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08-06-2016, 06:39 PM

Hillary Clinton Said Her Black Friends Tried To Expand Her Musical Tastes Or Something

Perhaps this (http://freebeacon.com/politics/clinton-asked-most-meaningful-conversation-black-friend/) is why Hillary Clinton tries to have as few press conferences as possible.

On Friday, an ESPN reporter asked Hillary Clinton to describe the most “meaningful” conversation she’s ever had with one of her black friends. (Dumbest question of all time, if you ask me. I mean, that ASSUMES that every conversation you have with your black friends has to be deep and race-related. That’s absurd. My best friend is half Hispanic, and we don’t have lengthy conversations about race. Talk about a snoozefest.)

The question caught Hillary off guard. She struggled to come up with a solid answer. Clearly, she had trouble coming up with something pander-y enough. But she made sure the reporter knew she had a “crew” of what I assume are ethnically diverse friends.

“Well, could I tell you that I am blessed to have a great crew of friends?” Hillary asked.

Clinton spoke about the people who have surrounded her over the years, from her two chiefs of staff, Maggie Williams and Cheryl Mills, to motivated young people who she has encountered across the country.

Clinton said she could not “compress” all of these interactions into one conversation.

And then she came up with the one thing her black friends have done for her. They’ve tried to– get ready for it–expand her musical tastes.

“They’ve supported me; they’ve chastised me; they’ve raised issues with me,” Hillary said. “They’ve tried to expand my musical tastes.”

Let’s play a game. Imagine, if you will, Donald Trump saying the same exact same thing. Every mainstream news network would be talking about it. I can see it now. Headlines like, “Donald Trump: ‘Blacks Changed My Musical Taste.'”

Comments like “OMG RAAAAAAAACIST!” or “Donald Trump assumes all black people listen to the same kind of music!” and “Trump can’t even name one meaningful conversation he’s ever had with a black person!”

But since Hillary said it, no biggie. She totally didn’t mean it. Just like she didn’t mean it when she said she’s going to raise taxes on the middle class (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/08/04/hillary-were-going-to-raise-taxes-on-the-middle-class/).

08-06-2016, 07:31 PM
Let's just face it....she's a simpleton.

08-06-2016, 09:12 PM
"Black friends" huh? Now why aren't blacks insulted about THAT? My friends are my friends. I don't describe them by ethnicity unless it's a topic of debate. Or in the case of my Hispandex friends, they're insulting me (in good fun). I give as good as I get. :laugh:

This woman just absolutely disgusts me and it's not because she's a woman. She's a dishonorable human (if you want to call her that) and a hypocrite.

08-06-2016, 09:50 PM
Let's just face it....she's a simpleton.

Charlaton is more like it. Simple she is not.