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View Full Version : Disneyland

07-20-2016, 07:34 PM
For the vast majority of my younger life, I blissfully ignored the fact that I lived about a mile from one of the world's largest tourist traps. The majority of those who live in my hometown despise Disneyland. Disneyland despises us.
Until this week, when my best friend decided it was time to bring her kids back home for the first time. The visit their grandparents. Of course, they wanted to see Disneyland. If you are an 8-year-girl and a 6-year-old boy from the west coast of England, you need to see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
So we went Tuesday. It remains a miserable monument to abject consumerism. Horribly crowded, incredibly overpriced, absolutely wretched stuff. No wonder the kids loved it. :cool:
Tuesday wore me out, so I got my daughter to go with them today. I am sure it will cost me later.

If anyone of you ever decide to come out here, don't ask me to take your kids or grandkids to Disneyland. I do own a gun.