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08-06-2016, 09:42 AM
I tried to watch, just couldn't get into it. Rio is a bad venue, way too dangerous and that is regarding crime, not to mention the water and air pollution.

Too many commercials.

Anyone liking so far?

08-06-2016, 11:18 AM
No hockey = bad olymipics.
The good olymipics are in two years time.

08-06-2016, 12:56 PM
No hockey = bad olymipics.
The good olymipics are in two years time.

Figures you'd watch hockey. No hockey means EXCELLENT. If they'd get rid of soccer it'd be WAY better.

Some of this crap is ridiculous. Air rifle shooting is a sport? But you can't ever find real sports like the weightlifting or boxing.

08-06-2016, 01:04 PM
I tried to watch, just couldn't get into it. Rio is a bad venue, way too dangerous and that is regarding crime, not to mention the water and air pollution.

Too many commercials.

Anyone liking so far?

Do we need to change your name to Ms Boycott? I agree with you about Rio, but politics will not allow it to go away. I blame the IOC. Brazil has been a known crap hole for years and years. This is not something new. There has been show after show on the place. It's a political decision.

SInce the sports I watch are mostly indoor sports, it won't affect me watching much. As an athlete? I wouldn't go and not solely because of the sewage. As you pointed out, the crime rate there is horrendous. Life is cheap in 3rd rate countries. The poorer they are, the cheaper life is.

08-06-2016, 01:14 PM
Some of this crap is ridiculous. Air rifle shooting is a sport? But you can't ever find real sports like the weightlifting or boxing.

There are literally boxing and weightlifting events taking place in the next few hours.

08-06-2016, 01:14 PM
I like the Swimming, Track and Field, Wrestling, Gymnastics, and Archery.

08-06-2016, 01:18 PM
There are literally boxing and weightlifting events taking place in the next few hours.

Yeah. And what do I have? Women's handball. I'm not paying half my income for the crap NBC likes to separate and charge for.

08-07-2016, 06:03 AM
It's all too much glitz and sequins, the athletes look like Disney characters. A male gymnast broke his leg doing a vault, that makes things interesting. The Olympics in 1972 was interesting, maybe this year we'll see some athletes wash up in that polluted harbor.

I think they should have a killer virus at every Olympics. This year Zika, in two years for the Winter Games the Spanish Flu, then in 2020 maybe something like the Black Plague. "Bring out you dead! Bring out your dead!"

08-07-2016, 08:31 AM
It's all too much glitz and sequins, the athletes look like Disney characters. A male gymnast broke his leg doing a vault, that makes things interesting. The Olympics in 1972 was interesting, maybe this year we'll see some athletes wash up in that polluted harbor.

I think they should have a killer virus at every Olympics. This year Zika, in two years for the Winter Games the Spanish Flu, then in 2020 maybe something like the Black Plague. "Bring out you dead! Bring out your dead!"

That's funny. :laugh2: Sad but true. In 72 we 3 channels and got to see better stuff than you can on all 7 million channels NBC owns now.

ESPN is worthless. Some leader in sports channels. Two days of listening to Bret Favre. I like the guy, but come on. The HOF speeches? They talked longer than Obama does. Each. Somebody put the Energizer Bunny up Tony Dungy's butt. He wouldn't shut up and I fell asleep. Literally.

Get to the gymnastics and swimming already. If I want to watch an equestrian "sport" I'll turn on rodeo.

08-07-2016, 08:49 AM
No hockey = bad olymipics.
The good olymipics are in two years time.

I too prefer the Winter Olympics.

Figures you'd watch hockey. No hockey means EXCELLENT. If they'd get rid of soccer it'd be WAY better.

Some of this crap is ridiculous. Air rifle shooting is a sport? But you can't ever find real sports like the weightlifting or boxing.

I watched Women's Rugby yesterday and it was pretty rough & tumble. Ya know like when you used to play football with girls. :poke:

08-07-2016, 09:59 AM
I too prefer the Winter Olympics.

I watched Women's Rugby yesterday and it was pretty rough & tumble. Ya know like when you used to play football with girls. :poke:

I'll start a new thread on this topic of gender. This is someone else's thread.

08-07-2016, 10:43 AM
My wife and daughter will probably turn that nonsense on at some point. I enjoy the Winter Olympics but the Summer Olympics are so boring.

The only sport I watch throughout the year is Hockey. Baseball, basketball, and football are all boring to me. I quit watching baseball and football in the 80's. Never did watch basketball. Started watching hockey after my 1st LA Kings game October 9th, 1993.

08-07-2016, 11:32 AM
My wife and daughter will probably turn that nonsense on at some point. I enjoy the Winter Olympics but the Summer Olympics are so boring.

The only sport I watch throughout the year is Hockey. Baseball, basketball, and football are all boring to me. I quit watching baseball and football in the 80's. Never did watch basketball. Started watching hockey after my 1st LA Kings game October 9th, 1993.

I watch the sports I can relate to. I played baseball, football and basketball. Used to do Olympic lifting and I'm a martial artist. I've never been a girl. I've watched maybe 2 total minutes of hockey in 56 years. I watch what I can relate to.

The winter Olympics are worthless to me. I'm in for the gymnastics and swimming. Haven't seen any weightlifting since the 80s. I'd dump half the crap they call sports and put some real ones in. Games are not sports.

08-07-2016, 07:35 PM
Rio is a disgrace. Damn kayaker got flipped over because he ran into a damn SOFA in the water!! At least it wasn't a dead body as they said they found, or actual feces. But that "super bacteria" probably got him!

08-07-2016, 09:24 PM
Rio is a disgrace. Damn kayaker got flipped over because he ran into a damn SOFA in the water!! At least it wasn't a dead body as they said they found, or actual feces. But that "super bacteria" probably got him!

Allowing third world cess-pools to host the Games needs to be strongly re-considered!

08-07-2016, 10:15 PM
Kate Ledecky just put the living smack down on the other swimmers.

08-07-2016, 10:25 PM
David Plummer just won too. Anyone notice black live DON'T matter in swimming? :laugh:

08-08-2016, 08:06 AM
Fun little factoid for Gunny and anyone else interested in the weightlifting - The only American weightlifter present at the Rio games is Kendrick Farris, he broke the US record during the Olympic qualifier rounds, and is a vegan (:

08-08-2016, 08:27 AM
Fun little factoid for @Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) and anyone else interested in the weightlifting - The only American weightlifter present at the Rio games is Kendrick Farris, he broke the US record during the Olympic qualifier rounds, and is a vegan (:

I can't even imagine it. Bet he doesn't win anything. But if that's what he wants to be, it's on him. I've been lifting since I was 15. Best I ever did was when I could slam down a steak every day.

I haven't seen them show weightlifting since the 70s.

08-08-2016, 09:36 AM
I tried to watch, just couldn't get into it. Rio is a bad venue, way too dangerous and that is regarding crime, not to mention the water and air pollution.

Too many commercials.

Anyone liking so far?

Just watch the sport and not the drama.

08-08-2016, 10:01 AM
Just watch the sport and not the drama.

Honestly? I'm sick of the commercials. And I don't want 5 minutes of each athlete's backgrounds. I DON'T CARE.

Play the damned game. It's why I rarely watch MMA. They spend more time explaining the athlete and pimping their next show it's ridiculous. Shut up and fight. I don't care where your swimmer learned to swim nor how. Get his/her ass in the pool.

08-08-2016, 10:03 AM

Yes. You apparently missed the end of the women's road race. :wow:

08-08-2016, 10:26 AM
Yes. You apparently missed the end of the women's road race. :wow:

What women's road race? I got tennis and soccer. Comcast sucks.

And just to square your and Noir 's and sundaydriver 's asses away ... I have no problem with women. You come out to play, come out to play. I had troopies that would get all indignant because I let the girls play ball with us.

I am neither racist nor gender bias. What I am is NOT PC. I treat everyone as equals until they prove themselves not worthy of such respect. I had this one little Cpl who happened to be black who took the aforementioned whiners to school on the court. She tripped when I put my knee up her ass because she tried to back into the paint. I was like play the game or don't. She got a jump shot over my ass. :laugh:

We all relate to different things. I jut watched a horse roll over his rider. :laugh2: I don't even know how many times a horse has dumped my ass. Mom's got pics of me on a horse when I was 3.

Point is, it ain't about the girls so much as the sport. I'll watch women's gymnastics and swimming (like last night) until the tv goes off. But I's rather watch reruns of Gilligan's Island than tennis or soccer.

08-08-2016, 12:42 PM
What women's road race? I got tennis and soccer. Comcast sucks.

And just to square your and @Noir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=517) 's and @sundaydriver (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2064) 's asses away ... I have no problem with women. You come out to play, come out to play. I had troopies that would get all indignant because I let the girls play ball with us.

I am neither racist nor gender bias. What I am is NOT PC. I treat everyone as equals until they prove themselves not worthy of such respect. I had this one little Cpl who happened to be black who took the aforementioned whiners to school on the court. She tripped when I put my knee up her ass because she tried to back into the paint. I was like play the game or don't. She got a jump shot over my ass. :laugh:

We all relate to different things. I jut watched a horse roll over his rider. :laugh2: I don't even know how many times a horse has dumped my ass. Mom's got pics of me on a horse when I was 3.

Point is, it ain't about the girls so much as the sport. I'll watch women's gymnastics and swimming (like last night) until the tv goes off. But I's rather watch reruns of Gilligan's Island than tennis or soccer.

I managed to see it with rabbit ears. :dunno:

And I just mentioned an event with an incredible finish which was all about sport. It happened to be a women's event. I heard the men's road race finish was pretty nuts too but I didn't see that one.

08-08-2016, 12:55 PM
I managed to see it with rabbit ears. :dunno:

And I just mentioned an event with an incredible finish which was all about sport. It happened to be a women's event. I heard the men's road race finish was pretty nuts too but I didn't see that one.

Try reading the rest of the thread. Someone else made this about gender. You just got lucky and I responded to you. :laugh:

It's about the sport to me. Geez. I don't watch men's soccer nor hockey either. And you can count on me being right there for ping pong.

I don't give a damn what you got between your legs playing golf or tennis. I ain't watching the crap. I don't even know where they come up with some of this crap. I hate soccer. Bunch of geeks running all over the place doing not much but causing riots.

To each his own. I just want to watch what I want to watch like everyone else. You put on tae kwon do and don't miss me while I'm gone.

08-08-2016, 12:58 PM
Try reading the rest of the thread. Someone else made this about gender. You just got lucky and I responded to you. :laugh:

I read the thread and you included me in your error. :poke:

08-08-2016, 02:20 PM
I read the thread and you included me in your error. :poke:

Go figure, FJ included in an error. :laugh: You stepped into THAT one, goof. :laugh:

08-08-2016, 02:36 PM
Kate Ledecky just put the living smack down on the other swimmers.

I missed this one. Incredible performance by a 19 year old! And she is probably not done yet!

08-08-2016, 02:55 PM
I missed this one. Incredible performance by a 19 year old! And she is probably not done yet!

I love the swimmers. I REALLY love them when we win. :laugh: She totally put the wood to the others. It's like launch and never look back. Ain't nothing but blue in front of you.

The little gymnast girl was hard core too. I was getting irritated with the commentator though. "Well, she didn't step just exactly right" ...:rolleyes: Screw you. get your ass on that beam. Crap, I'd be lucky to just walk across it.

I wouldn't even try at my age. I can see that crotch shot from here. :laugh2:

08-08-2016, 03:49 PM
Go figure, FJ included in an error. :laugh: You stepped into THAT one, goof. :laugh:

I just can't make this stuff up. :poke:

08-08-2016, 03:52 PM
I just can't make this stuff up. :poke:

Hey ... they had a judo match on. Wonder how they sneaked THAT in .... It was worth watching.

08-08-2016, 03:58 PM
Hey ... they had a judo match on. Wonder how they sneaked THAT in .... It was worth watching.

The bit I saw was less than impressive but it's not my thing. Then we started talking about sports that shouldn't be in which I included golf, tennis, and basketball loaded with NBA players. Sports that have their own big events shouldn't be there IMO especially with professionals.

08-08-2016, 04:23 PM
The bit I saw was less than impressive but it's not my thing. Then we started talking about sports that shouldn't be in which I included golf, tennis, and basketball loaded with NBA players. Sports that have their own big events shouldn't be there IMO especially with professionals.

I used to be that way about the pro's. The Soviets ruined that. We had all college players when I was a kid.

And I hear ya on what they call sports. I remember when Joe and Ben Weider were trying to push bodybuilding as an Olympic sport. I'm a weightlifter. Bodybuilding is NOT a sport.

They just got so much goofy crap they call sport nowadays. Poker, pool and golf are NOT sports. They're games.

Crap. Let's make Monopoly a "sport". We can all sit around the board and roll the dice. :rolleyes:

08-08-2016, 06:36 PM
I love the swimmers. I REALLY love them when we win. :laugh: She totally put the wood to the others. It's like launch and never look back. Ain't nothing but blue in front of you.

The little gymnast girl was hard core too. I was getting irritated with the commentator though. "Well, she didn't step just exactly right" ...:rolleyes: Screw you. get your ass on that beam. Crap, I'd be lucky to just walk across it.

I wouldn't even try at my age. I can see that crotch shot from here. :laugh2:

Swam in Intramurals with Michael Phelps' Dad, only non-varsity that could beat him in the 50 and 100 Freestyle.
I had to try everything as a Phys Ed Major in gymnastics. I sucked at the beam! Mary Lou Retton was the basketball
coach's niece back then and made us jocks look sick even at a young age.:laugh:

08-08-2016, 06:56 PM
Swam in Intramurals with Micheal Phelps' Dad, only non-varsity that could beat him in the 50 and 100 Freestyle.
I had to try everything as a Phys Ed Major in gymnastics. I sucked at the beam! Mary Lou Retton was the basketball
coach's niece back then and made us jocks look sick even at a young age.:laugh:

I was good at gymnastics and swimming. I had no direction. My dad couldn't get out of a mud puddle without a rope.

I could have done the beam years ago. But one of my best assets was my balance then and it's a medical issue now. Do guys even do the beam? I could walk across the studs in construction. I wouldn't even think of trying now. I've been having a tendency to fall down now. Only my arms save me.

I totally appreciate the individual talent. It's me against me. Let's play.

Good old days, huh ...:beer:

08-08-2016, 07:14 PM
I was good at gymnastics and swimming. I had no direction. My dad couldn't get out of a mud puddle without a rope.

I could have done the beam years ago. But one of my best assets was my balance then and it's a medical issue now. Do guys even do the beam? I could walk across the studs in construction. I wouldn't even think of trying now. I've been having a tendency to fall down now. Only my arms save me.

I totally appreciate the individual talent. It's me against me. Let's play.

Good old days, huh ...:beer:

I had a lot of trouble with balance due to having sliced my ankle with an axe just after
graduating high school. It took 21 stitches to reconnect tendons then close the wound.
I needed to wear a tape cast daily in track and football in college - it was that badly damaged. It was
easy to manage during wrestling, but not in the others.

Individual talent is what is to be admired, and I do not care who it is.:beer:

08-08-2016, 08:47 PM
I had a lot of trouble with balance due to having sliced my ankle with an axe just after
graduating high school. It took 21 stitches to reconnect tendons then close the wound.
I needed to wear a tape cast daily in track and football in college - it was that badly damaged. It was
easy to manage during wrestling, but not in the others.

Individual talent is what is to be admired, and I do not care who it is.:beer:

I broke both my ankles. Right one twice, left one 3 times. I've sprained each at least a dozen times. Wiped out a knee in the process. People don't realize what we go through. They think "thanks for your service" makes it better.

I totally can appreciate these athletes. Even when they lose. If you did your best, hold your head up.

My favorite ever is Mary Lou Retton sticking that landing on a broken ankle. Thar's my all time favorite.

08-08-2016, 09:49 PM
My favorite ever is Mary Lou Retton sticking that landing on a broken ankle. Thar's my all time favorite.

She is an amazing person, really a little Doll!

08-09-2016, 04:32 AM
She is an amazing person, really a little Doll!

I don't really even remember what she looks like. I just remember I met my GF at the time halfway between DC and JAX and she got all pissed because I was watching the Olympics. She wanted some "different" attention. :laugh: Girls.

I just remember her sticking that landing. THAT was hard f-ing core.

08-09-2016, 10:56 AM
and so it goes. Finger pointing. Personally, blood doping means nothing to me. It's a red herring for both that do it and those that accuse others of it.

Just play the game and if you get beat? Try again.

08-09-2016, 11:52 AM
I used to be that way about the pro's. The Soviets ruined that. We had all college players when I was a kid.

And I hear ya on what they call sports. I remember when Joe and Ben Weider were trying to push bodybuilding as an Olympic sport. I'm a weightlifter. Bodybuilding is NOT a sport.

They just got so much goofy crap they call sport nowadays. Poker, pool and golf are NOT sports. They're games.

Crap. Let's make Monopoly a "sport". We can all sit around the board and roll the dice. :rolleyes:

Golf is a sport, it's a competitive physical activity. Besides, it's the Olympic games. :poke: But if you want to toss out any competition that you don't breathe hard then archery, sharpshooting, etc. are on the chopping block.

08-09-2016, 12:08 PM
Golf is a sport, it's a competitive physical activity. Besides, it's the Olympic games. :poke: But if you want to toss out any competition that you don't breathe hard then archery, sharpshooting, etc. are on the chopping block.

I consider golf a sport like shooting pool. It's a game. And don't talk about competing to me. I'll compete with a bug.

I don't agree with what some people call sports. I don't feel lonely in the boat. But give us an option. Let me watch what I want to . You think we don't pay enough? We pay a fortune for "basic" cable and get nothing but garbage. More than half my channels are infomercials and/or in Spanish. For the amount of money I pay, I should get to choose. And "packages" aren't a choice. They rig them.

Why do you think I'm on here, goober? There ain't sh*t but garbage on my TV. :laugh:

08-09-2016, 12:11 PM
I consider golf a sport like shooting pool. It's a game. And don't talk about competing to me. I'll compete with a bug.

I don't agree with what some people call sports. I don't feel lonely in the boat. But give us an option. Let me watch what I want to . You think we don't pay enough? We pay a fortune for "basic" cable and get nothing but garbage. More than half my channels are infomercials and/or in Spanish. For the amount of money I pay, I should get to choose. And "packages" aren't a choice. They rig them.

Why do you think I'm on here, goober? There ain't sh*t but garbage on my TV. :laugh:

Yet another basic universal definition that you just happened to disagree with.

08-10-2016, 09:46 AM
Another gold for Ledecky, another gold for Phelps. I think that's like 24 golds for Phelps now?

08-10-2016, 11:28 AM
Another gold for Ledecky, another gold for Phelps. I think that's like 24 golds for Phelps now?

Don't forget the little girly gymnastics team. They stomped some butt.

08-10-2016, 12:53 PM
Another gold for Ledecky, another gold for Phelps. I think that's like 24 golds for Phelps now?

21 Golds now, Jim...I do not remember the count of silvers and bronze, but think
his overall is 25 or 26. The tally keeps going up!

08-10-2016, 01:07 PM
Yet another basic universal definition that you just happened to disagree with.

Universal definition. Means you accept the status quo? If NBC tells you it is what it is, then that's cool?

No. I don't want your packages that are rigged so that I have to spend half my check because you rigged the packages. Let ME choose which channels I get. Think I want all this Spanish and infomercial shit?

They purposefully split channels off into separate packages to make you pay more.

SO my definition is give me WTF I want for what I'm paying you and don't try to game me. I see right through the crap. Don't f*ck with an analyst.

08-10-2016, 01:10 PM
Universal definition. Means you accept the status quo? If NBC tells you it is what it is, then that's cool?

No. I don't want your packages that are rigged so that I have to spend half my check because you rigged the packages. Let ME choose which channels I get. Think I want all this Spanish and infomercial shit?

They purposefully split channels off into separate packages to make you pay more.

SO my definition is give me WTF I want for what I'm paying you and don't try to game me. I see right through the crap. Don't f*ck with an analyst.

NBC did not make up the definition of "sport" and as far as I know had no hand in deciding which sports would be in the Olympics. And I wasn't aware that we had to take a position on a la carte cable options. I don't have cable so...

08-10-2016, 01:18 PM
NBC did not make up the definition of "sport" and as far as I know had no hand in deciding which sports would be in the Olympics. And I wasn't aware that we had to take a position on a la carte cable options. I don't have cable so...

You're missing the point. NBC owns Comcast and universal. They decide what they program. They force you to watch what they want you to if you want to watch.

I'd rather be at work. Unfortunately. my leg would rather not and I need surgery. Then I got the a-holes picking soccer, tennis and golf. Oh f-ing yea. :rolleyes: I did find ping pong last night. :rolleyes:

I don't need some corporate d*ckhead choosing for me. And I sure as sh*t don't like idiots that scam me. I don't pay for it. The GF does. I wouldn't pay for the crap. Dish is better than this crap.

08-10-2016, 01:23 PM
You're missing the point. NBC owns Comcast and universal. They decide what they program. They force you to watch what they want you to if you want to watch.

I'd rather be at work. Unfortunately. my leg would rather not and I need surgery. Then I got the a-holes picking soccer, tennis and golf. Oh f-ing yea. :rolleyes: I did find ping pong last night. :rolleyes:

I don't need some corporate d*ckhead choosing for me. And I sure as sh*t don't like idiots that scam me. I don't pay for it. The GF does. I wouldn't pay for the crap. Dish is better than this crap.

No I'm not.

08-10-2016, 01:42 PM
What a shock. The Aussie women won the 4x400 and dipstick Costas is like "I I can't believe this." They live on an island surrounded by water. What do you think they do for fun?

Geez. Some people.

08-10-2016, 01:52 PM
What a shock. The Aussie women won the 4x400 and dipstick Costas is like "I I can't believe this." They live on an island surrounded by water. What do you think they do for fun?

Geez. Some people.

The US team just put the pedal to the metal. Ooh-f-ing-rah! F-ing A. :salute:

08-10-2016, 06:31 PM
Unfortunately. my leg would rather not and I need surgery.
I did find ping pong last night. :rolleyes:

Good luck with the leg...

By the way, the eye-hand coordination of some of those ping-pongers is incredible!

08-10-2016, 06:34 PM
Good luck with the leg...

By the way, the eye-hand coordination of some of those ping-pongers is incredible!

I can't hear 'ping pong' and not think of Forrest. :laugh:

08-10-2016, 06:37 PM
Good luck with the leg...

By the way, the eye-hand coordination of some of those ping-pongers is incredible!

I'm actually good at ping pong. Or was, anyway. We had our own table. Wanna make friends?:laugh:

I just don't consider it a sport. It's a game.

And our BB team sucks. Pro ball in the US lacks fundamentals of the game. Our pro's need to get a clue.

08-10-2016, 07:30 PM
I'm actually good at ping pong. Or was, anyway. We had our own table. Wanna make friends?:laugh:

I just don't consider it a sport. It's a game.

And our BB team sucks. Pro ball in the US lacks fundamentals of the game. Our pro's need to get a clue.

The difference is, I think, that it is considered a sport in Asian nations.

Agree with fundamentals, though! My neighbor is a paraplegic who coaches the local
high school girl's team. All he does is teach and insist on fundamentals and has helped
lead to many area and district championships. This run and dunk crap is school-yard stuff!

08-10-2016, 09:16 PM
The difference is, I think, that it is considered a sport in Asian nations.

Agree with fundamentals, though! My neighbor is a paraplegic who coaches the local
high school girl's team. All he does is teach and insist on fundamentals and has helped
lead to many area and district championships. This run and dunk crap is school-yard stuff!

I did NOT make a good basketball coach. All these kids want to emulate what they see on TV. I'm like that ain't how you win. You play as a team. The best bunch of players I ever saw was the 78 Sixers but they were a bunch of individuals, not a team. They lost to the Lakers. Dr J was my hero but he knew how to pass the ball.

Ans I hate this 3 pt shot shit. I'll take 2 layups with a good give and go. All these people want to do is take 3 point shots. How about if you work on winning the game? And I'll tell you right now, I'm a good 3 point shooter. But I don't spend an entire game trying to hit them. I'm an inside player and know my role. I'll take a turn around jumper on your ass every time.

These pro's spend too much time trying to hit 3's. They need to play ball..

08-11-2016, 08:27 AM
They need to hold this crap in Kansas so I can sleep at some point in time. And NOT let NBC -- King of Commercials -- run it. My sleeping habits are bad enough without doing this crap below the Equator.

And just a question without trying to change the topic (in case no one's noticed I'm an Olympics fiend :laugh: ) but why do we have all this crap going on at one time? The Olympics and political conventions. Some MMA thing and some WWE thing. I think golf hs some shindig going, pre-season football is about to start, and the Boys of Summer are making a run for the pennant.

Now if I was a military guy ( :rolleyes: ) perfect subterfuge.

08-11-2016, 09:44 AM
I'm actually good at ping pong. Or was, anyway. We had our own table. Wanna make friends?:laugh:

I just don't consider it a sport. It's a game.

And our BB team sucks. Pro ball in the US lacks fundamentals of the game. Our pro's need to get a clue.
You do realize they call it the Olympic Games, don't ya? :bop:

08-11-2016, 09:59 AM
You do realize they call it the Olympic Games, don't ya? :bop:

Sure I do. I'm a Marine. A bitching Marine is a happy Marine. It's when we ain't bitching you need to start worrying. :laugh:

I HATE commercials as much as I hate ragheads. I hate NBC too. They control too much of what the talking heads think.

08-11-2016, 10:11 AM
These people can't shoot worth sh*t. Crap. I could do better at my age and blindsight. And now they're talking tactics. You know how many tactics you need on a rifle range? One. Geez people are spoiled.

If there's no one shooting at you, how hard can it be? They're changing their clothing and sh*t. Crap. Lay in the sand getting eaten by bugs for 36 hours.

What a bunch of wimps.

08-11-2016, 10:18 AM
And Dammit, they're rifles or weapons not f-ing guns. A gun is a single shot pistol or a piece of artillery or something mounted on a battleship. Idiots suck and should not be hired as commentators.

And these goofs can't even handle a bolt action rifle. How the Hell can you f*ck up a bolt action AIR rifle?

08-11-2016, 02:00 PM
The archers are a trip. Got one question though @tyr ziu saxnot and Elessar. Why do they wear Gilligan hats?

08-11-2016, 02:08 PM
The archers are a trip. Got one question though @tyr ziu saxnot and @Elessar (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3442). Why do they wear Gilligan hats?

I've got no idea except to perhaps keep sun and glare out of their eyes. I always
wore a bandanna and curved shades

08-11-2016, 02:18 PM
I've got no idea except to perhaps keep sun and glare out of their eyes. I always
wore a bandanna and curved shades

A Gilligan hat is not going to keep the sun and glare out. A Spurs ( :) ) ballcap works better. I just thought one of you archers might know.

08-11-2016, 03:39 PM
These judo guys need to learn to fight. :laugh:

08-11-2016, 06:32 PM
And Dammit, they're rifles or weapons not f-ing guns. A gun is a single shot pistol or a piece of artillery or something mounted on a battleship. Idiots suck and should not be hired as commentators.

And these goofs can't even handle a bolt action rifle. How the Hell can you f*ck up a bolt action AIR rifle?

I've been saying that for years. Semantics and accuracy are lost arts, I fear.

08-12-2016, 12:08 AM
Why does Simone Emanuel have to be African American? How about she's American and represents the USA? NBC and Bob Costas suck, They could politicize boiling water.

08-12-2016, 12:30 AM
Why does Simone Emanuel have to be African American? How about she's American and represents the USA? NBC and Bob Costas suck, They could politicize boiling water.

She's American...not some liberal inspired hyphenated person!

Question is....can they boil water?:laugh2:

08-12-2016, 06:36 AM
I just came across this, Gunny is vindicated!


08-12-2016, 09:55 AM
She's American...not some liberal inspired hyphenated person!

Question is....can they boil water?:laugh2:

I just came across this, Gunny is vindicated!


It's ridiculous. They're trying to be all PC and if they didn't call her an African American girl at least a 100 times since last night, I have a full head of hair. :rolleyes: I ain't heard them say "White athlete" once.

And I totally agree with Kath's link. I don't even know what I'm watching half the time. "We'll cut to the exciting end of 'this' because you don't know what you want to watch."

Yes I do. And it damned sure ain't ping pong and boat rowing. I fell asleep during the boat races and missed the swimming. Only thing that kept me awake was the boxing and gymnastics. Now just how many people think anyone gives a damn about rowing?

Not a single minute of weightlifting. No tae kwon do. We get gay-ass synchronized diving though.

I also agree with the comment that NBC focuses too much on the US and women. While I'm cool with us winning (of course), I'd like to see what someone else is doing. You own most of the damned internet. NBC owns Comcast, Universal and Disney. You'd think they could do a better job.

08-12-2016, 11:05 AM
Fencers. :rolleyes: Get a real damned sword. This Russian guy is kicking this American's ass. Who the Hell wants to watch Dancing with the Swords?

08-12-2016, 11:09 AM
Good thing we brought in the bench. This new USA dude is whipping ass.

08-12-2016, 06:15 PM
I'm getting the idea I'm the only sports freak on the board. And no, watching the NFL doesn't make you a gym rat.

Where are our basketball stars? It's like Loserville out there. I got picked picked 2nd in the 3rd round. Yippee-ki-yi-yay, MF-er.

08-12-2016, 06:19 PM
A-N-D ... if you sit here sucking up millions in the US ... you play for US. Tony Parker. Traitorous Spur from Hell. He ain't even from France, he's from Belgium. Little bastard.

08-12-2016, 06:56 PM
A-N-D ... if you sit here sucking up millions in the US ... you play for US. Tony Parker. Traitorous Spur from Hell. He ain't even from France, he's from Belgium. Little bastard.

This team can be beat. They can't play half court. This is the worst basketball team I've seen since the 70s. Matter of fact, they got a GOOD chance of losing this game. 3 pt lead with 5 seconds left. They led by 18 at one point.

08-12-2016, 08:29 PM
It's not just the commercials Kathianne. It's the whole program. It's all about the announcers. I don't need a bio on an athlete. To sorta quote CCR .. Put me in and let me play. I don't care about how you got here. You made it. Perform and tell the talking heads that want to interview you to death to f*ck off. I don't show up to talk.

I know for a fact it takes 12 minutes to fight a 3 round fight. It don't take 20 before and 20 after and 4 minute commercial breaks between rounds. You got 60 seconds. 4 minutes between rounds would put most of us to sleep.

And now I got Costas on the tuube pimping the swimming while he's showing track. Most of us know the difference between dirt and water.

08-12-2016, 08:32 PM
It's not just the commercials @Kathianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=8). It's the whole program. It's all about the announcers. I don't need a bio on an athlete. To sorta quote CCR .. Put me in and let me play. I don't care about how you got here. You made it. Perform and tell the talking heads that want to interview you to death to f*ck off. I don't show up to talk.

I know for a fact it takes 12 minutes to fight a 3 round fight. It don't take 20 before and 20 after and 4 minute commercial breaks between rounds. You got 60 seconds. 4 minutes between rounds would put most of us to sleep.

And now I got Costas on the tuube pimping the swimming while he's showing track. Most of us know the difference between dirt and water.

I read the article I linked to. For me it's not a big problem, I watch a bit in the evening if it's something I want to see. I was pissed though that they were showing swimming prelims, while girl's gymnastics was on. Stupid, I agree.

08-12-2016, 08:45 PM
I read the article I linked to. For me it's not a big problem, I watch a bit in the evening if it's something I want to see. I was pissed though that they were showing swimming prelims, while girl's gymnastics was on. Stupid, I agree.

Believe it or not. I actually read the article you linked. Has big letters. :laugh: NBC is forcing us to watch what they want us to. This is the worst Olympics I've ever seen and I started watching them in 68.

I love to compete. But they're wasting our time and forcing us to stay up until 2AM if we want to see what we want to see.

08-12-2016, 08:54 PM
Gymnastics is the sport I did in school, so that is what I am always interested in watching.

I tried to watch it last night but the commercials drove me crazy, I ended up going to bed and looking up the results in the morning.

I am beyond annoyed with the coverage and commercials with this olympics

08-14-2016, 11:46 PM
I don't get some of this crap. Why wear a bikini in an indoor stadium to play volleyball?

Why do the swimmers dress up like they're at the North Pole?

Newsflash: you're in controlled environments. Duh. My parka is smaller than that crap the swimmers wear.

And what is with that gymnastic outfit? Long sleeves and your bottom is up the crack? It's okay to show most of your ass but not your arms?

08-17-2016, 03:26 PM
They need to take the Olympics away from NBC. They show just sh*t. I don't give a rat's a$$ about soccer, volleyball, ping pong, badminton and whatever. The Olympics were better when I was 12 and had only 3 channels.

08-17-2016, 06:36 PM
Don"t piss off my basketball team and make them start playing like a team.

08-18-2016, 04:49 PM
Don't know about anyone else, but if you play in the NBA and in the USA you shouldn't be allowed to play in a different country in the Olympics,

08-18-2016, 04:58 PM
Don't know about anyone else, but if you play in the NBA and in the USA you shouldn't be allowed to play in a different country in the Olympics,

Interesting quandary, though. National Pride versus a paycheck?

08-19-2016, 09:33 AM
Don't know about anyone else, but if you play in the NBA and in the USA you shouldn't be allowed to play in a different country in the Olympics,

Meh, do you know how many foreign athletes train in the US?

Interesting quandary, though. National Pride versus a paycheck?

Two completely different things.

08-19-2016, 12:11 PM
http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/rubicon666/13814044_1206091632770856_5663522616938114187_n_zp sg5qiizp6.jpg

08-19-2016, 12:17 PM
Meh, do you know how many foreign athletes train in the US?

Two completely different things.

I don't know an actual number. HOWEVER, I know my basketball. Especially since Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker play for the San Antonio Spurs. The Gasol brothers play for whoever. All are premier athletes that run off and play for different countries.

If you are living here and collecting a paycheck here, you belong here. Playing on OUR damned team. Otherwise? Go home.

08-19-2016, 12:42 PM
I don't know an actual number. HOWEVER, I know my basketball. Especially since Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker play for the San Antonio Spurs. The Gasol brothers play for whoever. All are premier athletes that run off and play for different countries.

If you are living here and collecting a paycheck here, you belong here. Playing on OUR damned team. Otherwise? Go home.

1. It's a lot, and B. That would be a dumb rule.

08-19-2016, 01:26 PM
1. It's a lot, and B. That would be a dumb rule.

You're on MY turf now, bubba. I played ball from the time I was 12 until the day I retired at 40. It's about the team.

You come over here, suck up millions of dollars, then go play for some other team? I don't think so. Loyalty. To those that made you who you are. You want to play in Europe? Stay there.

08-19-2016, 01:31 PM
You're on MY turf now, bubba. I played ball from the time I was 12 until the day I retired at 40. It's about the team.

You come over here, suck up millions of dollars, then go play for some other team? I don't think so. Loyalty. To those that made you who you are. You want to play in Europe? Stay there.

WTF does that matter? Yet another thing you can claim to be an expert on when it doesn't really matter? Next time you whine about golf you'll be on my turf B!tc4. :laugh:

It has nothing to do with loyalty, you have a "solution" and you're looking for a problem. Seems like 90% of the track athletes from the Caribbean nations run for SEC colleges, it would be ridiculous to have them run for the US. Just as it would be ridiculous to have American water polo players play for Serbia or Croatia because they earn money over there.

08-19-2016, 01:38 PM
WTF does that matter? Yet another thing you can claim to be an expert on when it doesn't really matter? Next time you whine about golf you'll be on my turf B!tc4. :laugh:

It has nothing to do with loyalty, you have a "solution" and you're looking for a problem. Seems like 90% of the track athletes from the Caribbean nations run for SEC colleges, it would be ridiculous to have them run for the US. Just as it would be ridiculous to have American water polo players play for Serbia or Croatia because they earn money over there.

So what matters? You want to talk basketball and don't know sh*t about it.

You are the one inventing problems. They have one of the best coaches in NCAA history. But you can't win as a team if you don't play as a team. I learned that in the 70s. The 76ers had every star from the ABA there was. They couldn't win because they were too busy being individuals instead of team players.

Is there some reason you have to convolute everything?

08-19-2016, 01:41 PM
So what matters? You want to talk basketball and don't know sh*t about it.

You are the one inventing problems. They have one of the best coaches in NCAA history. But you can't win as a team if you don't play as a team. I learned that in the 70s. The 76ers had every star from the ABA there was. They couldn't win because they were too busy being individuals instead of team players.

Is there some reason you have to convolute everything?

:facepalm99: This isn't about basketball. It's about your panties in a bunch.

Under Rule 41 of the Olympic Charter (http://www.olympic.org/Documents/olympic_charter_en.pdf), all athletes must hold citizenship in the country for which they compete. But many athletes play for countries to which they have little or no emotional attachment. In some cases, it’s taking advantage of a grandparent’s birthplace. That’s the case with scores of American citizens who couldn’t make the U.S. team but will march behind their other flag of nationality -- sometimes for countries they have never even visited.

In other cases, athletes have been lured to switch teams with cash. The Gulf states have acquired African distance runners with promises of stipends for life. In preparation for the 2000 games, Qatar pretty much bought the entire Bulgarian weightlifting team.

Let's buy us some national pride. Yay!!!


08-19-2016, 01:56 PM
:facepalm99: This isn't about basketball. It's about your panties in a bunch.


Let's buy us some national pride. Yay!!!


Actually no. It's about basketball with me. I'm as big a basketball freak as Jim is a Steelers freak.

08-19-2016, 03:50 PM
Those swimmers certainly created a debacle! Get drunk, stay up all night,
make up some wild tale about being robbed at gunpoint. Sheesh!:laugh:

08-19-2016, 05:32 PM
Those swimmers certainly created a debacle! Get drunk, stay up all night,
make up some wild tale about being robbed at gunpoint. Sheesh!:laugh:

I watch the swimming. I really don't keep up with them. I recall they acted like Phelps killed the pope because he smoked pot. I enjoy the sport. I wish I could swim now. I sure as Hell can't run anymore.

But I know basketball with my eyes closed. Played it and coached it. The US team doesn't know anything about positioning nor moving without the ball. They're struggling through what should be massacres. Our best players are coming off the bench.

Then our other best players are playing for someone else. Everyone wants a rule for everything but they turn a blind eye to this crap. So let's say I'm in the Marine Corps. You think I'm going to go play on the Air Force team against the Marine Corps?

That'll be the day.

08-20-2016, 06:16 AM
I was talking with a couple of NBC cameramen yesterday at Pocono while watching the Indycars practice. To a man they said; we're glad we're not in Rio! :laugh:

08-20-2016, 07:22 AM
Actually no. It's about basketball with me. I'm as big a basketball freak as Jim is a Steelers freak.

Who cares? This is an Olympics thread and the Olympics people make decisions for all the games of the Olympiad.

08-20-2016, 12:54 PM
Who cares? This is an Olympics thread and the Olympics people make decisions for all the games of the Olympiad.

No, NBC picks the crap they show and you watch. And I care because I always watch the Olympics.

You asked a question and I responded. At least I can say I've been responsible. The thread title is Olympics and I've kept my posts about the Olympics in this one thread. Most no one else seems to be interested. I admit, I'm a gym rat.

So I f-ing care.

What I'm NOT doing is running all over the board trying to pick a fight I can't win with one of my betters just because no one else will talk to me. If you want to fight we can go to the Steel Cage. A forum I have noted you don't attend much.

Otherwise, STFU and talk about the Olympics.

08-20-2016, 01:03 PM
Most no one else seems to be interested. I admit, I'm a gym rat.

I'm interested!! Just been bad timing for this thread and when I'm thinking about them. :)

I watched an awful lot of the USA in the swimming pool where the USA wiped everyone out. My favorite is usually the track and field, and the shorter events. Kinda hard to watch them and root for the USA when Usain Bolt is out there though, you KNOW you're going to lose!

And the past few days I watched the decathlon, and Eaton from the USA winning!! Now we can have a MAN face back on the Wheaties box!!! :laugh:

Boxing was rigged again, but that's to be expected.

And if you give a crap, at 4:30 is the gold medal game between Germany and Brazil. Since it's IN Brazil, we know who wins already... but maybe they'll surprise me, as Germany has a great squad. Then again, I may be sleeping!! :)

08-20-2016, 01:25 PM
I'm interested!! Just been bad timing for this thread and when I'm thinking about them. :)

I watched an awful lot of the USA in the swimming pool where the USA wiped everyone out. My favorite is usually the track and field, and the shorter events. Kinda hard to watch them and root for the USA when Usain Bolt is out there though, you KNOW you're going to lose!

And the past few days I watched the decathlon, and Eaton from the USA winning!! Now we can have a MAN face back on the Wheaties box!!! :laugh:

Boxing was rigged again, but that's to be expected.

And if you give a crap, at 4:30 is the gold medal game between Germany and Brazil. Since it's IN Brazil, we know who wins already... but maybe they'll surprise me, as Germany has a great squad. Then again, I may be sleeping!! :)

I started out boxing and progressed to martial arts. Rule of thumb for Americans is you better be able to knock that M-fer down or you lose. International judges hate us. So in that sense, yeah, it's a foregone conclusion. Not rigged so much as biased.

In the US, it appears rigged. I boxed only in the Corps, so I can't say anything but this: I've watched more fights and when the results were in I'm like "WTF fight were YOU watching?"

The judges are not fighters. What do they know and what to look for? And you will lose 10 times out of 10 in Korea in a tae kwon do tournament if you can't score a knockout.

As far as Bolt goes, I got pissed over the US team being DQ'd for a lane violation. WTF is THAT? I stepped on someone else's line in the dirt? Some of this crap is stupid. Sure Bolt was going to win. He's the Phelps of running. I'd still try to beat his ass because that's just how I roll. :laugh:

08-20-2016, 05:00 PM
So I f-ing care.

Not sure anyone cares how long you played basketball. I'm talking about the Olympics; Tony Parker is French, not American.

And pointing out a poor argument is not looking for a fight. :)

08-20-2016, 07:19 PM
Not sure anyone cares how long you played basketball. I'm talking about the Olympics; Tony Parker is French, not American.

And pointing out a poor argument is not looking for a fight. :)

You don't know what you're talking about.. I don't care if Tony Parker is from Mars. He's living in San Antonio, collects a check from the Spurs and should be loyal to his team. My argument is just fine. Your loyalty is not. And he;s from Belgium, not France.

And btw, nobody gives a f*ck what YOU have to say. All you wan to do is stir up shit. At least I know something about sports.

I spoke to how the US team was playing basketball because I knowledge on the subject until you had to open your rat trap. Stay out of topics you know nothing about. Quit ruining the damned thread and making it about you when you don't know shit. You never do anything but criticize people for what they're good at. Always slamming everyone when you don't know jack shit about nothing that I've seen except how to attack people and you ain't even good at that,

You want to suit up with me I got a ball, pump and a court. Bring your game unlike the B game you bring to the board.

Now get the f*ck out of this thread. I told you where you can argue with me. It ain't all over the board. No wonder some of these people have you on ignore. You're worse than little black flies.

08-21-2016, 03:18 PM
The US has the paddle out and are just spanking that a$$. :dance:

08-21-2016, 03:23 PM
The US has the paddle out and are just spanking that a$$. :dance:

I clicked the link and very very briefly watched the basketball game, looks like the USA was up by 30+ points. Michael Jordan was looking his usual awesome self, and of course having Lebron and Kobe by his side doesn't hurt. And having Barkley join the team at the last minute with O'Neal - well of course they'll take home the gold this year, no need for me to even watch. :)

08-21-2016, 03:53 PM
I clicked the link and very very briefly watched the basketball game, looks like the USA was up by 30+ points. Michael Jordan was looking his usual awesome self, and of course having Lebron and Kobe by his side doesn't hurt. And having Barkley join the team at the last minute with O'Neal - well of course they'll take home the gold this year, no need for me to even watch. :)

Except none of those guys are playing. Most NBA stars won't play anymore. You get the second tier. Still, they played as team for the gold. It worked. 30 pt win.

08-21-2016, 03:54 PM
Except none of those guys are playing. Most NBA stars won't play anymore. You get the second tier. Still, they played as team for the gold. It worked. 30 pt win.

Those guys don't play anymore? What about Pippen? Drexler? Ewing?

08-21-2016, 04:01 PM
Those guys don't play anymore? What about Pippen? Drexler? Ewing?

Dude, my heroes are Dr J And the Iceman, George Gervin. If they'd have been allowed to play along with Magic and kareem? Write the score in. Can spell it "slaughter." The Iceman scored 40+ points in the old man's game.

Thes e guys had to work because they couldn't play as a team. They're just that damned good. When they came together as team? Done deal.

08-21-2016, 04:11 PM
Dude, my heroes are Dr J And the Iceman, George Gervin. If they'd have been allowed to play along with Magic and kareem? Write the score in. Can spell it "slaughter." The Iceman scored 40+ points in the old man's game.

Thes e guys had to work because they couldn't play as a team. They're just that damned good. When they came together as team? Done deal.

I remember back when they DID have the "dream team" in the Olympics...


Easily the best team ever assembled and I doubt we'll ever see one better.

08-21-2016, 04:24 PM
I remember back when they DID have the "dream team" in the Olympics...


Easily the best team ever assembled and I doubt we'll ever see one better.

That was the first time they allowed our pro's to play. Don't remember the exact year. Before that, it was all college kids. If they'd have let

Dr J
Pete Marovich
George Gervin
World Free

and a couple of others back in the day they'd lost their asses.

08-21-2016, 04:29 PM
The game just ended I guess and the USA took gold with a 96-66 win. Of course the women also took gold for I believe what was the 6th time in a row? Congrats to both! Altogether the USA did a damn good job this year. 121-70-67 for total medal count, the other two being China and Great Britain. And then 46-27-26 for those scoring by gold medals, the other 2 being Great Britain and China. Congrats Brits!!

08-21-2016, 06:28 PM
Gunny, this is for you:



Townhall’s Cortney O’Brien and Christine Rousselle here, and we have a bone to pick with the way NBC has handled broadcasting the Summer Olympics. Here are a few of our biggest gripes:

1. Airing gymnastics at midnight

In London, it was slightly understandable that things were going to be tape delayed. London time is several hours ahead of EDT. In Rio, it’s a different story: they’re only one hour ahead of the east coast. The gymnastics events were scheduled at 3:00 p.m. EDT, which, while not ideal, is a reasonable time to air a sporting event live.

Instead, NBC made users who wanted to see a sporting event as it actually happened watch it on its glitchy livestream options or on devices like an Apple TV. My (Christine) feed managed to cut out not once, but twice, during the floor routines in the team final. Thankfully, I anticipated this happening and had another backup stream going on my computer that was about 30 seconds behind the Apple TV feed, but this wouldn’t have been an issue if it had just aired on TV as it happened.

The actual events aired during “primetime” coverage, which stretches from 8 p.m. until midnight, with the event concluding closer to midnight even though the actual medals had been distributed hours before and the results had been thoroughly blasted on social media. Given that a large chunk of the target audiences are young girls who look up to The Final Five et al, the decision to broadcast the gold medal moments way past bedtime was certainly a questionable one.

2. Reporting on Lochtegate instead of showing a medal match live

08-21-2016, 09:15 PM
Gunny, this is for you:


I agree with the article, but they never explain it. They're too busy trying to be "right there". We don't all live in the same time zone. It'll be on the net before we wake up and NBC has a stranglehold. They want their money at the ridiculous rate.

I was getting irritated with that midnight crap. I was also irritated with the so-called sports they chose to show.

08-22-2016, 08:25 AM
Not in the Olympics But should get medals anyway...



08-22-2016, 09:40 AM
You don't know what you're talking about..

I'm talking about Olympics, you're whining like a B*.

Still not sure what I don't know anything about. :unsure:

08-22-2016, 09:43 AM
I tried to watch, just couldn't get into it. Rio is a bad venue, way too dangerous and that is regarding crime, not to mention the water and air pollution.

Too many commercials.

Anyone liking so far?

With all the poor press leading up it seems to have come out just fine. NBC could have done better and their TV ratings were in the tank but from what I read the on-demand viewings were up huge.

08-22-2016, 12:48 PM
I'm talking about Olympics, you're whining like a B*.

Still not sure what I don't know anything about. :unsure:

You really haven't proven much knowledge on anything except picking fights and f-ing up threads. You sure as Hell don't stay on topic. When you set to prove you know nothing, you certainly do manage that one well.

08-22-2016, 01:05 PM
You really haven't proven much knowledge on anything except picking fights and f-ing up threads. You sure as Hell don't stay on topic. When you set to prove you know nothing, you certainly do manage that one well.

:blabla: So you can't tell me what I don't know anything about? That's OK, I knew you couldn't before we started. :)

I enjoyed the Olympics coverage I watched, If I didn't I changed the channel.

08-22-2016, 01:32 PM
:blabla: So you can't tell me what I don't know anything about? That's OK, I knew you couldn't before we started. :)

I enjoyed the Olympics coverage I watched, If I didn't I changed the channel.

I enjoyed the actual coverage I got to see. When half the coverage is commercials or someone's life story? No. When they're showing shitty so-called sports? No. Bet you were riveted to the screen during water polo, equestrian, and badminton.

FYI, I got a remote and plenty of channels.

Nevertheless, this coverage of the Olympics was the worst I've ever seen. We got better shit back when we had only 3 channels. You running out of people to stir up shit with? You're lucky I'm bored and willing to tolerate your simple ass. If somebody'd talk about something besides Trump and Hitlery you'd be a blip on the radar.

08-22-2016, 01:37 PM
I enjoyed the actual coverage I got to see. When half the coverage is commercials or someone's life story? No. When they're showing shitty so-called sports? No. Bet you were riveted to the screen during water polo, equestrian, and badminton.

FYI, I got a remote and plenty of channels.

Nevertheless, this coverage of the Olympics was the worst I've ever seen. We got better shit back when we had only 3 channels. You running out of people to stir up shit with? You're lucky I'm bored and willing to tolerate your simple ass. If somebody'd talk about something besides Trump and Hitlery you'd be a blip on the radar.

:rolleyes: Anyway... I didn't expect to much so wasn't disappointed. Mostly swimming and track with a few other sports tossed in as I happened to be watching.

Abbey Marie
08-22-2016, 06:38 PM
I'd say it dragged on about 5 days too long. I lost interest. And maybe it was just my bad timing, but every time I turned around it seemed to be beach volleyball. Whoop-de-do.

08-22-2016, 06:49 PM
I'd say it dragged on about 5 days too long. I lost interest. And maybe it was just my bad timing, but every time I turned around it seemed to be beach volleyball. Whoop-de-do.

They're catering to a crowd and we ain't in it, Abs. Beach volleyball doesn't bother me so much as when you import sand and play it in a stadium. Where's the "beach" part?

And I can't stand soccer. I enjoy sports I played. Soccer is after my time. I watched Humphrey Bogart all day Saturday. He was about as much of an Olympic athlete as Pee Wee Herman. But I have like 5 sports channels and there was not a thing on I cared about. Look at my profile then picture me giving a crap about figure skating. :laugh: I could get on World's Dumbest trying THAT crap. :laugh:

02-11-2023, 01:30 AM
Waiting for 2024 Olympics, that are going to be held in Paris.

02-11-2023, 10:26 AM
Waiting for 2024 Olympics, that are going to be held in Paris.
NightTrain The way it's going, Russia won't be in the (rather I should say shouldn't be allowed to participate) in the 2024 Olympics. Besides the Ukraine BS Russia started, isn't Russia banned from competing for constant, widespread doping?

One can argue it is not fair to the individual athletes, and at the individual level I tend to agree. On the other hand, Russian Olympic-level athletes are state-subsidized/sponsored.

02-11-2023, 11:05 AM
NightTrain The way it's going, Russia won't be in the (rather I should say shouldn't be allowed to participate) in the 2024 Olympics. Besides the Ukraine BS Russia started, isn't Russia banned from competing for constant, widespread doping?

One can argue it is not fair to the individual athletes, and at the individual level I tend to agree. On the other hand, Russian Olympic-level athletes are state-subsidized/sponsored.

I agree. I'm pretty sure that Vlad doesn't have the money or the time for peacetime projects like the Olympics. His focus is on sending every fighting aged man to the Ukrainian meat grinder.

I very much doubt that Russia would be allowed to compete anyway in a Western hosted Olympics.

The new offensive is going to result in another mobilization and I'm not sure he'll survive that. Hell, I'm surprised he hasn't fallen out of a window already, but that shows what kind of a death grip he has on Russians and the kind of fear he generates. I'm thinking a Stalin or Saddam-level kind of fear from the masses.

Going to be interesting to see how this all pans out. It's a race now for Russia to finish this war before their economy completely collapses - it's in a crash dive now and there's no accessible reserves left to prop it up.

In other news, the Indian knucklehead above you snuck in and spammed his 'pro' badminton site, so I deleted the hyperlink.

02-11-2023, 11:32 AM
I agree. I'm pretty sure that Vlad doesn't have the money or the time for peacetime projects like the Olympics. His focus is on sending every fighting aged man to the Ukrainian meat grinder.

I very much doubt that Russia would be allowed to compete anyway in a Western hosted Olympics.

The new offensive is going to result in another mobilization and I'm not sure he'll survive that. Hell, I'm surprised he hasn't fallen out of a window already, but that shows what kind of a death grip he has on Russians and the kind of fear he generates. I'm thinking a Stalin or Saddam-level kind of fear from the masses.

Going to be interesting to see how this all pans out. It's a race now for Russia to finish this war before their economy completely collapses - it's in a crash dive now and there's no accessible reserves left to prop it up.

In other news, the Indian knucklehead above you snuck in and spammed his 'pro' badminton site, so I deleted the hyperlink.Badminton is a sport?:laugh:

As far as Vlad the Inhaler goes ... I wouldn't put it past him to try and field a team then protest his not being allowed to. We're talking about a guy at war with freedom still allowed to negotiate terms with everyone else on any other topic. That's as much the fault of those allowing him diplomatic status as it is anyone.

I do know as far as weightlifting goes, Russia did not participate in the European nor World Championships last year nor this year, respectively. Both are Olympic qualifiers for points.

Even if Ukraine surrendered today, Russia's economy is dead in the water. In that regard, Putin can't literally afford peace anymore than he can the war. He shoulda thought that through a bit more without the rose-colored glasses.

02-11-2023, 12:25 PM
Badminton is a sport?:laugh:

Yeah, at least he's an Indian not doing the typical computer/phone scam thing. He's got that going for him.

As far as Vlad the Inhaler goes ... I wouldn't put it past him to try and field a team then protest his not being allowed to. We're talking about a guy at war with freedom still allowed to negotiate terms with everyone else on any other topic. That's as much the fault of those allowing him diplomatic status as it is anyone.

I do know as far as weightlifting goes, Russia did not participate in the European nor World Championships last year nor this year, respectively. Both are Olympic qualifiers for points.

Even if Ukraine surrendered today, Russia's economy is dead in the water. In that regard, Putin can't literally afford peace anymore than he can the war. He shoulda thought that through a bit more without the rose-colored glasses.

Right. Vlad definitely misjudged how his little land-grab would be received.

If Ukraine had simply rolled over as everyone expected, the West would have placed a few meaningless sanctions on Russia and shrugged. But the fact that Ukraine stood up and fought tooth-and-nail gave hope that maybe there was a glimmer of a shadow of a chance, and prompted assistance from NATO countries, which shamed our insufferable baboon to reluctantly begin helping.

If Ukraine can make it through this new Russian offensive to buy time for the Challenger & Abram tanks to arrive on the battlefield, I think they'll pull this off! Plus there's serious effort to give them F-16s and British Typhoons which will completely turn the war in Ukraine's favor.

Very startling to see how utterly incompetent Russia's military turned out to be. Living during the Cold War gave a completely different impression of their abilities and equipment, and I'm sure it was better than the joke they are now... but I can't help wonder if they were vastly overestimated all along, considering that they're fighting a much weaker and smaller adversary right along their border, much less supplying troops all the way into Central Europe. They can't supply troops a few miles across their border.

02-11-2023, 01:05 PM
Yeah, at least he's an Indian not doing the typical computer/phone scam thing. He's got that going for him.

Right. Vlad definitely misjudged how his little land-grab would be received.

If Ukraine had simply rolled over as everyone expected, the West would have placed a few meaningless sanctions on Russia and shrugged. But the fact that Ukraine stood up and fought tooth-and-nail gave hope that maybe there was a glimmer of a shadow of a chance, and prompted assistance from NATO countries, which shamed our insufferable baboon to reluctantly begin helping.

If Ukraine can make it through this new Russian offensive to buy time for the Challenger & Abram tanks to arrive on the battlefield, I think they'll pull this off! Plus there's serious effort to give them F-16s and British Typhoons which will completely turn the war in Ukraine's favor.

Very startling to see how utterly incompetent Russia's military turned out to be. Living during the Cold War gave a completely different impression of their abilities and equipment, and I'm sure it was better than the joke they are now... but I can't help wonder if they were vastly overestimated all along, considering that they're fighting a much weaker and smaller adversary right along their border, much less supplying troops all the way into Central Europe. They can't supply troops a few miles across their border.

Your last paragraph is definitely something I have pondered. In perspective, having grown up in the military then served during the Cold War, what we are seeing now is the remnants of what the USSR had then. At the time, they were pretty state-of-the art (by Russian standards) and on a full military industrial footing. Their stuff was new then. That same new stuff then is now outdated and falling apart.

IMO, what was overestimated was Russia's ability and claims to maintain a viable, up-to-date force. Not to mention one of the biggest issues the Russian military has is its own managers who dismantled a lot of capability under the table to line their own pockets.

The current Russian logistics system is still based on railroad delivery. GLARING weakness. That as much as anything else cost Russia it's quick win and is still dictating Russia's moves. Guess they should have learned a lesson from the US Civil War. Railroads was one of the South's biggest weaknesses and the US's strengths.

Definitely underestimating the Ukrainian people changed the whole story here. I suspect half the West was holding out from helping in the initial days, wishing putin would hurry up and get it over with so they could go back to what you stated: a few sanctions and business as usual. The Eastern European nations were the only ones I saw with any real sense of alarm and urgency.

IMO, if Ukraine survives the upcoming onslaught (that won't surprise me if it fizzles), the question is going to be how to disengage without Putin losing or paying enough of a price that he's ready to just nuke the place.

I wouldn't give it to him, but I think if Putin was offered Crimea and Donbas to back out, he would. Like Russia did in Georgia where they have to measure the demarcation line every morning after Russians move the sticks forward every night:rolleyes:

02-11-2023, 01:44 PM
IMO, if Ukraine survives the upcoming onslaught (that won't surprise me if it fizzles), the question is going to be how to disengage without Putin losing or paying enough of a price that he's ready to just nuke the place.

I wouldn't give it to him, but I think if Putin was offered Crimea and Donbas to back out, he would. Like Russia did in Georgia where they have to measure the demarcation line every morning after Russians move the sticks forward every night:rolleyes:

Biden suggested that and Ukraine roundly condemned the idea. Under no circumstances should that notion be even considered - that's akin to Chamberlain's foolishness in 1939 and would have the same results.

I get that Putin really wanted access to the Black Sea, but allowing that would pave the way for future excursions to take by force what he wants.

I'm really not worried about nukes. I can't see him justifying that in a conflict that he freely admits he started. Even the meek sheep he rules wouldn't stand for that, relegating him to Sabre rattling to terrify Poland, but they're not even worried about that anymore. Good for them.

02-13-2023, 09:54 AM
Biden suggested that and Ukraine roundly condemned the idea. Under no circumstances should that notion be even considered - that's akin to Chamberlain's foolishness in 1939 and would have the same results.

I get that Putin really wanted access to the Black Sea, but allowing that would pave the way for future excursions to take by force what he wants.

I'm really not worried about nukes. I can't see him justifying that in a conflict that he freely admits he started. Even the meek sheep he rules wouldn't stand for that, relegating him to Sabre rattling to terrify Poland, but they're not even worried about that anymore. Good for them.Ukraine/the West cannot cave to Putin. Maybe better put "should not" cave to Putin?

I'm thinking avoiding nuclear confrontation/war between the West and Russia. Of the 3 sides, Putin is the one who needs to save face the most. If he'd go home today the West would be buying his oil tomorrow:rolleyes: I'd be willing to bet holding him accountable would be "investigated" by the UN where Russia and China have veto power, and it would evolve into endless arguments over crossing t's and dotting i's.

Make no mistake. Putin already has access to the Black Sea. He wants the area between Crimea and Odesa where enough LNG was discovered to kill his monopoly on selling LNG to Europe.

The access he is after is the Baltic Sea. That means Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. Apparently Kaliningrad isn't big enough to house a fleet he doesn't have. Every Baltic state knows this, and they are the ones currently providing most of NATOs spine. The further West one goes in Europe, the less seems to be the concern.

Meantime, Russia is currently digging a bunch of trenches in Donbas it doesn't have the numbers to man :laugh: