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View Full Version : Health Polling

09-14-2016, 11:51 AM
This (http://theweek.com/speedreads/648698/half-country-thinks-clinton-lied-about-health-public) is interesting.

Fifty percent of people think that Hillary Clinton "has given the public false information about her heath," a Politico/Morning Consult poll found in the days following the Democratic nominee's pneumonia scare at the 9/11 Memorial on Sunday. By comparison, only 37 percent of people say the same about Donald Trump.

Overall, people think Trump is healthier than Clinton, with 22 percent saying Clinton's health is "above average or excellent" and 36 percent saying the same for Trump.

Less than half of voters, at 44 percent, said Clinton's health would negatively affect her ability to be president; three in 10 people don't think she'd survive her first term while two in 10 people think Trump wouldn't. If one of them were to die, voters would rather have Mike Pence as president; 43 percent said he's prepared to serve, versus 38 percent who think Clinton's running mate, Tim Kaine, is ready to step up to the plate.