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07-20-2016, 09:24 PM
At last! Valid scientific proof!! :cheers2:


07-20-2016, 09:53 PM
At last! Valid scientific proof!! :cheers2:


I agree with you gabby. You don't need proof. LIBERALS are the Smartest LIARS in America. They are so smart, they even believe their OWN LIES, and repeat them until they do.

07-20-2016, 10:01 PM

My hiney-hole.

Anyone with an agenda can pull up a web-site and call it gospel truth.

The proof is in the pudding when a lib faces a Repub. 9 times out of 10
the lib goes scurrying off whimpering, or riots in the streets because they
did not get their bottle of Wooza-wooza milk from the opposing side.

Try again....and I sincerely doubt your ability to cite non-partisan sources.

You're on a roll the last two days. Scared Much?

07-21-2016, 02:05 PM
I might have to agree on this one.

Someone must be a genius, to be able to break laws so flagrantly in front of the entire world, and skate from any charges at all. AND then keep running for the highest office in the land, even though she couldn't pass a basic background check to work at your local McDonald's. She literally is responsible for a minimum of 4 dead Americans. And somehow, she still has these extremely intelligent folks that are going to go to the polls and vote for her. It's almost like hypnotism in addition to the intelligence. She's got to be the smartest human being alive, that after all of that, some of her followers believe she is one of the most respected and admired women in the world. That's fantastic. Nothing wrong with so so many wanting to emulate and follow the 'character and morals' of such a great woman, with intelligence that is so great, that's it's even above the law!!

07-22-2016, 06:29 AM
I might have to agree on this one.

Someone must be a genius, to be able to break laws so flagrantly in front of the entire world, and skate from any charges at all. AND then keep running for the highest office in the land, even though she couldn't pass a basic background check to work at your local McDonald's. She literally is responsible for a minimum of 4 dead Americans. And somehow, she still has these extremely intelligent folks that are going to go to the polls and vote for her. It's almost like hypnotism in addition to the intelligence. She's got to be the smartest human being alive, that after all of that, some of her followers believe she is one of the most respected and admired women in the world. That's fantastic. Nothing wrong with so so many wanting to emulate and follow the 'character and morals' of such a great woman, with intelligence that is so great, that's it's even above the law!!

In a strange way, Dems/Libs often exhibit what can only be described as cult-like behavior. I think it's the drugs....

07-22-2016, 10:16 AM
On the same site from which Gabby shoveled this latest steaming pile:

Psychology's Political Diversity Problem - Psychology's political monoculture is scientifically dysfunctional

07-22-2016, 01:14 PM
Liberals can't even agree on something as basic as who supports the Republican party.

One day the party is full of rich people.


The next day it's the dems that have that distinction.


Now gabby just needs to ask herself why the dem base has more low income people, if they're soooooooo much smarter??????? Maybe they're just lazy smart people who want the gov. to take care of them?

07-22-2016, 02:51 PM
I absolutely believe that libtards are exponentially more intelligent, as in book smart, than the average republitard. The average republitard can change a spark plug, yet has no idea where cars actually come from, what it really takes to bring them to market; libtards are smarter there. However, as for common sense, libertarians have y'all beat by miles.


07-22-2016, 04:12 PM
I absolutely believe that libtards are exponentially more intelligent, as in book smart, than the average republitard. The average republitard can change a spark plug, yet has no idea where cars actually come from, what it really takes to bring them to market; libtards are smarter there. However, as for common sense, libertarians have y'all beat by miles.


Really? Y'all don't even know what word "liberal" means. You can go from there.

07-22-2016, 05:44 PM
One of the great fearmongers of our time, Mike Weiner, wrote a book on Liberalism as a mental disorder:


07-22-2016, 06:07 PM
One of the great fearmongers of our time, Mike Weiner, wrote a book on Liberalism as a mental disorder:


True liberalism is not a disorder. Now consider my position. Something you leftwingers can't do. I'm an actual liberal. By the actual definition. I'm also left handed.

So do I call you a liberal or a lefty? I'm screwed either way.

07-22-2016, 06:21 PM
I absolutely believe that libtards are exponentially more intelligent, as in book smart, than the average republitard. The average republitard can change a spark plug, yet has no idea where cars actually come from, what it really takes to bring them to market; libtards are smarter there. However, as for common sense, libertarians have y'all beat by miles.


There is a difference between 'practical intelligence' and 'assumed intelligence'.

Most all liberals carry the 'assumed intelligence', disregarding the practical and consider
themselves to be superior.

I had been a Moderate Republican for years until Obama came along and destroyed any
vestiges of cooperation and problem-solving between the mindsets.

07-22-2016, 08:02 PM