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View Full Version : Does Hillary have Parkinson's Disease?

Abbey Marie
09-07-2016, 01:00 AM
This video is a bit long, but I think you will be as fascinated as I was to watch the whole thing. Lots of things seem to be adding up.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Zr1IDQ2V1eM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

09-07-2016, 01:28 AM
He makes a pretty strong case.

Most convincing was when that aide rushed up on the stage when she froze and kind of jump-started her back to functioning.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2016, 06:42 AM
We can only hope....
Nothing is too bad for her or that bastard husband that she conspires with in corruption.... -Tyr

Abbey Marie
09-07-2016, 08:17 AM
He makes a pretty strong case.

Most convincing was when that aide rushed up on the stage when she froze and kind of jump-started her back to functioning.

I realize that editing can fool us, but there is so much actual footage here. It is pretty convincing.

09-08-2016, 09:41 AM
If so, then it should be revealed, IMO. Many in the news are being booed at for daring bring up her potential health problems. Something definitely ain't right with her.

09-09-2016, 09:12 PM
Parkinsons Patients are BAD LIARS!


We'd probably like to blame that hypothetical for Hillary's LIES. But I just believe. SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL LIAR.

Abbey Marie
09-11-2016, 01:37 PM
More indicia of this disease? Look how she stumbles twice. Only when she starts to walk is there a problem. This does not look primarily heat-related to me.

<iframe width="476" height="267" src="http://6abc.com/video/embed/?pid=1507052" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

09-11-2016, 04:28 PM
I really do not want to wish a person has such a disease, but
if she is that infirm....

Get rid of her and get her to care. All of her lies and pandering
do not help this image given us.

09-11-2016, 04:36 PM
The videos appear to show traits of a neurological condition, which could be one of many things (I'm not sure why they singled out Parkinson's disease) certainly my partner suffered from a condition that had very similar expressions such as tremors, difficultly walking, blackouts, slowed brain function... Nothing to do with Parkinson's.

09-11-2016, 04:45 PM
The videos appear to show traits of a neurological condition, which could be one of many things (I'm not sure why they singled out Parkinson's disease) certainly my partner suffered from a condition that had very similar expressions such as tremors, difficultly walking, blackouts, slowed brain function... Nothing to do with Parkinson's.

Bottom line is if she is that infirm, she should be disqualified or drop out.
Delusion can be a terrible condition.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2016, 05:59 PM
Bottom line is if she is that infirm, she should be disqualified or drop out.
Delusion can be a terrible condition.

The dem party cares not for such qualifications as good morals, good health and high intelligence..
No sir, only being America hating- liberal , Christian hating gay/black, trans/muslim criminal loving dem politician counts...
All that God and patriotic country loving crap is for fools, and scum -- according to those ffing pieces of shit..
Sad but true..... -Tyr

09-11-2016, 06:14 PM
More indicia of this disease? Look how she stumbles twice. Only when she starts to walk is there a problem. This does not look primarily heat-related to me.

<iframe width="476" height="267" src="http://6abc.com/video/embed/?pid=1507052" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Doesn't it seem odd to anyone how there were probably, ten's of thousands of people there this morning, and ONLY Hillary was affected by the heat, or dehydration that caused her to stumble to her car, with people holding her up???

If she has pneumonia, at her age (My age soon). Shouldn't her doctors insist she be in a hospital"


09-11-2016, 07:42 PM
The videos appear to show traits of a neurological condition, which could be one of many things (I'm not sure why they singled out Parkinson's disease) certainly my partner suffered from a condition that had very similar expressions such as tremors, difficultly walking, blackouts, slowed brain function... Nothing to do with Parkinson's.

Is your Mother dying as mine is, and there is nothing can be done with it?

Are you a medical expert?

Abbey Marie
09-11-2016, 07:51 PM
Is your Mother dying as mine is, and there is nothing can be done with it?

Are you a medical expert?

I'm so sorry, Elessar.

09-11-2016, 08:02 PM
Is your Mother dying as mine is, and there is nothing can be done with it?

Are you a medical expert?

I too am sorry about your Mother. Thank you for your service on 9/11 in particular, but also for all the years.

09-11-2016, 11:50 PM
More indicia of this disease? Look how she stumbles twice. Only when she starts to walk is there a problem. This does not look primarily heat-related to me.

<iframe src="http://6abc.com/video/embed/?pid=1507052" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="267" width="476"></iframe>

Now they claim she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. And yet she has been coughing for a year, and collapsing, falling and getting "overheated" . There is definitely something terribly wrong with her. I was diagnosed with graves disease in April. And when I saw that video, it reminded me of just how terribly sick I was before I was diagnosed and treated.
With that said. It should be of great concern for all of us. I have to wonder if her heart is really into this running for President thing. Her family needs to intervene. I have to wonder if anyone that is "close" to her, even gives a damn about her health. At least we know why she disappears for long periods of time. She is physically unfit to be President.


09-12-2016, 02:59 AM
Are you a medical expert?

Nope, but I know enough about a little slice or two, as I said I'm not sure why the specified her having Parkinson's rather than just a neurological condition because the traits she's displaying could relate to multiple conditions.

09-12-2016, 05:40 AM
Now they claim she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. And yet she has been coughing for a year, and collapsing, falling and getting "overheated" . There is definitely something terribly wrong with her. I was diagnosed with graves disease in April. And when I saw that video, it reminded me of just how terribly sick I was before I was diagnosed and treated.
With that said. It should be of great concern for all of us. I have to wonder if her heart is really into this running for President thing. Her family needs to intervene. I have to wonder if anyone that is "close" to her, even gives a damn about her health. At least we know why she disappears for long periods of time. She is physically unfit to be President.


I suspect that her family has intervened .. to keep her doing exactly what she HAS been doing.

Power is everything ...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2016, 08:40 AM
Now they claim she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. And yet she has been coughing for a year, and collapsing, falling and getting "overheated" . There is definitely something terribly wrong with her. I was diagnosed with graves disease in April. And when I saw that video, it reminded me of just how terribly sick I was before I was diagnosed and treated.
With that said. It should be of great concern for all of us. I have to wonder if her heart is really into this running for President thing. Her family needs to intervene. I have to wonder if anyone that is "close" to her, even gives a damn about her health. At least we know why she disappears for long periods of time. She is physically unfit to be President.


Whatever she has, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving soul IMHO.
I despise both of them almost as I do the obama maggot and his piece of shit wife..-Tyr

Abbey Marie
09-13-2016, 11:21 PM
Remember that metal thing that dropped out of Hillary's pant leg? Just read this on FB. Maybe someone can confirm the device is genuine.

It may be a shot in the dark but in my research on Hillary's health problems I may have found the answer to why she is always wearing large and bulky outfits. In Sunday's video something was seen falling out from under Hillary's right trouser to the ground as she was starting to move and many were wondering what it might be. I read in a post from a medical person that they think it may be a piece of a Haptic bracelet which has several uses but one is for the treatment of Parkinson's. They are devices that are worn on the wrist, ankle and a device around the waist. It senses when a Parkinson's sufferer goes into a freeze or tremor and administers medication.This would explain Hillary's use of large clothing even in high temperatures in order to conceal these devices.

Abbey Marie
09-13-2016, 11:42 PM
Possibly on the device:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2016, 05:58 AM
Possibly on the device:


If this were Trump, there would be a nationwide demand that independent doctors verify the health of the candidate running for the most powerful position in the world!
Because its a Clinton and a dem- the lying, liberal media yet again covers for her.
She has a major illness(disqualifying) -no doubt about it in my mind.-Tyr

09-14-2016, 06:52 AM
The last 45 seconds of that video show his agenda and bias. Need a neutral diagnosis from a medical doctor. The only sites paying attention to this idea are nutjob sites. I wonder why...

09-14-2016, 07:57 AM
The last 45 seconds of that video show his agenda and bias. Need a neutral diagnosis from a medical doctor. The only sites paying attention to this idea are nutjob sites. I wonder why...

I'll take "The left wing, Lap Dog Media is protecting the Hildabeast, for $200.00 Alex

09-14-2016, 08:04 AM
I'll take "The left wing, Lap Dog Media is protecting the Hildabeast, for $200.00 Alex

I'll take if nothing goes my way I'll be lame and blame the lib media for $200 Alex.

09-14-2016, 08:26 AM
There are only two reasons I can see for Hillary to say on Sunday that she was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia -

Truth - She actually was diagnosed by her doctor on Friday that she has pneumonia. I've had pneumonia, and I can vouch for the fact that she might feel light-headed and have to leave the memorial ceremony. I could have been making her cough for the last week or two (but not more than that). It might have made her have a hard time getting into a van. But it would NOT make her collapse like on the video. That looked like she either seized or lost consciousness.
I also question why she didn't say on Friday that she has pneumonia, but maybe she's worried about the impression it would make. Or maybe she just not used to telling the truth. But I would like the media to check if she actually visited her personal doctor on Friday.

False - I think she does NOT have pneumonia. She has something worse. Something neurological, like Parkinson's. Pneumonia would be the best cover story I could think of that would kink of match the video, and the leaving early, and the coughing. And it is something that she can say "I'm all better now!" about in a short time. Of course it doesn't explain the metal device, or the leaving debates for extended break times, or the coughing several months ago, or the freezing on stage, or the paramedic guy.

09-14-2016, 08:45 AM
I'll take if nothing goes my way I'll be lame and blame the lib media for $200 Alex.

But then, you wouldn't blame the lib media, would you :laugh:

09-14-2016, 08:52 AM
There are only two reasons I can see for Hillary to say on Sunday that she was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia -

Truth - She actually was diagnosed by her doctor on Friday that she has pneumonia. I've had pneumonia, and I can vouch for the fact that she might feel light-headed and have to leave the memorial ceremony. I could have been making her cough for the last week or two (but not more than that). It might have made her have a hard time getting into a van. But it would NOT make her collapse like on the video. That looked like she either seized or lost consciousness.
I also question why she didn't say on Friday that she has pneumonia, but maybe she's worried about the impression it would make. Or maybe she just not used to telling the truth. But I would like the media to check if she actually visited her personal doctor on Friday.

False - I think she does NOT have pneumonia. She has something worse. Something neurological, like Parkinson's. Pneumonia would be the best cover story I could think of that would kink of match the video, and the leaving early, and the coughing. And it is something that she can say "I'm all better now!" about in a short time. Of course it doesn't explain the metal device, or the leaving debates for extended break times, or the coughing several months ago, or the freezing on stage, or the paramedic guy.

The Protective Branch of the Secret Service obviously was over-ridden in policy. She should have been brought to one of the preselected emergency departments versus the Mezvinsky home.

Why would she avoid a medical center? She has insurance (and plenty of money to pay for care)

The ONLY logical explanation, she has something to hide.

And lying does come so quickly (and easily) to the Clinton's :crossbones:

09-14-2016, 05:20 PM
Now it's the FLU.


Bill Clinton accidentally downgrades Hillary's diagnosis to 'the flu' (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/bill-clinton-hillary-flu-pneumonia-228164)

the Clinton's never liked the Mark Twain quote
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."

09-14-2016, 05:29 PM
This close up shot shows that some small piece of metal is falling from Hillary's pants suit.


I think it may be a piece of metal from the shrapnel she got while dodging sniper fire when landing in Bosnia.
that's the ticket.


09-14-2016, 06:33 PM
This close up shot shows that some small piece of metal is falling from Hillary's pants suit.

I think it may be a piece of metal from the shrapnel she got while dodging sniper fire when landing in Bosnia.
that's the ticket.

Excellent! :laugh2:

09-15-2016, 08:34 PM
Excellent! :laugh2:

Can't help but to agree with you on that one rev. But I do believe...if that was metal falling. It was probably from not being OILED, as she stood in the forest as the TIN LADY, with hopes of getting a HEART...from Dr. OZ. But Donald Trump beat her to the punch, where he HAD COURAGE, A HEART, and A BRAIN.:laugh: And she just wishes nobody notices how her LIES never fool the WIZARD.:laugh:

09-15-2016, 08:59 PM

metal clip shrapnel drop video was removed.. thankfully many others have posted it.

09-16-2016, 04:20 PM
Hillary’s Pneumonia: What The Clinton-Protecting Media Aren’t Telling You Is A VERY BIG Deal

After Hillary Clinton’s “health scare” on Sunday, even the Washington Post’s prominent politics blogger did an abrupt about-face, declaring that the Democrat nominee’s health just became a “real issue in the presidential campaign.”

And the Post’s Chris Cillizza wasn’t alone in his admission that he was, essentially, wrong to dismiss with extreme prejudice earlier concerns about Hillary’s health raised by a number of people. There was NBC’s Andrea Mitchell — who jumps to Clinton’s defense at virtually every opportunity — contributing to a stunning report acknowledging that the medical condition of the former secretary of state has now moved “from the fringes to the center” of the 2016 race for the White House.

But the reluctant explanation by Hillary’s personal doctor that the candidate was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday before the 9/11 commemoration ceremony at which Clinton fell ill didn’t tell the whole story…and neither did the mainstream media reports that followed.

The NBC News piece, titled “Hillary Clinton’s Health Scare: 9 Unanswered Questions,” raises serious concerns about the honesty and forthrightness of the campaign. Why try to hide salient facts, especially in light of Clinton’s severe coughing attacks?

“Clinton’s campaign appears to have, at best, withheld information from the public and — at worst — misled them by aggressively batting down ‘conspiracy theories’ that her coughing fit was anything more than allergies,” wrote the five NBC reporters, including Mitchell, who contributed to the scathing analysis.

Indeed, sounds like a familiar theme relating to Hillary’s terrible polling on trustworthiness, and only fuels widening speculation that Clinton is sneaky and deceptive.


Over the course of the last couple of weeks, Clinton’s doctor, Lisa Bardack, has said her patient was suffering from allergies, then a respiratory infection, and now pneumonia. That pneumonia diagnosis, according to Dr. Bardack, was made this past Friday. Really?

What kind of physician, what kind of family, what kind of campaign staff would let a 68-year-old woman with pneumonia continue with a stressful schedule and fly between events — flying is generally discouraged for people with pneumonia. Between the diagnosis and the near-collapse at the 9/11 event in New York City, Clinton appeared at two fundraisers, ran a national security working session, and held a press conference.

And what kind of person with pneumonia — generally a highly contagious illness caused by nasty bacteria or viruses — would expose aides and reporters to pneumonia in a closed airplane cabin?

Then, there was the photo op with Clinton outside her daughter’s Manhattan apartment where the “overheated” Hillary apparently recovered from the incident on Sunday — a scene on the sidewalk where a little girl was okayed by the Secret Service to approach the nominee, who put her arm around the child and waved at the gathered crowd.

The Daily Mail headline in its coverage of the event: “Why did Hillary hug a child while suffering from pneumonia?”

What kind of woman with pneumonia runs the risk of infecting an innocent child like that?

Unless, of course, that woman, her doctor and her handlers know, or believe, Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the kind of pneumonia that’s contagious.

Among the “conspiracy theories” that, until now, have been dismissed with a disdainful flip of the hand by know-it-all media types is the suspicion that Clinton is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. But given what we’ve just seen in New York and what we’ve just heard from Hillary’s doctor, that suspicion may become stronger still.

The reason? The particular kind of pneumonia that can be a complication of Parkinson’s is not contagious because it doesn’t result from a bacterial or viral infection. It’s not contagious but it is dangerous.

The condition is called aspiration pneumonia, and if that’s what Hillary Clinton has, it could help explain why she’s been increasingly plagued by coughs that make it hard for her to swallow and catch her breath.

“Aspiration pneumonia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Clinical characteristics of PD patients in addition to specific alterations in swallowing mechanisms contribute to higher swallowing times and impairment in the effective clearance of the airway. These issues may render patients more prone to dysphagia and aspiration events.”

Dysphagia means difficulty swallowing, as the result of disease.

And as a result of the Clinton campaign’s shifting stories and lack of transparency, the current characterization of the candidate’s health is, itself, difficult to swallow.

CNN reports that Clinton will apparently take her doctor’s advice and take a few days off from the campaign trail. “Late Sunday night a campaign spokesman said a Clinton trip to California was being scrubbed, including several high-dollar fundraisers and television appearances by the candidate.”


09-16-2016, 04:41 PM
One other thing that was admitted by Hillary's doctor in the recent report:

Aside from the pneumonia, Bardack also disclosed the Clinton developed a sinus and ear infection in January that required the insertion of a myringotomy tube in her left ear. She had a CT scan of her brain and sinuses in March that revealed “no abnormalities of the brain,” she wrote.

This paragraph is minimizing what was done. Basically, the doctor performed minor surgery on Hillary's ear, inserting a tube through the ear drum for draining out infection fluid that was building up. This may what was shown in a picture in a previous thread, showing what looked like a hearing aid in one of her ears. (It looked kind of like a pearl earring, except in the ear)

I'm sure if an interviewer had asked her "what's that in your ear?", she would have said "Nothing!" What a liar she is.

09-16-2016, 05:09 PM
She's a Libtard so at least we know this much - she has a severe mental illness. After that it's all elementary.

09-16-2016, 05:23 PM

metal clip shrapnel drop video was removed.. thankfully many others have posted it.

I think she may have been dragged away in cuffs and is under arrest. She collapses and her legs give out completely, like she passed out dead. And that was a body double we saw later that day. Or it could be she's dead and all this other footage we've been seeing of her recently is pre-recorded.

The United States is a lunatic asylum, anyone who puts any trust whatsoever in this government is an idiot. And you people worry about football players not standing for the anthem of a country that you yourselves know in your heart of hearts hates you, or who is pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth.

The country is a big police state corporation and nothing more, you're nothing but a convict in the United Gulag Archipelagos of America.

09-16-2016, 07:19 PM
Why can't the Clinton Campaign just admit the truth?

They only need to admit that Hillary keeps failing all of the weekly LOBOTOMIES!:lol:

09-17-2016, 10:01 AM
Even people on the left know they are lying


09-17-2016, 11:44 AM
Do these politicians wear some sort of harness, so that if secret service grabs in an emergent situation, the politician doesn't fall out of their clothing? What's with that metal object falling from what appears to be her pants leg? You can even here it clank. It really looks like she was being hauled off in shackles. And where's the video of her walking between the venue to the van?

Everything about Hillary appears to be mysterious, although there's really no mystery about it, simply put - she's a horrible person.

09-17-2016, 11:57 AM
Do these politicians wear some sort of harness, so that if secret service grabs in an emergent situation, the politician doesn't fall out of their clothing? What's with that metal object falling from what appears to be her pants leg? You can even here it clank. It really looks like she was being hauled off in shackles. And where's the video of her walking between the venue to the van?

Everything about Hillary appears to be mysterious, although there's really no mystery about it, simply put - she's a horrible person.

Nobody is going to believe she was hauled off in shackles. Yes, she is a horrible person,
a panderer and manipulator.

09-25-2016, 08:26 AM
"non contagious pneumonia" among other questionables details in medical report.

Dr. Lisa Bardacks Faustian Bargain

...3. Then there’s the finding from the scan: “a small right middle-lobe pneumonia,” further described as “a mild non-contagious bacterial pneumonia.”Doctors immediately questioned this diagnosis. There is no such thing as a non-contagious pneumonia, tweeted Dr. Wolf (http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/15/no-such-thing-as-non-contagious-bacterial-pneumonia/). How did Hillary pick it up? What about all the reports (http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/09/12/everyones-sick-clinton-virus-ravages-campaign-staff/) the campaign circulated about staffers who’d come down with pneumonia, including manager Robbie Mook?
While bacterial pneumonia is not as contagious as viral pneumonia, there is no test to determine whether or not a patient is contagious. A doctor defending Bardack (http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/09/15/clintons-diagnosis-is-non-contagious-bacterial-pneumonia-real.html) listed three types of bacterial pneumonia not likely to be contagious. The only one that Hillary could possibly have had was aspiration pneumonia.
The dubious adjective “non-contagious” may have been dictated to Bardack by Clinton. The problem, obviously, was that after her collapse, the candidate went directly to her daughter’s apartment, where she presumably exposed her grandchildren to pneumonia, then, 90 minutes later, bounced out of the building, exulting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbpOdfQmvOM) that it was a beautiful day in New York, and embraced a little girl, exposing her, too, to the infection....