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View Full Version : Seven Email Scandal Revelations

09-06-2016, 02:56 PM
I know there are a million threads on this email issue - but deservedly so. Everyone needs to know ALL of the facts, and sometimes you learn more and more as time goes on - like Hillary deleting emails that were under subpoena, for example. This is just the latest 7 issues. I'm cutting out the pictures and trying to narrow this to just the 7 things - go to site to see pictures and twitter crap.


(1) Based on a clarified timeline, it appears clear that Mrs. Clinton's team began its work to permanently scrub and destroy her email archives -- elements of which were under Congressional subpoena at the time (read more here) -- after the New York Times first reported the existence of her improper and unsecure server. Mrs. Clinton tweeted in early March that she wanted the State Department to make all of her emails public. Weeks later, following what an aide described as the "oh sh*t" moment of the server's discovery, Team Hillary set about using BleachBit technology to purge vast numbers of emails -- thousands of which we now know were work-related, including dozens of highly classified chains:

This is crazy. 3 weeks after NYT publish Clinton email server story, there was a big wipe of her emails conducted

A few weeks after the NYT disclosed that Hillary Clinton had a private email account, her archive inbox was deleted.

(2) Mrs. Clinton's initial publicly-stated rationale for setting up her national security-endangering private server in the first place was that it facilitated the "convenience" of using a single mobile device. This excuse was quickly debunked by both public records and Clinton's own public statements about using several such devices concurrently. On Friday, the public learned that Hillary used at least 13 mobile devices during her tenure at State. Why so many? An astonishing detail:

MORE: Clinton aides said she often replaced her Blackberry and whereabouts of the old device would 'frequently become unknown' - FBI

She lost an unspecified number of these Blackberry phones. Ultimately, "the FBI was unable to acquire or forensically examine any of these 13 mobile devices,” according to the documents, although they managed to determine that when the whereabouts of her old devices did not "become unknown," one of her staffers would beat them with a hammer. Hillary Clinton was personally warned by State Department security officials on two separate occasions that using non-secure, private mobile devices for official business posed a risk to state secrets. Remember, she wasn't supposed to be sending or receiving any classified material on an unsecure system in the first place. Despite these explicit admonitions, she continued her conduct anyway -- then misplaced an unknown number of these unauthorized devices, packed with sensitive intelligence, on multiple occasions. Mind-boggling.

(3) James Comey stated in his press conference and in Congressional testimony that it was very likely that outside actors were able to penetrate Clinton's unsecure server. The Clinton campaign seized on his phrasing and framing in order to claim that the feds had produced no 'direct evidence' definitively proving that the server had been compromised. This talking point was always a desperate, non-credible stretch. Now it's dead:

An unknown individual using the encrypted privacy tool Tor to hide their tracks accessed an email account on a Clinton family server, the FBI revealed Friday. The incident appears to be the first confirmed intrusion into a piece of hardware associated with Hillary Clinton’s private email system, which originated with a server established for her husband, former President Bill Clinton. The FBI disclosed the event in its newly released report on the former secretary of state’s handling of classified information. According to the bureau’s review of server logs, someone accessed an email account on Jan. 5, 2013, using three IP addresses known to serve as Tor “exit nodes” — jumping-off points from the anonymity network to the public internet. The owner of the account, whose name is redacted in the report, said she was “not familiar with nor [had] she ever used Tor software.” Clinton left the State Department less than a month after the intrusion.

In all likelihood -- based on Comey's judgment, the reasoning of several top administration and intelligence officials, and the sophistication of our adversaries -- this breach was one of many.

(4) One potential method of recovering thousands of improperly-destroyed Clinton emails would involve accessing key hard drives that hadn't yet been wiped clean. As Katie mentioned over the weekend, one such hard drive magically disappeared in the mail: "Someone whose name was redacted in the FBI report told the agency that he later deleted the e-mails from the laptop but didn’t wipe its hard drive. A computer technician can often recover such e-mails that have been deleted but not permanently erased from a laptop’s memory. The FBI sought the laptop as part of its investigation, but it’s whereabouts remain unknown, the bureau said: The last time the laptop was seen was when it was put in the mail," Bloomberg reported:

The FBI says a laptop that held @HillaryClinton’s emails has gone missing http://bloom.bg/2bR06UV

(5) Among the many, many things Mrs. Clinton claimed she "could not recall" during her FBI interview -- at which several potential co-conspirators were shockingly permitted to be present, acting as her lawyers -- was whether she ever received mandatory training on the proper handling of classified materials and the archiving of public records under federal law. But public documents show that she swore in a binding 2009 nondisclosure agreement that she had done so. Recall that her nondisclosure forms also proved that she was aware that it was her duty to protect secrets regardless of whether or not they were formally "marked classified," undercutting yet another piece of Clinton email spin:

Either @HillaryClinton lied to the FBI, or lied on her State Dept. non-disclosure agreement (see composite below)

(6) Lying to the FBI is a crime. Will this inconsistency be waved away as just another instance of Mrs. Clinton's inability to recall things accurately? Were there privately-owned computers and devices (improperly) located inside the secure areas of her personal residences, or not?

HRC told the FBI she had no computers in the SCIF at her house. But they found that she did.

Top aides contradicted Hillary on whether she had privately-owned computers/devices inside SCIF areas of her homes:

(7) Last but not least, Mrs. Clinton told investigators that she didn't realize that "(C)" markings on some emails stood for "confidential" -- a classification designation that she had repeatedly claimed did not exist on any of the emails housed on her server (an irrelevant distinction, for reasons already established). Her explanation for this alleged misunderstanding is an insultingly stupid howler:

Clinton told the FBI she thought the (C) classified marking on emails was a way to put paragraphs in alphabetical order.

Oh come on. Eight years in the Senate, and four as SecState and she can't identify classified markings?


09-06-2016, 03:04 PM
I have to wonder about the legality of Hillary or anyone on her team deleting ANYTHING once congress was involved. But never mind, even if laws were broken, "what does it matter now?"


Lawmaker: Probe deleted Clinton emails cited in FBI report

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican chairman of the House committee investigating Hillary Clinton's email practices asked a federal prosecutor Tuesday to determine whether she or others working with her played a role in the deletion of thousands of her emails by a Colorado technology firm overseeing her private computer server in 2015.

The written request by Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and obtained by The Associated Press, is based on recent revelations from the FBI, which decided not to press for criminal charges after its own yearlong investigation.

Clinton and her longtime aide and lawyer, Cheryl Mills, told FBI investigators during questioning that they had no knowledge of the deletions. Those occurred separately from the email deletions overseen by the former secretary of state's legal team last year before she turned over 33,000 work-related messages to the State Department. The FBI's recently released summaries of its investigation did not offer any evidence contradicting their statements.

In a separate letter also obtained by the AP, Chaffetz — the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman — warned the Denver-based tech firm, which hosted Clinton's server, that one of its engineers who deleted Clinton's electronic files last year could face federal charges of obstructing justice and destroying evidence for erasing the material. That's because the congressional inquiry into the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were killed, had issued a formal order on March 3, 2015, to preserve such records.


09-06-2016, 05:38 PM
She is full of Shit.

When you sign that non-disclosure statement, you swear to abide by it. Prior to
signing, you have to go through training to identify FOUO, Agency Sensitive, Confidential(C),
Secret(S), and Top Secret(TS).

You also agree to not use personal portable devices like blackberry or Smart
Phone to conduct official business.

And liberals want this fool to have one part of the keys to the football?