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View Full Version : August most violent month in Chicago in 20 years

08-31-2016, 06:43 AM
This should receive non-stop coverage from the MSM. This should receive attention from the police in that state, as well as the government, and maybe find a way to intervene with this issue getting out of hand for so long. Those so concerned with lives mattering, this is where they need to move to and try and help. It's just getting worse and worse and worse.


CHICAGO — August is going down as the most violent month in Chicago in 20 years, as weekend shootings raised the number of homicides this year to just a few shy of all of last year.

A total of 67 people were shot over the weekend and 11 of them died. It was one of the deadliest weekends this year and pushed the number of homicides for the month to 84 with three more days to go, according to data collected by the Tribune.

The city hasn’t seen a month with 80 or more homicides since October of 1996, which logged 85. August of that year also saw 85 homicides and June of that year saw 90.

Chicago has a lower homicide rate than many other U.S. cities that are smaller in population. But this year, the city has recorded more homicides and shooting victims than New York City and Los Angeles combined.

Chicago has recorded 487 homicides and more than 2,800 people shot so far this year, compared to 491 homicides all of last year and 2,988 people shot, according to Tribune and CPD data.


Chicago gangs no longer know or fear the police, and bodies pile up

The dead multiply in Chicago, the fruit of the gang wars ripening in August.

With at least 78 killed so far, August is the deadliest month in nearly 20 years, according to a Tribune analysis. It's all but certain that the city's homicide total will push beyond the 491 dead of last year.

And people in those Chicago neighborhoods that have become killing fields look with dread toward the Labor Day weekend. So do City Hall and the police.

Twenty-five years ago, August 1991 was also an exceptionally bloody month in Chicago, with 122 homicides, the most in the city's modern history, according to police figures.

Mayor Richard M. Daley was in panic because he knew it would get worse. And it did. In 1992, the city hit 943 homicides, after 928 the year before.


08-31-2016, 06:48 AM
THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW...... oh ...wait .... never mind

08-31-2016, 08:10 AM
It's not just Chicago, though there is a special place for politics in Chicago. This also addresses one of the issues Rev and I discussed about proactive and reactive policing:


AUGUST 31, 2016
JOHN KASS: Chicago gangs no longer know or fear the police, and bodies pile up. (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-chicago-violence-kass-0831-20160830-column.html)

As a political man, Daley was happy to have real data to calm nervous white neighborhoods. He’d been the law and order candidate, offering stability to business leaders.

But parts of the black South and West sides were a different story.

“The shooter was typically a male black between the ages of 17 and 23,” O’Connor said. “And the victim was typically a male black between the ages of 17 and 23. So what’s changed since the ’90s? Not much, the same social pathology, and the police are expected to clean it up.”

Some call it “gun violence,” a definition greatly appreciated by Democratic politicians like those at City Hall. They can point to guns and take that voter anger over homicide numbers and channel it into a safe space.

But there are plenty of guns in the suburbs, and suburbanites aren’t slaughtering each other.
It’s the gang wars.

Politicians know that the gangs are reason for the deaths. Calling it “gun violence” is much safer, especially in wards where gangs often provide political muscle.

“Have you ever heard a Chicago alderman call out a street gang by name?” O’Connor asked. “No? Me neither.”

Flashback: Chicago Politicians Are In Bed With The Gangs. (http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/January-2012/Gangs-and-Politicians-An-Unholy-Alliance/) Needless to say, they’re all Democrats.

08-31-2016, 08:17 AM
I posted that within one post here, but don't wanna step on any toes!! http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?56234-August-most-violent-month-in-Chicago-in-20-years

08-31-2016, 08:21 AM
I posted that within one post here, but don't wanna step on any toes!! http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?56234-August-most-violent-month-in-Chicago-in-20-years

Merge them, this gives some reasoning for the 'why' of politics in urban areas.

08-31-2016, 08:26 AM
Chicago’s Murder Rate Spirals Out of Control: Curiously not a story for the MSM

We turn our attention once again to the city of Chicago, where, as of this writing, 2,858 people have been shot and 487 have been killed so far this year (both numbers will surely be higher by the time you read this). The website HeyJackass.com tabulates these and other figures related to crime in Chicago, and it reports that on average someone is shot every two hours and murdered every twelve. But these averages are for the year overall; we are now in the prime shooting season of summer, and the averages for August approximate to someone being shot every ninety minutes and murdered every eight hours. August, says the Chicago Tribune, has been the most violent month in Chicago in 20 years.

Despite these grim numbers, there persists among many the notion that it is the city’s police officers who bear the greatest share of blame for all that ails Chicago. Propagating this myth most recently is this same Chicago Tribune, which on Friday published a story about the 435 police shootings that occurred in Chicago between 2010 and 2015.

The story begins by noting that over the six years examined, a Chicago police officer fired at someone every five days, killing 92 people and wounding 170. “While a few of those incidents captured widespread attention,” says the Tribune, “they occurred with such brutal regularity — and with scant information provided by police — that most have escaped public scrutiny.”


09-01-2016, 02:40 PM
Black Lives Matter