View Full Version : Why Spend Now?

08-16-2016, 11:26 AM
The money will be there if needed:


Report: Clinton Super PAC to suspend ads in Virginia, Colorado, Pennsylvania in mid-SeptemberPOSTED AT 12:01 PM ON AUGUST 16, 2016 BY ALLAHPUNDIT
Actually, they’re already off the air in Virginia. Why spend precious dollars in battlegrounds if they’re not really battlegrounds (http://hotair.com/?p=3918165)?

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So, @prioritiesUSA (https://twitter.com/prioritiesUSA) confirms: They've already stopped airing ads in VA; On 9/3 they'll stop airing ads in CO/PA. They'll resume ads on 9/20.
4:27 PM - 15 Aug 2016 (https://twitter.com/ABCLiz/status/765328981306568704)


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Resuming on September 20th is conditional, I assume. If any of those states have narrowed, the ads will go up. If they haven’t, the money is better spent in competitive states like Georgia, Arizona, and, er, maybe Utah. It’s conceivable that Priorities won’t air a single ad for the last two months of the race in three of the biggest purple-state targets for the GOP this year.

How tough is Virginia for Trump right now? Ed already mentioned today’s WaPo poll (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/trump-unpopularity-fuels-wide-lead-for-clinton-in-new-virginia-poll/2016/08/15/ea0e1540-6307-11e6-be4e-23fc4d4d12b4_story.html?postshare=7621471345763476&tid=ss_tw) in passing in his earlier post (http://hotair.com/?p=3918165), noting that Clinton leads there among active-duty and former military(!). That seems implausible and is contradicted by other polls, but the topline number here is consistent with other surveys: Clinton 51, Trump 43 among likely voters, double Obama’s margin of victory in 2012. In the three post-convention polls taken of the state, she leads by an average of 11 points (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/va/virginia_trump_vs_clinton-5542.html). And of course her running mate is a Virginian. It’s pointless, really, for either campaign to waste more time or money there.


Exit question via The Week (http://theweek.com/speedreads/643199/even-jill-stein-spending-more-advertising-than-donald-trump), per Priorities USA going dark in swing states: Clinton’s campaign has spent $61 million in ads so far, Jill Stein has spent $189,000, and Gary Johnson has spent, er, $15,000. As best as anyone can tell, Team Trump has spent … nothing, despite raising $80 million jointly with the RNC last month. Where’s the money going? Are they hoarding it for a last-minute ad bonanza in October? If so, why haven’t they reserved TV ad time yet for that month?