View Full Version : Keep mouths closed while in feces-infested water

07-29-2016, 04:02 PM
I'm all for chasing ones dream in sports. But c'mon, this is literally risking ones health. This is disgusting. Brazil should be ashamed. I'd drop out, unfortunately. :(


Rio 2016: Athletes warned to keep mouths closed while in faeces-infested water

All efforts by the government to clean the Rio waters seem to have failed

Athletes competing in the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil have been warned by doctors, engineers, and scientists to keep their mouths shut while participating in activities in the water.

Researchers found that many of the beaches in Rio de Janeiro have been long contaminated with raw sewage, household garbage, and even dead bodies, creating hazardous swimming conditions for the 500,000 people expected to descend on the city in August.

“Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,” Rio paediatrician Dr Daniel Becker told the New York Times. “It’s sad but also worrisome.”

The Brazilian government had promised to clean the pathogen-infested Guanabara Bay in 2014, but those efforts failed.

Stelberto Soares, a municipal engineer who has worked on Rio sanitation issues for decades, said that the government’s efforts to clean the waters were superficial at best.

“They can try to block big items like sofas and dead bodies, but these rivers are pure sludge,” he said, “so the bacteria and viruses are going to just pass through.”

“We just have to keep our mouths closed,” said 24-year-old Afrodite Zegers of the Dutch sailing team – one of the 10,000 athletes from 205 countries competing in Brazil.


Abbey Marie
07-29-2016, 04:33 PM
I've read the rowers are keeping their water bottles in plastic bags, and trying very hard to keep any water from splashing onto their face. Or even touching their hands to their face.

07-29-2016, 04:42 PM
Oh Gawd....

Holding an international event in a cesspool?

I've got to wonder about the quality of the water for the
swimmers, divers, water polo, etc. after seeing this.

07-29-2016, 04:58 PM
Funny that this is posted in "Professional Sports."

Does anyone else remember when Olympic athletes were all amateurs? It was the rule... Nowadays? Not so much.

I mean really, would The Miracle on Ice have been as awesome if the athletes on that team been from the NHL? Not so much.

The IOC is crooked, the athletes are professionals, you can keep the Olympic Games. They mean nothing.

07-29-2016, 05:32 PM
I'm not so sure the chance of getting a gold medal is worth it.

Black Diamond
07-29-2016, 05:37 PM
I am reminded of the movie Shawshank redemption

07-29-2016, 08:16 PM
I can't fathom while the IOC has done nothing. Not to mention the US under Carter boycotted the 80 Olympics for less.

I wouldn't go. I'm a swimmer. You ain't going to keep your mouth shut.

07-29-2016, 09:29 PM
I can't fathom while the IOC has done nothing. Not to mention the US under Carter boycotted the 80 Olympics for less.

I wouldn't go. I'm a swimmer. You ain't going to keep your mouth shut.

That's a no-shitter. So am I.

07-29-2016, 10:07 PM
That's a no-shitter. So am I.

I mean really. Keep your mouths closed? Which genius came up with THAT plan? You're in the water and you're going to drink it. The whole notion is absurd to me. Even if you get good enough to spit the crap out, it's still getting in. Damage is done with bacteria.

I sometimes wonder who ro why these people are that get to think for us. SUre, I'll just run through the ocean and not get wet. GMAFB.

Black Diamond
07-29-2016, 10:44 PM
Who in the blazing hell decided Rio should host the Olympics? Seems they didn't do their homework??

07-29-2016, 11:00 PM
Funny that this is posted in "Professional Sports."

Does anyone else remember when Olympic athletes were all amateurs? It was the rule... Nowadays? Not so much.

I mean really, would The Miracle on Ice have been as awesome if the athletes on that team been from the NHL? Not so much.

The IOC is crooked, the athletes are professionals, you can keep the Olympic Games. They mean nothing.

I'm with you. The Olympics have become a big business of such majestic pomp, politics, and profit. I won't be watching any of it.

07-30-2016, 01:54 AM
Who in the blazing hell decided Rio should host the Olympics? Seems they didn't do their homework??

That place is a human rights violation from Hell. Where are all the leftwingnut protestors? Haven't heard a peep.

Politics decides where the games are held. I'd have a little more concern for the athletes. I'd rather go back to the Middle East than Rio. I always remembered hearing these stories about how clean Singapore was. Must ot have included the oil and dead birds in their water.:rolleyes:

I hate it when clowns who have no clue get to make decisions.