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07-22-2016, 04:50 PM
Dick Morris on Trump's Speech: 'This Was Presidential At Its Best'

Donald Trump's presidential acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday was "masterful," political strategist Dick Morris told Newsmax TV.

"It was one of the great speeches I've ever heard in my life," Morris told host J.D. Hayworth on the "Newsmax TV Convention Special" in an interview. "It really made the pivot from partisan figure to a presidential leader.

Morris said that Trump emphasized the notion throughout his remarks that "I'll get it done."

"He's a builder. He's a doer. He can get it done. Get the damn thing built.

"You just got the sense of a guy who couldn't wait to get to work — who knows how to do it," he told Hayworth. "Just give me the damn ball."


Giuliani on Trump: Best Acceptance Speech Ever

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani gave Donald Trump's GOP acceptance speech a glowing review, saying "I thought it was the best acceptance speech I've ever heard," in an interview on WABC Radio.

"I think it was an unbelievable speech, it covered everything and it made Americans proud to be Americans," Giuliani told host Rita Cosby, saying Trump "spoke to the working people of America, spoke to the people who feel left out, spoke to the outsiders and made himself their champion."

"He was incredibly honest about how rigged and how corrupt our system is," Giuliani said. "Donald Trump had the courage to speak to that and he laid out specific plans to change it."

The former presidential contender went on to praise Trump's message to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, calling it "beautiful," and that he "was happy to see many Republicans who feel the same way I do," as a pro-gay rights Republican.

"I think he's going to win this election big," he continued. "I think on her best day Hillary Clinton couldn't give half the speech he did."

"Hillary Clinton is exactly what Donald Trump said, she's a puppet, she's owned by the people who've given her and Bill Clinton millions and millions of dollars: Saudi Arabia, Russia, business interests, Wall Street interests," the ex-prosecutor said. "She can't make any changes because the special interests won't allow her to do it."

While speaking at the GOP convention on Monday, Giuliani pledged to prosecute Clinton over her private email sever if Trump becomes president, according to the New York Post.

The former U.S. Attorney in New York City was pleased with Trump's stance as "the law and order candidate," and blames President Barack Obama and his administration for painting a target on the backs of police officers.

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Rudy-Giuliani-Trump-Acceptance-Speech-Praise/2016/07/22/id/740011/