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08-21-2016, 02:37 PM
NEW YORK – R. Lee Ermey, or "Gunny" as he prefers to be called, is best known for his role as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in "Full Metal Jacket."

But the 72-year-old has appeared in dozens of movies and TV shows, most recently starring in his Outdoor Channel reality show "GunnyTime."

The Marine turned actor told FOX411 while his reality show is in its second season, he can't seem to book any other gigs in Hollywood.

"I've had a very fruitful career. I've done over 70 feature films," Gunny told FOX411. "I've done over 200 episodes of ['GunnyTime']... and then [Hollywood] found out that I'm a Conservative."

Actually, he corrected, "I'm an Independent, but I said something bad about the president. I had something unsavory to say about the president's administration, and even though I did vote for him the first time around, I was blackballed."

Gunny, who is an NRA board member, explained that his association with the organization and his disapproval of President Obama cost him acting jobs.

"Do you realize I have not done a movie in five to six years? Why? Because I was totally blackballed by the... liberals in Hollywood," he alleged. "They can destroy you. They're hateful people [who] don't just not like you, they want to take away your livelihood... that's why I live up in the desert on a dirt road... I don't have to put up with their crap."


08-21-2016, 02:50 PM
NEW YORK – R. Lee Ermey, or "Gunny" as he prefers to be called, is best known for his role as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in "Full Metal Jacket."

But the 72-year-old has appeared in dozens of movies and TV shows, most recently starring in his Outdoor Channel reality show "GunnyTime."

The Marine turned actor told FOX411 while his reality show is in its second season, he can't seem to book any other gigs in Hollywood.

"I've had a very fruitful career. I've done over 70 feature films," Gunny told FOX411. "I've done over 200 episodes of ['GunnyTime']... and then [Hollywood] found out that I'm a Conservative."

Actually, he corrected, "I'm an Independent, but I said something bad about the president. I had something unsavory to say about the president's administration, and even though I did vote for him the first time around, I was blackballed."

Gunny, who is an NRA board member, explained that his association with the organization and his disapproval of President Obama cost him acting jobs.

"Do you realize I have not done a movie in five to six years? Why? Because I was totally blackballed by the... liberals in Hollywood," he alleged. "They can destroy you. They're hateful people [who] don't just not like you, they want to take away your livelihood... that's why I live up in the desert on a dirt road... I don't have to put up with their crap."


History lesson: R Lee Ermey is actually a medically retired Staff Sergeant from Nam. When Hollyweird needs extras for a Marine movie, they come down to Camp Pendleton or MCRD San Diego. His first movie IIRC was "The Boys of Company C'.

The quonset huts used in Gomer Pyle still are there (at MCRD SD). If anyone thinks a jarhead can't recognize the arcade at MCRD, you ain't been to boot camp. And if you think a drill instructor doesn't know a drill instructor, you ain't been there.

If he lives up a dirt road in the desert in CA he probably lives in Morongo Valley. Few miles from Marine Corps Air Combat Center 29 Palms.

Power to him.

08-21-2016, 09:27 PM

08-21-2016, 09:53 PM

Sounds like an a-hole to me. :laugh: I love the guy. Needs to square away his eyebrows though. Got a lot of Irish pendants going on there. Gou will NOT get through Drill Instructor School with that unsat crap.

08-22-2016, 05:03 PM
I want to know who the technical advisor is for Gibbs. He just said "if any of you wingnuts disobey a direct order again I'll kill you myself". He's got to have a Marine SNCO. He plays the role too well.