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08-09-2016, 03:48 PM
Trump suggests violence to stop Hillary SCOTUS picks? I don't think that's necessarily what he meant but it's hard to tell.

Trump gave Hillary and the media another club to beat on him with.

The guy behind him seemed to think that's what he meant from his reaction.


08-09-2016, 03:58 PM
Trump suggests violence to stop Hillary SCOTUS picks? I don't think that's necessarily what he meant but it's hard to tell.

Trump gave Hillary and the media another club to beat on him with.

The guy behind him seemed to think that's what he meant from his reaction.


He needs to shut the Hell up. He's his own worst enemy.

08-09-2016, 04:12 PM
He needs to shut the Hell up. He's his own worst enemy.

He can't help it. He's the smartest, toughest, bestest man in the room... Just ask him...

Seriously, I think he's doing it on purpose. He wants to lose. I wouldn't be surprised if he struck a deal with Bill...

He could be going after Hilliary, but instead everything that comes out of his mouth is dumber than the last thing.

What other explanation is there? IMO, neither one of them is fit for the office, but he's succeeding in making Hilliary look good. I would have never thought that was possible.

08-09-2016, 04:47 PM
He can't help it. He's the smartest, toughest, bestest man in the room... Just ask him...

Seriously, I think he's doing it on purpose. He wants to lose. I wouldn't be surprised if he struck a deal with Bill...

He could be going after Hilliary, but instead everything that comes out of his mouth is dumber than the last thing.

What other explanation is there? IMO, neither one of them is fit for the office, but he's succeeding in making Hilliary look good. I would have never thought that was possible.

I have considered that from the beginning.

What would you believe is not possible? A salesman selling? I got a Twilight Zone episode for you, bro. What he's selling is the question.

However, he can be kept in check. The other 2 goofwads are loose cannons and idiots. Name your poison. I'm going with least risk.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2016, 05:30 PM
Well duh.... Bleeding obvious that he meant by unifying and voting him in!!!



Hell, I knew the first second that I read about it that he was encouraging a unification among 2nd Amendment rights voters and voting for him.-Tyr

08-09-2016, 05:44 PM
Well duh.... Bleeding obvious that he meant by unifying and voting him in!!!



Hell, I knew the first second that I read about it that he was encouraging a unification among 2nd Amendment rights voters and voting for him.-Tyr

I got news for you, bubba, I have no sound at the moment. I'm using a makeshift monitor until I can get another.

I'm going on the past. Trump's mouth and temper have hurt him far more than HItlery has. He needs to stay focussed on what he's trying to do and bite his lip with the kneejerk responses.

And you KNOW the left is going to twist whatever he says. All the more reason to not play their game.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-09-2016, 06:01 PM
I got news for you, bubba, I have no sound at the moment. I'm using a makeshift monitor until I can get another.

I'm going on the past. Trump's mouth and temper have hurt him far more than HItlery has. He needs to stay focussed on what he's trying to do and bite his lip with the kneejerk responses.

And you KNOW the left is going to twist whatever he says. All the more reason to not play their game.
YES, he needs to be smarter but not allow the media to force him into saying nothing nonsense in order to avoid their criticisms--criticism that will come regardless of what he dares to say..
They'd find a way to twist and criticize him if he said, - babies are lovable and dogs make great pets...

I bit more focus is ok but he did not win the nomination by obeying media/dem/lib /his enemy wishes my friend.

Hillary gets very little criticism from the media because she is the socialist whore maggot that they just love to lick.--Tyr

08-09-2016, 06:30 PM
YES, he needs to be smarter but not allow the media to force him into saying nothing nonsense in order to avoid their criticisms--criticism that will come regardless of what he dares to say..
They'd find a way to twist and criticize him if he said, - babies are lovable and dogs make great pets...

I bit more focus is ok but he did not win the nomination by obeying media/dem/lib /his enemy wishes my friend.

Hillary gets very little criticism from the media because she is the socialist whore maggot that they just love to lick.--Tyr

Trump winning the nomination just tells me the disaffected are the only ones voting. I'm trying to win the game. That means keeping that criminal fatass woman out.

08-09-2016, 07:33 PM
Well...Sorry, but I do not see or hear an implied threat there.
He only said "Let's see what the NRA Members would do about That..."

That meaning his assertion that she wants abolish the Second Amendment.

08-09-2016, 07:41 PM
Well...Sorry, but I do not see or hear an implied threat there.
He only said "Let's see what the NRA Members would do about That..."

That meaning his assertion that she wants abolish the Second Amendment.

Only the smart people know Trump was merely suggesting that members of the NRA, and supporters of the 2nd amendment....SHOULD BE SURE TO VOTE to stop Hitlery. So...the amateur journalists who write all the lies....are just trying to help HILLARY destroy the nation....and they aren't smart enough to know it.

08-10-2016, 01:32 AM
I've made it clear I don't like or trust the guy but I hate seeing him keep saying stupid stuff that can be used as a club to beat him with. Like it or not he is the current face of the GOP and he isn't helping the party with a lot of what he says.

It's not about those who support him, those who support Hillary or those who hate Hillary. It's about those who haven't made up their minds because they aren't educating themselves. When he says stupid stuff like this, even if it's not what he meant it used to turn those people away from considering him. Hillary's camp was tweeting about it immediately.

08-10-2016, 09:08 AM
Let's just take a deep breath here

The Hildabeast was spotted with the father of the Pulse Club's killer in the background.


Now, this is bad. VERY BAD

So the lap-dog media are given orders, take this quote by Trump and blow it up into something else. It doesn't matter that the statement was innocuous, make it sound like he's suggesting killing the Hildabeast.

And the lap-dog media complies (like they have a choice) and eagerly jump on it. (And BTW, proving that there is indeed a double standard for media coverage).

So the sheeple immediately swallow the vomit from the lap-dog media. After all, why would they lie?

And the wheels on the bus go round and round.

08-10-2016, 09:22 AM
Let's just take a deep breath here

The Hildabeast was spotted with the father of the Pulse Club's killer in the background.


Now, this is bad. VERY BAD

So the lap-dog media are given orders, take this quote by Trump and blow it up into something else. It doesn't matter that the statement was innocuous, make it sound like he's suggesting killing the Hildabeast.

And the lap-dog media complies (like they have a choice) and eagerly jump on it. (And BTW, proving that there is indeed a double standard for media coverage).

So the sheeple immediately swallow the vomit from the lap-dog media. After all, why would they lie?

And the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Trump needs to quit shooting from the hip. I don't disagree with y'all. Hitlery was the flagstaff of the Brady Bill. But he needs to stop. She's a well-oiled snake oil salesman and the left won't hold her accountable.

He needs to change tactics and strategy.

08-10-2016, 09:44 AM
Seriously, I think he's doing it on purpose. He wants to lose. I wouldn't be surprised if he struck a deal with Bill...

My current working theory on the alleged phone call between trump and bill ended with bill laughing because he knew what candidate trump would be like.

Well...Sorry, but I do not see or hear an implied threat there.
He only said "Let's see what the NRA Members would do about That..."

That meaning his assertion that she wants abolish the Second Amendment.

What do you suppose 2A supporters could do about "That"?

08-10-2016, 10:21 AM
What do you suppose 2A supporters could do about "That"?

I'll take "Get out and Vote" for $200.00 Alex :salute:

08-10-2016, 12:21 PM
Jeez this guy is dense, the fact that this is the best the republicans could do to try and keep Hillary out of office is laughable.

08-10-2016, 12:32 PM
Jeez this guy is dense, the fact that this is the best the republicans could do to try and keep Hillary out of office is laughable.

And another country heard from :rolleyes:

08-10-2016, 12:45 PM
I'll take "Get out and Vote" for $200.00 Alex :salute:

Completely agree with that, Bilge...beat me to it!

08-10-2016, 12:49 PM
I'll take "Get out and Vote" for $200.00 Alex :salute:

Possible, except that it seemed to be a post-election option. And only the 2A people can do anything about "That"? His incessant need to ad lib is hurting his campaign and distracting from bad news days for hrc.

08-10-2016, 12:50 PM
Completely agree with that, Bilge...beat me to it!

That does seem to be the current talking point to cover up a bad campaign.

08-10-2016, 02:05 PM
Possible, except that it seemed to be a post-election option. And only the 2A people can do anything about "That"? His incessant need to ad lib is hurting his campaign and distracting from bad news days for hrc.

Was "Uncle Joe" threatening Barrack? I think it sounded that way


08-10-2016, 04:01 PM
Was "Uncle Joe" threatening Barrack? I think it sounded that way

Pretty sure he wasn't since he was campaigning for the guy. But he said something in a stupid way which is par for the course for him which is the theme of this thread.

08-10-2016, 04:01 PM
Jeez this guy is dense, the fact that this is the best the republicans could do to try and keep Hillary out of office is laughable.

Actually he wasn't 'the best' on the GOP side, anything but. However, he won the most votes in the Republican Primary, around 44% of those that voted 'Republican' in the primary. So he's not necessarily the best offered, just the one that had the most fervent core, whipped up by the media during the primary, the same media that is letting him implode and making hay of every mistake, while ignoring for the most part Hillary, who is just as much bad news.

08-10-2016, 05:00 PM
so he pissed off the tree huggers. so what

08-10-2016, 07:35 PM
The dems, and those who intentionally hate TRUMP, because he easily exposes THEIR ignorance by saying WHAT HE FEELS, AS HE FEELS, without being bothered by P.C. or the Uneducated who must always complain about everything??????

In other words....."Let he who is without sin....cast the first stone"....kind of thinking applies here.

08-12-2016, 07:45 AM
Trump suggests violence to stop Hillary SCOTUS picks? I don't think that's necessarily what he meant but it's hard to tell.

Trump gave Hillary and the media another club to beat on him with.

The guy behind him seemed to think that's what he meant from his reaction.


Trump keeps saying things that 'can' be interpreted as an instigation to violence.....except for when he outright tells someone to 'knock the crap outta them', that is..... and you have to wonder if he is doing this deliberately.... (trying to lose to Hillary) or if he is just that dense. I have to think it's a combination of both.

The media has all spun it to portray his intent to incite violence....but if you play the entire video, he goes on to say "that would be a horrible day....if, if....Hillary gets to put her judges ..."

@ :23 point



Point is....he keeps giving the Hillary media ammunition ....which constantly deflects attention away from Hillary's latest scandals. I think that is quite intentional on Trump's part.

08-12-2016, 08:33 AM
All true. Then again, Hillary's supporters have been actually been getting violent against Trump supporters. Destruction of property/assault (https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/08/09/north-reading-woman-who-defaced-trump-sign-pleads-not-guilty/cJO4dVObFs5pVK9WeJYBWJ/story.html) and assault (http://www.northjersey.com/news/crime-and-courts/man-with-trump-shirt-attacked-with-crowbar-in-bloomfield-police-say-1.1642025) being just two in the news in recent days.

I don't care for either, but it does seem to be those on the left that actually are resorting to violence, not just speaking of it.

08-12-2016, 12:29 PM
All true. Then again, Hillary's supporters have been actually been getting violent against Trump supporters. Destruction of property/assault (https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/08/09/north-reading-woman-who-defaced-trump-sign-pleads-not-guilty/cJO4dVObFs5pVK9WeJYBWJ/story.html) and assault (http://www.northjersey.com/news/crime-and-courts/man-with-trump-shirt-attacked-with-crowbar-in-bloomfield-police-say-1.1642025) being just two in the news in recent days.

I don't care for either, but it does seem to be those on the left that actually are resorting to violence, not just speaking of it.

That is pretty common when their spoon-pounding does not get the
ample hugs and wooza-woozas they strongly need.

Are liberals given a bib and plastic spoon when they register to vote?

08-12-2016, 01:01 PM
That is pretty common when their spoon-pounding does not get the
ample hugs and wooza-woozas they strongly need.

Are liberals given a bib and plastic spoon when they register to vote?

Not these ones :mad:
