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View Full Version : Looks like Michelle Obama's speech didn't go over as well as you might have heard

07-27-2016, 07:45 PM
The liberals at NBC News were "reporting" what was going on at the DNC Convention... or, at least, reporting what they wanted everybody to think was going on. Some (Savannah Guthrie, Chuck Todd) were up in the broadcaster's booth, and one (Andrea Mitchell) was down among the delegates themselves with a microphone and cameraman.

And one of them slipped up, and told what really happened.

Reaction was quick from the booth. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!" Or to that reporter in the crowd who said what actually happened.


http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2016/07/26/andrea_mitchell_accidentally_reports_the_truth_f_c huck_todd_slaps_her_down

Andrea Mitchell Accidentally Reports the Truth, F. Chuck Todd Slaps Her Down

July 26, 2016

Savannah Guthrie said, "It was a pretty succinct case for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump, but done with the trademark Michelle Obama grace. Andrea Mitchell is down on the floor in the New York delegation. How did it go over down there, Andrea?"

MITCHELL: Well, about 40% of the delegation really sat on their hands. Uh, even though this is the first lady and Michelle Obama could not be more popular, 40% of these delegates are Bernie Sanders delegates. Some of them stood up, about three or four, you could see perhaps. But some have their Robin Hood hats on. So there was some resistance even to Michelle Obama, which is a big signal to this convention, to the Clinton campaign, that even their most popular speakers are not gonna persuade the hardcore Bernie Sanders supporters.

TODD: Uhh, we gotta remember there's a -- millions of people watching on television, and I think they heard nothing. It didn't sound like people were sitting on their hands. So I don't think it would have that kind of impact.

07-27-2016, 07:51 PM
Hah, that's not what the NBC booth wanted to hear about, or let anyone else hear about.

07-27-2016, 09:37 PM
I could not really care less what Michelle has to say. All she wants is to
continue what her husband's twisted philosophy has been and cement a false legacy.

Endorsing Hillary has shown exactly that. Obama endorsing her is a bit of a false
lead. He and Hillary fought constantly, yet he turned a blind eye to Benghazi and
did nothing. He turned a blind eye to the SOC E-mail problem.

The liberal puke is in the chamber pot and none of them want to crawl out of it.

07-28-2016, 09:24 AM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13776020_1106440569402525_5808922763111691807_n.jp g?oh=dc90ccd2b540a5882551a597ac89c462&oe=5826A657

07-28-2016, 12:24 PM
Moochelle's speech didn't go so well? What happened?
Her cup slip? Did her balls fall out of her dress again?




07-28-2016, 12:27 PM
Oh man, a little brutal on the Mooch!!

I seriously wish there was an honest way to find out how much the first ladies have cost/spent over the years. I don't recall many prior to her taking such many vacations, and bringing so many friends all of the time.

But I really don't care much to hear what she had to say in her speech. Barack, Mooch and Hillary are some of the biggest liars on earth.

07-30-2016, 10:28 PM
I could not really care less what Michelle has to say. All she wants is to
continue what her husband's twisted philosophy has been and cement a false legacy.

Endorsing Hillary has shown exactly that. Obama endorsing her is a bit of a false
lead. He and Hillary fought constantly, yet he turned a blind eye to Benghazi and
did nothing. He turned a blind eye to the SOC E-mail problem.

The liberal puke is in the chamber pot and none of them want to crawl out of it.

The thread isn't about Michelle.

It's about NBC trying to cover up the facts reported by their own on-the-scene reporter when they don't agree with NBC's pre-ordained "conclusions".