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El Veto-Voter
08-25-2016, 11:40 AM
Halt! Vote!

Rational Reasons for Refusing to Vote

Some politicians look good in the early going. But the more I hear them say, the more I learn about what they've done, and the more I discover what they plan to do... the worse they seem. It doesn't take long for most of them to appear downright dangerous.

They say the stupidest things and expect us to believe them. They get caught lying and act like it is somebody else's fault. They promise to do what's impossible, like spending trillions on new programs without raising taxes or cutting existing programs. They are unbelievable.

I wonder why most of them are out of the looney bin. I certainly can't agree to give them power over me, you, and the normal people.

In fact, I can't imagine any reason for giving anybody the power to rule.

My vote is my power -- and they're not getting it.
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Giving my vote power to a politician, because he claims he'll use it to serve me...is like giving my gun to a stranger in an alley, because he claims he'll use it to protect me.

Falling for such a ruse makes a person a willing participant in his or her own victimization.
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Politicians are dangerous. Anybody who wants power can't be trusted with it.

Voters are political enablers. The act of voting makes one an accomplice to the abuses of power to come. And believe me, all politicians abuse the power.

If you vote, you are almost as guilty as the politicians.

If you vote, you forfeit your right to complain or resist.

If you don't vote, you aren't part of the problem.

That's why I don't vote.

El Veto-voter
l (http://www.haltvote.com)ink removed

08-25-2016, 12:14 PM
Then without voting, how do we select our leaders? By appointment?
We may have to bite the bullet at times, but what other method do you suggest?

I cannot figure your logic, or lack thereof.

08-25-2016, 12:22 PM
Maybe some people think that, when the ship is irretrievably sinking with no rescue in sight, asking the captain to steer right or left is a waste of time.

Such people are called "wimps" or "losers".

Abbey Marie
08-25-2016, 12:24 PM
Politicians are flawed humans like the rest of us. It is we who seek perfection in the famous.

I'm with Elessar- what would you choose instead? Monarchy? Chaos?

08-25-2016, 12:55 PM
I kinda view not voting, or voting for a third (unelectable) party as gonna "sit this one out" type of mentality.

Here is an analogy. Let's say Israel goes to war with Iraq and you are president of the USA. Either Israel or Iraq is gonna win the war. You don't like Iraq, but you don't like everything about Israel either. So, you refuse to choose sides as each has their faults? Seriously?

Hillary is probably the most corrupt person to ever run for president. Does anyone really want to "sit this one out"????

08-25-2016, 02:04 PM
I kinda view not voting, or voting for a third (unelectable) party as gonna "sit this one out" type of mentality.

Here is an analogy. Let's say Israel goes to war with Iraq and you are president of the USA. Either Israel or Iraq is gonna win the war. You don't like Iraq, but you don't like everything about Israel either. So, you refuse to choose sides as each has their faults? Seriously?

Hillary is probably the most corrupt person to ever run for president. Does anyone really want to "sit this one out"????

Poor analogy, much like the false dichotomy you posited earlier.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2016, 02:12 PM
Halt! Vote!

Rational Reasons for Refusing to Vote

Some politicians look good in the early going. But the more I hear them say, the more I learn about what they've done, and the more I discover what they plan to do... the worse they seem. It doesn't take long for most of them to appear downright dangerous.

They say the stupidest things and expect us to believe them. They get caught lying and act like it is somebody else's fault. They promise to do what's impossible, like spending trillions on new programs without raising taxes or cutting existing programs. They are unbelievable.

I wonder why most of them are out of the looney bin. I certainly can't agree to give them power over me, you, and the normal people.

In fact, I can't imagine any reason for giving anybody the power to rule.

My vote is my power -- and they're not getting it.
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Giving my vote power to a politician, because he claims he'll use it to serve me...is like giving my gun to a stranger in an alley, because he claims he'll use it to protect me.

Falling for such a ruse makes a person a willing participant in his or her own victimization.
************************************************** ****

Politicians are dangerous. Anybody who wants power can't be trusted with it.

Voters are political enablers. The act of voting makes one an accomplice to the abuses of power to come. And believe me, all politicians abuse the power.

If you vote, you are almost as guilty as the politicians.

If you vote, you forfeit your right to complain or resist.

If you don't vote, you aren't part of the problem.

That's why I don't vote.

El Veto-voter
l (http://www.haltvote.com)ink removed

^^^^^^ Moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are faced with a truly great evil--Hillary...
To not vote against such evil is by default aiding it--regardless of ones personal convictions only two choices are available..
Sitting it out can not truly be rationalized as the correct path IMHO.
If one --MUST-- face either of two great dangers, deciding to hide ones head in the sand never gives relief or success..

History reveals the truth of my words--if only people actually learned history and chose to profit from it!!

Honor demands certain things but hiding(denying reality) is rarely (IF)ever one of them, methinks..-Tyr

08-25-2016, 05:19 PM
This noobie is a good one to just scroll away from, methinks!:laugh:

El Veto-Voter
08-29-2016, 11:45 PM
Maybe some people think that, when the ship is irretrievably sinking with no rescue in sight, asking the captain to steer right or left is a waste of time.

Such people are called "wimps" or "losers".

Some people think that when the ship is sinking with no rescue in sight, running around in a pathetic screeching panic, demanding that somebody DO SOMETHING! DO ANYTHING! is the way to salvation. Such people are called politicians, and their enablers.

Then they deride those who are more rational, not pathetic, by calling them "apathetic".

08-30-2016, 06:34 AM
Nevertheless, when faced with a choice between Candidate A, who doesn't look good, and Candidate B, who looks horrible and redefines the word "corrupt", it is clearly better to vote for Candidate A than to just let Candidate B get elected by the hordes of gullible slushfund grubbers that also get a vote in this country.

El Veto-Voter
09-22-2016, 01:49 AM
Excuse me, but your logic doesn't make sense.

You say that not voting for Hillary-Trump is a vote for Trump-Hillary.

Not voting is not voting. It is quite simple really. Not voting is NOT a vote for anybody.

On the other hand, the act of voting is playing the political game. When you play, you are agreeing to accept the outcome of the game. So, if you vote for Hillary-Trump, you are agreeing to be ruled by Trump-Hillary.

Voters have no right to complain or resist. Voters voluntarily become accomplices to their own subjugation along with being accessories to the victimization of other people. Voters are political enablers for politicians addicted to power.

Don't blame me -- I don't vote.
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I can't vote for looters. Both major candidates are looters. They've both told us who they want to loot, just not how much. They've both made careers of looting public money.

Both major parties are full of looters. The only thing they have to argue about is who is more efficient at looting and how to divide the loot.

If you vote for looters, you are agreeing to being looted.
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I oppose terrorism and murder. Both major candidates and both major parties support terrorism and mass murder, through war and other evil means. They mean to be in charge no matter whom they have to kill.

Voting for any of them is being an accomplice to their policies of terrorizing and murdering those with whom they disagree (and anybody who gets in the way of their munitions).

Hey, the world of politics is a dangerous place. Whoever wins is sure to pillage. The question is, are you willing to be their accomplice?

09-22-2016, 06:27 AM
Excuse me, but your logic doesn't make sense.

You say that not voting for Hillary-Trump is a vote for Trump-Hillary.

Not voting is not voting. It is quite simple really. Not voting is NOT a vote for anybody.

On the other hand, the act of voting is playing the political game. When you play, you are agreeing to accept the outcome of the game. So, if you vote for Hillary-Trump, you are agreeing to be ruled by Trump-Hillary.

Voters have no right to complain or resist. Voters voluntarily become accomplices to their own subjugation along with being accessories to the victimization of other people. Voters are political enablers for politicians addicted to power.

Don't blame me -- I don't vote.
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I can't vote for looters. Both major candidates are looters. They've both told us who they want to loot, just not how much. They've both made careers of looting public money.

Both major parties are full of looters. The only thing they have to argue about is who is more efficient at looting and how to divide the loot.

If you vote for looters, you are agreeing to being looted.
************************************************** ****
I oppose terrorism and murder. Both major candidates and both major parties support terrorism and mass murder, through war and other evil means. They mean to be in charge no matter whom they have to kill.

Voting for any of them is being an accomplice to their policies of terrorizing and murdering those with whom they disagree (and anybody who gets in the way of their munitions).

Hey, the world of politics is a dangerous place. Whoever wins is sure to pillage. The question is, are you willing to be their accomplice?

If you oppose terrorism and murder, then you'd want a means to combat it.

But you're arguing to disempower people from gaining and keeping that means.

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, it was surely clear that action was mandated. It was the American Government which acted, as the one entity that COULD, as it did.

But by your reckoning, it was better not to vote ? Then, if everyone has failed to vote the Government to power that acted to defend America and the West, they wouldn't have had the power, the means, to BE there to do anything at all.

Score an almighty advantage for America's enemies, then ?

Your arguments and apparent 'beliefs' are nonsense. There's a real world out there, needing real remedies for real situations. What it doesn't need is loopy 'disempowerment', 'bunker mentality' arguments to take it on.

Actually - let's be fully realistic. What you argue for is outright anarchy, with all its associated misery and suffering. It doesn't matter that you don't admit to wanting these things. Anyone possessing rationality has to see that this is what, ultimately, you're arguing for.

09-22-2016, 07:02 AM
Hmmm .... interesting PoV. IMO, not voting does NOT demonstrate "opposition" to anything. Opposition implies some counter force to what you are opposed to .... anything less is apathy at best.

How about demonstrating "opposition" by voting third party or even (if you are that much "opposed") setting up your own party!

Methinks El-Veto is well intentioned but hasn't thought the whole thing completely through.

09-22-2016, 07:54 AM
Some people think that when the ship is sinking with no rescue in sight, running around in a pathetic screeching panic, demanding that somebody DO SOMETHING! DO ANYTHING! is the way to salvation. Such people are called politicians, and their enablers.

Then they deride those who are more rational, not pathetic, by calling them "apathetic".

Your response to 9/11, then, would've been ... what ?

Apparently, not the 'DO SOMETHING' response ?

You have no answers to the modern world's problems. You argue to disempower those who do. Yours is a wholly destructive 'approach'.

09-22-2016, 08:22 AM
Just my opinion, but

If you don't vote, you surrender the rights to complain about the status of the State. You have accepted whatever occurs from the courage of other people who are not afraid to choose.

09-23-2016, 08:35 PM
VOTING is, the one, and only responsibility of a Good Citizen who follows the laws, and obeys the Constitution. If you do not vote. Your citizenship can be lost because you weren't willing to defend the Freedom, Rights, and Liberties granted to you by the Constitution. IMO...Aboutime.

Making personal excuses and reasons NOT TO VOTE are merely LAZY, and SELFISH.

09-24-2016, 07:44 AM
I'm waiting for El Veto-voter to make any countering argument(s) to the points I raised.

I think I will be waiting a rather long time.

09-25-2016, 01:34 PM

Listen closely, then listen to what Hillary is repeating.

She's gonna either blame Bush, or Trump for everything the Obummer said.