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07-28-2016, 07:40 PM
Just seen this on Fox News. Me ... I regard it as evidence of the fitness of the Dems to continue on in Government ---


Hundreds of Bernie Sanders supporters are expected to stage a Fart-In Thursday at the Democratic National Convention meeting in Philadelphia.

An assortment of Socialists, beatniks, and leftwing rabble-rousers plan to consume massive quantities of pork and beans in preparation for the pungent protest.

We have yet to ascertain why the liberals are passing gas -- but the mass flatulence is expected to happen just moments before Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech.

U.S. News reports heavy containers laden with beans – both dry and canned – have already been shipped to the City of Brotherly Love. They plan to feast on a variety of selections – including navy, pinto, baked and lima (which emits a rather noxious fume).

“It shows the level of absolute disgust that we’re at – we think we’re going to remember 2016 as the year we begin to bury the two corporate political parties,” Cheri Honkala told U.S. News.

Ms. Honkala is the national coordinator for the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign – one of the groups behind the “Fart-In.”

... Scientists have grave concerns that the sheer number of gassy liberals could blow a hole in the ozone from Philadelphia to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Therefore, residents who live in the projected path of this foul wind should begin immediate preparations to protect themselves and their property.

FEMA has not issued an official advisory – but sources within the government tell me people living along the eastern seaboard should acquire gas masks and at least two cases of industrial strength Febreze.

I call all of this an 'Al Gore' moment.:rolleyes::fart:

07-28-2016, 07:52 PM
Yeah, this was announced last week. Bernouts have had a lot of time to pack baked beans and sugar-free gummis into their bellies.

Someone light a match.

07-28-2016, 07:59 PM
Where the hell is the chili powder or Tapatio (hot sauce)?:laugh:

Abbey Marie
07-28-2016, 08:01 PM
However badly this smells, it cannot match the stench of sHrillary speaking.

07-28-2016, 08:08 PM
I've seen many of the photo's taken in that building, after the first night of the DNC convention. Without the ability to smell what it was like then, and will always be...despite the FART-IN tonight. Has anyone ever been to an outdoor fair, or circus, and had to visit the restrooms? Use your imagination because...a few of the news media (unafraid to report the truth) compared the smells, and the conditions to an open LATRINE, with a trough used for urination in the HOT SUN.

On the other hand. What else could anyone expect from the DNC who fills their Olympic swimming pool with KOOL-AID???:laugh:

07-28-2016, 08:24 PM
... and for many of the DNC attendees, this flatulence event will be the most productive thing they've done in years. :smoke:

Abbey Marie
07-28-2016, 08:26 PM
... and for many of the DNC attendees, this flatulence event will be the most productive thing they've done in years. :smoke:


07-28-2016, 08:46 PM
I've seen many of the photo's taken in that building, after the first night of the DNC convention. Without the ability to smell what it was like then, and will always be...despite the FART-IN tonight. Has anyone ever been to an outdoor fair, or circus, and had to visit the restrooms? Use your imagination because...a few of the news media (unafraid to report the truth) compared the smells, and the conditions to an open LATRINE, with a trough used for urination in the HOT SUN.

On the other hand. What else could anyone expect from the DNC who fills their Olympic swimming pool with KOOL-AID???:laugh:

Try working on a construction site with a bunch of wetbacks and only have half the sh*tters you're supposed to have. I got a REAL clear idea what it's like. :laugh: