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View Full Version : Shooting At Munich Mall?

07-22-2016, 12:01 PM

07-22-2016, 02:33 PM
I've read anywhere from 6 - 12 dead. This is insane. Looks like it's not going to stop anytime soon.

Munich is on lockdown.


Reports: 6 dead in Munich mall shooting; manhunt underway

MUNICH (AP) -- Munich police warned people to avoid public places Friday as they hunted for the shooter or shooters who opened fire at a shopping mall, killing six people and wounding others in a rampage described as "suspected terrorism," police and media reports said.

"At the moment no culprit has been arrested," police in the Bavarian capital said on social media. "The search is taking place at high speed."

The city of Munich sent a smartphone alert telling people to stay indoors and German rail company Deutsche Bahn stopped train traffic to Munich's main station.

Police said witnesses reported seeing three people with firearms near the Olympia Einkaufszentrum mall.

Munich police spokeswoman Claudia Kuenzel told The Associated Press there were "several dead and wounded" in the shooting. She could not provide exact numbers. Bavarian public broadcaster Bayrischer Rundfunk and Munich-based Focus magazine, citing sources they did not identify, said six people were killed.


Second shooting in Munich as gunman opens fire at Marienplatz Metro station

An evacutation has taken place at the Marienplatz Metro station.

It is not yet known how many people have been wounded.

The second shooting follows an attack which took place earlier today at a shopping centre in Munich.

Over a dozen people are believed to have died at the scene – with six deaths already having been confirmed.

It is thought that the three attackers who carried out the shooting at the Munich shopping centre, fled into the U-Bahn/Metro network.


Munich shopping centre shooting: 'Three gunmen on the run' say police as multiple deaths reported across the city

Gunman in Munich opens fire at a McDonalds by the Olympia shopping centre
Unconfirmed reports that there could be shootings in city centre
Unconfirmed reports that there were three locations
Interior ministry says at least three killed
Gunmen still on the loose
Islamic State supporters celebrate on social media

Munich police are hunting for three gunmen who they believe have carried out attacks at three locations in the city.

On Twitter, the local forces said shootings had taken place at Hanauer Straße, then the Riesstraße, and also at the Olympia shopping center.

Yet the local state broadcaster said there was only one location - the shopping centre.

Lynn Stein, who works inside the Olympia centre, told CNN a woman told her "masked gunmen dressed in black" had been seen running through the centre.

The interior ministry confirming at least three killed.


07-22-2016, 05:44 PM
It appears this scumbag was aiming for the children. :(


'Boom boom boom - he's killing the kids'

A number of people have been killed and another 10 people are injured after gunmen went on a shooting rampage
Police operation is ongoing in Munich, with the force warning people to stay in their homes and avoid public spaces
Terrified shoppers were seen running for their lives from the Olympia Shopping Centre after hearing gunshots
Witnesses said that the shopping centre gunman screamed 'I'm German' and 'Allahu Akbar' before shooting
Gunman reportedly fled after his shooting spree on the city underground network, which has now been shut down
City is in lockdown as police say they are searching for up to three gunmen, who are all on the run, after the attack

A gunman shouting 'Allahu Akbar' opened fire at children in McDonald's before rampaging through a shopping mall, killing at least eight people.

Munich is in lockdown tonight, as a major police operation is ongoing around the city's Olympic Park, with the force warning people to stay in their homes and avoid public spaces.

A ninth body has been found tonight and investigators are looking into the possibility of it being the attacker.

Terrified shoppers were seen running for their lives from the Munich Olympia Shopping Centre, in the district of Moosach, after hearing gunshots.

Witnesses said that the gunman screamed 'I'm German' and 'Allahu Akbar' before shooting at children.

A woman named Loretta said she was in the McDonald's when the man with a gun came out of a bathroom and began shooting.

She told CNN: 'I come out of the toilet and I hear like an alarm, boom, boom, boom. He's killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run.'

Loretta said she had been in the bathroom at the same time as the shooter, with her eight-year-old son. She said the man yelled: 'Allahu Akbar!'

Rest here - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3703705/Major-police-investigation-way-shots-fired-shopping-centre-Munich.html

07-22-2016, 06:04 PM
I've been telling my wife for years, you want to fuck with the U.S.? Attack a mall. Attack several. A coordinated attack at six or seven malls across the country and online shopping would be the new normal. Malls would shut down, businesses would go tits up, people would lose their jobs, it would be a mess...

Abbey Marie
07-22-2016, 06:31 PM
Ruining the water supply will cause more problems than a mall shooting.

Abbey Marie
07-22-2016, 11:47 PM
I hereby call these tragic shootings in Germany, "getting Merkeled".

07-23-2016, 12:19 AM
SAD situation

I've been telling my wife for years, you want to fuck with the U.S.? Attack a mall. Attack several. A coordinated attack at six or seven malls across the country and online shopping would be the new normal. Malls would shut down, businesses would go tits up, people would lose their jobs, it would be a mess...
Ruining the water supply will cause more problems than a mall shooting.
There are any number of ways to "terrorize" a country. with a small group.
It's one of the reasons why I've always been skeptical of a Wide and Deep U.S. terror threat.
The opportunities are everywhere. the military bases and the Faux security and Airports are the ONLY places that are on supposed lock down. nearly everything else wide open.

07-23-2016, 07:52 AM
I hereby call these tragic shootings in Germany, "getting Merkeled".

Related?: https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/239469/

JULY 23, 2016

WE ALL KNEW THIS WAS COMING: Lack of Faith in Merkel Spreads With Bavaria’s Bloody Week of Mayhem: #WelcomeRefugees has come back to bite Germany as two murderous Muslim newcomers put the country on edge. (http://observer.com/2016/07/lack-of-faith-in-merkel-spreads-with-bavarias-bloody-week-of-mayhem/)

One need hardly be a far-right German to be unnerved that young people welcomed warmly to the country only a year ago, penniless and in need of sanctuary, now want to kill their “infidel” hosts. For Chancellor Angela Merkel, the consequences of domestic terrorism by Muslim newcomers promise to be politically harmful, and perhaps lethal. While Merkel delayed her Alpine holiday this weekend to head a meeting of her national security team in response to the Munich attack—showing more tact than President Obama, who joked during his statement about the massacre—skeptics will deem this insufficient.

After all, it was Chancellor Merkel who opened the country’s doors last summer in a fit of sunny optimism that already looks like a weighty political liability. Although there’s no indication that the Würzburg attacker had anything to do with the Islamic State except in his own sick mind, that’s cold comfort given the vast numbers of Muslim young men in Germany at the moment. ISIS was only too happy to hail the dead Afghan as their “soldier,” releasing the now-obligatory video of the “martyr” swearing allegiance to the Islamic State.

Germans, who are not used to their government being inept and dishonest, are shocked by all this.

Welcome to the club, guys.

07-25-2016, 02:32 AM
Saw this going around FB - sums it up.
