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07-15-2016, 11:23 AM
Or some, tend to disappear when candidates do well, and return when another candidate does well (shrillary). I recall the "spectacular" falling numbers and it being rubbed in. Then America gets angry at folks being above the law, polls shift just a little bit, and other folks disappear.

I love it!! :coffee:

Abbey Marie
07-15-2016, 11:45 AM
If Hillary wins, I will probably disappear for a while, too!

07-15-2016, 12:45 PM
If Hillary wins, I will probably disappear for a while, too!

That would be my first instinct. But nah, I couldn't do that, I'll come take my medicine and deal with it, and be prepared for lots of praying.

Liberals? If Trump, the majority will disappear. The others will be suicidal. If Clinton - well then they will be out like it's Christmas morning. 500-1 that bullypulpit is on almost instantly. Truthmatters makes an appearance. Of course our own liberal will celebrate, or disappear. I think, for the most part, you see 2 different classes of folks when things happen like that. When Obama won in 2008, or '12? I was the first one to come on and congratulate him, and state that he should be given a fair shot and a clean slate.

Abbey Marie
07-15-2016, 12:57 PM
Absolutely, the Dem gloaters will come out of the woodwork.

07-15-2016, 01:03 PM
That would be my first instinct. But nah, I couldn't do that, I'll come take my medicine and deal with it, and be prepared for lots of praying.

Liberals? If Trump, the majority will disappear. The others will be suicidal. If Clinton - well then they will be out like it's Christmas morning. 500-1 that bullypulpit is on almost instantly. Truthmatters makes an appearance. Of course our own liberal will celebrate, or disappear. I think, for the most part, you see 2 different classes of folks when things happen like that. When Obama won in 2008, or '12? I was the first one to come on and congratulate him, and state that he should be given a fair shot and a clean slate.

I do not plan on going and hiding under a rock or in a cave 'if Clinton'.

I did say the same thing about Obama back in 2008 on a different forum - give him 100 days I said,
but he quickly upset the applecart. Transparent as roofing tarpaper is what he turned out to be.

07-15-2016, 01:03 PM
Absolutely, the Dem gloaters will come out of the woodwork.

Don't cockroaches come out of the woodwork once the lights go out? And I think Hillary winning would be quite similar to the "lights going out" for our country.

07-15-2016, 01:09 PM
Or some, tend to disappear when candidates do well, and return when another candidate does well (shrillary). I recall the "spectacular" falling numbers and it being rubbed in. Then America gets angry at folks being above the law, polls shift just a little bit, and other folks disappear.

I love it!! :coffee:

Got to remember that liberals are fair-weather friends and supporters. Get pushed back and they
scurry into their comfort nests to suck their thumbs or sit in their high chairs and pound their
spoons on the tray. Or threaten to leave the country - as if anyone of common sense really cares.:laugh:

07-15-2016, 01:12 PM
As I said, and a trip down memory lane...


Bully had popped in - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?19428-Oh-dear


Gabby claims that she "votes on issues, not by party". Who believes that? Anyone? - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?19393-Did-you-vote-a-straight-party-ticket


Shit, closed wrong screen. I'm not going searching again, but I don't think anyone doubts what I'm saying.

07-15-2016, 01:14 PM
And as I said, this was my graceful response after he won. I'll admit it didn't take him long to change my opinion and want him gone though!!


Many started the "get used to saying President Obama" shortly after he defeated Hillary in the primaries. I didn't like the sound of it and still held my ground that I would prefer Fred Thompson in the position.

Well, it's time to pony up and get used to referring to our new leader as quite a few liberals/democrats proclaimed.

A historical election season just finished and it was like no other I could remember in recent times. Obama reeled in more money than I've ever seen and ran a very well planned campaign and plain out beat John McCain to the White House.

He now has my respect as our new incoming President and will continue to have my respect as leader of our great country. I hope he makes sound decisions for the greater good of ALL Americans, and also makes sound decisions as CIC which is good for our military and our allies abroad. I hope he listens to not only his cabinet, but also all of congress, all of America, all of our field Generals and all of our foreign allie leaders.

I cannot disrepect a man based on a campaign that generally always end up in some mudslinging. I will judge him based on the decisions he makes in the oval office. For better or worse, he IS the new leader of the USA. I hope and pray that he, along with the new congress, make bi-partisan decisions that reflect the will of the American people.

So, with that said, congratulations to those who fervently supported Obama, and congratulations to Senator Obama himself for his historical victory.


Black Diamond
07-15-2016, 01:26 PM
Don't cockroaches come out of the woodwork once the lights go out? And I think Hillary winning would be quite similar to the "lights going out" for our country.

At 3am

Abbey Marie
07-15-2016, 01:41 PM
I do not plan on going and hiding under a rock or in a cave 'if Clinton'.

I did say the same thing about Obama back in 2008 on a different forum - give him 100 days I said,
but he quickly upset the applecart. Transparent as roofing tarpaper is what he turned out to be.

I never planned on it either. But when this country re-elected Obama, I went into such a political depression I had to avoid politics/news for a bit.

07-15-2016, 01:43 PM
I never planned on it either. But when this country re-elected Obama, I went into such a political depression I had to avoid pitics/news for a bit.

I thought I was very gracious and understanding in 2008, and gave him every chance. 2012 was different, of course. :(

07-15-2016, 01:44 PM
At 3am

Who can ever forget that classic statement - that did not come
to pass during Benghazi?

07-17-2016, 01:24 AM
I do not plan on going and hiding under a rock or in a cave 'if Clinton'.

I did say the same thing about Obama back in 2008 on a different forum - give him 100 days I said,
but he quickly upset the applecart. Transparent as roofing tarpaper is what he turned out to be.

Thing is, when the anticlimactic results are in and everything's over, Jim's on point. People disappear for awhile. There are plenty of reasons.

1. Burnout. I'm so tired of Hillary and Trump on my tube I wish they'd take an Amelia Earhart flight.

2. The manipulation of the media and merchandising. Whoever chose about 10 days before Thanksgiving was a "genius". In today's world? People start Christmas shopping in June now and the pressure is on by voting day. After Halloween, it's on. Change it to March or some crap. People are more worried about their damned presents than the future of the Nation.

3. Sore losers. That one's a given.

4. We need a new party. One that is organized and knows how to win. Sour grapes don't win.

07-17-2016, 10:45 AM
I completely understand people disappearing over presidential politics if they're passionate about our country. Profound discouragement is processed differently by people.

Some people have to walk away and regroup so as to remain civil, which is my case. Regardless of circumstance, I refuse to unleash the vile tirade of thoughts going through my head with people. So I have to regroup. Part of regrouping for me is to not talk about it or listen to it until I have calmed myself. However long that takes. The more I hear and see the longer it takes. I was a very vile, foul-mouthed and angry individual for a long time so that is my default position if I lose perspective.

07-17-2016, 03:36 PM
I completely understand people disappearing over presidential politics if they're passionate about our country. Profound discouragement is processed differently by people.

Some people have to walk away and regroup so as to remain civil, which is my case. Regardless of circumstance, I refuse to unleash the vile tirade of thoughts going through my head with people. So I have to regroup. Part of regrouping for me is to not talk about it or listen to it until I have calmed myself. However long that takes. The more I hear and see the longer it takes. I was a very vile, foul-mouthed and angry individual for a long time so that is my default position if I lose perspective.

I'm already burned out from it; especially, the part where I've watched the GOP do everything wrong by the numbers. Again.

What I never get is your very last word. Perspective. Small message board. Maybe 15 daily contributors. We're not even a blip on the radar as far as changing anything in politics. I just noticed every election, when it's done, the losing side disappears.

THAT makes it REALLY boring for ME, dammit. :laugh:

07-17-2016, 04:13 PM
I'm already burned out from it; especially, the part where I've watched the GOP do everything wrong by the numbers. Again.

What I never get is your very last word. Perspective. Small message board. Maybe 15 daily contributors. We're not even a blip on the radar as far as changing anything in politics. I just noticed every election, when it's done, the losing side disappears.

THAT makes it REALLY boring for ME, dammit. :laugh:

I don't know if you remember Gabby's dove of peace after Obama was elected in 2008 telling us we all needed to get along. This was my response.

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/crin63/DPAvatar3.gif (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/crin63/media/DPAvatar3.gif.html)

07-17-2016, 04:39 PM
I don't know if you remember Gabby's dove of peace after Obama was elected in 2008 telling us we all needed to get along. This was my response.

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/crin63/DPAvatar3.gif (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/crin63/media/DPAvatar3.gif.html)

I had to look at that pick good but I was already laughing. That dove would end up in the back of the company truck where my co-worker kept his camp stool and .410. :laugh2:

07-17-2016, 04:51 PM
I actually don't remember much of Gabby from then crin63 . That's right about the time I took a couple of years off from message boards. You mentioned in one thread being evil mean and nasty ... I was over the top at that time. It wasn't about the election though.

Personal issues. I was out of control and alienating everyone. You can tell I ain't the sweetest guy in the world to start with. I was extremely angry then and drinking too much. Not a good combination for me.

07-17-2016, 06:41 PM
Personal issues. I was out of control and alienating everyone. You can tell I ain't the sweetest guy in the world to start with. I was extremely angry then and drinking too much. Not a good combination for me.

Not butting in...but since we ironed out our immediate misunderstanding when I first came here,
I see you to be informative, wise, direct, and quite amusing at times.

07-17-2016, 07:10 PM
I actually don't remember much of Gabby from then @crin63 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=617) . That's right about the time I took a couple of years off from message boards. You mentioned in one thread being evil mean and nasty ... I was over the top at that time. It wasn't about the election though.

Personal issues. I was out of control and alienating everyone. You can tell I ain't the sweetest guy in the world to start with. I was extremely angry then and drinking too much. Not a good combination for me.

I was raised to be angry. My dad told me to always stay a little angry so you're ready to go off on someone all the time. I walked around miserable for years and then I married my ex. Talk about miserable. That was some of the stupidest advice ever. I found out later that a lot of the guys I worked with were more than a little concerned about me.

I would walk up, take the tools out some guys hand who wasn't working fast enough for me and do the job myself. I tried to get them to hit me so I had cause to hit them without getting fired. I would make them feel so small with words that I did make a couple guys tear up. Wasn't rage since they just wouldn't hit me.

When I split up with my ex I started drinking a lot. I almost became a professional but I was always a mellow drunk.

07-17-2016, 07:21 PM
Not butting in...but since we ironed out our immediate misunderstanding when I first came here,
I see you to be informative, wise, direct, and quite amusing at times.

I'm one of the original members of this board. I just tended to wander off at times. :laugh: I don't remember us ever having words. I know I come off as harsh if you don't know me. I DO know that whatever it was about, don't feel lonely in that lifeboat, Sailor. There are few regular members of this board I haven't driven absolutely nuts at one time or another. :laugh:

07-17-2016, 07:27 PM
I was raised to be angry. My dad told me to always stay a little angry so you're ready to go off on someone all the time. I walked around miserable for years and then I married my ex. Talk about miserable. That was some of the stupidest advice ever. I found out later that a lot of the guys I worked with were more than a little concerned about me.

I would walk up, take the tools out some guys hand who wasn't working fast enough for me and do the job myself. I tried to get them to hit me so I had cause to hit them without getting fired. I would make them feel so small with words that I did make a couple guys tear up. Wasn't rage since they just wouldn't hit me.

When I split up with my ex I started drinking a lot. I almost became a professional but I was always a mellow drunk.

You sound like me. To a "T". Except mellow drunk. I am a mellow drunk unless you piss me off. Something my ex GF and estranged wife couldn't grasp. I'm working 10 hour days in the South Texas heat, coming home and taking care of a scatterbrained wife who had a spinal fusion but said I did nothing for her, working out and running a board with 2500 - 3000 posts a day.

Damned right I was drinking and angry as Hell.

07-17-2016, 07:56 PM
I'm one of the original members of this board. I just tended to wander off at times. :laugh: I don't remember us ever having words. I know I come off as harsh if you don't know me. I DO know that whatever it was about, don't feel lonely in that lifeboat, Sailor. There are few regular members of this board I haven't driven absolutely nuts at one time or another. :laugh:

I do think you and I have come out fine, and you are welcome to shit on my carpet anytime!:beer:

07-17-2016, 08:01 PM
You sound like me. To a "T". Except mellow drunk. I am a mellow drunk unless you piss me off. Something my ex GF and estranged wife couldn't grasp. I'm working 10 hour days in the South Texas heat, coming home and taking care of a scatterbrained wife who had a spinal fusion but said I did nothing for her, working out and running a board with 2500 - 3000 posts a day.

Damned right I was drinking and angry as Hell.

Not gonna compare Ex's....
....but mine was a belligerent drunk. Dropped an attic trapdoor access ladder on my face once - got a scar
on the bridge of my nose with that, then in a drunken rage scratched my neck and face to the point I still have scars.

I had to subdue her both times. Three slaps to the temple seem to wake people up.

I hate doing that kind of thing, to be truthful...

07-17-2016, 08:12 PM
Gabby claims that she "votes on issues, not by party". Who believes that? Anyone? - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?19393-Did-you-vote-a-straight-party-ticket

Just because you vote by party doesn't mean everyone does it. I've never voted by party and I never will. Not that I can expect you to believe that.
I didn't disappear when Bush won in 2004. I don't expect to disappear if Trump wins. I might go into hiding, for fear of my personal safety. But it's not likely because Trump has no chance.
Jim is very predictable. I think he enjoys insulting me as much as he enjoys jerking off. Same pleasure, same frequency.
Sorry dude, no boobies for you. :bunny4:[/QUOTE]

07-17-2016, 08:26 PM
Just because you vote by party doesn't mean everyone does it. I've never voted by party and I never will. Not that I can expect you to believe that.
I didn't disappear when Bush won in 2004. I don't expect to disappear if Trump wins. I might go into hiding, for fear of my personal safety. But it's not likely because Trump has no chance.
Jim is very predictable. I think he enjoys insulting me as much as he enjoys jerking off. Same pleasure, same frequency.
Sorry dude, no boobies for you. :bunny4:[/QUOTE]

Might want to go into hiding if Trump doesn't win considering your current idiot in chif is letting black lies matter run amuck and importing terrorists, with Hitlery right on his coattails.

07-17-2016, 10:05 PM
Just because you vote by party doesn't mean everyone does it. I've never voted by party and I never will. Not that I can expect you to believe that.
I didn't disappear when Bush won in 2004. I don't expect to disappear if Trump wins. I might go into hiding, for fear of my personal safety. But it's not likely because Trump has no chance.
Jim is very predictable. I think he enjoys insulting me as much as he enjoys jerking off. Same pleasure, same frequency.
Sorry dude, no boobies for you. :bunny4:[/QUOTE]

Pretty rude post from You.

Do you want some guy to come along and tell you that you like finger-fucking yourself?

07-17-2016, 10:51 PM
Pretty rude post from You.
Do you want some guy to come along and tell you that you like finger-fucking yourself?

You think I don't get rude comments directed at me every day on this board?
Liberal this, Hillary that, Obama this and that.
WTF difference does it make? Unless you are partially brain-deficient and need labels to make your decisions.
And it's not OK to be alcoholic for any reason. Or a drug addict.

07-17-2016, 10:54 PM
Just because you vote by party doesn't mean everyone does it. I've never voted by party and I never will. Not that I can expect you to believe that.
I didn't disappear when Bush won in 2004. I don't expect to disappear if Trump wins. I might go into hiding, for fear of my personal safety. But it's not likely because Trump has no chance.
Jim is very predictable. I think he enjoys insulting me as much as he enjoys jerking off. Same pleasure, same frequency.
Sorry dude, no boobies for you. :bunny4:[/QUOTE]

Pretty rude post from You.

Do you want some guy to come along and tell you that you like finger-fucking yourself?[/QUOTE]

That's enough, please. From both. I missed Gabby's last line first time around. Report the post Elessar. It's inappropriate and crosses the line.

FYI, jimnyc and gabosaurus he likes insulting the Hell out of me too. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the porch. We all insult each other in fun but we don't antagonize each other with it.

We get back on topic or this threads going to get moved or or closed.

Abbey Marie
07-17-2016, 10:59 PM
I would walk up, take the tools out some guys hand who wasn't working fast enough for me and do the job myself. I tried to get them to hit me so I had cause to hit them without getting fired. I would make them feel so small with words that I did make a couple guys tear up. Wasn't rage since they just wouldn't hit me.

That sounds exactly like how I felt for the few days I was on steroids. I was really hoping someone would break into our home so I could fight them. So weird.

07-17-2016, 11:13 PM
That sounds exactly how I felt for the few days I was on steroids. I was really hoping someone would break into our home so I could fight them. So weird.

Steroid freak. :laugh: I could never take those things if I wanted to. Think I had some milder ones for bronchitis. But with my temper? I may be dumb but I ain't THAT dumb. OMG. I can just picture me on steroids.

I understand what crin is saying. I always preferred to work alone. I didn't have some slow goof driving me nuts. I've done the "just get the Hell out of the way" gig many times.

07-17-2016, 11:37 PM
That sounds exactly like how I felt for the few days I was on steroids. I was really hoping someone would break into our home so I could fight them. So weird.

Never did steroids, couldn't afford it. No doubt I would have been an animal. I had to calm my buddy down all the time when he was on a 6-week cycle. He was always looking for a fight.

07-17-2016, 11:39 PM
Pretty rude post from You.

Do you want some guy to come along and tell you that you like finger-fucking yourself?[/QUOTE]

That's enough, please. From both. I missed Gabby's last line first time around. Report the post @Elessar (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3442). It's inappropriate and crosses the line.

FYI, @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) and @gabosaurus (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=111) he likes insulting the Hell out of me too. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the porch. We all insult each other in fun but we don't antagonize each other with it.

We get back on topic or this threads going to get moved or or closed.[/QUOTE]

Standing Down, Gunny.

If Gabby wants to mess with me...there is a section here to do it.

My apologizes to the Forum.

07-17-2016, 11:46 PM
Steroid freak. :laugh: I could never take those things if I wanted to. Think I had some milder ones for bronchitis. But with my temper? I may be dumb but I ain't THAT dumb. OMG. I can just picture me on steroids.

I understand what crin is saying. I always preferred to work alone. I didn't have some slow goof driving me nuts. I've done the "just get the Hell out of the way" gig many times.

I had to take them when I wrecked my back. But after 45 days of them, I dumped them
down the commode.

07-17-2016, 11:57 PM
I had to take them when I wrecked my back. But after 45 days of them, I dumped them
down the commode.

All I really remember is it was the late 80s. I could bench 325 and clean and press 235 and I got this Corpsman telling me "Now, no weightlifting while you use this". My mind was like :laugh2: yeah, right. I was 5'10' 200 lbs. What do you think an inhaler is going to do for me? Make my arms go from 17' to 17 and a half? :laugh:

07-18-2016, 12:02 AM
All I really remember is it was the late 80s. I could bench 325 and clean and press 235 and I got this Corpsman telling me "Now, no weightlifting while you use this". My mind was like :laugh2: yeah, right. I was 5'10' 200 lbs. What do you think an inhaler is going to do for me? Make my arms go from 17' to 17 and a half? :laugh:

Hell....My chest and arms were huge for only being 6'00 and 210. And it was all done by diet and workouts.

18 inch upper arms, 14 inch forearms, 45 chest with a 32 waist...all by diet.

We didn't know what steriods were back then. Only had mine prescribed when I
wrecked my back in 1985.

07-18-2016, 12:25 AM
Hell....My chest and arms were huge for only being 6'00 and 210. And it was all done by diet and workouts.

18 inch upper arms, 14 inch forearms, 45 chest with a 32 waist...all by diet.

We didn't know what steriods were back then. Only had mine prescribed when I
wrecked my back in 1985.

I've always been educated on steroids. You could get a scrip for them when I started lifting in the 70s. I was a skinny kid. I was a powerlifter. I wanted it to be real. Not go away if I didn't feed a habit.

I never thought anything about steroids. They were actually designed by the NAZIs to heal burn victims. They were originally designed for medical use. And I don't care who takes them.

07-18-2016, 12:32 AM
. They were actually designed by the NAZIs to heal burn victims. They were originally designed for medical use. And I don't care who takes them.

I recall reading that and there are many applications for medical use. More recent use (80's -00) has been much more
applied in popular lore to use in athletics and performance, not to the healing qualities.

07-18-2016, 12:51 AM
I recall reading that and there are many applications for medical use. More recent use (80's -00) has been much more
applied in popular lore to use in athletics and performance, not to the healing qualities.

Yeah. We applied the more is better rule in the 60s and 70s then the vilification rule in the 80s.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2016, 07:30 AM
Hell....My chest and arms were huge for only being 6'00 and 210. And it was all done by diet and workouts.

18 inch upper arms, 14 inch forearms, 45 chest with a 32 waist...all by diet.

We didn't know what steriods were back then. Only had mine prescribed when I
wrecked my back in 1985.

Mine were for optic nerve pressure. I think I took them for about a week. I have to say, one thing it did do was give me some understanding of how aggressive men feel. Something I previously just could not begin to understand.

07-18-2016, 02:34 PM
Mine were for optic nerve pressure. I think I took them for about a week. I have to say, one thing it did do was give me some understanding of how aggressive men feel. Something I previously just could not begin to understand.

I was actually always afraid of them. Especially when I was younger. Keeping my temper in check was high priority. I didn't need to become even MORE aggressive.

I DO think like anything else, they have been vilified because of the abusers, and those concocting reasons to vilify something. The abusers take WAY over the amount any sane person would.

Then you got idiots in Congress going after McGwire because he used what was then a supplement you could buy at any GNC or Great Earth because someone decided they were steroids too. The whole issue is ridiculous, IMO. If they think these athletes getting paid millions a year can't get steroids if they want to, they're in LaLa Land.

Congress needs to work its own job. It is not part of the judiciary.

07-19-2016, 10:01 AM
I was actually always afraid of them. Especially when I was younger. Keeping my temper in check was high priority. I didn't need to become even MORE aggressive.

I DO think like anything else, they have been vilified because of the abusers, and those concocting reasons to vilify something. The abusers take WAY over the amount any sane person would.

Then you got idiots in Congress going after McGwire because he used what was then a supplement you could buy at any GNC or Great Earth because someone decided they were steroids too. The whole issue is ridiculous, IMO. If they think these athletes getting paid millions a year can't get steroids if they want to, they're in LaLa Land.

Congress needs to work its own job. It is not part of the judiciary.

Some of my buddies used steroids. It was a 6-week or 12-week cycle to bulk up and then off it for at least 6 months. I had intended to right at the time I left my ex and just didn't have the money. It would have no doubt changed the direction of my life at that time because I loved lifting. When I left her I moved 50 miles closer to work so I lost my workout partners. I started seeing my current wife which was better than lifting, got custody of my boys and moved again so I never made it back to the gym.

Now it's 24 years later and I'm trying to start getting some tone back before I try to build. After my accident 13 years ago I couldn't exert myself because it felt like an ice pick was stabbing me in the left side of my heart. The electricity damaged something in there. It seems that I have gotten beyond that pain but I'm going slow just in case.

07-19-2016, 12:34 PM
Some of my buddies used steroids. It was a 6-week or 12-week cycle to bulk up and then off it for at least 6 months. I had intended to right at the time I left my ex and just didn't have the money. It would have no doubt changed the direction of my life at that time because I loved lifting. When I left her I moved 50 miles closer to work so I lost my workout partners. I started seeing my current wife which was better than lifting, got custody of my boys and moved again so I never made it back to the gym.

Now it's 24 years later and I'm trying to start getting some tone back before I try to build. After my accident 13 years ago I couldn't exert myself because it felt like an ice pick was stabbing me in the left side of my heart. The electricity damaged something in there. It seems that I have gotten beyond that pain but I'm going slow just in case.

I knew people that took them. Steroids are the victim of the blame game by the MSM. And I have my own weights.

It's called getting old. If I could lift what I could even 5 years ago I'd be one happy camper. Funny thing is, I'm STILL stronger than most people I run into. But I ain't racking up a 300 lb bench press anymore.

You got hit by electricity? I've been hit plenty of times. What voltage?

07-19-2016, 03:21 PM
I knew people that took them. Steroids are the victim of the blame game by the MSM. And I have my own weights.

It's called getting old. If I could lift what I could even 5 years ago I'd be one happy camper. Funny thing is, I'm STILL stronger than most people I run into. But I ain't racking up a 300 lb bench press anymore.

You got hit by electricity? I've been hit plenty of times. What voltage?

Guuny, they never determined the voltage because the power plant was trying to protect themselves. They claimed it was 120-volt but there were no 120-volt circuits anywhere on that strip of terminals. So it was 240 or greater. Melted the fillings in my teeth after it entered my left forearm and passed through to exit my head on both sides. Blew a puff of smoke out my mouth. Damaged the entire left side of my body internally. Took about 5 minutes for the effects to start hitting me. Then I tasted metal in my mouth, started drooling on the left side and couldn't stop it, left eye started running like a faucet out of the outside corner, nausea set in, and left side of my chest all cramped up. Then they let me drive home. It took at least 2 years for the cramps in my chest to begin subsiding. From that moment on I could not and still can't get enough sleep to feel normal. I slept that entire following weekend and every moment I had to sleep between bed, work, and food after that.

07-19-2016, 04:19 PM
Guuny, they never determined the voltage because the power plant was trying to protect themselves. They claimed it was 120-volt but there were no 120-volt circuits anywhere on that strip of terminals. So it was 240 or greater. Melted the fillings in my teeth after it entered my left forearm and passed through to exit my head on both sides. Blew a puff of smoke out my mouth. Damaged the entire left side of my body internally. Took about 5 minutes for the effects to start hitting me. Then I tasted metal in my mouth, started drooling on the left side and couldn't stop it, left eye started running like a faucet out of the outside corner, nausea set in, and left side of my chest all cramped up. Then they let me drive home. It took at least 2 years for the cramps in my chest to begin subsiding. From that moment on I could not and still can't get enough sleep to feel normal. I slept that entire following weekend and every moment I had to sleep between bed, work, and food after that.

Without knowing the particulars, that sounds like a high voltage hit. First mistake is it sounds like you grounded yourself. Electricity ALWAYS goes to ground. I was always sure to ensure I was not grounded.

120 ain't going to do that to you. Without the particulars, it's the amps, not the volts that kick your ass. I can hold 120 in my fingers and it just sorta tickles. Get it at the end of a string of lights and you're going off the ladder because of the amps in that string. 120 is actually more dangerous than 480 because 480 will just blow you off. You can hold 120.

Again, that sounds like a high voltage hit. What were you doing messing with electricity anyway?

07-19-2016, 05:01 PM
Without knowing the particulars, that sounds like a high voltage hit. First mistake is it sounds like you grounded yourself. Electricity ALWAYS goes to ground. I was always sure to ensure I was not grounded.

120 ain't going to do that to you. Without the particulars, it's the amps, not the volts that kick your ass. I can hold 120 in my fingers and it just sorta tickles. Get it at the end of a string of lights and you're going off the ladder because of the amps in that string. 120 is actually more dangerous than 480 because 480 will just blow you off. You can hold 120.

Again, that sounds like a high voltage hit. What were you doing messing with electricity anyway?

I was rebuilding the front standard on a turbine generator in a power plant. The plant had supposedly locked out and tagged out all 150 +/- wires to that location. We had been given clearance to work 2 - 3 weeks prior and daily clearance each day.

I was tightening up bolt/s behind the terminal strips with 3/4" air impact and a 2"+ socket with a 6" extension. You know how those things buck if you don't hold them down. I had to reach through a port and over the terminal strips to hold the impact down with my left hand while I stuck my head inside another port and reached back with my right hand to hit the trigger on the impact. I think it was my last bolt. My head was touching 2 steel walls inside the cover I was bolting down. I had to take my hard hat off to get my head inside.

Apparently, the unit operator and construction coordinator didn't want the plant electrician billed to the job so they decided in all their wisdom that they knew how to lock it out. So they did it on their own. Obviously, they didn't know what they were doing. There were a lot of questions left unanswered.

It even turned my hair forward on the left side along the path where my head was touching the steel.

07-19-2016, 05:28 PM
I was rebuilding the front standard on a turbine generator in a power plant. The plant had supposedly locked out and tagged out all 150 +/- wires to that location. We had been given clearance to work 2 - 3 weeks prior and daily clearance each day.

I was tightening up bolt/s behind the terminal strips with 3/4" air impact and a 2"+ socket with a 6" extension. You know how those things buck if you don't hold them down. I had to reach through a port and over the terminal strips to hold the impact down with my left hand while I stuck my head inside another port and reached back with my right hand to hit the trigger on the impact. I think it was my last bolt. My head was touching 2 steel walls inside the cover I was bolting down. I had to take my hard hat off to get my head inside.

Apparently, the unit operator and construction coordinator didn't want the plant electrician billed to the job so they decided in all their wisdom that they knew how to lock it out. So they did it on their own. Obviously, they didn't know what they were doing. There were a lot of questions left unanswered.

It even turned my hair forward on the left side along the path where my head was touching the steel.

I worked on jobs like that. I just told them either I run the show or I leave. Your boss hired me because your half ass shit is half ass. It's my way or I call the shop and tell them what's going on. I'm not concerned with your loss of production. These idiots don't care about people's lives. Just their money.

07-19-2016, 06:22 PM
I worked on jobs like that. I just told them either I run the show or I leave. Your boss hired me because your half ass shit is half ass. It's my way or I call the shop and tell them what's going on. I'm not concerned with your loss of production. These idiots don't care about people's lives. Just their money.

That was a 1st! I had worked at that plant several times prior and a few of their other locations. They typically ran things very well. My superintendent and foreman also ran things very well typically. There was no reason for me to question the procedures this time.

07-19-2016, 06:46 PM
That was a 1st! I had worked at that plant several times prior and a few of their other locations. They typically ran things very well. My superintendent and foreman also ran things very well typically. There was no reason for me to question the procedures this time.

You not being an electrician there was every reason for you to question it. But I understand how things go. I've done things as an electrician that weren't even close to legal. You either did it or lost your job.

As an electrician, I can tell you I wouldn't work a generator hot. I'll walk off the job. That was completely unsat.

07-23-2016, 03:07 AM
If Hillary wins, I will probably disappear for a while, too!

If she wins I probably won't be able to leave the bathroom because I will be vomiting continuously. :facepalm99:

Black Diamond
07-23-2016, 03:40 AM
If she wins I probably won't be able to leave the bathroom because I will be vomiting continuously. :facepalm99:

She is going to lose. And welcome back