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View Full Version : Hillary Proposes an Constitutional Amendment

07-17-2016, 01:53 PM
She proposed an Amendment to deal with political contributions, but she is again
quite hypocritical.

Aside from that, there is nothing in the Constitution dealing with that issue, so
what is there to amend?


07-17-2016, 02:57 PM
She proposed an Amendment to deal with political contributions, but she is again
quite hypocritical.

Aside from that, there is nothing in the Constitution dealing with that issue, so
what is there to amend?


Get used to her throwing sh*t against the wall to see if it sticks. It's all she's ever done.

07-17-2016, 08:08 PM
Get used to her throwing sh*t against the wall to see if it sticks. It's all she's ever done.

She thinks it should be illegal for corporations to donate thousands to Republican candidates, but she thinks its okay for the Saudis to donate millions to her personal slush fund, er, I mean the Clinton Foundation.

07-17-2016, 11:22 PM
She proposed an Amendment to deal with political contributions, but she is again
quite hypocritical.

Aside from that, there is nothing in the Constitution dealing with that issue, so what is there to amend?

The Federal government gets its powers straight from the Constitution, and from nowhere else. People who try to give the Fed govt more power without going through the Constitution's procedures, are simply violation that document.

As you pointed out, nowhere does the Constitution give the Fed any powers to control, regulate, or restrict political contributions. So the Fed has no power to do it.

Hillary wants to change that, and so a Constitutional amendment is necessary, to give the Fed the power to regulate such contributions.

It of course would be a terminally sill idea, and will be DOA if she tried it.

BTW, the President has no say in which bills are proposed as Constitutional amendments. The best he can do, it try to persuade some member of Congress to submit such a bill. The President can neither submit it, vote on it, nor veto it.

07-18-2016, 12:23 AM
The Federal government gets its powers straight from the Constitution, and from nowhere else. People who try to give the Fed govt more power without going through the Constitution's procedures, are simply violation that document.

As you pointed out, nowhere does the Constitution give the Fed any powers to control, regulate, or restrict political contributions. So the Fed has no power to do it.

Hillary wants to change that, and so a Constitutional amendment is necessary, to give the Fed the power to regulate such contributions.

It of course would be a terminally sill idea, and will be DOA if she tried it.

BTW, the President has no say in which bills are proposed as Constitutional amendments. The best he can do, it try to persuade some member of Congress to submit such a bill. The President can neither submit it, vote on it, nor veto it.

Aye....my point but with far many more clarifications.

In spite of Obama's Ex Edicts, Such a move would be shot down in a heartbeat.

07-21-2016, 10:28 PM
Neither party is serious about limiting campaign contributions. She's merely posing to make herself look noble before the poor peons.