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View Full Version : Ann Coulter - Rob Lowe Roast

09-08-2016, 01:54 PM
These things are generally horrid. Usually about 12 in attendance on stage. They each take turns at the podium, and they "joke" about the other 12, and then of course the guest of honor, and this time it was Rob Lowe. I expected at a Hollywood liberal place she would get nailed more than the others - but oh my, she got devoured! LOL But the "C" stuff, and so many times, was kinda not my cup of tea. Many spent more time on Ann than they did anyone else. I think they had an "agenda" as they call it. All in all it was still a fun night though. And Ann was a little smart at least - the first thing she did when she got to the podium was reach into a small bag she brought on stage with her, and place her latest book directly in view. :)

I love comedy. I don't even mind the filthy stuff - but even with filth there is a line. I edited and replaced and put the "C" there.


(Warning on language)

This is nothing new.
This is what conservative women have to put up with from the liberal elites.

The beautiful and successful Melania Trump is called a whore.

And Ann Coulter is called a "C" – 19 times – by Hollywood elites during a roast… for Rob Lowe.

And she still looked beautiful.

It’s Hollywood humor.
It’s funny.

And, of course, this didn’t make any headlines.
The liberal media believes this is a non-story.
The Good Men Project reported:

The rest of the filth, for anyone interested, is here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/09/ann-coulter-attends-roast-rob-lowe-hollywood-elites-call-cu%E2%82%A6t-19-times/

09-10-2016, 07:33 PM
These things are generally horrid. Usually about 12 in attendance on stage. They each take turns at the podium, and they "joke" about the other 12, and then of course the guest of honor, and this time it was Rob Lowe. I expected at a Hollywood liberal place she would get nailed more than the others - but oh my, she got devoured! LOL But the "C" stuff, and so many times, was kinda not my cup of tea. Many spent more time on Ann than they did anyone else. I think they had an "agenda" as they call it. All in all it was still a fun night though. And Ann was a little smart at least - the first thing she did when she got to the podium was reach into a small bag she brought on stage with her, and place her latest book directly in view. :)

I love comedy. I don't even mind the filthy stuff - but even with filth there is a line. I edited and replaced and put the "C" there.


(Warning on language)

This is nothing new.
This is what conservative women have to put up with from the liberal elites.

The beautiful and successful Melania Trump is called a whore.

And Ann Coulter is called a "C" – 19 times – by Hollywood elites during a roast… for Rob Lowe.

And she still looked beautiful.

It’s Hollywood humor.
It’s funny.

And, of course, this didn’t make any headlines.
The liberal media believes this is a non-story.
The Good Men Project reported:

The rest of the filth, for anyone interested, is here - http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/09/ann-coulter-attends-roast-rob-lowe-hollywood-elites-call-cu%E2%82%A6t-19-times/

jim. I saw the beginning of that program, and had change the channel. That is how LOW our society has become. Allowing such disgusting tripe....being called comedy, to entertain the BRAINLESS who enjoy hearing swear words, dirty words, and LOW EDUCATIONAL formats that would make a MURDERER frown, or change the channel too!
Compare what they called comedy with all the whining, crying, and claims of insults in Colleges, while the same people APPROVE of this kind of Cesspool Garbage as their Normal method of educational training.
And we wonder why the country is going down the SHITTER?

Anyone remember when real comedians NEVER used the 'F' word, or dared to use trash talk???

09-10-2016, 07:52 PM
jim. I saw the beginning of that program, and had change the channel. That is how LOW our society has become. Allowing such disgusting tripe....being called comedy, to entertain the BRAINLESS who enjoy hearing swear words, dirty words, and LOW EDUCATIONAL formats that would make a MURDERER frown, or change the channel too!
Compare what they called comedy with all the whining, crying, and claims of insults in Colleges, while the same people APPROVE of this kind of Cesspool Garbage as their Normal method of educational training.
And we wonder why the country is going down the SHITTER?

Anyone remember when real comedians NEVER used the 'F' word, or dared to use trash talk???

It was definitely 100% gutter talk. Some of the jokes were OK, but most were brutal. Why Coulter agreed to be on that show, knowing she would be killed, is beyond me. I guess she's a good sport, and got her own good licks in too, even if she wasn't as bad in the gutter as the others. Some of the comedians are much better than that too, not sure why they go so low.

09-10-2016, 08:21 PM
It was definitely 100% gutter talk. Some of the jokes were OK, but most were brutal. Why Coulter agreed to be on that show, knowing she would be killed, is beyond me. I guess she's a good sport, and got her own good licks in too, even if she wasn't as bad in the gutter as the others. Some of the comedians are much better than that too, not sure why they go so low.

jim. WHY?......SHOW THEM THE MONEY! They no longer have any self-respect, as long as they can make the Illiterate laugh, and pay to hear the GUTTER language.

It's all part of the IGNORE ALL THE RULES, ALL THE LAWS, and pave the way to ANARCHY where nothing applies....As long as you don't get caught!