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08-04-2016, 01:51 PM
Just gotta like how point-blank and direct this guy is:


Black Diamond
08-04-2016, 01:57 PM
Just gotta like how point-blank and direct this guy is:

Well do ya punk?

08-04-2016, 02:36 PM
We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist."

Thats cute.
Clint Eastwood was born in 1930, and "grew up" during the 30s/40s/50s...tell me more about things that "weren't called racist" during this time, Clint...because that era was pretty damn racist.

Black Diamond
08-04-2016, 02:44 PM
Thats cute.
Clint Eastwood was born in 1930, and "grew up" during the 30s/40s/50s...tell me more about things that "weren't called racist" during this time, Clint...because that era was pretty damn racist.

As opposed to today where you have to call that spider an African-American widow.

08-04-2016, 06:12 PM
Thats cute.
Clint Eastwood was born in 1930, and "grew up" during the 30s/40s/50s...tell me more about things that "weren't called racist" during this time, Clint...because that era was pretty damn racist.

Not everyone is as thin-skinned and wimpy as you. I suppose you can transform yourself into that
era and give us an eyeball view of it?

08-04-2016, 06:17 PM
Thats cute.
Clint Eastwood was born in 1930, and "grew up" during the 30s/40s/50s...tell me more about things that "weren't called racist" during this time, Clint...because that era was pretty damn racist.

People wanting to have a "safe space" where everyone must be nice to one another. Now THAT's cute.

Things may have been more racist as Clint was growing up, but he's right, at least we didn't live in a country full of p*%%ies that whine, bitch, cry and such over every little thing. Men USED to be men, and didn't cry and run for help when someone said something they didn't like.

Black Diamond
08-04-2016, 06:17 PM
Not everyone is as thin-skinned and wimpy as you. I suppose you can transform yourself into that
era and give us an eyeball view of it?

I do believe the Blitz happened in that timeframe. Wonder how PC those Brits were/are.

Black Diamond
08-04-2016, 06:18 PM
People wanting to have a "safe space" where everyone must be nice to one another. Now THAT's cute.

Things may have been more racist as Clint was growing up, but he's right, at least we didn't live in a country full of p*%%ies that whine, bitch, cry and such over every little thing. Men USED to be men, and didn't cry and run for help when someone said something they didn't like.

This town needs an enema.

08-04-2016, 07:35 PM
I do believe the Blitz happened in that timeframe. Wonder how PC those Brits were/are.

Probably not very PC at all during that event. Of course, Noir wants to ignore fact such as that.

08-04-2016, 09:20 PM
This town needs an enema.

This explains why Preparation H is now being sold with a Toothbrush!:laugh::dance:

08-05-2016, 06:25 AM
Thats cute.
Clint Eastwood was born in 1930, and "grew up" during the 30s/40s/50s...tell me more about things that "weren't called racist" during this time, Clint...because that era was pretty damn racist.

You wouldn't have survived. The girls I grew up with would have taken care of you. You wouldn't have had to worry about me though. I only went after competition.

And what exactly do you know about those eras other than the propaganda you choose to believe? The era was racist only because the media and a bunch of leftwingnuts say so. My best friends were Mexicans and blacks. We all played together. My aunt is a Mexican.

I didn't know what black racism was until we moved to DC and it was the blacks who were and still are the racists.

So before you go painting people with your broad brush, you might want to consider us honky's, crackers, whitey's, guerro's ain't what the media makes us out to be.

The one thing we can be sure of though is you're a skinny geek with a big mouth. I got a friend named Alfonso. He's a Mexican. Probably laugh at your geek ass before stuffing you into a shitcan.

Save your stupid PC labels for people that believe them.

08-05-2016, 08:01 AM
The girls I grew up with would have taken care of you. You wouldn't have had to worry about me though.

Interesting that you chose to insult girls on your path to try and insult me.

what exactly do you know about those eras other than the propaganda you choose to believe? The era was racist only because the media and a bunch of leftwingnuts say so. My best friends were Mexicans and blacks. We all played together. My aunt is a Mexican.

I didn't know what black racism was until we moved to DC and it was the blacks who were and still are the racists.

So before you go painting people with your broad brush, you might want to consider us honky's, crackers, whitey's, guerro's ain't what the media makes us out to be.

Sure, what do I know, segregation was a media myth 8)

08-05-2016, 09:55 AM
Interesting that you chose to insult girls on your path to try and insult me.

Sure, what do I know, segregation was a media myth 8)

Interesting that you attempt to try and twist the situation around. I am not insulting any girls. I'm insulting YOU. Cheap ploy by someone with no argument.

I loved the girls that would come play football with us. I'll you know just for the record, I got in trouble more than once as Marine because I did NOT treat women differently. You got on Corporal stripes, pick up the other end of the desk.

What I DON'T like are weak people that don't know what they're talking about, have no experience yet sit in judgement of others. What you know about actual segregation in the US would fit in a thimble.

FYI, the worst racism in this country was in the North and Midwest. The largest chapter of the Klan was in Indiana, not the South.

YOU and people like you want to continue living in the past. Yet, you claim to be the enlightened ones. Always talking stuff about things you never lived through. YOU keep racism alive. It's just another red herring. You have as whatever color or gender you are unless you're a white male every right in this country anyone else has.

When you race-baiters shut the Hell up, maybe the situation will go away. Doubt that'll happen because it's big business to be a whiner.

08-05-2016, 12:30 PM
Interesting that you attempt to try and twist the situation around. I am not insulting any girls. I'm insulting YOU. Cheap ploy by someone with no argument.

Quite- in a moment of aloofness you mentioned these "girls" purely by happenstance, I'm sure.

As as for Clint, he may miss the life that was his when he was growing up for what 'wasn't called racist then', I doubt many non-White Americans of the same age share the sentiment.

Black Diamond
08-05-2016, 12:50 PM
Quite- in a moment of aloofness you mentioned these "girls" purely by happenstance, I'm sure.

As as for Clint, he may miss the life that was his when he was growing up for what 'wasn't called racist then', I doubt many non-White Americans of the same age share the sentiment.
They're free to leave anytime. In fact I encourage it.

08-05-2016, 12:54 PM
They're free to leave anytime. In fact I encourage it.

Im sure you do. But maybe instead we could have some less hatred, and less of people 'wanting to leave' becuase of how they are treated, no? Well worth a try.

08-05-2016, 01:10 PM
Quite- in a moment of aloofness you mentioned these "girls" purely by happenstance, I'm sure.

As as for Clint, he may miss the life that was his when he was growing up for what 'wasn't called racist then', I doubt many non-White Americans of the same age share the sentiment.

Yeah, Eisntein. I was comparing their physical acumen to yours. That's not a put-down to them. It is to you. I like my girls being girls. Feminine, in sundresses. And if they can play football, so much the better.

I don't expect THEM to be men. I DO expect you to be one instead of looking like you need a sundress and some make up.

08-05-2016, 01:44 PM
the pussy generation. :laugh:

08-05-2016, 02:00 PM
the pussy generation. :laugh:

He asked for it. Doesn't look like he could man a post much less hump ammo and load.

He just likes to throw out red herrings. Baseless accusations. I'm sexist because I like girls to be girls. :rolleyes: No ... I like girls to be girls because I like girls? Kinda makes me biologically normal.

His whole game is total left wing BS. Throw out a false accusation to change the topic becuase he can't answer the original one.

08-05-2016, 04:32 PM
He asked for it. Doesn't look like he could man a post much less hump ammo and load.

He just likes to throw out red herrings. Baseless accusations. I'm sexist because I like girls to be girls. :rolleyes: No ... I like girls to be girls because I like girls? Kinda makes me biologically normal.

His whole game is total left wing BS. Throw out a false accusation to change the topic becuase he can't answer the original one.

You'll note that my first post in this thread was about the OP and Eastwood. Whereas yours opens with (in your terms atleast) an insult directed towards me, make of that what you will.

Black Diamond
08-05-2016, 04:34 PM
You'll note that my first post in this thread was about the OP and Eastwood. Whereas yours opens with (in your terms atleast) an insult directed towards me, make of that what you will.


08-05-2016, 05:15 PM
I didn't know what black racism was until we moved to DC and it was the blacks who were and still are the racists.

The one thing we can be sure of though is you're a skinny geek with a big mouth. I got a friend named Alfonso. He's a Mexican. Probably laugh at your geek ass before stuffing you into a shitcan.

Save your stupid PC labels for people that believe them.

Again snipped for brevity...

I never experienced racism in any form until college. That was when I was exposed to blacks
from the inner cities that always had a chip on their shoulder.... and three of my best and trusted
friends were black guys...all from small WVa towns.

Gunny is right...grow up, get out of the basement and grow some man-balls.

08-05-2016, 05:18 PM
Quite- in a moment of aloofness you mentioned these "girls" purely by happenstance, I'm sure.

As as for Clint, he may miss the life that was his when he was growing up for what 'wasn't called racist then', I doubt many non-White Americans of the same age share the sentiment.

Just how much of his life do your really know, Noir? He's one thing you are not...a combination of being
tough as nails yet compassionate...In other words....an ADULT.

08-05-2016, 05:20 PM
They're free to leave anytime. In fact I encourage it.

The door does swing both ways....perhaps Noir will invite them into his basement hiding place.:laugh:

08-05-2016, 05:22 PM
I don't expect THEM to be men. I DO expect you to be one instead of looking like you need a sundress and some make up.

Hate to do this....but that is classic Gunny!:laugh:

08-05-2016, 05:24 PM
You'll note that my first post in this thread was about the OP and Eastwood. Whereas yours opens with (in your terms atleast) an insult directed towards me, make of that what you will.

Are you yet done derailing this thread? Attention whore much?

08-05-2016, 05:44 PM
Noir. Since you obviously enjoy playing the part. Why not put your White Neckband on for your photo, then give yourself...."The last rights!" that might allow you to become a man In The Next Life where.....LIFE IS HAPPY ALL THE TIME, and nobody will be permitted to say anything you dislike????

08-05-2016, 07:01 PM
You'll note that my first post in this thread was about the OP and Eastwood. Whereas yours opens with (in your terms atleast) an insult directed towards me, make of that what you will.

You threw out a red herring and tried to run with it. You want to play English with me, belt up ponce. I'll stick your boot up your bonnet. Your arse didn't invent English and some of us are a bit more educated than you think. I grew up on English lit.

What I didn't do was grow up with a head full of air and propaganda.

08-05-2016, 07:53 PM
Question, Noir....

Would you dare to argue in this manner with a Squaddie or Royal Marine the way you do here?

It seems you feel you are superior over your elders and betters.

You just love derailing threads for your personal passion of Gay and PC.

08-06-2016, 08:15 AM
Question, Noir....

Would you dare to argue in this manner with a Squaddie or Royal Marine the way you do here?

It seems you feel you are superior over your elders and betters.

You just love derailing threads for your personal passion of Gay and PC.

Okay, THAT is not fair. Noir vs a Royal marine? This has to be a planned event. We couldn't get a beer and popcorn quick enough for THAT to be over. :laugh:

08-07-2016, 07:21 PM
The silence of Noir is....Deafening!:laugh:

08-08-2016, 04:25 AM
The silence of Noir is....Deafening!:laugh:

When I reply to posts quoting me I'm 'attn whoring thread derailer' when I don't reply it's 'look who's run off / silence is deafening' etc.
This post will probably fall under 'look who's whinning again' or something like that, but I'm sure you get the idea.

08-08-2016, 08:19 AM
When I reply to posts quoting me I'm 'attn whoring thread derailer' when I don't reply it's 'look who's run off / silence is deafening' etc.
This post will probably fall under 'look who's whinning again' or something like that, but I'm sure you get the idea.

Not so. At least in my case. I don't take this crap personally. Might want to start there.

You also could use that magnificent power of perception and realize a few things. You are the antithesis of me. Why on God's green Earth would you think we are going to agree about anything?

And you're arguing with 3 military retirees. We CANNOT STAND WHINING. I listened to that crap for 21 years. Always had thet one Marine that boo hoo'd over everything. I'm not your babysitter and I got 140 Marines besides you and your personal problems. I threatened to throw one idiot off the fantail if he didn't shut up. Try being stuck in the field or on board ship with a whiny little sh*t you can't get away from.

If you're going to play with the big dogs, don't act like a chihuahua.

08-08-2016, 10:02 AM
When I reply to posts quoting me I'm 'attn whoring thread derailer' when I don't reply it's 'look who's run off / silence is deafening' etc.
This post will probably fall under 'look who's whinning again' or something like that, but I'm sure you get the idea.

It's rather ironic to note all of the folks whining about p*****s are the ones ganging up on Noir. :laugh:

Black Diamond
08-08-2016, 10:27 AM
It's rather ironic to note all of the folks whining about p*****s are the ones ganging up on Noir. :laugh:

Thing is, noir never has a comeback. Your Johnnie Cochrane statement notwithstanding, I always have a comeback :)

08-08-2016, 10:51 AM
It's rather ironic to note all of the folks whining about p*****s are the ones ganging up on Noir. :laugh:

Appearances are everything. I don't gang up on anyone. I speak for myself. I don't control what others do. If others disagree with him, it's on them. I might agree with them, but I am professional. I'm a mod. I make a point of speaking solely for myself as I now represent the board and I don't want anyone thinking I'm taking sides. Noir doesn't bother me and I don't seek him out.

And YOU fj1200 are one to talk. I've defended you as much as I've argued with you. I'm not going to just sit here and say nothing. What would be the point of being on?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. With power to speak comes responsibility. Say what you want, but expect to get return fire.

08-08-2016, 01:03 PM
Thing is, noir never has a comeback. Your Johnnie Cochrane statement notwithstanding, I always have a comeback :)

Sure he does. Can't let a good pile on get derailed by actual argument though.

Appearances are everything. I don't gang up on anyone. I speak for myself. I don't control what others do. If others disagree with him, it's on them. I might agree with them, but I am professional. I'm a mod. I make a point of speaking solely for myself as I now represent the board and I don't want anyone thinking I'm taking sides. Noir doesn't bother me and I don't seek him out.

And YOU @fj1200 (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=728) are one to talk. I've defended you as much as I've argued with you. I'm not going to just sit here and say nothing. What would be the point of being on?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. With power to speak comes responsibility. Say what you want, but expect to get return fire.

None of that really lessens my comment. :)

08-08-2016, 01:33 PM
Sure he does. Can't let a good pile on get derailed by actual argument though.

None of that really lessens my comment. :)

Case you missed it, noir led the topic in a different direction. Everything on this board gets derailed so that one don't sell.

Want to get me started? I will NOT be called unfair. I may pick at noir but he can say what he wants back.

I don't want to hear this blame game nor playing victim crap. He is more than welcome to dish it right back out. As is anyone on this board.

The nitpicking needs to stop though. And the assumptions. Let's just discuss the topic. At the same time, if a bunch of people disagree with me, you, noir or whoever, they are free to comment.

There's no gang.

08-08-2016, 01:49 PM
Case you missed it, noir led the topic in a different direction. Everything on this board gets derailed so that one don't sell.

Want to get me started? I will NOT be called unfair. I may pick at noir but he can say what he wants back.

I don't want to hear this blame game nor playing victim crap. He is more than welcome to dish it right back out. As is anyone on this board.

The nitpicking needs to stop though. And the assumptions. Let's just discuss the topic. At the same time, if a bunch of people disagree with me, you, noir or whoever, they are free to comment.

There's no gang.

He dragged an 11-word OP off topic? That's pretty impressive right there. And what he commented on was in the 3rd paragraph. He did all right.

No gang? 4+ on 1 qualifies IMO. :)

08-08-2016, 02:16 PM
He dragged an 11-word OP off topic? That's pretty impressive right there. And what he commented on was in the 3rd paragraph. He did all right.

No gang? 4+ on 1 qualifies IMO. :)

And 4+ on one may equal 4+ don't agree with one. You're going on appearances rather than what's being said. My argument is with Noir. Period. My sole point is if you're going to jump in the pool with sharks, plan on getting bit.

I'm not speaking for anyone else because they can speak for themselves. I can speak for the mentality of vets. We ain't accountants. You pull up an argument that don't make sense to us we will, individually, go after you.

Let's test your theory. Elessar is Coast Guard. Aboutime is Navy. I'm a Marine. We ARE brothers in blood, but we ain't a gang. Not a single one of us needs the others help on a message board.

I don't get some of y'all sometimes. Your words on a screen can't provide MedEvac nor CAS. Y'all get too serious about this. You want to call us a "gang" you go right ahead. I'd trust them with my life, and have.

Doesn't mean I agree with them about everything nor that we're the James Gang.

08-08-2016, 03:52 PM
And 4+ on one may equal 4+ don't agree with one. You're going on appearances rather than what's being said. My argument is with Noir. Period. My sole point is if you're going to jump in the pool with sharks, plan on getting bit.

I'm not speaking for anyone else because they can speak for themselves. I can speak for the mentality of vets. We ain't accountants. You pull up an argument that don't make sense to us we will, individually, go after you.

Let's test your theory. Elessar is Coast Guard. Aboutime is Navy. I'm a Marine. We ARE brothers in blood, but we ain't a gang. Not a single one of us needs the others help on a message board.

I don't get some of y'all sometimes. Your words on a screen can't provide MedEvac nor CAS. Y'all get too serious about this. You want to call us a "gang" you go right ahead. I'd trust them with my life, and have.

Doesn't mean I agree with them about everything nor that we're the James Gang.

Thou dost protest too much.

08-08-2016, 03:57 PM
Thou dost protest too much.

I don't like being accused of shit I ain't doing and never have. You can ask my mom if you want. I blew up on my dad and she told him the only time I ever blew up was when I was falsely accused. One of the few times she ever took up for me.

I'll take my lumps if I'm guilty. Just know what you're talking about before you try dishing them out.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-08-2016, 04:35 PM
Interesting that you attempt to try and twist the situation around. I am not insulting any girls. I'm insulting YOU. Cheap ploy by someone with no argument.

I loved the girls that would come play football with us. I'll you know just for the record, I got in trouble more than once as Marine because I did NOT treat women differently. You got on Corporal stripes, pick up the other end of the desk.

What I DON'T like are weak people that don't know what they're talking about, have no experience yet sit in judgement of others. What you know about actual segregation in the US would fit in a thimble.

FYI, the worst racism in this country was in the North and Midwest. The largest chapter of the Klan was in Indiana, not the South.

YOU and people like you want to continue living in the past. Yet, you claim to be the enlightened ones. Always talking stuff about things you never lived through. YOU keep racism alive. It's just another red herring. You have as whatever color or gender you are unless you're a white male every right in this country anyone else has.

When you race-baiters shut the Hell up, maybe the situation will go away. Doubt that'll happen because it's big business to be a whiner.

And that is why they were held back in regards to be allowed full freedom to be savage criminals, etc., because if given too much leeway(which has now happened) you get the society we have now..
Where kids are taught that selling dope, prostituting women , stealing cars, shooting cops, degrading women is the way to go to be a man!
That shit has come from the black culture-not the white culture(which has been deliberately, systematically weakened) !
These kids these days are taught in liberal school today to be stupid , whiny and feel inferior to blacks!
Its the liberal mandate enforced pretty much across the board in public schools.

I teach my son to think before he acts, to never back down unless its necessary to live to fight another day and never yield to the temptation to dishonor himself, his family or his core principles.
Yet for doing that, I am called a redneck, Southern hick, backward savage, moron, fool, etc...
I've myself backed down from a fight 5 times, each time the guy had a pistol already drawn on me and I was totally unarmed..
However, I many months later managed to catch individually 3 of those cowardly bastards and stomped hell out of them--warning next time they come with a gun I'd be armed and I dont miss.
Tis why I never sat with my back to the door in a tavern/club , cafe , etc.

Had I been born in 1990 and lived that way I'd already been gunned down by now because these so-called bad-asses today want to shoot first and not fight hand to hand. They have no honor, no real courage and are only violent/stupid--not bad-ass AT ALL, as acting that way is COWARDLY...

I am 62 and will throw a knock the hell out fist immediately against any opponent,even today, if the situation warrants it ..
And that almost happened recently but the young black punk shut up and walked away.
Best damn choice he ever made since his being in his mid twenties, about 60 pounds heavier, 4 inches taller, looked to me to be a truly tough hombre had forced me to already make the decision to give killing hits right off the bat if he swung at me.
Amplified because the young cat with him -his buddy --looked like he was no push over either..
And we both know 19 times out of 20 - the black buddy/buddies will help gang ya in a fight..
Been there, done that too long ago-- several times against multiple opponents, each time know they'd all join in against me..

As my dad taught me, they may kill ya but they can't eat ya, we all got to die someday.--Tyr

08-08-2016, 04:54 PM
And that is why they were held back in regards to be allowed full freedom to be savage criminals, etc., because if given too much leeway(which has now happened) you get the society we have now..
Where kids are taught that selling dope, prostituting women , stealing cars, shooting cops, degrading women is the way to go to be a man!
That shit has come from the black culture-not the white culture(which has been deliberately, systematically weakened) !
These kids these days are taught in liberal school today to be stupid , whiny and feel inferior to blacks!
Its the liberal mandate enforced pretty much across the board in public schools.

I teach my son to think before he acts, to never back down unless its necessary to live to fight another day and never yield to the temptation to dishonor himself, his family or his core principles.
Yet for doing that, I am called a redneck, Southern hick, backward savage, moron, fool, etc...
I've myself backed down from a fight 5 times, each time the guy had a pistol already drawn on me and I was totally unarmed..
However, I many months later managed to catch individually 3 of those cowardly bastards and stomped hell out of them--warning next time they come with a gun I'd be armed and I dont miss.
Tis why I never sat with my back to the door in a tavern/club , cafe , etc.

Had I been born in 1990 and lived that way I'd already been gunned down by now because these so-called bad-asses today want to shoot first and not fight hand to hand. They have no honor, no real courage and are only violent/stupid--not bad-ass AT ALL, as acting that way is COWARDLY...

I am 62 and will throw a knock the hell out fist immediately against any opponent,even today, if the situation warrants it ..
And that almost happened recently but the young black punk shut up and walked away.
Best damn choice he ever made since his being in his mid twenties, about 60 pounds heavier, 4 inches taller, looked to me to be a truly tough hombre had forced me to already make the decision to give killing hits right off the bat if he swung at me.
Amplified because the young cat with him -his buddy --looked like he was no push over either..
And we both know 19 times out of 20 - the black buddy/buddies will help gang ya in a fight..
Been there, done that too long ago-- several times against multiple opponents, each time know they'd all join in against me..

As my dad taught me, they may kill ya but they can't eat ya, we all got to die someday.--Tyr

You can call me a redneck. I earned it. Same as calling me jarhead. Unlike these whiny shits I'm like "You're damned rights I am."

But if I call you nigger you pee you Depends.

08-08-2016, 06:26 PM
And that is why they were held back in regards to be allowed full freedom to be savage criminals, etc., because if given too much leeway(which has now happened) you get the society we have now..
Where kids are taught that selling dope, prostituting women , stealing cars, shooting cops, degrading women is the way to go to be a man!
That shit has come from the black culture-not the white culture(which has been deliberately, systematically weakened) !
These kids these days are taught in liberal school today to be stupid , whiny and feel inferior to blacks!
Its the liberal mandate enforced pretty much across the board in public schools.

I teach my son to think before he acts, to never back down unless its necessary to live to fight another day and never yield to the temptation to dishonor himself, his family or his core principles.
Yet for doing that, I am called a redneck, Southern hick, backward savage, moron, fool, etc...
I've myself backed down from a fight 5 times, each time the guy had a pistol already drawn on me and I was totally unarmed..
However, I many months later managed to catch individually 3 of those cowardly bastards and stomped hell out of them--warning next time they come with a gun I'd be armed and I dont miss.
Tis why I never sat with my back to the door in a tavern/club , cafe , etc.

Had I been born in 1990 and lived that way I'd already been gunned down by now because these so-called bad-asses today want to shoot first and not fight hand to hand. They have no honor, no real courage and are only violent/stupid--not bad-ass AT ALL, as acting that way is COWARDLY...

I am 62 and will throw a knock the hell out fist immediately against any opponent,even today, if the situation warrants it ..
And that almost happened recently but the young black punk shut up and walked away.
Best damn choice he ever made since his being in his mid twenties, about 60 pounds heavier, 4 inches taller, looked to me to be a truly tough hombre had forced me to already make the decision to give killing hits right off the bat if he swung at me.
Amplified because the young cat with him -his buddy --looked like he was no push over either..
And we both know 19 times out of 20 - the black buddy/buddies will help gang ya in a fight..
Been there, done that too long ago-- several times against multiple opponents, each time know they'd all join in against me..

As my dad taught me, they may kill ya but they can't eat ya, we all got to die someday.--Tyr

What I think is just goofy as crap? My surname, which you now know, is I was of course named after my father who was named after a friend of the family who just happened to be black. But because we're Southern we're racists.

I grew up playing with little black and Mexican kids. You think being poor and white somehow makes you somehow privileged? Should try it. See what you don't get.

But you will NOT take my flag, my heritage, my pride, my guns nor any damned thing else. THAT is being Southern. My family couldn't have afforded slaves if you gave them a loan. I wouldn't want want one any damned way.

But stay out of my f-ing yard.

08-08-2016, 07:20 PM
He dragged an 11-word OP off topic? That's pretty impressive right there. And what he commented on was in the 3rd paragraph. He did all right.

No gang? 4+ on 1 qualifies IMO. :)

The OP was posted as such due to not wanting to copy, paste, and try
to eliminate a whole bunch of pop-ups and roll-overs. I would think anyone
with some sense would just read the linked message.

If he opened the door to negative responses, that's on him and nobody else.

08-08-2016, 07:55 PM

08-08-2016, 08:13 PM

I love him in Gran Torino. He is the most un-PC person I've ever seen. Besides me. You spooks get on out of here. :laugh:

08-08-2016, 08:17 PM
I love him in Gran Torino. He is the most un-PC person I've ever seen. Besides me. You spooks get on out of here. :laugh:

I love him in almost everything he's been in, he's just a fantastic actor.

08-08-2016, 08:31 PM
I love him in almost everything he's been in, he's just a fantastic actor.

Here's some trivia for ya' ... John Wayne refused to do a movie with Clint. In Gran Torino though, he played my first Gunny to a "t". He was a total d*ckhead. That role reminds me of him.

08-08-2016, 10:15 PM
Here's some trivia for ya' ... John Wayne refused to do a movie with Clint. In Gran Torino though, he played my first Gunny to a "t". He was a total d*ckhead. That role reminds me of him.

I read that too. Disappointing in a way because both were / are very dynamic actors. Eastwood is more skilled;
John Wayne was simply direct and spoke from his heart and soul.

I think I read someplace that Wayne turned down the lead for "Patton" due to the General's language.

08-09-2016, 03:23 AM
I read that too. Disappointing in a way because both were / are very dynamic actors. Eastwood is more skilled;
John Wayne was simply direct and spoke from his heart and soul.

I think I read someplace that Wayne turned down the lead for "Patton" due to the General's language.

I'll have to argue the "skills" comment. The Duke was WAY better with a gun in his day than Clint. John Wayne did his own stunts and gun handling. They were from 2 different eras. Wayne got kinda crotchety when he got old. Know how how he felt. :laugh:

I actually got to see him live when I was a kid. He was a very kind man and took the time to talk to all the kids unlike today's a-holes that want money for an autograph then brush them off.

I was kind of disappointed with him about the movie thing though. He could have left it at "no".

08-09-2016, 12:28 PM
I'll have to argue the "skills" comment. The Duke was WAY better with a gun in his day than Clint. John Wayne did his own stunts and gun handling. They were from 2 different eras. Wayne got kinda crotchety when he got old. Know how how he felt. :laugh:

I actually got to see him live when I was a kid. He was a very kind man and took the time to talk to all the kids unlike today's a-holes that want money for an autograph then brush them off.

I was kind of disappointed with him about the movie thing though. He could have left it at "no".

Got to agree with the gun handling and stunts part. I am actually disappointed he was not an Oscar
winner for "The Shootest". That was one of his best played roles.

08-09-2016, 01:35 PM
Thats cute.
Clint Eastwood was born in 1930, and "grew up" during the 30s/40s/50s...tell me more about things that "weren't called racist" during this time, Clint...because that era was pretty damn racist.

I think the point you might be missing is that there was clearly racism when he "grew up" but there are so many things that are called racist today that do not meet the definition (see "don't tread on me" as an example). And this happens on the left and the right; racism has a definition and nobody knows what it is anymore or at least uses it correctly.

08-09-2016, 01:37 PM
And that is why they were held back in regards to be allowed full freedom to be savage criminals, etc., because if given too much leeway(which has now happened) you get the society we have now..
Where kids are taught that selling dope, prostituting women , stealing cars, shooting cops, degrading women is the way to go to be a man!
That shit has come from the black culture-not the white culture(which has been deliberately, systematically weakened) !
These kids these days are taught in liberal school today to be stupid , whiny and feel inferior to blacks!
Its the liberal mandate enforced pretty much across the board in public schools.

As an example of classical racism that is still around today. :(

08-09-2016, 01:39 PM
The OP was posted as such due to not wanting to copy, paste, and try
to eliminate a whole bunch of pop-ups and roll-overs. I would think anyone
with some sense would just read the linked message.

If he opened the door to negative responses, that's on him and nobody else.

So you create a thread on a site dedicated to debating policy and then complain when someone takes a differing viewpoint. :confused:

08-09-2016, 02:45 PM
Got to agree with the gun handling and stunts part. I am actually disappointed he was not an Oscar
winner for "The Shootest". That was one of his best played roles.

He got away with one on the Shootist. His best role. That's how we of our generation remember him going out. To me, the Duke went out like JB Books and we know he didn't.

08-09-2016, 02:55 PM
I think the point you might be missing is that there was clearly racism when he "grew up" but there are so many things that are called racist today that do not meet the definition (see "don't tread on me" as an example). And this happens on the left and the right; racism has a definition and nobody knows what it is anymore or at least uses it correctly.

I think the point is that everyone has an excuse and wants to point a finger. "We" are men of OUR time, not yours. I remember when we had separate drinking fountains and places to eat and separate schools. It was how it was. 50 years ago.

People love to judge people from yesterday by today's standard at their whim. I get tired of it. What's the difference between you calling me bald and me calling you black? Or female? Or whatever? Everyone wants to bitch about profiling but we ALL do it. Used to be called making a choice.

08-09-2016, 03:10 PM
I love him in Gran Torino. He is the most un-PC person I've ever seen. Besides me. You spooks get on out of here. :laugh:


08-09-2016, 03:24 PM
I thought that movie was funny as Hell. :laugh:

08-09-2016, 08:11 PM
I thought that movie was funny as Hell. :laugh:

Right you are gunny. It was funny because Clint had the courage to show everybody REALITY....and I do mean REALITY many of them will never accept as anything but Political Correctness being abused by TRUTH.:salute:

08-10-2016, 08:02 AM
Right you are gunny. It was funny because Clint had the courage to show everybody REALITY....and I do mean REALITY many of them will never accept as anything but Political Correctness being abused by TRUTH.:salute:

I hear ya. Nobody wants to deal with reality. Just want to bitch, do nothing, then blame someone else for not doing anything. That shovel ain't getting no younger. Pick it up and dig. It wasn't invented as a decoration.

08-10-2016, 09:23 AM
I think the point is that everyone has an excuse and wants to point a finger. "We" are men of OUR time, not yours. I remember when we had separate drinking fountains and places to eat and separate schools. It was how it was. 50 years ago.

People love to judge people from yesterday by today's standard at their whim. I get tired of it. What's the difference between you calling me bald and me calling you black? Or female? Or whatever? Everyone wants to bitch about profiling but we ALL do it. Used to be called making a choice.

I think that's what I said. :poke:

08-10-2016, 11:57 AM
I think that's what I said. :poke:

And? I been saying it since before you hit puberty. :poke:

08-10-2016, 12:42 PM
And? I been saying it since before you hit puberty. :poke:

A. How old do you think I am?
2. I just said it better. ;)

08-10-2016, 01:22 PM
A. How old do you think I am?
2. I just said it better. ;)

How old do you think you act?

08-10-2016, 01:25 PM
How old do you think you act?

As old as I am. I haven't yet gotten to into senile ramblings that take threads off topic. ;)

08-10-2016, 02:29 PM
As old as I am. I haven't yet gotten to into senile ramblings that take threads off topic. ;)

No, your ramblings have you getting into squabbles with the same old people for the same old thing. So touche, junior.

I'm talking about Clint Eastwood. You're talking about me. Who's off topic?

There's no one here that can say they haven't altered a conversation. That pony don't ride.

08-10-2016, 04:19 PM
No, your ramblings have you getting into squabbles with the same old people for the same old thing. So touche, junior.

I'm talking about Clint Eastwood. You're talking about me. Who's off topic?

There's no one here that can say they haven't altered a conversation. That pony don't ride.

Off topic is one thing, senile ramblings quite another. And if you think I'm talking about you then you cop to senile ramblings. :poke:

But the issue is that you don't have to be old to have an opinion on Clint Eastwood feelings on PC. Some seem to think otherwise.

08-10-2016, 06:17 PM
Off topic is one thing, senile ramblings quite another. And if you think I'm talking about you then you cop to senile ramblings. :poke:

But the issue is that you don't have to be old to have an opinion on Clint Eastwood feelings on PC. Some seem to think otherwise.

Passive aggressive again as usual, fj1200? Senile ramblings is a little insulting, don't you think?

"Someone" got admonished for his ignorance, not for responding to the OP.

08-10-2016, 06:49 PM
Off topic is one thing, senile ramblings quite another. And if you think I'm talking about you then you cop to senile ramblings. :poke:

But the issue is that you don't have to be old to have an opinion on Clint Eastwood feelings on PC. Some seem to think otherwise.

You are quite correct. When you address ME, you address ME. And I don't care how old you are. Try addressing ME instead of the stars in the sky. There's nothing senile about a legit logical argument. There's something childish about skating around your own topic.

You want to discuss a topic with me, fine. Don't try to play word games with me. I'll nail your ass to a post.

08-11-2016, 12:43 PM
Passive aggressive again as usual, fj1200? Senile ramblings is a little insulting, don't you think?

"Someone" got admonished for his ignorance, not for responding to the OP.

He was "admonished" for not buying into the groupthink. Nevertheless relax, I was informed that having a comeback was a sign of being quite the debater.

You are quite correct. When you address ME, you address ME. And I don't care how old you are. Try addressing ME instead of the stars in the sky. There's nothing senile about a legit logical argument. There's something childish about skating around your own topic.

You want to discuss a topic with me, fine. Don't try to play word games with me. I'll nail your ass to a post.

I'm quite logical and am more than happy to discuss any topic. "I'm old, I'm smarter" doesn't get to far with me though. :)

08-11-2016, 01:21 PM
He was "admonished" for not buying into the groupthink. Nevertheless relax, I was informed that having a comeback was a sign of being quite the debater.

I'm quite logical and am more than happy to discuss any topic. "I'm old, I'm smarter" doesn't get to far with me though. :)

With age comes wisdom. I'd rather have my youth back if it's all the same to you. Being older doesn't make me smarter. Being logical against an illogical argument DOES.

The thread's about Clint. Not you nor me.

08-11-2016, 02:03 PM
I love him in Gran Torino. He is the most un-PC person I've ever seen. Besides me. You spooks get on out of here. :laugh:

just got my copy in the mail from Amazon

08-11-2016, 06:35 PM
just got my copy in the mail from Amazon

I got the whole 36 disk boxed set of his movies a couple of years back....most all of them are great!

08-11-2016, 07:39 PM
Clint could have simply repeated this for everyone. Whether you despise people that are old, who have the wisdom to know....those who make fun of us because we're older....Can laugh, and use our experience to remember...."YOU TOO, WILL ONE DAY GET OLD, then WHAT WILL YOU SAY?"

08-11-2016, 10:00 PM
I got the whole 36 disk boxed set of his movies a couple of years back....most all of them are great!

I got almost all of the Duke's movies. Only a couple of Clint ones. Got all the Wanted Dead or Alive episodes. My favorite show was actually Major Adams before they turned it into Wagon Train. And Gunsmoke. Remember the guy on Major Adams' name? Clint.

08-12-2016, 09:29 AM
With age comes wisdom. I'd rather have my youth back if it's all the same to you. Being older doesn't make me smarter. Being logical against an illogical argument DOES.

The thread's about Clint. Not you nor me.

With age comes being old. Wisdom is not a certainty nor is being logical.

08-12-2016, 10:20 AM
With age comes being old. Wisdom is not a certainty nor is being logical.

Neither does being a know it all. Being wise enough to not poke tigers with sticks has its value.

YOUR wisdom switch seems to be stuck in neutral. Otherwise, you'd have figured out us "old folk" aren't politically correct, and ain't about to be. We grew up when the First Amendment meant something.

I've also repeatedly spanked your silly ass shit because you ain't wise enough to know to not try and play semantics with me. When I don't know what I'm talking about, I either got a question or just listen.

You've always got to be "smarter". Smarter in your mind does NOT make you wise. Now, you want to get back to the topic? Last I looked, my name ain't in it. If you want to fight, pick someone else. I'm too "old" and seen too much to give a flying f*ck about a pissing contest.

08-12-2016, 12:39 PM
With age comes being old. Wisdom is not a certainty nor is being logical.

Wisdom is acquired through experience, not assumed. Logical is the ability to sort things out and avoid
such individual mindsets of 'Truth' versus plain 'fact'. Truth is an individual perception. Fact is rock solid.

08-12-2016, 01:28 PM
Neither does being a know it all. Being wise enough to not poke tigers with sticks has its value.

YOUR wisdom switch seems to be stuck in neutral. Otherwise, you'd have figured out us "old folk" aren't politically correct, and ain't about to be. We grew up when the First Amendment meant something.

I've also repeatedly spanked your silly ass shit because you ain't wise enough to know to not try and play semantics with me. When I don't know what I'm talking about, I either got a question or just listen.

You've always got to be "smarter". Smarter in your mind does NOT make you wise. Now, you want to get back to the topic? Last I looked, my name ain't in it. If you want to fight, pick someone else. I'm too "old" and seen too much to give a flying f*ck about a pissing contest.

Your delusions aside I'm pretty sure I can discuss any topic without making it personal and while remaining on topic. I'm pretty sure you can not.

Wisdom is acquired through experience, not assumed. Logical is the ability to sort things out and avoid
such individual mindsets of 'Truth' versus plain 'fact'. Truth is an individual perception. Fact is rock solid.

And? Thank you for agreeing with me btw. :)

08-12-2016, 02:22 PM
Your delusions aside I'm pretty sure I can discuss any topic without making it personal and while remaining on topic. I'm pretty sure you can not.

And? Thank you for agreeing with me btw. :)

I would disagree. Maybe once upon a time. Read your PM.

08-12-2016, 06:38 PM
And? Thank you for agreeing with me btw. :)

Pointing out the obvious was not meant to be in agreement. You love putting words
in other's mouth's and thoughts.

08-16-2016, 12:15 PM
I would disagree. Maybe once upon a time. Read your PM.

Thanks for your concern but I'm good. ;)

Pointing out the obvious was not meant to be in agreement. You love putting words
in other's mouth's and thoughts.
