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07-12-2016, 12:23 PM
and his own supporters are pissed!! Reading some of the twitter messages is funny. :)


Speaking to a crowd in New Hampshire Tuesday, the senator from Vermont thanked the 13 million people who voted for him during the primaries, but noted he didn’t secure enough delegates to win the nomination.

“It is not enough to win the nomination,” Sanders told the crowd. “Hillary Clinton goes into the convention with a lot more delegates. Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nominating process. And I congratulate her.”

“She will be the Democratic nominee for president. I intend to do everything I can to make sure she is the next president of the United States.”

“There is no doubt in my mind, that as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is the best candidate.”

His supporters were not pleased.

hahahaha. Sanders endorses hillary fucking clinton. Way to sell out bernie. america, @drjillstein is your only hope.

Bernie just endorsed Hillary. Welp y'all ready to drown America?

Bernie Sanders looks like he'd rather be dead than give a speech endorsing Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton today... aka another reason not to vote for Hillary

I actually feel sick watching Bernie endorse Hillary

Endorsing #Hillary is as big a blunder as her Iraq vote. I love him but #Bernie has just proven he doesn't have the judgment to be president

Bernie Sanders is officially endorsing Hillary Clinton. lol

WHY #BERNIE WHY!!! I would have preferred you ran as an Independent than support Hillary 😢

Bernie endorsed Hillary and people are crying and leaving the rally

How can Bernie rant against corporate America, money in politics, and the rest and then endorse Hillary? Fraud.

Bernie Sanders said all this shit about Hillary and then Endorsed her. Did y'all really think he was gonna do the shit he said once inoffice

Democrats promising larger govt with crooked Hillary to control & enslave everyone. Bernie's sold out his followers. Hollow promises...

Does a Bernie endorsement of Hillary actually mean anything? Are any of his remaining supporters gonna say "gee, I should vote for HRC now"?

Bernie you were my only hope fam, what the actual fuck. now I dislike Hillary even more. I voted so hard for you.

So are we all ignoring the fact that bernie just endorsed hillary?

Never Hillary! Never Trump! Bernie Sold His Ass!


07-13-2016, 07:01 AM
meh...just another politician doing what politicians do. Put on a good show then capitulate and tell those supporters "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE" .....

07-13-2016, 07:33 AM