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View Full Version : Syrian Refugee US Arrivals in September To Date

09-10-2016, 08:39 PM
Christians supposedly make up about 10% of Syria. But when checking out the numbers of refugees that keep coming over, you would never know that.

Syrian Refugee US Arrivals in September To Date: 749 Muslims, 2 Christians

On August 1 I reported here at PJ Media about the ongoing Obama administration discrimination against non-Muslim Syrian refugees, noting that at that time, fewer than one percent (43 of 6,877, or 0.7 percent of the total) of refugees admitted to the U.S. as of July 31 were Christians, Yezidis, and other Syrian religious minorities.

For the month of August, 3, 159 Muslim and 30 non-Muslim refugees were admitted to the U.S. - again, fewer than one percent.

And so far for September (as of today, 9/10), the numbers are even more depressing: 749 Muslim and just 2 Christian refugees, with non-Muslim admittance representing just 0.2 percent of the current monthly total.

So year-to-date, of 10,817 Syrian refugees admitted 10,742 were Muslim, and just 75 were non-Muslim (0.7 percent), while non-Muslim minorities in Syria make up at least 12 percent of the population.

During a media conference call just days after my August report, sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), both the Obama administration officials and the media were incurious and apparently unconcerned about the ongoing discrimination of non-Muslim minorities.


09-10-2016, 08:48 PM
How weird, I just read this a few minutes ago too! LOL!

The Christians, whether in Syria, Turkey, iraq, Iran, etc., are faring much worse than the Muslims.

09-10-2016, 08:52 PM
How weird, I just read this a few minutes ago too! LOL!

The Christians, whether in Syria, Turkey, iraq, Iran, etc., are faring much worse than the Muslims.

I have to wonder just how many are being slaughtered, and if that accounts for any of the difference in numbers seeking assistance? I can't imagine that the reason is that they just decided to stay. :(

09-10-2016, 08:54 PM
I have to wonder just how many are being slaughtered, and if that accounts for any of the difference in numbers seeking assistance? I can't imagine that the reason is that they just decided to stay. :(

That I don't know. I'll see what I can find out.

09-10-2016, 08:57 PM
Just found this, which comes close to what I thought-lack of wherewithal. Those that have no support system-they've been destroyed, are least able to get out:


09-10-2016, 09:09 PM
Not really an answer, but does explain some of what is going on:


Hmmm, UN is never good. Might be worth looking into a bit more, but I'm strapped for time right now:


09-10-2016, 09:14 PM
Hmmm, UN is never good. Might be worth looking into a bit more, but I'm strapped for time right now:


I'm confident now that I read this that a lot of the issues fall at the doorstep of the UN - we all know they suck anyway.


The system is rigged against Christian Syrians; UN chooses Sunni Muslims for US

We have told you about a zillion times that the United Nations is now choosing the majority of refugees admitted to the US and here is one more confirmation of that (if we needed it!).
Fillipo Grandi

Do you know who this is? This is Filippo Grandi, an Italian, the new UN High Commissioner for Refugees and he is deciding who will live in your towns! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filippo_Grandi

Patrick Goodenough, a reporter at CNS News, tells us every month what the stats look like for the number of Syrians entering the US and what their ‘religious’ persuasion is and here is his June update which includes these few paragraphs well into the report.

Sunnis make up the vast majority of the refugees admitted to date – 5,099 (98.3 percent) of the 5,186.

The proportion of Syrian refugees admitted this year who are Christians – 0.38 percent – is much smaller than the roughly 10 percent of pre-war Syrians who were Christian.

Refugee advocacy groups say this anomaly is at least partly the result of the fact Christians among the fleeing Syrians are loathe to enter U.N. camps in surrounding countries for fear of their safety – something the U.N. refugee agency itself concedes is happening.

Because the U.N. refers applicants at the beginning of the process of seeking refugee status in the U.S., this may mean fewer Christians are referred in the first place.


Christians, Yazidis and Shi’a have been specifically targeted by the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL), in what the U.S. government has determined is a campaign of genocide.

So, we are taking the Sunni persecutors in to the US (makes sense! NOT!).

09-10-2016, 09:20 PM
They need to be blocked, and the UN have nothing to do with our ESTABLISHED LAW...
Not some Obama edict.

09-11-2016, 02:27 PM
Hmmm, UN is never good. Might be worth looking into a bit more, but I'm strapped for time right now:


Not usually but they might be the best initiator of the process. It would be impossible for the US to get in on the process earlier IMO.

They need to be blocked, and the UN have nothing to do with our ESTABLISHED LAW...
Not some Obama edict.

You can rest easy, the UN has nothing to do with our established law.

09-11-2016, 04:50 PM
Not usually but they might be the best initiator of the process. It would be impossible for the US to get in on the process earlier IMO.
You can rest easy, the UN has nothing to do with our established law.

You should not rest easy...Obama, Kerry, and Hil(Lie)ary are trying to push the UN crap on Us.

09-12-2016, 10:59 AM
You should not rest easy...Obama, Kerry, and Hil(Lie)ary are trying to push the UN crap on Us.

Wow, you put "lie" into hillary's name. Clever.