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View Full Version : Boehner To Speak About Cruz Tonight?

07-21-2016, 06:05 PM


Fun rumor of the day: Boehner will be a surprise speaker tonight to attack Ted CruzPOSTED AT 6:41 PM ON JULY 21, 2016 BY ALLAHPUNDIT
An hors d’oeuvre to whet your appetite for this evening from Conservative Review editor Daniel Horowitz:
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I'm hearing they might put John Boehner on stage tonight to rebut Cruz. it would complete the freak show full circle.
10:10 AM - 21 Jul 2016 (https://twitter.com/RMConservative/status/756174431597330432)


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</twitterwidget>Sending Mr Establishment onstage to do Donald Trump’s bidding in attacking Cruz is as perfect a distillation of this moment politically as I can imagine. It’d make no sense as a way to damage Cruz, who’s made a career out of painting Boehner (and Mitch McConnell) as the embodiment of a corrupt GOP that’s happy to sell out to Democrats in the name of keeping its grip on power. He’d wear the attack as a badge of honor and could use it to paint Trump as having been co-opted by “the system” and its top lieutenants before he’s even been sworn in. It also makes no sense insofar as Trump should want tonight’s focus entirely on his own speech. Revisiting the Cruz feud, with a cameo from a major Republican player for extra drama, would give the media something else to talk about tomorrow. It’d be insane.


07-21-2016, 06:31 PM


Well, that opinion makes little sense. Just a jumble of words.

07-21-2016, 06:34 PM
Well, that opinion makes little sense. Just a jumble of words.

Wasn't an opinion, rather a rumor that started with his calling 'the return of Lucifer...' No love loss with Boehner/McConnell and Cruz.

07-21-2016, 06:34 PM
He'll just start crying...

07-21-2016, 06:38 PM
Boner. It's spelled "Boner".