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View Full Version : Trump Campaign: Shifts in Approach Point to Possible 'Pivot'

08-20-2016, 02:49 PM
I don't know about "pivot", as I think some expect a 180, and I really don't think that will ever happen. BUT, changes are needed in another direction, and I think we're starting to see that. Even I'll admit, if not now, WHEN? This is about it, he needs to head down the straight away now, or it's too late. I've seen a drastic change on Twitter and Facebook, so I'm hoping that means it's not even him writing right now. And the past few appearances he has been using a teleprompter, and hopefully for the most part he will continue with that. I think it's great to shoot from the hip, but then there are other times where it's normal to prep ahead and make your speaking easier. He should redirect any negativity to discussing Hillary's many missteps. And if possible, save a bunch of that for the debates. While I'm sure that the mods and others will be told Hillary is off limits, I hope he asks her why she supports a rapist :) And then of course the rest of the scandals.


Over the past week, Donald Trump appeared to be making some small, but perceptible shifts in his untraditional presidential campaign, but not all political watchers are convinced the long-awaited "pivot" has really arrived.

The GOP nominee kicked off the week with back-to-back scripted addresses outlining his approach to the fight against the Islamic State and then another one detailing his support for the nation's law enforcement community, delivering his speeches from teleprompters.

But on Wednesday, he announced a massive campaign shakeup, promoting GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway to become his campaign manager and bringing in Breitbart News' Stephen Bannon to act as the campaign's CEO. At first, the official campaign line was that the two were brought in to supplement work being done by campaign chairman Paul Manafort, but by Friday, Manafort resigned.

Trump's campaign issued a press statement that Manafort, who was rapidly being buried in accusations about his connections with pro-Vladimir Putin politicians in Ukraine, had stepped down. On Friday, though, Conway told WABC Radio host Rita Cosby that Manafort was asked to step down, and the decision was "mutual and a very mutually respectful decision."

And Trump's son, Eric, told Fox News that Manafort's resignation came because his father didn't want Manafort's issues "looming over" his campaign.

The campaign shakeups came just before Trump delivered two more speeches that led many watchers to declare that the pivot had come. On Thursday, he told a North Carolina rally, during yet another speech delivered with the help of a teleprompter, that he does "regret" some of his inflammatory language.

The admission came as a shock for many, as Trump has built a reputation as a candidate who does not offer apologies.

On Friday, Trump went on to deliver a speech in Michigan, where he directly sought African-American votes by slamming Democratic policies that he says has destroyed the nation's inner cities while sending much-needed jobs out of the country.

The North Carolina speech, in particular, started the talk of Trump's "pivot," with much credit for the wording given to Conway, who is widely regarded as a skilled, seasoned political expert.


08-20-2016, 05:28 PM
At a minimum he needs to pivot away from making unforced errors that distract from bad hrc news.

08-20-2016, 05:30 PM
At a minimum he needs to pivot away from making unforced errors that distract from bad hrc news.

And hopefully that's started. The teleprompter, Facebook/Twitter... it looks like someone finally got through, at least for now. But yes, let her own bad news sit out there for awhile. And if he's going to bash her for various things, hopefully have some speech writers involved.