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09-15-2016, 01:54 PM
Best line ever!!


Trump: The Only Thing Hillary Clinton Can Offer Is A Welfare Check, I Will Produce Paychecks

Donald Trump makes a speech about the economy at The Economic Club of New York on Thursday.

"Not one single idea she's got will create one net American job or create one new dollar of American wealth for our workers," Trump said of Hillary Clinton. "The only thing she can offer is a welfare check. That's about it. Our plan will produce paychecks and they're going to be great paychecks for millions of people now unemployed or underemployed."

From Trump's address today:

DONALD TRUMP: Instead of driving jobs and wealth away, America will become the world's great magnet for innovation and job creation. My opponent's plan rejects this optimism. She offers only more taxing and her tax increases are unbelievable. More regulating, more spending, and more wealth redistribution. A future of slow growth, declining incomes and dwindling prosperity.

The only people who get rich under Hillary Clinton are the donors and the special interests, but bad for our country. In Hillary Clinton's America we have surrendered our status as the world's great economy and we have surrendered our middle class to the whims of foreign countries. We take care of them better than we take care of ourselves.

Not one single idea she's got will create one net American job or create one new dollar of American wealth for our workers. The only thing she can offer is a welfare check. That's about it. Our plan will produce paychecks and they're going to be great paychecks for millions of people now unemployed or underemployed.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/09/15/trump_the_only_thing_hillary_clinton_can_offer_is_ a_welfare_check_i_will_produce_paychecks.html

09-15-2016, 02:03 PM
Yeah paycheck for himself. He's a businessman, it's about him making money #1. You are maybe #7 or #8 on his list. Anyho, just more talk with nothing to back it up. Best salesmen ever.

09-15-2016, 02:10 PM
Yeah paycheck for himself. He's a businessman, it's about him making money #1. You are maybe #7 or #8 on his list. Anyho, just more talk with nothing to back it up. Best salesmen ever.

First off - he has a clear record in the $$ money business.

But since you DO want to chime in negatively about him - what specifically has Hillary done to help folks and their paychecks? I KNOW that welfare is out of control for certain groups, but lets leave it at that. But if Trump is off base on this, and he's bad for paychecks - WHAT is the alternative specifically offering?

In other words, instead of bashing, how about replying with what the other side is offering instead?

09-15-2016, 02:14 PM
First off - he has a clear record in the $$ money business.

But since you DO want to chime in negatively about him - what specifically has Hillary done to help folks and their paychecks? I KNOW that welfare is out of control for certain groups, but lets leave it at that. But if Trump is off base on this, and he's bad for paychecks - WHAT is the alternative specifically offering?

In other words, instead of bashing, how about replying with what the other side is offering instead?

Yeah making money for himself. What makes you think he is good at making you money? Personal business and macroeconomics aren't 1:1. I don't know Hilary's plan. Continue what Obama has been doing maybe. He's done pretty good. You think suddenly Trump overnight will make everyone rich and give everyone a job? Companies are going to return to the US with all their manufacturing? Get real, those days are over. We need a new vision. A new paradigm.

09-15-2016, 02:16 PM
career politicians and lawyers have no idea what it takes to create jobs. Obama's "shovel ready" jobs certainly never came to fruition.

Trump has employed thousands of people, I think he knows what he's doing.

09-15-2016, 02:29 PM
career politicians and lawyers have no idea what it takes to create jobs. Obama's "shovel ready" jobs certainly never came to fruition.

Trump has employed thousands of people, I think he knows what he's doing.

Yeah that is what sen Ron Johnson said, he's a businessman and he's been a disaster as a senator.

09-15-2016, 07:34 PM
Yeah paycheck for himself. He's a businessman, it's about him making money #1. You are maybe #7 or #8 on his list. Anyho, just more talk with nothing to back it up. Best salesmen ever.

Wow pete. The more you speak, and repeat the DNC talking points used by other liberals, the more convinced YOU ARE, that everyone else must be as dumb, and uninformed as you are.

Guess you hate being reminded how THE TRUTH....WELFARE CHECKS, for the uninformed, dependent Liberal Voters makes all of you the Victims of your own Ignorance again???

09-15-2016, 07:44 PM
First off - he has a clear record in the $$ money business.

But since you DO want to chime in negatively about him - what specifically has Hillary done to help folks and their paychecks? I KNOW that welfare is out of control for certain groups, but lets leave it at that. But if Trump is off base on this, and he's bad for paychecks - WHAT is the alternative specifically offering?

In other words, instead of bashing, how about replying with what the other side is offering instead?

He can't. He is well off and brags about it.

I'd like to see a plan that does not dole out welfare and puts people on their feet.
Lib's plan is to keep shelling out our tax-payers earnings to those that sit around excepting
freebies all their life just for breathing and doing nothing to contribute to society.

"I am waiting for my Obama Dollars."
"I am waiting for my Obama phone."

There's Hillary and Obama.