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07-25-2016, 01:49 PM
Ever want to pick up the phone and want to call one of your parents that are no longer with us? I used to ask my Mom a million questions. Of course, she raised me, she had all the answers! And now I want to ask questions, but there is really no one to answer them. :( Or is it just that I miss her and want to ask the boring questions, just so I could talk to her?


07-25-2016, 02:03 PM
Tough for me....

Mom has dementia and hardly even recognizes me any more.

07-25-2016, 02:05 PM
Tough for me....

Mom has dementia and hardly even recognizes me any more.
I'm sorry, it's hard. Still I bet those few times you see a bit of recognition you're thrilled.

I'm happy my mom no longer is ill, but do miss her every day!

07-25-2016, 02:10 PM
Tough for me....

Mom has dementia and hardly even recognizes me any more.

I'm sorry to hear that, buddy. I know that has to be extremely difficult.

But if I could have my Mom back, and give her any ailments you want, and give me all the work in the world, just so I could perhaps hold hands, hear her voice, even if she yells at me... Certainly not to diminish anything, but man, if I could have her in front of me again. :(

07-25-2016, 03:29 PM
Ever want to pick up the phone and want to call one of your parents that are no longer with us? I used to ask my Mom a million questions. Of course, she raised me, she had all the answers! And now I want to ask questions, but there is really no one to answer them. :( Or is it just that I miss her and want to ask the boring questions, just so I could talk to her?


Grandfather. I STILL wake up having conversations with him. I was and still am not close to either of my parents. He (grandfather) left out quite a few answers when he passed.

Favorite conversation with him: I'm 17 and he's going to give me the most awkward birds n the bees speech EVER. I'm thinking "You're a little late, bro". :laugh:

It was funny as Hell though. And I managed to keep a straight face through the ordeal. He looked like somebody sitting on thumbtacks the whole time.:laugh2:

07-25-2016, 03:31 PM
Tough for me....

Mom has dementia and hardly even recognizes me any more.

Sorry to hear that. I remember when my grandmother didn't know who I was anymore. It's really sad and painful.

07-25-2016, 03:42 PM

Not a day goes by that I do not think of my dad. He died in September of 2008. We were close, talked almost every day, though I'd almost swear he preferred my wife to me...

I'd call him just to ask trivia questions, especially if I was watching JEOPARDY! He was once a contestant on that show, and failed miserably. Which is funny because he was perhaps the smartest man I knew. They just didn't put up the right categories that day... To this day I sometimes reach for the phone to call him, only to remember and slip into a funk. I would sometimes call and ask for advice, tap into that wisdom and experience. Truthfully, it wasn't until he died that I really felt like a grownup, and I was 44. Why? Because as long as my dad was there to answer questions and give advice, I wasn't the oldest man in the family... When he was gone, there was no one for me to turn to for the advice and wisdom sons and daughters seek from the fathers. I was, and am, that guy now... Sure, my mom is still here, but I haven't lived with her, save for summers in Texas, since I was 12 or 13. Don't get me wrong, we're close, but the relationship is different, the questions and advice are different...

Sometimes when I dream about him I spend much of the next pissed off, not fit company for man or beast, all because I woke up and the dream ended. Though that is getting better as time goes by, I've learned to appreciate the time we spent in the dream. That it is not real doesn't matter...

There is not much I wouldn't give up for just one more day with the man, no, only four things I wouldn't give up... My wife and kids.

I feel your pain, Jim, I really do. I can assure you that it all gets better with the passing of years. You'll forever miss her, but there will come a time when you think of her and you feel happy more often than you feel sad...

So I guess the answer to your original question is, yes. Yes, I often want to pick up the phone and call my dad, even eight years on...

Hang tough, brother. We'll drink a toast to your mom and my dad when you get down here...