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View Full Version : Ex-CIA Official Obama Not Defending US Against Terrorism

07-15-2016, 02:13 PM
A former high-ranking CIA official Friday accused President Barack Obama of failing to defend the United States from the threat of terrorism, and warned in the wake of the deadly truck attack in Nice, France that the Islamic State will continue launching attacks while it's losing battles in the Middle East

"They also have chemical weapons, [and] they seize those chemical weapons from the Syrians," Gary Berntsen, who was in the CIA's Directorate of Operations from 1982 to 2005, told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program about ISIS.

"I would see sort of an end-of-days scenario for them, that they will increase the lethality and the terror, and they [will] use those in the region. Less likely against us, but this is going to get very, very ugly."
