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View Full Version : Google Search Bias Protecting Hillary Clinton Confirmed in Experiment

09-13-2016, 10:54 AM
I can't say anything about any votes - but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if search results were altered. We've already seen it with Twitter and Facebook this year.


Report: Google Search Bias Protecting Hillary Clinton Confirmed in Experiment

In a report published by Sputnik News, psychologist Robert Epstein reveals evidence that Google is manipulating search results related to Hillary Clinton that may “shift as many as 3 million votes” in the upcoming presidential election.

Earlier this year, Matt Lieberman of Sourcefed published a video that claimed Google’s autocomplete suggestions were biased in favour of Clinton. The video went viral, with an abridged version of it being viewed over 25 million times on Facebook.

Epstein set out with his colleagues at the American Institute for Behavioral Research (AIBRT) to investigate the claims. They concluded that whilst the investigation is ongoing, their report “generally supports” Lieberman’s video.

In order to test the results, Epstein and his associates tested hundreds of different response terms related to the election, using Yahoo and Bing search as a control. Each search was also conducted through proxy servers, such as the Tor network, to make it very difficult for Google to identify the researchers and thus customize the search results for them.

It is somewhat difficult to get the Google search bar to suggest negative searches related to Mrs. Clinton or to make any Clinton-related suggestions when one types a negative search term. Bing and Yahoo, on the other hand, often show a number of negative suggestions in response to the same search terms. Bing and Yahoo seem to be showing us what people are actually searching for; Google is showing us something else — but what, and for what purpose?

As for Google Trends, as Lieberman reported, Google indeed withholds negative search terms for Mrs. Clinton even when such terms show high popularity in Trends. We have also found that Google often suggests positive search terms for Mrs. Clinton even when such terms are nearly invisible in Trends. The widely held belief, reinforced by Google’s own documentation, that Google’s search suggestions are based on “what other people are searching for” seems to be untrue in many instances.Google tries to explain away such findings by saying its search bar is programmed to avoid suggesting searches that portray people in a negative light. As far as we can tell, this claim is false; Google suppresses negative suggestions selectively, not across the board. It is easy to get autocomplete to suggest negative searches related to prominent people, one of whom happens to be Mrs. Clinton’s opponent.

Google tries to explain away such findings by saying its search bar is programmed to avoid suggesting searches that portray people in a negative light. As far as we can tell, this claim is false; Google suppresses negative suggestions selectively, not across the board. It is easy to get autocomplete to suggest negative searches related to prominent people, one of whom happens to be Mrs. Clinton’s opponent.

Epstein attached screenshots of some of the searches he conducted, clearly showing a lack of negative results for Clinton, in contrast to negative search results for rival Donald Trump. It was also not a case of people simply not searching for these terms on Google — Google Trends shows the search rates between the relevant keywords, with negative Hillary results usually trending higher.



09-13-2016, 12:41 PM
About 1/4 - 1/2 of this country needs to be hung from lampposts... or shot for treason.


Abbey Marie
09-13-2016, 02:00 PM
Like I said to Pete- if libs didn't own the media, they'd be finished.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-13-2016, 02:21 PM
About 1/4 - 1/2 of this country needs to be hung from lampposts... or shot for treason.


I have it at about 16.7%, and that is me being generously merciful in my calculations.

Sad that, without any doubt in my mind, that many actively and deliberately seek to destroy and then remake this nation into some warped liberal fantasy based upon insane emotions about some dreamlike utopia... and do so with the thought that if it takes murdering a few million citizens for successful outcome , so be it..-Tyr

09-13-2016, 02:24 PM
I have it at about 16.7%, and that is me being generously merciful in my calculations.

Sad that, without any doubt in my mind, that many actively and deliberately seek to destroy and then remake this nation into some warped liberal fantasy based upon insane emotions about some dreamlike utopia... and do so with the thought that if it takes murdering a few million citizens for successful outcome , so be it..-Tyr

You are more generous than I am. That is one reason why I love you.

Regardless, there are many, many people this nation would be better off without.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-13-2016, 02:28 PM
Like I said to Pete- if libs didn't own the media, they'd be finished.

The government and media propaganda machines together are so big and powerful that they often make "perception" become a reality, by way of creating false perceptions and feeding the masses such lies 24/7-365 days a year.

All done in accord with an agenda to destroy this nation, our Constitution and remake it into some socialist fantasy world that is impossible to ever create..
Socialism--always ends up in millions being slaughtered and tyranny reigning.
But, as they say-- "this time it will be different"!!! morons...
Definition of insanity -doing same thing over and over again and expecting a different result -Tyr

09-13-2016, 06:12 PM
About 1/4 - 1/2 of this country needs to be hung from lampposts... or shot for treason.


Perianne, so you want to hang me from a lamp post?!

Don't the turner dairies talk about killing Blacks Jews and other minorities.
You say you like me but so often you promote the views that would have me killed because of my color.

Tyr's part native american does he get hung too?

09-13-2016, 06:38 PM
Perianne, so you want to hang me from a lamp post?!

Don't the turner dairies talk about killing Blacks Jews and other minorities.
You say you like me but so often you promote the views that would have me killed because of my color.

Tyr's part native american does he get hung too?

I'm part Seneca. Does that mean I am getting hung, too by your remarks?

I do not think Peri was inferring anything. You just read it that way.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-13-2016, 06:43 PM
Perianne, so you want to hang me from a lamp post?!

Don't the turner dairies talk about killing Blacks Jews and other minorities.
You say you like me but so often you promote the views that would have me killed because of my color.

Tyr's part native american does he get hung too?

My friend, I've had on occasion long ago--more than once, people that planned to beat me to death.
None succeeded.
I am part Native American on my mother's side. We all die my friend.
When red-flags fly--- --I go armed.
Nobody gonna get me without feeling pain.
As to traitors in this country deserving to be hung--my answer is a resounding, yes they do.
I've had guns and knives pulled on me , been cut, been hit with iron bar, pool stick, tire tool and a vodka bottle. Was shot at once but only to try to scare me. I hung around with people that were not gentle souls.

We all die, myself I've lived about a dozen lifetimes in my 62+ years. I am in no hurry to go six-deep and not in too much of a worry about it as long as it does not cause harm to my family when I go.
Very few things about me and my past life are simple..

Myself, I advocate that the - "GUILTY BASTARDS"-- PAY----NEVER THE INNOCENT..--Tyr

09-13-2016, 07:17 PM
I'm part Seneca. Does that mean I am getting hung, too by your remarks?

I do not think Peri was inferring anything. You just read it that way.

the last line in the book
....But it was in the year 1999, according to the chronology of the Old Era-just 11 years after the birth of the Great One- that the dream of a White world finally became a certainty. And it was the sacrifice of the lives of uncounted thousands of brave men and women of the Organization during the preceding years which had kept that dream alive until its realization could no longer be denied . Among those uncounted thousands Earl Turner played no small part. He gained immortality for himself on that dark November day 106 years ago when he faithfully fulfilled his obligation to his race, to the Organization, and to the holy Order which had accepted him into its ranks. And in so doing he helped greatly to assure that his race would survive and prosper, that the Organization would achieve its worldwide political and military goals, and that the Order would spread its wise and benevolent rule over the earth for all time to come.
The End

Summery of the beginning

....The narrative starts with a foreword set in 2099, one hundred years after the events depicted. The bulk of the book quotes the recently discovered diary of a man named Earl Turner, an active member of the white revolutionary movement that caused these events. The book details a violent, apocalyptic overthrow of the United States federal government (referred to throughout the book as "the System") by Turner and his militant comrades in a brutal race war that takes place first in North America, and then the rest of the world.
The story starts soon after the federal government has confiscated all civilian firearms in the country under the fictional Cohen Act. Turner and his cohorts take their organization underground to engage in a guerrilla war against the System, depicted as dominated by Jewish control...

this is the content of the book she references as she glibly talks about hanging people from "lamp post".

So WHAT people is she talking about Elessar?
the book talks about killing Blacks, Jews other minorities and she also applying it to the leftwing maybe Jewish people:dunno: that run Google i guess.
Sorry I fit part of the description. So I'm a bit concerned here.
nothings out of context at all.

09-13-2016, 07:24 PM
My friend, I've had on occasion long ago--more than once, people that planned to beat me to death.
None succeeded.
I am part Native American on my mother's side. We all die my friend.
When red-flags fly--- --I go armed.
Nobody gonna get me without feeling pain.
As to traitors in this country deserving to be hung--my answer is a resounding, yes they do.
I've had guns and knives pulled on me , been cut, been hit with iron bar, pool stick, tire tool and a vodka bottle. Was shot at once but only to try to scare me. I hung around with people that were not gentle souls.

We all die, myself I've lived about a dozen lifetimes in my 62+ years. I am in no hurry to go six-deep and not in too much of a worry about it as long as it does not cause harm to my family when I go.
Very few things about me and my past life are simple..

Myself, I advocate that the - "GUILTY BASTARDS"-- PAY----NEVER THE INNOCENT..--Tyr

"Myself, I advocate that the - "GUILTY BASTARDS"-- PAY----NEVER THE INNOCENT..--Tyr"
I agree 100%

but it seems the Turner Diaries that Perianne keeps promoting is MORE about the Blacks Jews and other minorities PAYING.
They are all considered Guilty by default. Even white women who Marry "outside the race" are guilty.
RACE determines your INNOCENTS not your actions according to the Turner Diaries.
that's wrong in my book.

Individuals ACTIONS make them guilty or innocent, not their Race, Religion, Nationality or bloodlines.

09-13-2016, 07:46 PM
I've read that David Duke sold the Turner Diaries along with Mien Kampf a while back.

09-13-2016, 09:18 PM
Most any guy I have known always brag that they are hung. :)

09-13-2016, 09:21 PM
Most any guy I have known always brag that they are hung. :)

so that's your answer?

09-13-2016, 09:28 PM

I do like you and want nothing bad to happen to you, sir.

Not to compare, but it's like reading the Bible. If you pick out only certain parts, one can make the Bible mean anything.

The Turner Diaries is not about killing blacks. Except for self defense, I don't remember any murders against blacks.

Here is the way I remember it: everyone is who they are. No one can help who their parents were and nothing should be held against them for that. The Turner Diaries was a story about a person's whiteness being held against them, simply because they are white, and the white people fighting back. True, the book does blame the Jews for the bulk of the problems, but it does not blame the blacks.

Your information is incorrect.

Again, I love Tyr-Ziu Saxnot. I wouldn't care what color skin he has. He is married to a brown woman. I am happy for him. As I've told him, I am very fond of the Filipino people. Actually, this summer, I had a brief affair with a Filipina. It didn't work out because she was a Hillary supporter. I admire Allen West. My favorite basketball player of all time was Michael Jordan. I judge people on character, NOT race. I never have and I never will judge on race. If they are good people, I like them. If they are BLM troublemakers, I would just as soon they be shot dead. Same for white troublemakers. I don't know why this is difficult for people to understand how many of us feel.

09-13-2016, 09:43 PM
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760)

I do like you and want nothing bad to happen to you, sir.

Not to compare, but it's like reading the Bible. If you pick out only certain parts, one can make the Bible mean anything.

The Turner Diaries is not about killing blacks. Except for self defense, I don't remember any murders against blacks.

Here is the way I remember it: everyone is who they are. No one can help who their parents were and nothing should be held against them for that. The Turner Diaries was a story about a person's whiteness being held against them, simply because they are white, and the white people fighting back. True, the book does blame the Jews for the bulk of the problems, but it does not blame the blacks.

Your information is incorrect.

Again, I love @Tyr-Ziu Saxnot (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2275). I wouldn't care what color skin he has. He is married to a brown woman. I am happy for him. As I've told him, I am very fond of the Filipino people. Actually, this summer, I had a brief affair with a Filipina. It didn't work out because she was a Hillary supporter. I admire Allen West. My favorite basketball player of all time was Michael Jordan. I judge people on character, NOT race. I never have and I never will judge on race. If they are good people, I like them. If they are BLM troublemakers, I would just as soon they be shot dead. Same for white troublemakers. I don't know why this is difficult for people to understand how many of us feel.

It's hard to understand because some people make negative racial jokes and think it's nothing.
and makes threads titled "Normal Behavior....for them." Them being black people.
And promote books that are hard core White Supremacist fantasies.

you say you don't remember the "murder" of blacks in the book it's just "self defense"... well they do i've read several parts and
in the end they NUKE all the non-white countries as a preventative measure Perianne.

09-13-2016, 09:48 PM
It's hard to understand because some people make negative racial jokes and think it's nothing.
And promote books that are hard core White Supremacist fantasies.

you say you don't remember the "murder" of blacks in the book it's just "self defense"... well they do i've read several parts and
in the end they NUKE all the non-white countries as a preventative measure Perianne.

I will read it again; it's been several years. And if they do nuke all the non-white countries, I will apologize.

09-13-2016, 10:01 PM
I will read it again; it's been several years. And if they do nuke all the non-white countries, I will apologize.

From the book

....Then, of course, came the mopping-up period, when the last of the non-White bands were hunted down and exterminated, followed by the final purge of undesirable racial elements among the remaining White population. ...

...The Organization countered this move massively, using nuclear missiles to knock outthe still-primitive Chinese missile and strategic-bomber capabilities, as well as hitting a number of new Chinese troop concentrationswest of the Urals. Unfortunately, this action did not stem the Yellow tide flowing north and west from China. ...

....Over a period of four years some 16 million square miles of the earth's surface, from the Ural Mountains to thePacific and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, were effectively sterilized. Thus was the Great Eastern Waste created....

....But it was in the year 1999, according to the chronology of the Old Era-just 11 years after the birth of the Great One- that the dream of a White world finally became a certainty. And it was the sacrifice of the lives of uncounted thousands of brave men and women of the Organization during the preceding years which had kept that dream alive until its realization could no longer be denied . Among those uncounted thousands Earl Turner played no small part. He gained immortality for himself on that dark November day 106 years ago when he faithfully fulfilled his obligation to his race, to the Organization, and to the holy Order which had accepted him into its ranks. And in so doing he helped greatly to assure that his race would survive and prosper, that the Organization would achieve its worldwide political and military goals, and that the Order would spread its wise and benevolent rule over the earth for all time to come.
The End

09-13-2016, 10:04 PM
From the book

....Then, of course, came the mopping-up period, when the last of the non-White bands were hunted down and exterminated, followed by the final purge of undesirable racial elements among the remaining White population. ...

...The Organization countered this move massively, using nuclear missiles to knock outthe still-primitive Chinese missile and strategic-bomber capabilities, as well as hitting a number of new Chinese troop concentrationswest of the Urals. Unfortunately, this action did not stem the Yellow tide flowing north and west from China. ...

....Over a period of four years some 16 million square miles of the earth's surface, from the Ural Mountains to thePacific and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, were effectively sterilized. Thus was the Great Eastern Waste created....

....But it was in the year 1999, according to the chronology of the Old Era-just 11 years after the birth of the Great One- that the dream of a White world finally became a certainty. And it was the sacrifice of the lives of uncounted thousands of brave men and women of the Organization during the preceding years which had kept that dream alive until its realization could no longer be denied . Among those uncounted thousands Earl Turner played no small part. He gained immortality for himself on that dark November day 106 years ago when he faithfully fulfilled his obligation to his race, to the Organization, and to the holy Order which had accepted him into its ranks. And in so doing he helped greatly to assure that his race would survive and prosper, that the Organization would achieve its worldwide political and military goals, and that the Order would spread its wise and benevolent rule over the earth for all time to come.
The End

Maybe I remembered incorrectly. If so (and I will read it again), I apologize and will not refer to it again. revelarts