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08-22-2016, 03:40 PM
David Duke is running for senate AGAIN. Hour long VERY sympathetic interview take 12 minutes and listen the 1st part of this.

While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is a SOLID core of white people that feel that the WHITE RACE is in MORTAL DANGER of extinction and that Trump is implicitly dealing with it.
And that the concepts of "america" and the constitution can ONLY be promoted and lived out by "Whites".
And by maintaining racial dominance over the "alien" races that are out to kill the whites. AND defat the international bankers ...might that be "the Jews"


08-22-2016, 03:52 PM
David Duke is running for senate AGAIN. Hour long VERY sympathetic interview take 12 minutes and listen the 1st part of this.

While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is a SOLID core of white people that feel that the WHITE RACE is in MORTAL DANGER of extinction and that Trump is implicitly dealing with it.
And that the concepts of "america" and the constitution can ONLY be promoted and lived out by "Whites".


I've no doubt that there are whites that feel the above. I also think there are blacks that believe that all whites are like the above and hate all of them for that. There are some Mexicans that really believe that parts of the US are Mexican.

There are prejudiced people of all races. Seems the rest of us are just left to try and give examples and exercise prudence when running into those that may hate us.

Abbey Marie
08-22-2016, 06:45 PM
David Duke is running for senate AGAIN. Hour long VERY sympathetic interview take 12 minutes and listen the 1st part of this.

While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is a SOLID core of white people that feel that the WHITE RACE is in MORTAL DANGER of extinction and that Trump is implicitly dealing with it.
And that the concepts of "america" and the constitution can ONLY be promoted and lived out by "Whites".
And by maintaining racial dominance over the "alien" races that are out to kill the whites. AND defat the international bankers ...might that be "the Jews"


When I saw the post title, I was going to post that I wonder how long it will take for someone to imply a link between Trump and Duke. I see it's already happened. :rolleyes:

08-22-2016, 07:15 PM
When I saw the post title, I was going to post that I wonder how long it will take for someone to imply a link between Trump and Duke. I see it's already happened. :rolleyes:

Same. Rev didn't keep me waiting, I see.

Does that mean that because I support Trump that I'm also a Duke supporter?

08-22-2016, 07:18 PM
When I saw the post title, I was going to post that I wonder how long it will take for someone to imply a link between Trump and Duke. I see it's already happened. :rolleyes:

Well Duke made it himself, Over and Over again in this interview. I just repeated him Abby. One of the things he said is that He was visiting a Gun Show in Louisiana and many people came up to him and said they are voting for Trump and for Duke. And he continually made reference to the notion that Trump was only saying implicitly the SAME things he has said explicitly for years. And that he.. if he get's in the senate... he'll be a point man for Trump. Ready to take the heat.

So yeah it's been made.
Doesn't mean he's right but he's convinced he and Trump are on the same page. and according to him plenty of people at LA gun shows and at other events think so too. He seems VERY Encouraged by what he sees. In Trump and in the people "European decent".
He believes many whites have "begun to see the light".


08-22-2016, 07:26 PM
Well Duke made it himself, Over and Over again in this interview. I just repeated him Abby. One of the things he said is that He was visiting a Gun Show in Louisiana and many people came up to him and said they are voting for Trump and for Duke. And he continually made reference to the notion that Trump was only saying implicitly the SAME things he has said explicitly for years. And that he.. if he get's in the senate... he'll be a point man for Trump. Ready to take the heat.

So yeah it's been made.
Doesn't mean he's right but he's convinced he and Trump are on the same page. and according to him plenty of people at LA gun shows and at other events think so too. He's VERY Encouraged by what he sees.
He believe many whites have "begun to see the light".


And if Duke tells a reporter that he's in reality a large Muppet being animated by DJT's hand, you'd buy that too, right?

I get that you love conspiracy theories.

Your rabid hatred of Trump is warping your logic circuits. It is not Trump's fault that a nutjob claims alliance with him.

Really, who gives a damn what Duke says or thinks? Or Phelps? Or Sharpton? They're all idiots, we all know it.

Do you really buy into this crap?

08-22-2016, 07:31 PM
David Duke is running for senate AGAIN. Hour long VERY sympathetic interview take 12 minutes and listen the 1st part of this.

While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is a SOLID core of white people that feel that the WHITE RACE is in MORTAL DANGER of extinction and that Trump is implicitly dealing with it.
And that the concepts of "america" and the constitution can ONLY be promoted and lived out by "Whites".
And by maintaining racial dominance over the "alien" races that are out to kill the whites. AND defat the international bankers ...might that be "the Jews"


If I lived down there I would not support him in the least. He is not a pinch better than Al Sharpton
in his bogus, bigoted and racist beliefs.

Both of those two should be fed to the gators.

08-22-2016, 08:04 PM
Well I'm not sure how much of what he says is true. or wishful thinking on his part. I guess we'll see come time for his election.
But He's won a local seat before at least, so Yeah he's got more real political support than Sharpton.

He ran for Senate in the 90s in LA and got over 600,000 votes.
He ran for Governor and got about the same amount and bragged ..truthfully.. that he got 55% of the white vote.

maybe you think that's something that should be ignored and blown off as ....what?
55% of the voting whites in LA wanted him then.
And Now he really seems to sincerely believe he'll get MORE support.
It's not something i can easily dismiss.
Do you have good reason why i should?

Thankfully he's been REJECTED by most republicans Over and OVER again.
and LA voted for Bobby Jindal, someone who .. I'm sure to Duke's Shock.. Is not white but somehow is able to grasp "White" conservative ideals.

But yeah I don't think these guys should just be dismissed out of hand. And From the level of BOIL some here to come to over the worst (or sincere and rational) of "black lives matters" crowd's misc random comments. Often followed by racial jokes about ALL blacks and welfare checks, monkey comments, criminal comments, 'joking' racist pictures, free use of the word n****r etc etc.. I'm not sure why I should be ASSURED that there aren't a significant number of Trump supporters in LA interested in Duke than not.

08-22-2016, 08:12 PM
Shame on anyone who would vote based on skin color.

08-22-2016, 09:45 PM
Shame on anyone who would vote based on skin color.

AMEN, Perianne. Wish someone had said, and honestly felt that way when OBAMA won twice in 2008, and 2012. Of course...we all know. Uneducated Black American Democrats NEVER voted for Obama...because...HE WAS BLACK???

08-22-2016, 09:50 PM
David Duke is running for senate AGAIN. Hour long VERY sympathetic interview take 12 minutes and listen the 1st part of this.

While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is a SOLID core of white people that feel that the WHITE RACE is in MORTAL DANGER of extinction and that Trump is implicitly dealing with it.
And that the concepts of "america" and the constitution can ONLY be promoted and lived out by "Whites".
And by maintaining racial dominance over the "alien" races that are out to kill the whites. AND defat the international bankers ...might that be "the Jews"


rev. What you intentionally DID NOT SAY above, was that YOU could replace Trump's name above with AL SHARPTON, and replace the word WHITE with the words 'BLACK LIVES MATTER'. However, based on your previous posts here. Your HATRED in general...precedes YOUR words...again.

Abbey Marie
08-23-2016, 10:33 AM
I don't think Rev is a hater.

08-23-2016, 12:29 PM
http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/s/s/19/media19/2012/Apr/18/LiveLeak-dot-com-bdbe063e8d76-byrd.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db6 5f5e99818bdd0974443ded7b1b7&ec_rate=230

08-23-2016, 12:49 PM
Well I'm not sure how much of what he says is true. or wishful thinking on his part. I guess we'll see come time for his election.
But He's won a local seat before at least, so Yeah he's got more real political support than Sharpton.

He ran for Senate in the 90s in LA and got over 600,000 votes.
He ran for Governor and got about the same amount and bragged ..truthfully.. that he got 55% of the white vote.

maybe you think that's something that should be ignored and blown off as ....what?
55% of the voting whites in LA wanted him then.
And Now he really seems to sincerely believe he'll get MORE support.
It's not something i can easily dismiss.
Do you have good reason why i should?

Thankfully he's been REJECTED by most republicans Over and OVER again.
and LA voted for Bobby Jindal, someone who .. I'm sure to Duke's Shock.. Is not white but somehow is able to grasp "White" conservative ideals.

But yeah I don't think these guys should just be dismissed out of hand. And From the level of BOIL some here to come to over the worst (or sincere and rational) of "black lives matters" crowd's misc random comments. Often followed by racial jokes about ALL blacks and welfare checks, monkey comments, criminal comments, 'joking' racist pictures, free use of the word n****r etc etc.. I'm not sure why I should be ASSURED that there aren't a significant number of Trump supporters in LA interested in Duke than not.

I don't get your point. Obama ran being black. Hitlery is running on being a female. Dems cater to black votes. So why can't Duke run on being white? How is that somehow bad while the rest of them not?

And I am not Duke fan. You could put what I know about him in a thimble. My point is it is not a crime to be white.

08-23-2016, 12:51 PM
http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/s/s/19/media19/2012/Apr/18/LiveLeak-dot-com-bdbe063e8d76-byrd.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db6 5f5e99818bdd0974443ded7b1b7&ec_rate=230

seems ...for those of that leaning... it's been a somewhat bi-partisan view.
I remember when Obama 1st became the Dem candidate someone did some interviews in West VA. where the whites are mostly democrats.
Some said outright that they would not vote for a black man. Others said things like "I can't vote for him, I just don't think it's right." or it'd be the 1st time in their lives they'd vote Republican.
I have no idea exactly how representative that is of those in West VA but it didn't seem hard to find those folks, they didn't go to klan rallies just coffee shops and the like. But even some of the friends of the speakers were a bit surprised.
Strange world.


08-23-2016, 12:59 PM
seems ...for those of that leaning... it's been a somewhat bi-partisan view.
I remember when Obama 1st became the Dem candidate someone did some interviews in West VA. where the whites are mostly democrats.
Some said outright that they would not vote for a black man. Others said things like "I can't vote for him, I just didn't think it's right." or it'd be the 1st time in their lives they'd vote Republican.
I have no idea exactly how representative that is of those in West VA but it didn't seem hard to find those folks, they didn't go to klan rallies just coffee shops and the like. But even some of the friends of the speakers were a bit surprised.
Strange world.


I just find the reasons people vote for whoever weird. They don't choose the best candidate for the job. They vote based on appeals to emotion. And the candidates play on those emotions.

08-23-2016, 01:12 PM
I don't get your point.
I'm truly sorry that you don't.

Obama ran being black. Hitlery is running on being a female. Dems cater to black votes. So why can't Duke run on being white? How is that somehow bad while the rest of them not? And I am not Duke fan. You could put what I know about him in a thimble. My point is it is not a crime to be white.
Since you don't know much about Duke it might be hard to explain.
But Who said it's crime to be white?
It's not a problem to talk about the "white vote" either.
the problem come with the WHY? Why a vote goes toward Duke, not the fact that he's white.
Clinton is white and she'll get white votes but not for the same reasons.

It seems to me that Obama didn't not run on Black supremacy .
Or on the idea that black were about to die if a blackman didn't get in office. because whites are going to kill us all.
Or that whites mongels can't be trusted to run the country. etc etc..
He ran deceptively on "hope and change" and unity.
and yes many blacks voted for him BECAUSE he was black, but not out of hate or fear of whites but because of pride of the 1st Black in history having a chance to be president of the most powerful country in the world.

Seems to me whites have had that privilege and will have it again.
But Duke seems fearful that the white race is in DIRE jeopardy if whites don't RISE UP and take control back and claim the "rightful place". etc..

08-23-2016, 01:15 PM
I just find the reasons people vote for whoever weird. They don't choose the best candidate for the job. They vote based on appeals to emotion. And the candidates play on those emotions.

agree 100%

08-23-2016, 01:24 PM
I'm truly sorry that you don't.

Since you don't know much about Duke it might be hard to explain.
But Who said it's crime to be white?
It's not a problem to talk about the "white vote" either.
the problem come with the WHY? Why a vote goes toward Duke, not the fact that he's white.
Clinton is white and she'll get white votes but not for the same reasons.

It seems to me that Obama didn't not run on Black supremacy .
Or on the idea that black were about to die if a blackman didn't get in office. because whites are going to kill us all.
Or that whites mongels can't be trusted to run the country. etc etc..
He ran deceptively on "hope and change" and unity.
and yes many blacks voted for him BECAUSE he was black, but not out of hate or fear of whites but because of pride of the 1st Black in history having a chance to be president of the most powerful country in the world.

Seems to me whites have had that privilege and will have it again.
But Duke seems fearful that the white race is in DIRE jeopardy if whites don't RISE UP and take control back and claim the "rightful place". etc..

You're not getting MY point. I'm about as likely to vote for a white supremist as I was OBama or Hitlery. There's a difference between understanding a situation and how to handle it than why people create it and/or act like they do. I'm good at the former but not the latter.

I also have a serious issue with two sets of rules. The MSM act like BLM is on some moral crusade while a white supremist cannot hold a rally without all the REAL haters coming out, doing exactly what they are protesting against. We are not all equal under the law. Minorities can be proud of their heritage but if you're white, you should be ashamed for it.

Last I checked,I got to choose my skin color every bit as much as anyone else does, regardless the color. I refuse to back down to race and/or gender baiters. Join the military. You might learn something.

08-23-2016, 01:39 PM
seems ...for those of that leaning... it's been a somewhat bi-partisan view.
I remember when Obama 1st became the Dem candidate someone did some interviews in West VA. where the whites are mostly democrats.
Some said outright that they would not vote for a black man. Others said things like "I can't vote for him, I just don't think it's right." or it'd be the 1st time in their lives they'd vote Republican.
I have no idea exactly how representative that is of those in West VA but it didn't seem hard to find those folks, they didn't go to klan rallies just coffee shops and the like. But even some of the friends of the speakers were a bit surprised.
Strange world.


I grew up in WVA, and back then it was a Democratic State, although the
vast majority were Conservative Democrats (a rarity these days).
With the shift to more liberal ideas among the Dem mis-leadership,
most of the people have voted for Conservatives - Republican.

And, by the way, Robert C. Byrd renounced his affiliation with the KKK. I met him as a Frat Brother,
and he was a fine man that raised the State above the corporate ownership by PA and NY in coal and steel.

" However, when running for the United States House of Representatives (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives) in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist).In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albatross_(metaphor)) around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd#cite_note-23) Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

08-23-2016, 01:52 PM
I grew up in WVA, and back then it was a Democratic State, although the
vast majority were Conservative Democrats (a rarity these days).
With the shift to more liberal ideas among the Dem mis-leadership,
most of the people have voted for Conservatives - Republican.

And, by the way, Robert C. Byrd renounced his affiliation with the KKK. I met him as a Frat Brother,
and he was a fine man that raised the State above the corporate ownership by PA and NY in coal and steel.

" However, when running for the United States House of Representatives (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives) in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-communist).In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albatross_(metaphor)) around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd#cite_note-23) Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

Now be a Republican and say that. They crucified Trent Lott over that NC senator's retirement and the GOP are the ones that forced him out. The MSM branded him a racist and the GOP, flinching at their own shadows forced him to resign.

But we can have Obama ... :rolleyes:

Like I said. Two sets of rules.

08-23-2016, 01:57 PM
You're not getting MY point. I'm about as likely to vote for a white supremist as I was OBama or Hitlery. There's a difference between understanding a situation and how to handle it than why people create it and/or act like they do. I'm good at the former but not the latter.

I also have a serious issue with two sets of rules. The MSM act like BLM is on some moral crusade while a white supremist cannot hold a rally without all the REAL haters coming out, doing exactly what they are protesting against. We are not all equal under the law. Minorities can be proud of their heritage but if you're white, you should be ashamed for it.

Last I checked,I got to choose my skin color every bit as much as anyone else does, regardless the color. I refuse to back down to race and/or gender baiters. Join the military. You might learn something.

well the point your trying to make is one to debate i Suppose.
I guess the reason i didn't get it is because you used a clear racist to try and make it.

that's where the confusion come in in a lot of conversations.

Are the KKK just proud of the white race? No, historical they've been violent murders who've promoted the harshest forms of discrimination and social and political oppression.
If people associated with that group are upset they they can't say "I'm proud to be white" Well sorry I don't think they can feel to hurt when people assume they might mean a bit MORE than just personal pride or heritage.

And sorry since the racial discrimination has historically been linked with 400x years of whites claiming supremacy over all races and cultures. It's always met with a bit of suspicion.
To assert NOW, that ..well I don't MEAN that way today... in 2016... and i don't have in privileges... is fine but all one has to do is look around the world and at history to see the marks of generations of whites who thought very highly of themselves and joined at the hip with it thought crap of and did crap on everyone else. (as well as many good things. sheesh i'm not dissin ALL of "white" history but lets be real there good bad and ugly)

In short, there's some real baggage there Gunny.
Not something you can expect everyone to just ignore because it make you feel uncomfortable and somehow seems unfair.
Look, While a German guy might be very Proud of his Country for him to say "i love the Fatherland" and "I love my current leaders (Führers)" it has certain connotation EVEN IF he means NOTHING by it except he loves his country. Sorry if that "not fair"
the words have a historically context that just can't be shaken because it's not what he MEANS TODAY. he's got to at least uses different words and DEFINITELY not be a former Nazi or even promote various ideas associated with it. that just the way it is. it's not his FAULT but that's just the way it is.

As far as the MSM putting up with anyone promoting racial discrimination or hatred on anyones part . well that's just wrong.
Anyone threatening people over race or using it as an excuse to attack people are wrong and should be called on it.
I don't watch a lot of TV so I don't know exactly what your talking about but if your right then add it to the list of sins of the corrupt and pitiful MSM.

08-23-2016, 02:25 PM
well the point your trying to make is one to debate i Suppose.
I guess the reason i didn't get it is because you used a clear racist to try and make it.

that's where the confusion come in in a lot of conversations.

Are the KKK just proud of the white race? No, historical they've been violent murders who've promoted the harshest forms of discrimination and social and political oppression.
If people associated with that group are upset they they can't say "I'm proud to be white" Well sorry I don't think they can feel to hurt when people assume they might mean a bit MORE than just personal pride or heritage.

And sorry since the racial discrimination has historically been linked with 400 years of whites claiming supremacy over all races and cultures. It's always met with a bit of suspicion.
To assert NOW, that ..well I don't MEAN that way today... in 2016... and i don't have in privileges... is fine but all one has to do is look around the world and at history to see the marks of generations of whites who thought very highly of themselves and joined at the hip with it thought crap of and did crap on everyone else.

In short, there's some real baggage there Gunny.
Not something you can expect everyone to just ignore because it make you feel uncomfortable and somehow seems unfair.
Look, While a German guy might be very Proud of his Country for him to say "i love the Fatherland" and "I love my current leaders (Führers)" it has certain connotation EVEN IF he means NOTHING by it except he loves his country. Sorry if that "not fair"
the words have a historically context that just can't be shaken because it's not what he MEANS TODAY. he's got to at least uses different words and DEFINITELY not be a former Nazi or even promote various ideas associated with it. that just the way it is. it's not his FAULT but that's just the way it is.

As far as the MSM putting up with anyone promoting racial discrimination or hatred on anyones part . well that's just wrong.
Anyone threatening people over race or using it as an excuse to attack people are wrong and should be called on it.
I don't watch a lot of TV so I don't know exactly what your talking about but if your right then add it to the list of sins of the corrupt and pitiful MSM.

Let's get this straight right off the bat: there is nothing racist about me. I've had more friends that were minorities than I have had white ones. The one Cpl I used to play Backgammon with stated blacks were inferior because they were black (was from the MW, not the South) I quit having anything to do with. My best friend in HS was black. I grew up playing with Mexican kids, and some of my best Marines were Mexican-American.

What I am NOT is politically correct. Not my world, bubba. They called me guerro (means blond) and I called them wetbacks. I've been called nigga on a basketball court by a black. I took at it as a compliment.

If you're a black woman and can hump ammo? I'll take you over the little white guy that's a wuss and can't even hump his own pack.

Back on topic, I could care less about Duke. He's a blip on the radar I remember from decades ago. Trump has enough issues. He should distance himself from Duke. Trump's alienated enough people. All he needs is a David Duke.

08-23-2016, 03:31 PM
There's a special place in Hell for Duke and his ilk...

08-23-2016, 03:39 PM
I'll freely admit to being Bigoted. I am Bigoted toward anyone who operates against the
Good Order and Discipline of the Nation. I do not give a Rat's Ass what or who they are.

Black, White, Hispanic, Asian. It makes not a bit of difference. That does not mean I am racist
by any stretch of the imagination.

08-23-2016, 04:13 PM
Well I guess we're going to have a detailed poll showing how many overtly racist people there are in Louisiana - sadly it looks like there's allot.

When I saw the post title, I was going to post that I wonder how long it will take for someone to imply a link between Trump and Duke. I see it's already happened. :rolleyes:

Did you listen to Dukes interview? Not 5 minutes in and he's made the link 3 times.

08-23-2016, 04:54 PM
Well I guess we're going to have a detailed poll showing how many overtly racist people there are in Louisiana - sadly it looks like there's allot.

Did you listen to Dukes interview? Not 5 minutes in and he's made the link 3 times.

Might want to do your homework, junior. The majority in LA are not white. Cajuns, Creoles and blacks are.

08-23-2016, 05:08 PM
Let's get this straight right off the bat: there is nothing racist about me. I've had more friends that were minorities than I have had white ones. The one Cpl I used to play Backgammon with stated blacks were inferior because they were black (was from the MW, not the South) I quit having anything to do with. My best friend in HS was black. I grew up playing with Mexican kids, and some of my best Marines were Mexican-American.

What I am NOT is politically correct. Not my world, bubba. They called me guerro (means blond) and I called them wetbacks. I've been called nigga on a basketball court by a black. I took at it as a compliment.

If you're a black woman and can hump ammo? I'll take you over the little white guy that's a wuss and can't even hump his own pack.

Back on topic, I could care less about Duke. He's a blip on the radar I remember from decades ago. Trump has enough issues. He should distance himself from Duke. Trump's alienated enough people. All he needs is a David Duke.

I never said you were racist.
And i wasn't trying to imply it.
it was an attempt to clarify the issue you brought up.

--why whites get more negative feedback when trying to express benign racial pride.--

08-23-2016, 05:43 PM
I never said you were racist.
And i wasn't trying to imply it.
it was an attempt to clarify the issue you brought up.

--why whites get more negative feedback when trying to express benign racial pride.--

I f I knew THAT answer and thought anyone would listen, I'd run for President. We've just turned into a Nation that hates the winners.

08-23-2016, 06:01 PM
Let's get this straight right off the bat: there is nothing racist about me. I've had more friends that were minorities than I have had white ones. The one Cpl I used to play Backgammon with stated blacks were inferior because they were black (was from the MW, not the South) I quit having anything to do with. My best friend in HS was black. I grew up playing with Mexican kids, and some of my best Marines were Mexican-American.

What I am NOT is politically correct. Not my world, bubba. They called me guerro (means blond) and I called them wetbacks. I've been called nigga on a basketball court by a black. I took at it as a compliment.

If you're a black woman and can hump ammo? I'll take you over the little white guy that's a wuss and can't even hump his own pack.

Back on topic, I could care less about Duke. He's a blip on the radar I remember from decades ago. Trump has enough issues. He should distance himself from Duke. Trump's alienated enough people. All he needs is a David Duke.

Fuck, you have friends? You're doing better than I am, I'm a grumpy misanthrope. Even my wife says I'm an asshole... not all the time, but she has said it...

08-23-2016, 06:09 PM
Might want to do your homework, junior. The majority in LA are not white. Cajuns, Creoles and blacks are.

I don't know about that. Creole and Cajun are more an ethnic thing than racial. We don't break blacks down to Jamaican, African, etc. Anywho, here's the census data: http://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/22

08-23-2016, 06:21 PM
I don't know about that. Creole and Cajun are more an ethnic thing than racial. We don't break blacks down to Jamaican, African, etc. Anywho, here's the census data: http://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/22

You don't live in my neck of the woods, ma'am. Creoles are half French half indiian. Cajuns are half black half indian. You better bring me along if you're going to call either of them black. You don't want to disappear in the swamp.

08-23-2016, 06:37 PM
You don't live in my neck of the woods, ma'am. Creoles are half French half indian. Cajuns are half black half indian. You better bring me along if you're going to call either of them black. You don't want to disappear in the swamp.

Then count the black/other, white/other, and other. It still doesn't make majority, though I don't think that is the point. Visiting LA as a kid in the 60's, I was shocked at how my relatives talked about blacks, n word was not uncommon, though mostly they were 'colored.' On my uncle's wife's side, they owned a huge farm-they called the plantation. There were lots of blacks working there, most living in shacks on the property, though they sure were nicer than what we saw driving up to the plantation. At least all the kids were dressed pretty much the same as myself and my cousins. Those living on the country roads? Nope, barefoot and in underwear-little kids, not older. There was a store, also on the property which had high prices-though we kids just took what we wanted, I could see what was marked.

Coming from my family, my mom was none too fond of the brother that moved South and sure didn't like the way they treated the help, I was pretty appalled. My cousins were just like, "It's the way down here."

Well that certainly was the way it was then, though some of the black kids that lived there were also friends of my cousins in a way that struck me as hard to understand. They went swimming with us in the pool, ate lunch and dinner with us, and rode horses when we went out.

In our suburb, including schools, there were no blacks until I was in middle school. The two that moved in then, both had professional parents like surgeon, banker, and judge. I don't think the one wife worked, the other was the banker. Needless to say, once the novelty wore off and more moved in, they fit in-same socioeconomic factors-indeed their parents were near the upper limits of middle class-that was in the late 60's/70's.

My cousins are still close friends with those they grew up with, though they system has changed. The plantation was sold in the 80's-my guess is they couldn't afford the help anymore.

While the economic system down there sucked, I do think there wasn't the serious segregation that existed in at least Chicago, the north in general. Goes a long way to explaining why once the economic system down South changed, so many blacks found the South more inviting than what had attracted their families to the North back after WWII.

Abbey Marie
08-23-2016, 07:34 PM
Well I guess we're going to have a detailed poll showing how many overtly racist people there are in Louisiana - sadly it looks like there's allot.

Did you listen to Dukes interview? Not 5 minutes in and he's made the link 3 times.

Unless Trump "makes the link" himself, it means exactly zero.

08-23-2016, 07:53 PM
Well I guess we're going to have a detailed poll showing how many overtly racist people there are in Louisiana - sadly it looks like there's allot.

Well, write the poll and submit it here for proofreading if you wish. We will see how liberal and left leaning it is.

Too bad you do not live in LA - or the USA - to be able to be objective enough to criticize. Try to fix Bigotry in the
U.K before thomping on your tambourine. I see you never whine much about stuff there, but always come here to
preach your gay liberal views.

What an ignorant child!:laugh:

08-23-2016, 08:43 PM
Well I guess we're going to have a detailed poll showing how many overtly racist people there are in Louisiana - sadly it looks like there's allot.

Did you listen to Dukes interview? Not 5 minutes in and he's made the link 3 times.

Actually Noir. It's 4 links...including YOURS!

08-23-2016, 10:10 PM
Then count the black/other, white/other, and other. It still doesn't make majority, though I don't think that is the point. Visiting LA as a kid in the 60's, I was shocked at how my relatives talked about blacks, n word was not uncommon, though mostly they were 'colored.' On my uncle's wife's side, they owned a huge farm-they called the plantation. There were lots of blacks working there, most living in shacks on the property, though they sure were nicer than what we saw driving up to the plantation. At least all the kids were dressed pretty much the same as myself and my cousins. Those living on the country roads? Nope, barefoot and in underwear-little kids, not older. There was a store, also on the property which had high prices-though we kids just took what we wanted, I could see what was marked.

Coming from my family, my mom was none too fond of the brother that moved South and sure didn't like the way they treated the help, I was pretty appalled. My cousins were just like, "It's the way down here."

Well that certainly was the way it was then, though some of the black kids that lived there were also friends of my cousins in a way that struck me as hard to understand. They went swimming with us in the pool, ate lunch and dinner with us, and rode horses when we went out.

In our suburb, including schools, there were no blacks until I was in middle school. The two that moved in then, both had professional parents like surgeon, banker, and judge. I don't think the one wife worked, the other was the banker. Needless to say, once the novelty wore off and more moved in, they fit in-same socioeconomic factors-indeed their parents were near the upper limits of middle class-that was in the late 60's/70's.

My cousins are still close friends with those they grew up with, though they system has changed. The plantation was sold in the 80's-my guess is they couldn't afford the help anymore.

While the economic system down there sucked, I do think there wasn't the serious segregation that existed in at least Chicago, the north in general. Goes a long way to explaining why once the economic system down South changed, so many blacks found the South more inviting than what had attracted their families to the North back after WWII.

The North was ever bit as segregated as the South. Biggest chapter the Klan ever had was in Indiana. Irish tenements in NYC were actually worse than slaves quarters in the South.

Calling something by a different name doesn't make the facts different.

08-23-2016, 10:37 PM
The North was ever bit as segregated as the South. Biggest chapter the Klan ever had was in Indiana. Irish tenements in NYC were actually worse than slaves quarters in the South.

Calling something by a different name doesn't make the facts different.

Ummm, that's pretty much what I said. :coffee:

08-23-2016, 11:18 PM
Ummm, that's pretty much what I said. :coffee:

Point is, one Southerner say n*gger and we're all to blame. I don't know what Duke's issue is nor he ever got into office. I'd never vote for a racist. There IS a difference between racism and pride. I'll never apologize for being white. I won't apologize for being Southern.

People need to quit apologizing. Back to Duke, IIRC, I thought he was a jerk and unimpressive. Little man with a big mouth. I wouldn't want him anywhere near me if I was running for office. Might as well tie an anchor to your ankle.

08-24-2016, 03:24 PM
I demand reparations for the suffering of my Irish ancestors!

08-24-2016, 04:01 PM
I demand reparations for the suffering of my Irish ancestors!

Saying that OBVIOUSLY really means you HATE all other whites hjmick!! And you hate America:salute:... and the British.
The hate is all to clear to me now. I used to think better of you. too bad.
Just so you know I never owned any Isish slaves and you weren't a slave!! Did you know THAT!!? Huuh?! Did YA!!
And you should never bring up Irish slavery.... ever... in any context... because it's never relevant.... except as a joking insult to your race... which you should be completely ok with... if not you're to sensitive.

08-24-2016, 04:08 PM
Fuck, you have friends? You're doing better than I am, I'm a grumpy misanthrope. Even my wife says I'm an asshole... not all the time, but she has said it...

Not in real life. :laugh2:

08-24-2016, 04:13 PM
Then count the black/other, white/other, and other. It still doesn't make majority, though I don't think that is the point. Visiting LA as a kid in the 60's, I was shocked at how my relatives talked about blacks, n word was not uncommon, though mostly they were 'colored.' On my uncle's wife's side, they owned a huge farm-they called the plantation. There were lots of blacks working there, most living in shacks on the property, though they sure were nicer than what we saw driving up to the plantation. At least all the kids were dressed pretty much the same as myself and my cousins. Those living on the country roads? Nope, barefoot and in underwear-little kids, not older. There was a store, also on the property which had high prices-though we kids just took what we wanted, I could see what was marked.

Coming from my family, my mom was none too fond of the brother that moved South and sure didn't like the way they treated the help, I was pretty appalled. My cousins were just like, "It's the way down here."

Well that certainly was the way it was then, though some of the black kids that lived there were also friends of my cousins in a way that struck me as hard to understand. They went swimming with us in the pool, ate lunch and dinner with us, and rode horses when we went out.

In our suburb, including schools, there were no blacks until I was in middle school. The two that moved in then, both had professional parents like surgeon, banker, and judge. I don't think the one wife worked, the other was the banker. Needless to say, once the novelty wore off and more moved in, they fit in-same socioeconomic factors-indeed their parents were near the upper limits of middle class-that was in the late 60's/70's.

My cousins are still close friends with those they grew up with, though they system has changed. The plantation was sold in the 80's-my guess is they couldn't afford the help anymore.

While the economic system down there sucked, I do think there wasn't the serious segregation that existed in at least Chicago, the north in general. Goes a long way to explaining why once the economic system down South changed, so many blacks found the South more inviting than what had attracted their families to the North back after WWII.

I didn't make the rules, ma'am. THEY make the rules. Feel free to go call a Mexican a Cuban or vice-versa. They are the ones that are sensitive. I just know the rules from living with them most of my life.

Everyone can claim something but when you live in and around them and they outnumber you, you best know what they're saying.

08-24-2016, 04:13 PM
Unless Trump "makes the link" himself, it means exactly zero.

Does it also mean zero if Trump 'makes the link' and then a few days later says it was a joke?

Abbey Marie
08-24-2016, 04:23 PM
Does it also mean zero if Trump 'makes the link' and then a few days later says it was a joke?

Show me where Trump aligns himself with Duke by name, and it will mean something.

08-24-2016, 04:24 PM
I didn't make the rules, ma'am. THEY make the rules. Feel free to go call a Mexican a Cuban or vice-versa. They are the ones that are sensitive. I just know the rules from living with them most of my life.

Everyone can claim something but when you live in and around them and they outnumber you, you best know what they're saying.

I'm confused with what you quoted. Are you referring to that or the Cajun thing still stuck? :dunno:

08-24-2016, 04:38 PM
I'm confused with what you quoted. Are you referring to that or the Cajun thing still stuck? :dunno:

Sorry. An analogy that's easier for most to understand. I grew up in the South, SE and SW. You don't call a Cajun a Creole nor vice versa. You don't call Jamaicans black. You don't call the indians around here Mexicans. And Cubans have a heart attack if you call them Mexicans. You don't call Tejanos wetbacks.

I'm speaking mostly to understanding the culture. Heck, I thought Mexicans were white until THEY decided they weren't. And as I said, if I had an explanation for all this BS I'd run for President myself.

08-24-2016, 04:43 PM
Sorry. An analogy that's easier for most to understand. I grew up in the South, SE and SW. You don't call a Cajun a Creole nor vice versa. You don't call Jamaicans black. You don't call the indians around here Mexicans. And Cubans have a heart attack if you call them Mexicans. You don't call Tejanos wetbacks.

I'm speaking mostly to understanding the culture. Heck, I thought Mexicans were white until THEY decided they weren't. And as I said, if I had an explanation for all this BS I'd run for President myself.

Sorry, I was going by what the census bureau uses, silly me! :laugh2: Doesn't matter though, I just don't have all your experiences.

08-24-2016, 05:10 PM
Sorry, I was going by what the census bureau uses, silly me! :laugh2: Doesn't matter though, I just don't have all your experiences.

I just try to understand the cultures I've lived in. Mostly out of self-preservation. :laugh: I find them interesting.

I used to marvel at how badly Americans and Okinawans treated each other. Young, dumb servicemen think they own the world. I learned a lot in Okinawa. It wasn't from any jarheads either. Try walking into an Okinawan dojo. Sensei refused to even acknowledge the fact I existed for over a month. That crap from Karate Kid? They didn't invent that. I got to clean the dojo every night just to get to watch. Then they took turns beating the crap out of me. :laugh: You advance in true Okinawan kara-te when you start beating their butts back.

You think the little guys are a disadvantage? Try being a powerlifter and taking them on. I felt like I was getting beat up on by little kids. :laugh:

Anyway. I can't speak for David Duke. He was some guy in the Klan that got into office way back when I had hair. I bet if you could get those Cajuns and Creoles out of the swamp to vote there'd be a different outcome. They're too busy trying to live.

08-25-2016, 06:13 AM
Well, everyone wants to be represented by someone that shares their view points.

08-25-2016, 09:42 AM
Show me where Trump aligns himself with Duke by name, and it will mean something.

That is the point. He cannot. He made an assumption.

08-25-2016, 09:47 AM
I demand reparations for the suffering of my Irish ancestors!

I've got a ten-pound sack of potatoes and a bottle of Crown for you.

My German ancestors probably oppressed you Irish somewhere along the line.

08-25-2016, 12:53 PM
That is the point. He cannot. He made an assumption.

Or I made a joke based on trumps recent nonsense about 'Obama created ISIS...oh well actually when I said that a few days ago I was just joking'.

08-25-2016, 01:03 PM
Well, everyone wants to be represented by someone that shares their view points.

Sure. However, we have become such a bunch of "my way or the highway" peeps on the right, that we can't even agree to disagree and still come together for the greater good.

David Duke was controversial as Hell because of his Klan affiliation. It overshadowed anything he may have done (which I don't know crap about). I'm not a proponent of selective freedom of speech. Had this argument with a loudmouth Jew many times on another board.

What's the difference between your hatred of the Klan and their hatred for you? Don't recall ever getting an answer to that one. Doesn't mean I agree with either. The point of selectivity of Rights is what I object to.

Abbey Marie
08-25-2016, 01:04 PM
Or I made a joke based on trumps recent nonsense about 'Obama created ISIS...oh well actually when I said that a few days ago I was just joking'.

Jokes are cool. But when you reply by asking me if I watched the video, you go beyond a joke and strongly imply that there was indeed a connection that I negligently missed.

08-25-2016, 02:08 PM
When presented with two unacceptable choices, don't vote for either. Go a third way. It really is that simple.

Trump supporters refuse to acknowledge the unacceptable behavior, his past record of being very liberal, or his current movement to return towards what he's always espoused.

Hillary supporters refuse to let her past, present, and likely future dissuade them from her.

Then there are those of both parties that recognize that remaining partisan is just wrong. The 'easy' alternative of the other party is also unacceptable. Those folks, along with many independents are not going to support either of the parties nominees. It may not be enough, but it's an alternative.

08-25-2016, 03:37 PM
When presented with two unacceptable choices, don't vote for either. Go a third way. It really is that simple.

Trump supporters refuse to acknowledge the unacceptable behavior, his past record of being very liberal, or his current movement to return towards what he's always espoused.

Hillary supporters refuse to let her past, present, and likely future dissuade them from her.

Then there are those of both parties that recognize that remaining partisan is just wrong. The 'easy' alternative of the other party is also unacceptable. Those folks, along with many independents are not going to support either of the parties nominees. It may not be enough, but it's an alternative.

Like I said. I may not agree with your decision. I DO believe in your right to make it. You may as well just sit home, Kath. It's about making a difference. Last 3rd party to win was 1860. Voting 3rd party equates to not voting.

08-25-2016, 03:48 PM
Like I said. I may not agree with your decision. I DO believe in your right to make it. You may as well just sit home, Kath. It's about making a difference. Last 3rd party to win was 1860. Voting 3rd party equates to not voting.

You too might stay home, rather than voting for someone you not only don't like, but claim to have little use for.

Both of us though, will vote. Enough said on that to each other, it's beyond repetitious.

08-25-2016, 04:35 PM
You too might stay home, rather than voting for someone you not only don't like, but claim to have little use for.

Both of us though, will vote. Enough said on that to each other, it's beyond repetitious.

I have a use for him. Keeping Hillary out. Doesn't matter what weapon you get to keep the enemy out. It's what you got and you use it.

08-25-2016, 04:48 PM
Or I made a joke based on trumps recent nonsense about 'Obama created ISIS...oh well actually when I said that a few days ago I was just joking'.

Awww, horse-poop Noir.

You've been on boards long enough to be able to indicate 'joking'.

I'm not buying it.

08-25-2016, 04:58 PM
If anyone is interested, here is David Duke's "Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question" on audiobook.

https://archive.org/details/JewishSupremacismMyAwakeningToTheJewishQuestionaud iobook

08-25-2016, 05:04 PM
Jeez, you'd think I'd been on here long enough to be acutely aware that Americans need to have irony/suggested humor spelt out, but come'on guys, the 'Trump/ISIS founder' thread was prominent enough for the link to be obvious, no?

08-25-2016, 05:06 PM
If anyone is interested, here is David Duke's "Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question" on audiobook.

https://archive.org/details/JewishSupremacismMyAwakeningToTheJewishQuestionaud iobook

But I can't throw audio books in the bin, technology has gone too far.

08-25-2016, 05:17 PM
Jeez, you'd think I'd been on here long enough to be acutely aware that Americans need to have irony/suggested humor spelt out, but come'on guys, the 'Trump/ISIS founder' thread was prominent enough for the link to be obvious, no?

No...You put things straight-faced. If you are joking, show it. Nobody minds: :laugh: or :laugh2:!

08-25-2016, 07:22 PM
Awww, horse-poop Noir.

You've been on boards long enough to be able to indicate 'joking'.

I'm not buying it.

Elessar. Noir sounds just like many of the liberal, democrats who use the DNC tactics of saying terrible, even horrible things, and filthy remarks about anyone they dislike...then...THEY INSTANTLY PRETEND to apologize, and say things like....IT WAS A JOKE, or I MISSPOKE, or I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT! (When the reality actually is...IT WASN'T A JOKE, THEY DID NOT MISSPEAK, AND THEY DID MEAN TO SAY IT!) That's how liars, and Hypocrites work, and get away with fooling everyone around them. (or so they think)

08-25-2016, 08:08 PM
Liberals? Democrats? You calling Trump those names?


6 Times Donald Trump Says He's Been 'Sarcastic' or 'Misinterpreted'


Aug 13, 2016, 4:09 AM ET


08-26-2016, 10:35 AM
No...You put things straight-faced. If you are joking, show it. Nobody minds: :laugh: or :laugh2:!

It's called being the straight man for a reason. ;)

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 10:54 AM
It's called being the straight man for a reason. ;)

Accusing a Presidential candidate if being a Klan sympathizer by association is pretty crappy. Further implying that if one just listens to the audio, the proof will be heard, even worse.

And despite your or anyone else's feelings about some people here, this is not a sitcom.

08-26-2016, 11:49 AM
Does it also mean zero if Trump 'makes the link' and then a few days later says it was a joke?

There's a very horrid extremist and racial group out there. They said they LOVE Northern Ireland due to the less than 2% of black people there. They love this as they feel it is a better for their racial group to be, and start a place where they can continue the white race. They brag endlessly about NI and how it's a place that came to be SO much like their ancestry, with SO many whites, and SO much racism towards the few blacks that are there.

I wonder why Northern Ireland would want to be inviting to groups like this and why they want to align themselves with racists? Why do the leaders there want to be a part of this group? How long have racist leaders been in charge over there?

08-26-2016, 12:06 PM
There's a very horrid extremist and racial group out there. They said they LOVE Northern Ireland due to the less than 2% of black people there. They love this as they feel it is a better for their racial group to be, and start a place where they can continue the white race. They brag endlessly about NI and how it's a place that came to be SO much like their ancestry, with SO many whites, and SO much racism towards the few blacks that are there.

I wonder why Northern Ireland would want to be inviting to groups like this and why they want to align themselves with racists? Why do the leaders there want to be a part of this group? How long have racist leaders been in charge over there?

Wouldnt surprise me, half of our leaders our ultra-hardcore Christians (Young Earth types) and the other half are terrorists. Not much room to expect anything other than garbage from them.

08-26-2016, 12:16 PM
Wouldnt surprise me, half of our leaders our ultra-hardcore Christians (Young Earth types) and the other half are terrorists. Not much room to expect anything other than garbage from them.

I hate you! You ruined my point!

But even if... this group tried to make a connection to NI and the government, and even if the folks in government were the kindest perfect leaders in the world - a group was trying to make some sort of connection to them, or NI. And no matter what they said, or did, it would be garbage and meaningless - unless of course the government/NI also somehow engaged them in return.

I don't care if Duke mentioned Trump 600x. Unless Trump is somehow involved, you can't say its some sort of connection. What if I went around on here and on FB and made all kinds of similar comments, and then just included you and your name in some manner? You would have zero connection to me or the comments - unless you had a "meeting of the minds" with me - which there NEVER was between Trump and Duke.

If this crap were true - the right could start having someone worse out there start endorsing Hillary, and then send a donation - and that too would be meaningless and she would have no fault or no connection with the person whatsoever.

08-26-2016, 12:31 PM
Accusing a Presidential candidate if being a Jlan sympathizer by association is pretty crappy. Further implying that if one just listens to the audio, the proof will be heard, even worse.

And despite your's or anyone else's feelings about some people here, this is not a sitcom.

When did THAT change? :laugh:

08-26-2016, 12:47 PM
Accusing a Presidential candidate if being a Klan sympathizer by association is pretty crappy. Further implying that if one just listens to the audio, the proof will be heard, even worse.

And despite your's or anyone else's feelings about some people here, this is not a sitcom.

There's a fine line between comedy and tragedy and some are determined to suck the comedy out of it. :)

08-26-2016, 12:52 PM
There's a fine line between comedy and tragedy and some are determined to suck the comedy out of it. :)

I agree with some stuff...

But Trump has ZERO association with Duke, and there are some that TRULY believe this IS some sort of valid connection, when there simply isn't one.

08-26-2016, 12:55 PM
I agree with some stuff...

But Trump has ZERO association with Duke, and there are some that TRULY believe this IS some sort of valid connection, when there simply isn't one.

Nobody said he did. Noir made a joke.

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 12:58 PM
Nobody said he did. Noir made a joke.

Here's the post below. No joke whatsoever.
Until later when he was called on it, of course. Then it was "I was joking".
And you bandwagoned.

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Abbey http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=830330#post830330)
When I saw the post title, I was going to post that I wonder how long it will take for someone to imply a link between Trump and Duke. I see it's already happened. :rolleyes:

Noir's response: Did you listen to Dukes interview? Not 5 minutes in and he's made the link 3 times.

08-26-2016, 01:02 PM
Here's the post below. No joke whatsoever.
Until later when he was called on it, of course. Then it was "I was joking".
And you bandwagoned.

Yes, Duke made the connection as established on the first page. I was referring to people here. I was just trying to lighten the mood. My apologies for suggesting noir was the straight man.

08-26-2016, 01:04 PM
Nobody said he did. Noir made a joke.

Rev - and not jumping on him, but he clearly states there is a connection, and that Trump has been making EXPLICITLY for years. I don't see that as a connection, nor do I agree, but the idea to make that connection was there from him. Then Noir pops in and points out that Duke made the connection however many times, and certainly not being "funny" and certainly not stating that there is no connection. So at BEST they were pointing out that there was a connection, but made only by Duke. If you thought the opening posts by them were "jokes"...

08-26-2016, 01:07 PM
Rev - and not jumping on him, but he clearly states there is a connection, and that Trump has been making EXPLICITLY for years. I don't see that as a connection, nor do I agree, but the idea to make that connection was there from him. Then Noir pops in and points out that Duke made the connection however many times, and certainly not being "funny" and certainly not stating that there is no connection. So at BEST they were pointing out that there was a connection, but made only by Duke. If you thought the opening posts by them were "jokes"...

The "joke" was the sarcasm, a la ISIS, bit. duke apparently thinks he has some common ground.

08-26-2016, 01:53 PM
David Duke is running for senate AGAIN. Hour long VERY sympathetic interview take 12 minutes and listen the 1st part of this. While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is ..core of white people that feel ... that Trump is implicitly dealing with it. ....

Well Duke made it himself, Over and Over again in this interview. I just repeated him Abby. One of the things he said is that He was visiting a Gun Show in Louisiana and many people came up to him and said they are voting for Trump and for Duke. And he (DUKE) continually made reference to the notion that Trump was only saying implicitly the SAME things he has said explicitly for years. And that he.. if he get's in the senate... he'll be a point man for Trump. Ready to take the heat.

So yeah it's been made.
Doesn't mean he's right but he (DUKE) is convinced he and Trump are on the same page. and according to him plenty of people at LA gun shows and at other events think so too. He seems VERY Encouraged by what he sees. In Trump and in the people "European decent".
He believes many whites have "begun to see the light".

Rev - and not jumping on him, but he clearly states there is a connection, and that Trump has been making EXPLICITLY for years. I don't see that as a connection, nor do I agree, but the idea to make that connection was there from him. Then Noir pops in and points out that Duke made the connection however many times, and certainly not being "funny" and certainly not stating that there is no connection. So at BEST they were pointing out that there was a connection, but made only by Duke. If you thought the opening posts by them were "jokes"...

where exactly have i said that Trump made a Duke connection. Or an Explicit connection.
I have pointed out that Trump has some race issues in his history as well as on the campaign trail in other threads.
But as far as Trump making an explicit Duke connection, no. i clearly stated it was all on Dukes side... and those Duke pals around with in LA.

08-26-2016, 02:10 PM
While many try to soft sell race on the Trump side. It seems to me that there is a SOLID core of white people that feel that the WHITE RACE is in MORTAL DANGER of extinction and that Trump is implicitly dealing with it.

It seemed to me, that in your very first post you went on and/or continued some talk of Trump, linking him to the article or Duke. Sounds like you went from Duke, to some sort of mortal danger that the white race is faced with - and it's something that Trump has never even stated! Honestly, I don't even recall him making ANY comments about "white race" or any type of extinction. What is he dealing with and where? I don't recall Trump dealing with extinction or anything like that, but wouldn't be the first time I was wrong!

And he continually made reference to the notion that Trump was only saying implicitly the SAME things he has said explicitly for years. And that he.. if he get's in the senate... he'll be a point man for Trump. Ready to take the heat

I probably did read this one wrong, so my apologies again if I did. But knowing the types of things that Duke talks about - I honestly don't see Trump saying the "SAME" things implicitly over the years. And then saying he's going to be a point man and such, and Trump repeating his words for years, that sure seems like someone trying to make some sort of connection. Can you post the explicit things from over the years that Trump has stated, or implicit, or whatever it was that makes him such a racist to be compared to Duke?

where exactly have i said that Trump made a Duke connection. Or an Explicit connection.
I have pointed out that Trump has some race issues in his history as well as on the campaign trail in other threads.
But as far as Trump making an explicit Duke connection, no. i clearly stated it was all on Dukes side... and those Duke pals around with in LA.

I guess I'm just confused or misread. But if ME, in this thread....

"David Duke is running for senate. The idiot said he would like to be a point man for Trump, as he said Trump has stated similar things over the years. Outside of that, there is no connection whatsoever between these 2 men and they are not politically affiliated at all."

Because it sure as hell does look like some want to make a connection of sorts, but then not, because there really isn't much to actually go on to make such a connection.

Besides, weren't your comments just jokes anyway? :)

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 02:21 PM
And then of course there's this:

<iframe width="303" height="227" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ryweuBVJMEA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

No joke.

08-26-2016, 02:29 PM
And then of course there's this:

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ryweuBVJMEA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="227" width="303"></iframe>

No joke.

Normally we would see many more comments about this. But it's unfortunate that this year, she is being overshadowed by Trump and those wanting to keep him out of office, regardless of any potential costs.

08-26-2016, 02:35 PM
I'm glad I have no sound until I get a new monitor. If I had to listen to her I'd probably kill the computer. Her commercial on my tube are bad enough. I totally cannot stand listening to her and she is such a damned bold-face liar.

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 02:40 PM
I'm glad I have no sound until I get a new monitor. If I had to listen to her I'd probably kill the computer. Her commercial on my tube are bad enough. I totally cannot stand listening to her and she is such a damned bold-face liar.

It's a glowing Hillary tribute to the KKK's own Robert Byrd. An actual, factual connection with Byrd, unlike the Trump/Duke (non)-connection implied here.

08-26-2016, 03:11 PM
It's a glowing Hillary tribute to the KKK's own Robert Byrd. An actual, factual connection with Byrd, unlike the Trump/Duke (non)-connection implied here.

It's contrived. Everything about her is fake. "I control the whole world and can decide who can contribute and what they say or stand for". :rolleyes: If Joe Blow sends me a check in the mail, I'm cashing it before he changes his mind.

Is this like ducking sniper fire? Or accepting millions from Saudi Arabia? Gee, THERE is one to ponder. All that Arab money from the most oppressive regimes in the world.

Anyone buy this crap needs their voter registration cards destroyed.

08-26-2016, 03:36 PM
And then of course there's this:

<iframe width="303" height="227" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ryweuBVJMEA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

No joke.

If you want to start a thread on Hillary and race I'll be there.
But the thing is besides a few other old D political dogs, It's all reports from those that have been around her.
frankly it's less than Trump's documented discrimination suits, at his apartments casinos and , full page ads against innocent blacks guys.
But there's a steady stream of stories about her calling all kinds of minorities names and pictures of her going to parties in black face and the like.
She a crook and liar. and has more documented corruption issues than Trump.

08-26-2016, 03:39 PM
It seemed to me, that in your very first post you went on and/or continued some talk of Trump, linking him to the article or Duke. Sounds like you went from Duke, to some sort of mortal danger that the white race is faced with - and it's something that Trump has never even stated! Honestly, I don't even recall him making ANY comments about "white race" or any type of extinction. What is he dealing with and where? I don't recall Trump dealing with extinction or anything like that, but wouldn't be the first time I was wrong!

Never linked Trump to the DUKES statemnts of the white race in mortal fear. Other than to say that DUKE has meet Trump supporters who THINK that Trump gets it.

I probably did read this one wrong, so my apologies again if I did. But knowing the types of things that Duke talks about - I honestly don't see Trump saying the "SAME" things implicitly over the years. And then saying he's going to be a point man and such, and Trump repeating his words for years, that sure seems like someone trying to make some sort of connection. Can you post the explicit things from over the years that Trump has stated, or implicit, or whatever it was that makes him such a racist to be compared to Duke?

I guess I'm just confused or misread. But if ME, in this thread....


No problem.


08-26-2016, 03:58 PM
If you want to start a thread on Hillary and race I'll be there.
But the thing is besides a few other old D political dogs, It's all reports from those that have been around her.

I started a thread a week ago or so, about what exactly it is that the Dems offer to black folks that have them voting (D) year after year. Trying to see specifically what it is they are voting for, why, and what they are getting for doing so. I don''t really see any changes within the black community, jobs or anything else that would have them repeatedly vote in that direction. I've also asked many times in the past, and at other places (not just asking you in other words), but it's usually ignored. I know it's OT, but instead of Hillary and race, it should be the (D) party and race, and why in the world they are voted in year after year after year - when the benefits for doing so seem to be non-existent.

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 04:01 PM
I started a thread a week ago or so, about what exactly it is that the Dems offer to black folks that have them voting (D) year after year. Trying to see specifically what it is they are voting for, why, and what they are getting for doing so. I don''t really see any changes within the black community, jobs or anything else that would have them repeatedly vote in that direction. I've also asked many times in the past, and at other places (not just asking you in other words), but it's usually ignored. I know it's OT, but instead of Hillary and race, it should be the (D) party and race, and why in the world they are voted in year after year after year - when the benefits for doing so seem to be non-existent.

I would love an answer to that, too. It certainly isn't due to historical facts. We all should know by now that Dems were the party entrenched in racism.

08-26-2016, 07:40 PM
Found this link on DRUDGE....5 minutes ago...KETTLE CALLING KETTLE????


08-26-2016, 08:29 PM
I started a thread a week ago or so, about what exactly it is that the Dems offer to black folks that have them voting (D) year after year. Trying to see specifically what it is they are voting for, why, and what they are getting for doing so. I don''t really see any changes within the black community, jobs or anything else that would have them repeatedly vote in that direction. I've also asked many times in the past, and at other places (not just asking you in other words), but it's usually ignored. I know it's OT, but instead of Hillary and race, it should be the (D) party and race, and why in the world they are voted in year after year after year - when the benefits for doing so seem to be non-existent.

Theres No doubt. the democrats haven't done much of anything for blacks in years. And most of that was in the civil-rights area.
Which translated into better jobs and less discrimination... or at least penalties for proven discrimination.

Other than that economically over the past 30 plus years it's been little to nothing.

And the Clinton's riding the crime bills help specifically take more balcks off the job market basically for good.
while banks and white collar criminals didn't get arrested for stealing millions and even billions Craping the economy. And even those banks and bankers laundering billions in drug money. those corps paid FINES but no one goes to jail. While some blacks and Whites literally went to jail for LIFE over a pocket full of pot.

I would love an answer to that, too. It certainly isn't due to historical facts. We all should know by now that Dems were the party entrenched in racism.

If some black democrats had come to this site and lurked for the past year or so do you think they would get the impression that blacks are welcomed in the republican party Abbey? Or even very well liked?

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 08:30 PM
Found this link on DRUDGE....5 minutes ago...KETTLE CALLING KETTLE????


Nice find, AT.


Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 08:31 PM
There No doubt. the democrats have doe much of anything for blacks in years. And most of that was in the civil-rights area.
which translated into better jobs and less discrimination... or at least penalties for proven discrimination.

Other than that economically over the past 30 plus years it's been little to nothing.

And the Clinton's riding the crime bills help specifically take more balcks off the job market basically for good.
while banks and white collar criminals don't get arrested for stealing millions and even billions and even laundering billions in drug money. the corps pay a FINE and no one goes to jail. While some blacks and Whites literally went to jail for LIFE of a pocket full of pot.

If some black democrats had come to this site and lurked for the past year or so do you think they would get the impression that blacks are welcomed in the republican party Abbey? Or even very well liked?

Not sure how relevant that is to national party politics, Rev.

08-26-2016, 08:37 PM
Nice find, AT.


Thanks. As for rev asking about Black visiting this site feeling welcome. That's a joke, right rev? If that was true. It would be you who might feel unwelcome since you tend to talk down to others, especially when us CRACKER types attempt to help resolve, or talk about the KNOWN Black, racial problems with Black Americans who are willing to openly discuss racism, and bigotry...without resorting to the RHETORICAL-RACIST attitudes that demean others who sincerely WANT TO HELP, as a Solution, and not as the Problem. But being told we are racists for daring to hold a civil conversation about race, racism, and racists instantly ENDS ALL.

It is a well known, often used Liberal tactic now being attempted whenever anyone who ISN'T BLACK, dares to speak.

08-26-2016, 08:41 PM
Not sure how relevant that is to national party politics, Rev.

It is, though not as clear as it could be.

Rev, feel free to correct wherever I am not paraphrasing correctly:

The Democrat leaders have done little to help blacks, at least since the well intentioned, Civil Rights/War On Poverty. Some have made things worse for blacks-3 strikes and you're out; mandatory drug sentencing; etc. 3 strikes like the 'war on poverty' had serious unintended consequences, I would hope we could all agree on that? Mandatory sentencing laws remove the discretion of judges, often forced into felonies which could have been misdemeanors. Felonies and jail time tend to make employment very difficult.

With this as the backdrop, where have we heard any Republican leaders calling for reforms to these? We do hear about 'welfare queens' but where are the leaders to say, "We can and must do better." Yesterday I posted a new thread-'hate poverty, not the poor'-where are the Republicans saying that? Paul Ryan has a plan, in fact it was mentioned as a basis for the plan being implemented in Milwaukee, but where is it being 'sold' as a pilot that should be tried in more areas?

The most significant determinant of how one votes is how their parents voted. Yet, people change all the time from what their parents did, but they need to hear a reason why they should give the Republicans a try. 'What the hell do you have to lose?' is not a reason.

08-26-2016, 08:42 PM
Not sure how relevant that is to national party politics, Rev.

So this board doesn't represent a ...certain slice... of republican party members opinions?
And those opinions/attitudes will never be promoted or reflected into nation politics then.

I'd like that in writing, but if you say so.

08-26-2016, 09:06 PM
So this board doesn't represent a ...certain slice... of republican party members opinions?
And those opinions/attitudes will never be promoted or reflected into nation politics then.

I'd like that in writing, but if you say so.

Does it? I'm not a Republican and have been quite critical of the GOP. Why don't you try listening/reading posts instead of tossing everyone in the same bucket while you busily look for a novel to cut n paste? You don't listen to what anyone has to say and cherrypick what you respond to, no matter how many times it's repeated.

08-26-2016, 09:10 PM
It is, though not as clear as it could be.

Rev, feel free to correct wherever I am not paraphrasing correctly:

The Democrat leaders have done little to help blacks, at least since the well intentioned, Civil Rights/War On Poverty. Some have made things worse for blacks-3 strikes and you're out; mandatory drug sentencing; etc. 3 strikes like the 'war on poverty' had serious unintended consequences, I would hope we could all agree on that? Mandatory sentencing laws remove the discretion of judges, often forced into felonies which could have been misdemeanors. Felonies and jail time tend to make employment very difficult.

With this as the backdrop, where have we heard any Republican leaders calling for reforms to these? We do hear about 'welfare queens' but where are the leaders to say, "We can and must do better." Yesterday I posted a new thread-'hate poverty, not the poor'-where are the Republicans saying that? Paul Ryan has a plan, in fact it was mentioned as a basis for the plan being implemented in Milwaukee, but where is it being 'sold' as a pilot that should be tried in more areas?

The most significant determinant of how one votes is how their parents voted. Yet, people change all the time from what their parents did, but they need to hear a reason why they should give the Republicans a try. 'What the hell do you have to lose?' is not a reason.

that's seems a very good layout to me.

But here's something that Rarely comes up much but can't be dismissed.
Asked about the "war on drugs" begun in the Nixon Administration
....“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black people, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
John Ehrlichman
counsel and Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon.

last i checked Nixon was a republican, but democrats have also gotten on the "crime" band wagon Hillary and Bill specifically.
But there are Some plans, Republican plans out there that have some merit some for poverty issues.
But as has been said often before there are a suite of issues that have compacted over the years to hit poor blacks especially. (not All blacks are poor or live in the inner cities.)
But Blacks marriages in the 1960s (if memory serves) were more intact than whites. The sexual revolution, discrimination, drugs, and discriminatory drug enforcement, welfare to women, Once arrested and released the lack of GOOD job prospects because of lack of skills and a record. Some feeling trapped to go back to MORE illegal activity then more jail... etc kids born without fathers at home and the cycle that starts for kids... etcetc. it's more than a govt issue but Gov't can STOP making it worse.

Both Ron Paul and Rand Paul recognized some of the legal issues that started with Nixon and snowballed with the legailations you mentioned. As well as others that some of the right still have a difficult time seeing. But poverty issues are not just BLACk issues the same factors work on the poor whites. who are the bulk of welfare recipients. there are some small all white towns where most of the residents are on welfare.

part of the issues is as you said NOT BLAMING poor people for being poor. If anyones every worked with the homeless you know not all poverty stories are the same.
and treating people with respect rarely killed anyone.

08-26-2016, 09:17 PM
Nixon would have to run as a Democrat today.

08-26-2016, 09:18 PM
that's seems a very good layout to me.

But here's something that Rarely comes up much but can't be dismissed.
Asked about the "war on drugs" begun in the Nixon Administration
....“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black people, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
John Ehrlichman
counsel and Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon.

last i checked Nixon was a republican, but democrats have also gotten on the "crime" band wagon Hillary and Bill specifically.
But there are Some plans, Republican plans out there that have some merit some for poverty issues.
But as has been said often before there are a suite of issues that have compacted over the years to hit poor blacks especially. (not All blacks are poor or live in the inner cities.)
But Blacks marriages in the 1960s (if memory serves) were more intact than whites. The sexual revolution, discrimination, drugs, and discriminatory drug enforcement, welfare to women, Once arrested and released the lack of GOOD job prospects because of lack of skills and a record. Some feeling trapped to go back to MORE illegal activity then more jail... etc kids born without fathers at home and the cycle that starts for kids... etcetc. it's more than a govt issue but Gov't can STOP making it worse.

Both Ron Paul and Rand Paul recognized some of the legal issues that started with Nixon and snowballed with the legailations you mentioned. As well as others that some of the right still have a difficult time seeing. But poverty issues are not just BLACk issues the same factors work on the poor whites. who are the bulk of welfare recipients. there are some small all white towns where most of the residents are on welfare.

part of the issues is as you said NOT BLAMING poor people for being poor. If anyones every worked with the homeless you know not all poverty stories are the same.
and treating people with respect rarely killed anyone.

I agree that the problem of poverty isn't black alone, not when many more whites are poor than blacks. Black women I believe are the fastest percentage graduating from universities and have been for awhile.

Men, of all races are actually the one 'group' not protected that's been taking the hardest hits. Just saying.

You're right about Nixon, I was using your previous post sort of as an outline.