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View Full Version : Iran harassing US Navy ships

Abbey Marie
08-26-2016, 02:35 PM
Apparently, several instances of this, as recently as this week. I suppose thanks to our fearless leader, they have plenty of money to go after us.

Dangerous confrontations between Iranian and American warships in the Persian Gulf are up more than 50 percent in 2016 compared with this time last year, according to a U.S. defense official – despite the highly touted nuclear accord, as well as a recent $1.7 billion U.S. payment to Tehran.

The latest incidents of provocative Iranian behavior flared in the Persian Gulf earlier this week, including one filmed by the U.S. Navy. The video showed four Iranian gunboats from its Revolutionary Guard Corps coming within 300 yards of USS Nitze, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.
The incident was part of a troubling pattern, according to stats shared with Fox News.

In the incident captured on video – one of four such incidents this week – the U.S. destroyer fired flares, increased speed and took evasive maneuvers, while the Iranian ships ignored calls on the radio to stop. Cmdr. William Urban, a spokesman for the Navy’s 5th Fleet, called the actions “unsafe and unprofessional.”
The next day in a separate incident in the northern Persian Gulf, the USS Squall, a coastal patrol ship, fired three warning shots from its .50 caliber machine gun when one Iranian ship came within 200 yards.


08-26-2016, 02:41 PM
Well, when you can have them stop in the past, look like idiots, have them surrender or whatever and make us look weak to the entire world - then OF COURSE they will play more games. I just read this yesterday myself. I know they didn't want an international event or another war, but Iran started this crap, they should have simply and quickly sink anyone that wants to fuck with them.

08-26-2016, 02:43 PM
Apparently, several instances of this, as recently as this week. I suppose thanks to our fearless leader, they have plenty of money to go after us.


They've been doing that crap since I was in. We always had to go through the Straight of Hormuz at night.

They're not going to attack a frigate in their little gunboats. They just roll out and shake their fists at them. At sea, the Captain is God. He WILL open fire on the little gnats and he doesn't need permission from His Uslessness to protect his ship and crew.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-26-2016, 04:41 PM
They've been doing that crap since I was in. We always had to go through the Straight of Hormuz at night.

They're not going to attack a frigate in their little gunboats. They just roll out and shake their fists at them. At sea, the Captain is God. He WILL open fire on the little gnats and he doesn't need permission from His Uslessness to protect his ship and crew.

I am willing to bet a C-note that obama being the "muslim loving bastard" that he is, has laid down even stricter commands to ship commanders about what not to do if harassed by Iranian gunboats.
And I mean -have those treasonous orders written in stone with threats of death if need be IMHO..
And the obama hates this nation with every molecule in his ffing traitorous body!!
I know what he is, just as surely as I know the sun is hot.....
I would bet my life on the truth of my words and (may have already done so) -if future events unfold where this nation ends up in civil war--staunchly avowed patriots will be executed on spot when captured.
These globalist/leftist muslim allies are every bit as brutal as were the Nazi's and the Japanese during WW2 (my guess is , far worse).
Anybody that thinks not is delusional IMHO.
Those that learn not from history , have not the information that those that do have.- -Tyr

08-26-2016, 05:16 PM
That's one helluva deal that Obama made for us. :rolleyes:


It's been more than a year since President Obama finished his legacy defining nuclear deal with Iran. Since then, Iran has taken more Americans hostage, violated U.N. sanctions by firing off a number of ballistic missiles and took U.S. Navy sailors captive early this year. While in captivity, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard took video of the sailors without boots, forced a female sailor into covering her head and demanded sailors issue apologies for their behavior. That footage was then used as propaganda on Iranian state television, a violation of the Geneva Convention.

Now, the Iranians are harassing U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf and vowing to keep threatening them if they "get too close." Earlier this week USS Destroyer Nitze was swarmed by armed Iranian vessels and just hours later, three more U.S. ships were harassed.

Rest here - http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/08/26/new-relationship-iran-continues-to-threaten-us-ships-with-punishment-n2210387

08-26-2016, 05:26 PM
I am willing to bet a C-note that obama being the "muslim loving bastard" that he is, has laid down even stricter commands to ship commanders about what not to do if harassed by Iranian gunboats.
And I mean -have those treasonous orders written in stone with threats of death if need be IMHO..
And the obama hates this nation with every molecule in his ffing traitorous body!!
I know what he is, just as surely as I know the sun is hot.....
I would bet my life on the truth of my words and (may have already done so) -if future events unfold where this nation ends up in civil war--staunchly avowed patriots will be executed on spot when captured.
These globalist/leftist muslim allies are every bit as brutal as were the Nazi's and the Japanese during WW2 (my guess is , far worse).
Anybody that thinks not is delusional IMHO.
Those that learn not from history , have not the information that those that do have.- -Tyr

A very troublesome thing is definition of a "Territorial Sea' around a coastal nation, versus
International Waters.

Many nations go by international treaty. I am simply not sure if Iran is part of it. But I do know
that on the high seas, by that treaty, a warship has the right to defend itself. Our standing ROE states that clearly.
Woe be Iran if it had been a surfaced Submarine!

08-26-2016, 08:56 PM
A very troublesome thing is definition of a "Territorial Sea' around a coastal nation, versus
International Waters.

Many nations go by international treaty. I am simply not sure if Iran is part of it. But I do know
that on the high seas, by that treaty, a warship has the right to defend itself. Our standing ROE states that clearly.
Woe be Iran if it had been a surfaced Submarine!

Anyone that thinks a frigate goes into the Gulf without a sub shadowing it needs to re-think. They just know they can come talking crap and we won't engage then unless they fire first.

08-26-2016, 09:33 PM
The Iranians, and Saddam's frail little fleet of Towel Wavers....DID THE SAME THINGS.

They only do it to get the attention of their people....challenging the MIGHTY SATAN, to impress the downtrodden, women, children, and goat lovers. Nothing more, nothing less.

YES...they are testing OBAMA. Not the Navy, or the commanding officers. They know Obama is a coward, and his RULES OF ENGAGEMENT are simply Bowing Down, Kissing Butt, and Apologizing for WE THE PEOPLE...being such a threat to ALLAH SNACKBAR.

08-26-2016, 09:53 PM
The US ship did shoot warning shots:


First on CNN: US fires warning shots at Iranian vessel after close encounterBy Barbara Starr (http://www.cnn.com/profiles/barbara-starr-profile), Nicole Gaouette (http://www.cnn.com/profiles/nicole-gaouette), Jim Sciutto (http://www.cnn.com/profiles/jim-sciutto) and Jennifer Rizzo (http://www.cnn.com/profiles/jennifer-rizzo), CNN

Updated 8:49 PM ET, Thu August 25, 2016

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: CNN, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700;">(CNN)</cite>A US Navy patrol craft fired three warning shots at an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps boat Wednesday after US officials said it had harassed that patrol craft, CNN has learned.

Another US patrol craft and a Kuwaiti Navy ship were also harassed in the incident, which took place in the northern end of the Persian Gulf.

At one point, the Iranian boat came within 200 yards of one of the US Navy boats. When it failed to leave the area after the Navy had fired flares and had a radio conversation with the Iranian crew, the US officials said, the USS Squall fired three warning shots. Following standard maritime procedures, the Navy fired the three shots into the water to ensure the Iranians understood they needed to leave the immediate area.


08-27-2016, 12:28 AM
The US ship did shoot warning shots:


SOP...Standard Operating Procedure. Rules of Engagement (ROE).

Warning Shots first...
Disabling Fire...(not too many gunboats can withstand a .50 cal or 25mm deck gun)..
Destructive Fire...blow the damn thing up.

They tossed the coin, and Obama hid again.

08-27-2016, 03:01 PM
SOP...Standard Operating Procedure. Rules of Engagement (ROE).

Warning Shots first...
Disabling Fire...(not too many gunboats can withstand a .50 cal or 25mm deck gun)..
Destructive Fire...blow the damn thing up.

They tossed the coin, and Obama hid again.

Got an old saying: easier to get forgiveness than permission. You attack MY damned boat and everyone goes inside the skin of the ship and the Seawhiz's get turned on.

08-27-2016, 03:02 PM
The Iranians, and Saddam's frail little fleet of Towel Wavers....DID THE SAME THINGS.

They only do it to get the attention of their people....challenging the MIGHTY SATAN, to impress the downtrodden, women, children, and goat lovers. Nothing more, nothing less.

YES...they are testing OBAMA. Not the Navy, or the commanding officers. They know Obama is a coward, and his RULES OF ENGAGEMENT are simply Bowing Down, Kissing Butt, and Apologizing for WE THE PEOPLE...being such a threat to ALLAH SNACKBAR.

I remember that crap. I used to laugh at them. Ain't a whole bunch of entertainment doing a combat box off the for forever.

08-28-2016, 09:15 PM
The problem is that Iran has realized that Obama is a spineless.... well let's say "pansy".

08-28-2016, 09:48 PM
The problem is that Iran has realized that Obama is a spineless.... well let's say "pansy".

Just how RIGHT can on person be? :beer:

08-28-2016, 10:10 PM
Just how RIGHT can on person be? :beer:

You talking about Russ or O-blah-blah? Because the latter is pretty good proof of how WRONG one can be.

08-28-2016, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE=Gunny;831131]You talking about Russ or O-blah-blah? @Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576) being right, Silly. El shakes the wax out of your ears.:laugh:

08-28-2016, 10:27 PM
[QUOTE=Gunny;831131]You talking about Russ or O-blah-blah? @Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576) being right Silly. El shakes the wax out of your ears.:laugh:

Sarcasm, Squid. :slap:

08-29-2016, 11:03 AM
You talking about Russ or O-blah-blah? Because the latter is pretty good proof of how WRONG one can be.

Certainly not Russ!....You guess, then Goof!

Obama lacks spine and stones, period!

08-29-2016, 11:07 AM

Sarcasm, Squid. :slap:

Not a Squid...that would be like me calling you an Army ground-pounder.
Coasties are NOT Squids. Squids are for kids.
(No offense to Navy or Army, by the way):laugh:

08-29-2016, 07:42 PM
Every sailor on every ship in the Persian Gulf who laughs at the Iranian's when they come out to harass.....PROBABLY dreams of hearing, and watching, as the CWIS removes all of those TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY...and TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT from their radar screens.

I know I would, as the WAR MONGER Obama has called me, and other Veterans who are also HOME GROWN TERRORISTS.....according to Democrats...3 to 4 Thousand Rounds Per Minute???


Abbey Marie
09-07-2016, 11:26 AM
It's happening again.

Updated: Iranian Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Patrol Coastal Ship In Persian Gulf

By: Megan Eckstein and Sam LaGrone (https://news.usni.org/author/meckstein)

September 6, 2016 11:55 AM • Updated: <time style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-family: inherit;">September 6, 2016 1:32 PM</time>

A U.S. Navy patrol coastal ship was harassed by seven Iranian vessels on Sunday and narrowly avoided colliding with one, in the latest in a string of incidents in the Persian Gulf.
Seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) fast in-shore attack craft (FIAC) approached USS Firebolt (PC-10) while it was operating in international waters in the central Persian Gulf on Sept. 4, a defense official told USNI News.
Three of the FIACs maneuvered close to Firebolt, mirroring the ship’s course and speed at a distance of about 500 yards for about eight minutes before leaving. Another FIAC then sped towards Firebolt and stopped directly in front of the ship, causing theFirebolt crew to maneuver to avoid a collision. The U.S. ship and Iranian FIAC came within 100 yards of one another, the defense official said.

Separate from the regular Iranian Navy, the IRGCN answers directly to the Iranian sectarian government and is given blanket leave to act “boldly and courageously” in the performance of its duties, a former defense official told USNI News. Since 2007, the IRGCN has been in charge of Iran’s costal defense since then has precipitated several international maritime incidents in and around the Persian Gulf.

09-07-2016, 05:28 PM
It's happening again.

A U.S. Navy patrol coastal ship was harassed by seven Iranian vessels on Sunday and narrowly avoided colliding with one, in the latest in a string of incidents in the Persian Gulf.
Seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) fast in-shore attack craft (FIAC) approached USS Firebolt (PC-10) while it was operating in international waters in the central Persian Gulf on Sept. 4, a defense official told USNI News.
Three of the FIACs maneuvered close to Firebolt, mirroring the ship’s course and speed at a distance of about 500 yards for about eight minutes before leaving. Another FIAC then sped towards Firebolt and stopped directly in front of the ship, causing theFirebolt crew to maneuver to avoid a collision. The U.S. ship and Iranian FIAC came within 100 yards of one another, the defense official said.

Separate from the regular Iranian Navy, the IRGCN answers directly to the Iranian sectarian government and is given blanket leave to act “boldly and courageously” in the performance of its duties, a former defense official told USNI News. Since 2007, the IRGCN has been in charge of Iran’s costal defense since then has precipitated several international maritime incidents in and around the Persian Gulf.

and a Russian fighter came within 10 feet of one of our spy planes today:


Leading from behind is going to be very dangerous in the coming months. Truth is, the military must be getting close to pushing for a 'natural consequences' lesson here.

09-07-2016, 06:36 PM
USS Firebolt should have cut that boat in half.

Where is our spineless CIC?


09-07-2016, 07:21 PM
USS Firebolt should have cut that boat in half.

Where is our spineless CIC?


Just a reminder Elessar.....WE DO NOT HAVE A LIGIT "CIC", with the energy, knowhow, or dedication to obeying his FALST OATH OF OFFICE.

The Iranians KNOW....Obama's orders to all branches of our military say "PLAY NICE-CUT & RUN".