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09-11-2016, 12:28 AM
much of it just released:


Abbey Marie
09-11-2016, 01:04 AM
Geez thanks Kath. It's 2am, and I'm still reading this. ;)

09-11-2016, 01:07 AM
Geez thanks Kath. It's 2am, and I'm still reading this. ;)

Me too, but it's only 11. ;)

09-11-2016, 04:04 AM
Good read.

09-11-2016, 09:05 AM
If you believe Leftie propaganda, Bush was frozen into immobility and indecision for hours after the Twin Towers atrocity. Such is the disgusting nature of the Left.

Being relayed by BBC News ... a speech by Obama, tapping into the sentiments of today, a typical Presidential 'patriotic' and sympathetic speech for the events and victims of 9/11. WHICH MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL .. one has only to consider his enthusiasm for Gitmo closure, and withdrawing from Iraq, to know where his true sympathies lie.

Anyone feeling that they'd rather not vote for Trump, because of him personally .. should ask whether a Party capable of producing an Obama is better served by giving that very Party the election victory which NOT voting Republican would result in.

Would Trump want a Gitmo closure ? What would HE do if / when faced with a need for a War on Terror (which is needed NOW by the way !!) .. ?

Think today of 9/11. Choose between a Dem reaction to it, had they been in power that day ... and the reaction Trump would've had.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2016, 09:18 AM
much of it just released:

Only read about 5 minutes--will read more later.
Very interesting find my friend.. :clap:---Tyr

09-11-2016, 09:35 AM
I have read the whole thing more than once.

One thing he did not do was jump up and panic as if his hair was on fire.
He calmly listened to all the input, as should be done.

The left does not see it that way, of course. Well, that is how decision making is done
in such an incident. Don't panic, get the facts, and go from there.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2016, 09:58 AM
I have read the whole thing more than once.

One thing he did not do was jump up and panic as if his hair was on fire.
He calmly listened to all the input, as should be done.

The left does not see it that way, of course. Well, that is how decision making is done
in such an incident. Don't panic, get the facts, and go from there.
If he had been a liberal, he would have very likely ran out of that room in a panic and called George Soros for instructions on what to do--as does the obama scum..-Tyr

09-11-2016, 10:06 AM
If he had been a liberal, he would have very likely ran out of that room in a panic and called George Soros for instructions on what to do--as does the obama scum..-Tyr

Al Gore would have blown a gasket.

Too many sideline sitters and Monday morning quarterbacks haven't a
clue on critical incident decision making and planning.

Our God and Creator Bless and Hold the Souls of All that Perished that Awful Day!:saluting2:

Abbey Marie
09-11-2016, 10:53 AM
I have read the whole thing more than once.

One thing he did not do was jump up and panic as if his hair was on fire.
He calmly listened to all the input, as should be done.

The left does not see it that way, of course. Well, that is how decision making is done
in such an incident. Don't panic, get the facts, and go from there.

He also didn't go on vacation/play golf.