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08-04-2016, 04:45 PM
Trump is blowing it. Some truly dumb actions, responses and lack of actions and such. Even Fox has Hillary with a HUGE 10 point lead. In it's entirety, there are a lot of reasons to be where things stand, but in the past week it's mostly on Trump's shoulders. He's giving the Clinton machine ammo to run with. Then I read crap about the campaign in huge disarray and other talk of Trump dropping, neither of course which is true. The only internal issue is disagreement over endorsing Ryan. Even I think he should at this point. But he isn't dropping. Nor is he in meetings and such repeatedly talking about wanting to drop nukes. But unfortunately, the media that many thought were on his side throughout the primaries, are now with Clinton and we're not seeing a lot of responses or positive stuff. I see/watch it in many events for Trump and his conferences, but very little makes it to the MSM.

But "it is what it is". In such an environment, you simply cannot afford mistakes, and not at this time, and he's making them. He IS shredding Hillary, emails, the $400 million and such, but only the other things are having attention paid. He needs to get back on track, avoid all controversies, and spend the rest of the time getting his voice out there and of course getting the negatives about Hillary out there.

A long road in a very short amount of time. I'm far from gving up, but I'm being realistic. What I dream of as of very recently is something being released that will be "fatal", likely revolving around proof of wrongdoing with the Clinton Foundation, or proof of wrongdoing in arming ISIS, or something equally as fatal as the email fiasco she skated freely on even though she clearly broke the law.

Black Diamond
08-04-2016, 05:05 PM
He looked dead after Heidi Cruz.

And we have the debates and more emails to come.

I will be interested to see how he wins.

Hillary can't hide how crooked she is.

08-04-2016, 05:23 PM
He looked dead after Heidi Cruz.

And we have the debates and more emails to come.

I will be interested to see how he wins.

Hillary can't hide how crooked she is.

No doubt, a LONG way to go, and better to have a bad week now than 3 weeks before the election. And while he HAS had a bad week, a lot by his own doing - the media is also making things worse with their coverage of the "drama" and lack of coverage on other things. But this is why it's SO important to try and be mistake free, give them no ammo. I think we've all known for a long time that the majority of the MSM leans left.

And at least on a good note, while he dropped a lot nationally, he's still doing fairly well in the swing states.

But things definitely took a downward trend, regardless of media coverage.


If something were to come out from Wikileaks perhaps, or from some agency or whatever - what do you think would be perfect timing for the election? Close enough to where she can't do much to recover from it, but far enough away that everyone has a chance to take in the most recent scandal.

But Trump needs to do great in the coming months regardless, and can't wait and pray for the hail mary.

Black Diamond
08-04-2016, 05:34 PM
No doubt, a LONG way to go, and better to have a bad week now than 3 weeks before the election. And while he HAS had a bad week, a lot by his own doing - the media is also making things worse with their coverage of the "drama" and lack of coverage on other things. But this is why it's SO important to try and be mistake free, give them no ammo. I think we've all known for a long time that the majority of the MSM leans left.

And at least on a good note, while he dropped a lot nationally, he's still doing fairly well in the swing states.

But things definitely took a downward trend, regardless of media coverage.


If something were to come out from Wikileaks perhaps, or from some agency or whatever - what do you think would be perfect timing for the election? Close enough to where she can't do much to recover from it, but far enough away that everyone has a chance to take in the most recent scandal.

But Trump needs to do great in the coming months regardless, and can't wait and pray for the hail mary.

Dukakis had an 18 point lead in August.

08-05-2016, 12:45 AM
I loved that he went after Kahn - who hasn't sacrificed much, is awfully stupid as his mid-directed anger. And the guy lies about what Trump claims, wants, or proposes

Black Diamond
08-05-2016, 01:19 AM
I loved that he went after Kahn - who hasn't sacrificed much, is awfully stupid as his mid-directed anger. And the guy lies about what Trump claims, wants, or proposes

All true but I'm not happy about the new polls. I don't like the 14 point drop.

08-05-2016, 02:58 AM
His children are not stupid about what he needs to do to win and I wish they could rein him in. They need to delete his Twitter account ... at least it would give them time to talk him down before he just vomits all over someone.

Black Diamond
08-05-2016, 03:06 AM
His children are not stupid about what he needs to do to win and I wish they could rein him in. They need to delete his Twitter account ... at least it would give them time to talk him down before he just vomits all over someone.

Bull in a china shop.

08-05-2016, 06:52 AM
It's been a bad week and half for Trump, nearly all self-inflicted. I'm not a fan, but do usually enjoy watching the political process play out.

Trump's instincts and celebrity got him attention at the start of his primary campaign. His 'bluntness' and being seriously a bully got him literally over a billion of coverage throughout the primaries. What many assumed was a 'pro-Trump' media though, was the regular media picking their preferred choice in the general election. In any case, he trounced his competition. Along the way he trashed reputations of many that had worked successfully as governors and senators and presidents. He offered no olive branches at any point, even after winning.

He continued to ignore CW from advisors and the national committee. He took the endorsements from the vanquished that offered those, not always graciously. As June wore on, he bacame petulant with those that refused to endorse. Some out of their own political survival offered half-hearted endorsements, while keeping as much distance as possible. They had to answer to their constituencies and do not get free media facetime, as well as being much more personally known in their states or districts. He wanted his 'own' convention and got it. Few politicos from the past, the narrative would be about him and his family. He wasn't raising money for himself or the party in any meaningful way. On several occassions he went out of his way to say he'd 'see' if he would get to that. His supporters agreed that they didn't need anyone who wasn't fully behind their candidate's unorthodox ways-it's what they wanted. So did he.

His convention wasn't the disaster feared. Other than Wednesday, when they set Cruz up for being ridiculed, which was applauded by his supporters. The message of his 'not being that bad, look at his family...' worked to a degree. The donations were coming in. Maybe he could pull if off.

Then came the day after he reminded everyone of who Donald is. It seemed that just making a pariah of Cruz wasn't enough, he had to notch that up. He also brought up Kasich again. That resurrected some of the serious reservations about Trump. He went full Twitter again. His need to humiliate the vanquished somehow managed to nearly overcome the breaking scandal of the about to start Democrat Convention and email hacked leaks. That is serious weird.

Instead of focusing on that scandal or the 'promises' being made and lies being told at the Democrat convention, he went into rants/tweets about Cruz and the unfairness of the media. When he did react to the convention it was to unload on a minor speech by a gold star family, something that wasn't covered by the MSM, but by C-Span and 24/7 cable. HE MADE that a story. It was he that somehow didn't understand that the sacrifices needed to attain business success and wealth don't equate with the sacrifice of a soldier and his family-no matter the parents religion, associations, belief differences with Trump and his supporters. He should have realized the mess and walked away. Talk about anything else!

After 5 days of that? He went into announcing that he "withold" unasked for endorsements regarding party leaders, the same leaders he complained weren't doing enough to help him. While his supporters liked that, just like the trashing of Cruz, the media and those not on their train, didn't. Hillary was gleeful and yes, even his targets to some degree were able to play into, "If he hates us so much, how bad are we?" Whoops! Target that weird factor right back on him.

It maybe that his core needs to refrain from giving him the positive feedback on his attack tendencies? Would that help? He gets reinforcement at his rallies, which are no longer covered in their entirety. Like Obama, he may be feeding over his yes men or supporters? It seems only the polls are what gets his attention and right now they're not looking good.

Hillary is awful. As a person and as a candidate. No one 'loves' her. Her negatives have been nearly a tie throughout with Trump's. Yet, she keeps her mouth shut and let's Trump be Trump. That may be enough.