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View Full Version : Trump speech wins over wary Cruz, Kasich delegates

07-22-2016, 04:54 PM
CLEVELAND – While they certainly didn’t convince every doubter among the delegates on the floor of the Quicken Loans Arena Thursday night, Donald Trump’s acceptance speech and the testimony of his daughter Ivanka appear to have largely fulfilled the aim of helping unify the party while making a case to America for a Trump White House.

As the balloons and confetti continued to fall, WND spoke to a sampling of delegates who included supporters of Sen. Ted Cruz, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona, who previously endorsed Cruz, told WND after the speech, “I absolutely feel much better.

“I think their speeches tonight were magnificent,” he said. “I think it demonstrates to the world Donald Trump can find the discipline to speak in a cogent way that reaches a broad sector of the American electorate.”

Franks said Cruz made a big mistake Wednesday night in choosing not to endorse Trump in his convention speech .

“I was terribly disappointed in Ted,” Franks told WND. “In spite of the legitimate injustices that in my opinion he did have to endure, in circumstances like this, it is the duty of every statesman to look to the betterment of the country and the future generations rather than their own unfortunate circumstances at time.”

As WND reported, a number of Texas delegates defended Cruz after he was booed for not endorsing Trump, but some expressed disappointment in him.

“He was standing on the podium of the Republican Party convention,” Franks continued, “and that was the time to make sure that we protected the future for them and all future generations and families of every sort.

“This is about potentially the freedom of the human family.”

Asked if he will be an enthusiastic campaigner for Trump, Franks said: “I am able to unequivocally support Donald Trump without the slightest reticence, and I think any time someone can say that when they walk into the voting booth, that’s confidence enough.”

‘I think tonight we hired somebody’

South Carolina delegate Jim Corbett of Columbia backed former Sen. Rick Santorum, followed by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and then former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Trump was one of those guys that was, ‘He’d be OK, but he was not my choice,'” said Corbett.

“My biggest thing was that in the debates he never answered a question, and he was always attacking people,” the South Carolinian continued.

“Tonight, he gave a speech and he answered a lot of questions about what he’s going to do, how he’s going to do it.

“I think tonight we hired somebody. To do the job, a tough job,” Corbett declared.

“I mean, a lot of people do ‘rah rah’ at these things,” said Corbett, noting it was his fifth convention.

“I feel a real quiet surge of confidence that this guy is going to do what he says. So he’s my man now.”

‘Status quo is broken’

Pennsylvania delegate Scott Uehlinger, a 28-year Navy veteran and retired CIA operations officer from Topton, has backed Trump from the beginning.

Rest here - http://www.wnd.com/2016/07/trump-speech-wins-over-wary-cruz-kasich-delegates/