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08-18-2016, 09:52 AM
Bannon is a perfect fit for Trump and it will be a perfect union. They're both liars and bullies with no integrity. Since the cult-like sycophant following of Trump by Drudge and Bannon I no longer read Drudge Report or Breitbart. I used to read them every day but haven't looked at either of them in the last 6 months.

I have friends who have spent a great deal of time around Ben Shapiro. I trust his assessment of Bannon more than any other.

8. Bannon Is A Legitimately Sinister Figure. Many former employees of Breitbart News are afraid of Steve Bannon. He is a vindictive, nasty figure, infamous for verbally abusing supposed friends and threatening enemies. Bannon is a smarter version of Trump: he’s an aggressive self-promoter who name-drops to heighten his profile and woo bigger names, and then uses those bigger names as stepping stools to his next destination. Trump may be his final destination. Or it may not. He will attempt to ruin anyone who impedes his unending ambition, and he will use anyone bigger than he is – for example, Donald Trump – to get where he wants to go. Bannon knows that in the game of thrones, you win or die. And he certainly doesn’t intend to die. He’ll kill everyone else before he goes.
Bannon’s ascension is the predictable consummation of a romance he ardently pursued. I joked with friends months ago that by the end of the campaign, Steve Bannon would be running Trump’s campaign from a bunker. That’s now reality. Every nightmare for actual conservatives has come true in this campaign. Why not this one, too?

http://www.dailywire.com/news/8441/i-know-trumps-new-campaign-chairman-steve-bannon-ben-shapiro?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=twitterbenshapiro (http://www.dailywire.com/news/8441/i-know-trumps-new-campaign-chairman-steve-bannon-ben-shapiro?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=news&utm_campaign=twitterbenshapiro)

08-18-2016, 10:11 AM
Sounds like an aggressive guy that I would like! And truth be told, I have a sneaky suspicion that the never Trumpers and similar, wouldn't approve of anyone in the world coming in to help Trump. What he needs now is someone to help him get through the last 90 days, someone to fully expose Hillary, her scandals, her current issues with the emails and the foundation. It sounds like, based on other stories as well, that this is the very guy to help with that.

Seriously, with respect - is there ANYONE in the world that could help Trump that would miraculously get you on board and somehow vote for him? Based on your posts since coming back, I really don't see that happening. I see more of a trashing of someone you despise than anything, not really looking to perhaps vote for someone instead of Hillary.

As I said in an earlier post, I'm more concerned with the independents, and perhaps some of the Bernie supporters.

Now, that's not to say that I want to dismiss anyone that has serious reservations about Trump. But if folks show nothing at all positive towards even remotely ever voting for him, then perhaps his efforts are better served towards those who he has a shot in getting to vote for him. I truly believe, for example, those that were for Cruz, that were extremely serious with their "Never Trump" stuff after Trump took the primaries, will never vote for him no matter what.

08-18-2016, 12:32 PM
Sounds like an aggressive guy that I would like! And truth be told, I have a sneaky suspicion that the never Trumpers and similar, wouldn't approve of anyone in the world coming in to help Trump. What he needs now is someone to help him get through the last 90 days, someone to fully expose Hillary, her scandals, her current issues with the emails and the foundation. It sounds like, based on other stories as well, that this is the very guy to help with that.

Seriously, with respect - is there ANYONE in the world that could help Trump that would miraculously get you on board and somehow vote for him? Based on your posts since coming back, I really don't see that happening. I see more of a trashing of someone you despise than anything, not really looking to perhaps vote for someone instead of Hillary.

As I said in an earlier post, I'm more concerned with the independents, and perhaps some of the Bernie supporters.

Now, that's not to say that I want to dismiss anyone that has serious reservations about Trump. But if folks show nothing at all positive towards even remotely ever voting for him, then perhaps his efforts are better served towards those who he has a shot in getting to vote for him. I truly believe, for example, those that were for Cruz, that were extremely serious with their "Never Trump" stuff after Trump took the primaries, will never vote for him no matter what.

Like I said, I won't know until I'm in the voting booth if I can ink the spot next to Trumps name. Honestly, I have kicked to the curb all but 3 or 4 people who backed Trump prior to his getting the nomination. I bear no ill-will toward anyone who votes to (in their mind) keep Hillary out after the Trump nomination. I have not read the things you posted in the debate about Trump prior to our exchange. You and a couple other people aside, I lost all respect and trust for just about anyone else who backed Trump after February. They perpetuated his lies, covered his butt and made excuses for things they would have crucified any other candidate for, and were just as nasty as Obama supporters.

Trump doesn't want Conservatives on his side, he said so! Had he handled things different after the Cruz speech he could have healed much with folks who opposed him but he has to remain true to himself and act like a spoiled little child. He just has to be petty, it's his nature. BTW, Trump backed out his pledge on March 29th which effectively nullified that agreement for all left in the race.

Had he shown that he could actually act like a man instead of a child then yes it's possible that he could change Never Trumpers willingness to vote for him in November. He just keeps reminding them/us why we are that opposed to him.

What I am hearing is that 3rd parties are taking more from Hillary than Trump. For me and most of my friends, there is no 3rd party alternative, so its either violate my conscience and go against my principles to ink the dot next to Trump's name or write in Cruz. It's unlikely that my vote will matter in this Communist state but I will still be in the voting booth come November.

Look, we are all firmly entrenched in our beliefs with regards to this election. It's all over except to inaugurate Hillary in January so nothing any of us post here is going to matter a hill of beans to this election beyond interacting with each other. You guys chose Trump over winning the Whitehouse and that's your right. You guys knew this was how things were going to go down but either didn't care or didn't believe us. We told you we could vote for other candidates but not Trump and that just didn't matter to you all until now. Now somehow this is our fault if Hillary wins? Not in the slightest. Our hands are clean and our integrity intact.

08-18-2016, 12:47 PM
Look, we are all firmly entrenched in our beliefs with regards to this election. It's all over except to inaugurate Hillary in January so nothing any of us post here is going to matter a hill of beans to this election beyond interacting with each other. You guys chose Trump over winning the Whitehouse and that's your right. You guys knew this was how things were going to go down but either didn't care or didn't believe us. We told you we could vote for other candidates but not Trump and that just didn't matter to you all until now. Now somehow this is our fault if Hillary wins? Not in the slightest. Our hands are clean and our integrity intact.

6 percentage points and this race is not nearly over!! Sure, it's all leaning in her direction right now, but he could easily pull into the lead within a few weeks with things going his way, and did just that leading up to and just after the convention, so it's quite possible.

We certainly did not choose Trump over the white house. He's still firmly in the lead. To say otherwise is silly. What mattered to me in the beginning is exactly what matters to me now, nothing has changed, not sure why you think that.

But curiously, you sure do sound like you're placing blame in this post, as if Hillary is guaranteed, and it's somehow the Trump supporters fault, and how you guys tried to warn us and what not. But then VERY quickly to absolve yourself of any blame. It's ok for you to vote with your conscience, but if someone else votes with who they think is the best candidate, things are somehow their fault? Why is that? Why is it that it's cool for you to go with the person you think is best for the country, the person you feel keeps your integrity intact - but somehow it's wrong if others do the same?

But I do believe your post answered my question. :) You have no intention voting Trump no matter what, sounds like you made up your mind a long way back. That's why I think it's best for Trump to concentrate on folks that he can actually get to vote for him, and not on folks that detest him and will never vote for him anyway.

But outside of that it is 100% pure numbers. If there are 500 people voting, and someone loses by 50 votes, and 100 people stayed home - it's only 100% common sense to state that such a candidate "could" have easily won. YEs, that's all semantics - but those semantics will likely change the reflection of the SCOTUS for a generation or two, and possibly piss off gun owners for life.

Abbey Marie
08-18-2016, 01:37 PM
I've been listening to Bannon on Patriot XM radio for a couple of months. He seems calm and rational all of the time. I'm with Jim- no one working with Trump would be acceptable to the #neverTrump crowd.

08-18-2016, 03:36 PM
I've been listening to Bannon on Patriot XM radio for a couple of months. He seems calm and rational all of the time. I'm with Jim- no one working with Trump would be acceptable to the #neverTrump crowd.

Hint: It's the nevertrump crowd, not the neverBannon crowd.

Abbey Marie
08-18-2016, 03:39 PM
Hint: It's the nevertrump crowd, not the neverBannon crowd.

Hint: It's the #neveranyoneassociatedwithTrump crowd.

08-18-2016, 03:41 PM
Hint: It's the #neveranyoneassociatedwithTrump crowd.

I don't think I've seen that particular hashtag. :dunno: I like Giuliani, I like Gingrich, I like Pence...

08-19-2016, 09:30 AM
Seems like the #nevertrump crowd could team up with the #neverrealestatedeveloper crowd. :)

Abbey Marie
08-19-2016, 10:38 PM
I don't think I've seen that particular hashtag. :dunno: I like Giuliani, I like Gingrich, I like Pence...

And you didn't post the OP

08-20-2016, 06:44 AM
And you didn't post the OP

You might have put words in his mouth then.

Abbey Marie
08-20-2016, 08:33 AM
You might have put words in his mouth then.

Your concern is noted.