephen King under the pseudonym of Richard Bachman. The media tells the sheeple what to think because the sheeple are too lazy to think. If a left wing MSM gets to choose OUR candidate as in the last two elections, when does somebody get a clue?

Now we got Trump. The MSM's ridden his coattails. And if he wins, it'll be a miracle.

You learn from your mistkes. You don't repeat them expecting the wrong decision will turn out right this time.

I am one of the bastards who thinks we would be better off had Nixon won in 1960. If nothing else, he'd have been too paranoid to ride in a convertible

07-11-2016, 11:39 PM
I am one of the bastards who thinks we would be better off had Nixon won in 1960. If nothing else, he'd have been too paranoid to ride in a convertible

A lot of "what if's". While everyone idolizes JFK, I don't. He was a good commander in the field (water). As a President, he was the first Obama. Just full of it. He looked good on tv. That's about it.

The media did a total makeover on RFK because he was a complete jerk. You ever watch the Senate hearings when he was AG, I'd have walked out. And I ain't a fan of that mobster dude. You just don't have to be a dick.

So, my grandmother is dying of cancer, and we're in Miami. We pull up to the guard at Key Biscayne (Nixon had a house there) and she asks "Can you tell me where Tricky Dick lives?" I thought I was going to pee my drawers. :laugh2: My mom's like :slap:. I was like what are you going to do to her? I was LMAO. I'm LMAO now just remembering it. :laugh2::laugh2: