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View Full Version : Cal State LA offers segregated housing for black students

09-06-2016, 12:22 PM
WTF? No matter where everyone stands on racial issues - could ANYONE think that this is a good idea? Separation only leads to continued separation.

So first there is a long fight to do away with segregation, and now these idiots think segregation is now a good thing? I wonder if they will install different drinking fountains, one for whites and one for coloreds?

UConn, UC Davis & Berkeley. Only liberals can think this shit is a good idea.


‘A safe space for Black CSLA students …’

California State University Los Angeles recently rolled out segregated housing for black students.

The arrangement comes roughly nine months after the university’s Black Student Union issued a set of demands in response to what its members contend are frequent “racist attacks” on campus, such as “racially insensitive remarks” and “microaggressions” by professors and students. One demand was for a “CSLA housing space delegated for Black students.”

“[It] would provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students. This space would also serve as a safe space for Black CSLA students to congregate, connect, and learn from each other,” the demand letter stated.


09-06-2016, 02:10 PM
Kind of ironic when one considers how hard their grandparents fought for desegregation... Sad really...

09-06-2016, 02:33 PM
Kind of ironic when one considers how hard their grandparents fought for desegregation... Sad really...

And look at it from another angle... can you imagine of schools started giving students a way to have the whites segregate themselves from blacks on purpose? The racial cries would burst my eardrums from here.

09-06-2016, 02:37 PM
And look at it from another angle... can you imagine of schools started giving students a way to have the whites segregate themselves from blacks on purpose? The racial cries would burst my eardrums from here.

Well that's just different... That would be racist...

09-06-2016, 08:34 PM
WTF? No matter where everyone stands on racial issues - could ANYONE think that this is a good idea? Separation only leads to continued separation.

Yes. This is a great idea. Groups should be able to segregate themselves if they so desire.

09-08-2016, 02:09 PM
I didn't go too crazy into reading more about this crap, but I have to wonder about the legality. What if some white folks did in fact follow suit - do you think some would find it illegal for this "segregation"? Of course they would.


Cal State Los Angeles Brings Back 'Separate But Equal'

Eight years ago, we were promised a post-racial society. After all, the country had elected its first black president. Clearly, racism was as close to dead as we were going to get it, right?

Then, reality hit. We're not even close and, in fact, race relations have gotten even worse. Students are openly advertising for roommates who aren't white, and it's allowed.

Now, taxpayer-funded Cal State University-Los Angeles is offering an entire dorm where white folks aren't allowed:

Segregated housing will now be available to black students at California State University Los Angeles as a means of combating “microaggressions” and “racially insensitive remarks.”

School officials have honored requests by CSLA's Black Student Union and will offer “housing space delegated for Black students” at the Halisi Scholars Black Living-Learning Community.

CSLA spokesman Robert Lopez told education watchdog the College Fix on Tuesday via email that its segregated housing will also focus on “academic excellence and learning experiences that are inclusive and non-discriminatory.”

Mr. Lopez declined to tell the website how much of CSLA’s 192-room residential complex were available for segregated housing. University officials, members of the Black Student Union, and other campus staffers also declined to comment for the website’s piece.

Some of the demands issued by CSLA's Black Student Union include a $30 million dollar scholarship endowment to assist black students, a new anti-discrimination policy and cultural competency course for faculty and students, the College Fix reported.

The irony of demanding anti-discrimination policies while demanding housing that discriminates was apparently lost on the Black Student Union.

Long live Jim Crow, apparently.


09-08-2016, 02:19 PM
One cannot fight nature except for so long. There is a natural order of things.

09-08-2016, 05:33 PM
Whites will be subjected to less crime. But for Blacks, they'll be subjected to more crime.

09-09-2016, 12:41 PM
Seems they like the idea of an ignore list instead of life skills.