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View Full Version : Muslims complain about town's 9/11 memorial

09-06-2016, 03:09 PM
Too bad if they don't like the facts, and so many good people being memorialized.



A group of New York Muslims has taken offense at a small town’s new memorial honoring those who died in the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier fired off a letter to city leaders in Owego – alleging that words engraved in the granite memorial would encourage hatred toward Muslims.

The memorial, which will be dedicated on Saturday, identifies those responsible for the attacks as “Islamic terrorists.”

That’s a problem for the Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier, based in nearby Johnson City, N.Y.

A spokesperson told our Fox television affiliate that having the words “Islamic terrorists” on the monument is a “broad brush against the many Muslims who live in the Southern Tier.”

“They want us to change the word from ‘Islamic Terrorist’ to either ‘terrorist’ or ‘Al Qaeda terrorist,’” City Manager Donald Castelluci told me. “I sent them back an email saying I disagreed with their premise 100 percent.”


09-06-2016, 05:24 PM
I guess they forgot there were Muslims in the World Trade Center buildings that were killed.

09-06-2016, 06:30 PM
Too bad if they don't like the facts, and so many good people being memorialized.



A group of New York Muslims has taken offense at a small town’s new memorial honoring those who died in the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier fired off a letter to city leaders in Owego – alleging that words engraved in the granite memorial would encourage hatred toward Muslims.

The memorial, which will be dedicated on Saturday, identifies those responsible for the attacks as “Islamic terrorists.”

That’s a problem for the Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier, based in nearby Johnson City, N.Y.

A spokesperson told our Fox television affiliate that having the words “Islamic terrorists” on the monument is a “broad brush against the many Muslims who live in the Southern Tier.”

“They want us to change the word from ‘Islamic Terrorist’ to either ‘terrorist’ or ‘Al Qaeda terrorist,’” City Manager Donald Castelluci told me. “I sent them back an email saying I disagreed with their premise 100 percent.”


I'm sure the real truth is that they'd much rather the memorial didn't exist at all. Since it does, they have to find an excuse to attack it.

Sanitising Islam, and acts of barbarity done in its name and its 'furtherance'. This is always what we see. Yet ... the attacks go on. The record of Islamic terrorism is relentless, added to across the world virtually daily. This is the truth .. that Muslims would prefer we were all permanently blind to.

Such blindness fuels its continuation, of course ...

09-06-2016, 07:12 PM
ONLY ONE AMERICAN thing to tell them.

"If you dislike being in America, and the way we honor fellow HUMAN BEINGS. Time for you to leave, and go somewhere else that supports your hatred for America."

09-07-2016, 03:28 PM
My apologies to the Fairer Sex for the following announcement
